path: root/Makefile.am (follow)
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2011-02-28Fix packaging of config-win32.h and service-win32/msvc.makv2.2-RCDavid Sommerseth1-2/+4
2010-11-18Merge branch 'feat_misc' into beta2.2David Sommerseth1-1/+0
2010-11-14Clean-up: Remove pthread and mutex locking codeDavid Sommerseth1-1/+0
2010-10-21Make use of automake CLEANFILES variable instead of clean-local ruleDavid Sommerseth1-4/+1
2010-10-21Fix dependency checking for configure.h (v2)David Sommerseth1-3/+7
2010-10-21Add comile time information/settings from ./configure to --versionDavid Sommerseth1-0/+7
2010-10-21full "VPN client connect" test framework for OpenVPNGert Doering1-1/+1
2010-08-09Distribute win directory (Python/MSVC-based build system)James Yonan1-1/+2
2010-05-11Proxy improvements:James Yonan1-0/+1
2010-04-28Updated copyright date to 2010.James Yonan1-1/+1
2010-04-22Make use of automake CLEANFILES variable instead of clean-local ruleDavid Sommerseth1-4/+1
2010-04-22Fix dependency checking for configure.h (v2)David Sommerseth1-3/+7
2010-04-08Add comile time information/settings from ./configure to --versionDavid Sommerseth1-0/+7
2010-03-31Updated MSVC build scripts to Visual Studio 2008:James Yonan1-3/+2
2009-10-07Fixed issue where some .svn directories were being inadvertentlyv2.1_rc20james1-1/+1
2009-09-27Eliminated the limitation on the number of options that can be pushedjames1-0/+1
2009-05-30Update copyright to 2009.james1-1/+1
2008-10-06Copyright notice changed to reflect change in name ofjames1-1/+1
2008-09-15Patched Makefile.am so that the new t_cltsrv-down.sh script becomesjames1-1/+2
2008-08-02Added "--server-bridge" (without parameters) to enablejames1-0/+1
2008-07-14Copyright change OpenVPN Solutions LLC -> Telethra, Inc.james1-1/+1
2008-06-11Updated copyright notice to 2008.james1-1/+1
2008-06-11Updated version to 2.1_rc7e.james1-1/+1
2008-06-04Incremented version to 2.1_rc7d.james1-0/+1
2008-05-12Moved branch into official BETA21 position.james1-41/+54
2008-01-25Added a few extra files that exist in the svn repojames1-1/+5
2007-10-22Use pkcs11-helper as external library, can be downloadedjames1-4/+2
2006-04-13Added --lladdr option to specify the link layer (MAC) addressjames1-0/+1
2006-02-16Added --port-share option for allowing OpenVPN and HTTPSjames1-0/+1
2005-12-12Added --auto-proxy directive to auto-detect HTTP or SOCKSjames1-2/+1
2005-12-08First attempt at automatic proxy detection,james1-1/+2
2005-10-20Merged with Alon's r688.james1-1/+1
2005-10-16VERSION 2.1_beta4james1-0/+2
2005-10-16Reverted plugin directory location.james1-1/+1
2005-10-15Fixed some minor build issues with PKCS11 patch:james1-2/+4
2005-10-13Merged PKCS#11 patch.james1-0/+1
2005-10-13Renamed plugin to plugins to work aroundjames1-1/+1
2005-10-12Makefile.am needs to do a rm -rf on .svn directoriesjames1-1/+1
2005-09-26Added scripting code to Makefile.am to ignore .svnjames1-1/+1
2005-09-26This is the start of the BETA21 branch.james1-0/+128