// Copyright (c) 2014, The Monero Project
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
// permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
// conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
// of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
// materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be
// used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
// prior written permission.
#include "db_lmdb.h"
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <memory> // std::unique_ptr
#include <cstring> // memcpy
#include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_format_utils.h"
#include "crypto/crypto.h"
using epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex;
// cursor needs to be closed when it goes out of scope,
// this helps if the function using it throws
struct lmdb_cur
lmdb_cur(MDB_txn* txn, MDB_dbi dbi)
if (mdb_cursor_open(txn, dbi, &m_cur))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error opening db cursor");
throw cryptonote::DB_ERROR("Error opening db cursor");
done = false;
~lmdb_cur() { close(); }
operator MDB_cursor*() { return m_cur; }
operator MDB_cursor**() { return &m_cur; }
void close()
if (!done)
done = true;
MDB_cursor* m_cur;
bool done;
auto compare_uint64 = [](const MDB_val *a, const MDB_val *b) {
uint64_t va = *(uint64_t*)a->mv_data;
uint64_t vb = *(uint64_t*)b->mv_data;
if (va < vb) return -1;
else if (va == vb) return 0;
else return 1;
const char* LMDB_BLOCKS = "blocks";
const char* LMDB_BLOCK_TIMESTAMPS = "block_timestamps";
const char* LMDB_BLOCK_HEIGHTS = "block_heights";
const char* LMDB_BLOCK_HASHES = "block_hashes";
const char* LMDB_BLOCK_SIZES = "block_sizes";
const char* LMDB_BLOCK_DIFFS = "block_diffs";
const char* LMDB_BLOCK_COINS = "block_coins";
const char* LMDB_TXS = "txs";
const char* LMDB_TX_UNLOCKS = "tx_unlocks";
const char* LMDB_TX_HEIGHTS = "tx_heights";
const char* LMDB_TX_OUTPUTS = "tx_outputs";
const char* LMDB_OUTPUT_TXS = "output_txs";
const char* LMDB_OUTPUT_INDICES = "output_indices";
const char* LMDB_OUTPUT_AMOUNTS = "output_amounts";
const char* LMDB_OUTPUT_KEYS = "output_keys";
const char* LMDB_OUTPUTS = "outputs";
const char* LMDB_OUTPUT_GINDICES = "output_gindices";
const char* LMDB_SPENT_KEYS = "spent_keys";
inline void lmdb_db_open(MDB_txn* txn, const char* name, int flags, MDB_dbi& dbi, const std::string& error_string)
if (mdb_dbi_open(txn, name, flags, &dbi))
throw cryptonote::DB_OPEN_FAILURE(error_string.c_str());
} // anonymous namespace
namespace cryptonote
void BlockchainLMDB::add_block( const block& blk
, const size_t& block_size
, const difficulty_type& cumulative_difficulty
, const uint64_t& coins_generated
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
crypto::hash h = get_block_hash(blk);
MDB_val val_h;
val_h.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
val_h.mv_data = &h;
MDB_val unused;
if (mdb_get(*m_write_txn, m_block_heights, &val_h, &unused) == 0)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to add block that's already in the db");
throw BLOCK_EXISTS("Attempting to add block that's already in the db");
if (m_height > 0)
MDB_val parent_key;
crypto::hash parent = blk.prev_id;
parent_key.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
parent_key.mv_data = &parent;
MDB_val parent_h;
if (mdb_get(*m_write_txn, m_block_heights, &parent_key, &parent_h))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to get top block hash to check for new block's parent");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to get top block hash to check for new block's parent");
uint64_t parent_height = *(uint64_t *)parent_h.mv_data;
if (parent_height != m_height - 1)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Top block is not new block's parent");
throw BLOCK_PARENT_DNE("Top block is not new block's parent");
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
key.mv_data = &m_height;
auto bd = block_to_blob(blk);
// const-correctness be trolling, yo
std::unique_ptr<char[]> bd_cpy(new char[bd.size()]);
memcpy(bd_cpy.get(), bd.data(), bd.size());
MDB_val blob;
blob.mv_size = bd.size();
blob.mv_data = bd_cpy.get();
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_blocks, &key, &blob, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add block blob to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add block blob to db transaction");
size_t size_cpy = block_size;
MDB_val sz;
sz.mv_size = sizeof(block_size);
sz.mv_data = &size_cpy;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_block_sizes, &key, &sz, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add block size to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add block size to db transaction");
uint64_t time_cpy = blk.timestamp;
sz.mv_size = sizeof(time_cpy);
sz.mv_data = &time_cpy;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_block_timestamps, &key, &sz, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add block timestamp to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add block timestamp to db transaction");
difficulty_type diff_cpy = cumulative_difficulty;
sz.mv_size = sizeof(cumulative_difficulty);
sz.mv_data = &diff_cpy;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_block_diffs, &key, &sz, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add block cumulative difficulty to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add block cumulative difficulty to db transaction");
uint64_t coins_cpy = coins_generated;
sz.mv_size = sizeof(coins_generated);
sz.mv_data = &coins_cpy;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_block_coins, &key, &sz, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add block total generated coins to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add block total generated coins to db transaction");
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_block_heights, &val_h, &key, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add block height by hash to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add block height by hash to db transaction");
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_block_hashes, &key, &val_h, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add block hash to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add block hash to db transaction");
void BlockchainLMDB::remove_block()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
MDB_val k;
uint64_t height = m_height - 1;
k.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
k.mv_data = &height;
MDB_val h;
if (mdb_get(*m_write_txn, m_block_hashes, &k, &h))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to remove block that's not in the db");
throw BLOCK_DNE("Attempting to remove block that's not in the db");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_blocks, &k, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of block to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of block to db transaction");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_block_sizes, &k, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of block size to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of block size to db transaction");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_block_diffs, &k, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of block cumulative difficulty to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of block cumulative difficulty to db transaction");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_block_coins, &k, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of block total generated coins to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of block total generated coins to db transaction");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_block_heights, &h, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of block height by hash to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of block height by hash to db transaction");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_block_hashes, &k, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of block hash to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of block hash to db transaction");
void BlockchainLMDB::add_transaction_data(const crypto::hash& blk_hash, const transaction& tx)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
crypto::hash h = get_transaction_hash(tx);
MDB_val val_h;
val_h.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
val_h.mv_data = &h;
MDB_val unused;
if (mdb_get(*m_write_txn, m_txs, &val_h, &unused) == 0)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to add transaction that's already in the db");
throw TX_EXISTS("Attempting to add transaction that's already in the db");
auto bd = tx_to_blob(tx);
// const-correctness be trolling, yo
std::unique_ptr<char[]> bd_cpy(new char[bd.size()]);
memcpy(bd_cpy.get(), bd.data(), bd.size());
MDB_val blob;
blob.mv_size = bd.size();
blob.mv_data = bd_cpy.get();
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_txs, &val_h, &blob, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add tx blob to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add tx blob to db transaction");
MDB_val height;
height.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
height.mv_data = &m_height;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_tx_heights, &val_h, &height, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add tx block height to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add tx block height to db transaction");
uint64_t unlock_cpy = tx.unlock_time;
height.mv_size = sizeof(unlock_cpy);
height.mv_data = &unlock_cpy;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_tx_unlocks, &val_h, &height, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add tx unlock time to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add tx unlock time to db transaction");
void BlockchainLMDB::remove_transaction_data(const crypto::hash& tx_hash)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
crypto::hash h = tx_hash;
MDB_val val_h;
val_h.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
val_h.mv_data = &h;
MDB_val unused;
if (mdb_get(*m_write_txn, m_txs, &val_h, &unused))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to remove transaction that isn't in the db");
throw TX_DNE("Attempting to remove transaction that isn't in the db");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_txs, &val_h, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of tx to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of tx to db transaction");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_tx_unlocks, &val_h, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of tx unlock time to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of tx unlock time to db transaction");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_tx_heights, &val_h, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of tx block height to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of tx block height to db transaction");
if (mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_tx_outputs, &val_h, NULL))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Failed to add removal of tx outputs to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add removal of tx outputs to db transaction");
void BlockchainLMDB::add_output(const crypto::hash& tx_hash, const tx_out& tx_output, const uint64_t& local_index)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
MDB_val k;
MDB_val v;
k.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
k.mv_data = &m_num_outputs;
crypto::hash h_cpy = tx_hash;
v.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
v.mv_data = &h_cpy;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_output_txs, &k, &v, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add output tx hash to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add output tx hash to db transaction");
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_tx_outputs, &v, &k, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add tx output index to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add tx output index to db transaction");
uint64_t index_cpy = local_index;
v.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
v.mv_data = &index_cpy;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_output_indices, &k, &v, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add tx output index to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add tx output index to db transaction");
uint64_t amount = tx_output.amount;
v.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
v.mv_data = &amount;
if (auto result = mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_output_amounts, &v, &k, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add output amount to db transaction");
LOG_PRINT_L0("E: " << mdb_strerror(result));
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add output amount to db transaction");
if (tx_output.target.type() == typeid(txout_to_key))
crypto::public_key pubkey = boost::get<txout_to_key>(tx_output.target).key;
v.mv_size = sizeof(pubkey);
v.mv_data = &pubkey;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_output_keys, &k, &v, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add output pubkey to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add output pubkey to db transaction");
/****** Uncomment if ever outputs actually need to be stored in this manner
blobdata b = output_to_blob(tx_output);
v.mv_size = b.size();
v.mv_data = &b;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_outputs, &k, &v, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add output to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add output to db transaction");
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_output_gindices, &v, &k, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to add output global index to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to add output global index to db transaction");
void BlockchainLMDB::remove_tx_outputs(const crypto::hash& tx_hash)
lmdb_cur cur(*m_write_txn, m_tx_outputs);
crypto::hash h_cpy = tx_hash;
MDB_val k;
k.mv_size = sizeof(h_cpy);
k.mv_data = &h_cpy;
MDB_val v;
auto result = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_SET);
if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_ERROR("Attempting to remove a tx's outputs, but none found. Continuing, but...be wary, because that's weird.");
else if (result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to get an output");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to get an output");
size_t num_elems = 0;
mdb_cursor_count(cur, &num_elems);
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_FIRST_DUP);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_elems; ++i)
if (i < num_elems - 1)
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_NEXT_DUP);
void BlockchainLMDB::remove_output(const tx_out& tx_output)
void BlockchainLMDB::remove_output(const uint64_t& out_index)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
MDB_val k;
MDB_val v;
/****** Uncomment if ever outputs actually need to be stored in this manner
blobdata b;
t_serializable_object_to_blob(tx_output, b);
k.mv_size = b.size();
k.mv_data = &b;
if (mdb_get(*m_write_txn, m_output_gindices, &k, &v))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to remove output that does not exist");
throw OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to remove output that does not exist");
uint64_t gindex = *(uint64_t*)v.mv_data;
auto result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_output_gindices, &k, NULL);
if (result != 0 && result != MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error adding removal of output global index to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Error adding removal of output global index to db transaction");
result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_outputs, &v, NULL);
if (result != 0 && result != MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error adding removal of output to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Error adding removal of output to db transaction");
auto result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_output_indices, &v, NULL);
if (result != 0 && result != MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error adding removal of output tx index to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Error adding removal of output tx index to db transaction");
result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_output_txs, &v, NULL);
if (result != 0 && result != MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error adding removal of output tx hash to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Error adding removal of output tx hash to db transaction");
result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_output_amounts, &v, NULL);
if (result != 0 && result != MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error adding removal of output amount to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Error adding removal of output amount to db transaction");
result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_output_keys, &v, NULL);
if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L2("Removing output, no public key found.");
else if (result)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error adding removal of output pubkey to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Error adding removal of output pubkey to db transaction");
void BlockchainLMDB::add_spent_key(const crypto::key_image& k_image)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
crypto::key_image key = k_image;
MDB_val val_key;
val_key.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::key_image);
val_key.mv_data = &key;
MDB_val unused;
if (mdb_get(*m_write_txn, m_spent_keys, &val_key, &unused) == 0)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to add spent key image that's already in the db");
throw KEY_IMAGE_EXISTS("Attempting to add spent key image that's already in the db");
char anything = '\0';
unused.mv_size = sizeof(char);
unused.mv_data = &anything;
if (mdb_put(*m_write_txn, m_spent_keys, &val_key, &unused, 0))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error adding spent key image to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Error adding spent key image to db transaction");
void BlockchainLMDB::remove_spent_key(const crypto::key_image& k_image)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
crypto::key_image key_cpy = k_image;
MDB_val k;
k.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::key_image);
k.mv_data = &key_cpy;
auto result = mdb_del(*m_write_txn, m_spent_keys, &k, NULL);
if (result != 0 && result != MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error adding removal of key image to db transaction");
throw DB_ERROR("Error adding removal of key image to db transaction");
blobdata BlockchainLMDB::output_to_blob(const tx_out& output)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
blobdata b;
if (!t_serializable_object_to_blob(output, b))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error serializing output to blob");
throw DB_ERROR("Error serializing output to blob");
return b;
tx_out BlockchainLMDB::output_from_blob(const blobdata& blob)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << blob;
binary_archive<false> ba(ss);
tx_out o;
if (!(::serialization::serialize(ba, o)))
LOG_PRINT_L1("Error deserializing tx output blob");
throw DB_ERROR("Error deserializing tx output blob");
return o;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_output_global_index(const uint64_t& amount, const uint64_t& index)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
return 0;
void BlockchainLMDB::check_open()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
if (!m_open)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB operation attempted on a not-open DB instance");
throw DB_ERROR("DB operation attempted on a not-open DB instance");
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
// initialize folder to something "safe" just in case
// someone accidentally misuses this class...
m_folder = "thishsouldnotexistbecauseitisgibberish";
m_open = false;
m_height = 0;
void BlockchainLMDB::open(const std::string& filename)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
if (m_open)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempted to open db, but it's already open");
throw DB_OPEN_FAILURE("Attempted to open db, but it's already open");
boost::filesystem::path direc(filename);
if (boost::filesystem::exists(direc))
if (!boost::filesystem::is_directory(direc))
LOG_PRINT_L0("LMDB needs a directory path, but a file was passed");
throw DB_OPEN_FAILURE("LMDB needs a directory path, but a file was passed");
if (!boost::filesystem::create_directory(direc))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create directory " << filename);
throw DB_OPEN_FAILURE(std::string("Failed to create directory ").append(filename).c_str());
m_folder = filename;
// set up lmdb environment
if (mdb_env_create(&m_env))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create lmdb environment");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create lmdb environment");
if (mdb_env_set_maxdbs(m_env, 20))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to set max number of dbs");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to set max number of dbs");
size_t mapsize = 1LL << 34;
if (auto result = mdb_env_set_mapsize(m_env, mapsize))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to set max memory map size");
LOG_PRINT_L0("E: " << mdb_strerror(result));
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to set max memory map size");
if (auto result = mdb_env_open(m_env, filename.c_str(), 0, 0664))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to open lmdb environment");
LOG_PRINT_L0("E: " << mdb_strerror(result));
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to open lmdb environment");
// get a read/write MDB_txn
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, 0, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
// open necessary databases, and set properties as needed
// uses macros to avoid having to change things too many places
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_BLOCKS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_blocks, "Failed to open db handle for m_blocks");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_BLOCK_TIMESTAMPS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_block_timestamps, "Failed to open db handle for m_block_timestamps");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_BLOCK_HEIGHTS, MDB_CREATE, m_block_heights, "Failed to open db handle for m_block_heights");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_BLOCK_HASHES, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_block_hashes, "Failed to open db handle for m_block_hashes");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_BLOCK_SIZES, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_block_sizes, "Failed to open db handle for m_block_sizes");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_BLOCK_DIFFS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_block_diffs, "Failed to open db handle for m_block_diffs");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_BLOCK_COINS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_block_coins, "Failed to open db handle for m_block_coins");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_TXS, MDB_CREATE, m_txs, "Failed to open db handle for m_txs");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_TX_UNLOCKS, MDB_CREATE, m_tx_unlocks, "Failed to open db handle for m_tx_unlocks");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_TX_HEIGHTS, MDB_CREATE, m_tx_heights, "Failed to open db handle for m_tx_heights");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_TX_OUTPUTS, MDB_DUPSORT | MDB_CREATE, m_tx_outputs, "Failed to open db handle for m_tx_outputs");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUT_TXS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_output_txs, "Failed to open db handle for m_output_txs");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUT_INDICES, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_output_indices, "Failed to open db handle for m_output_indices");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUT_AMOUNTS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_DUPSORT | MDB_CREATE, m_output_amounts, "Failed to open db handle for m_output_amounts");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUT_KEYS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_output_keys, "Failed to open db handle for m_output_keys");
/*************** not used, but kept for posterity
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUTS, MDB_INTEGERKEY | MDB_CREATE, m_outputs, "Failed to open db handle for m_outputs");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_OUTPUT_GINDICES, MDB_CREATE, m_output_gindices, "Failed to open db handle for m_output_gindices");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_SPENT_KEYS, MDB_CREATE, m_spent_keys, "Failed to open db handle for m_outputs");
mdb_set_dupsort(txn, m_output_amounts, compare_uint64);
mdb_set_dupsort(txn, m_tx_outputs, compare_uint64);
// get and keep current height
MDB_stat db_stats;
if (mdb_stat(txn, m_blocks, &db_stats))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to query m_blocks");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to query m_blocks");
LOG_PRINT_L2("Setting m_height to: " << db_stats.ms_entries);
m_height = db_stats.ms_entries;
// get and keep current number of outputs
if (mdb_stat(txn, m_output_indices, &db_stats))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to query m_output_indices");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to query m_output_indices");
m_num_outputs = db_stats.ms_entries;
// commit the transaction
m_open = true;
// from here, init should be finished
// unused for now, create will happen on open if doesn't exist
void BlockchainLMDB::create(const std::string& filename)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
throw DB_CREATE_FAILURE("create() is not implemented for this BlockchainDB, open() will create files if needed.");
void BlockchainLMDB::close()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
// FIXME: not yet thread safe!!! Use with care.
void BlockchainLMDB::sync()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
// LMDB documentation leads me to believe this is unnecessary
void BlockchainLMDB::reset()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
// TODO: this
std::vector<std::string> BlockchainLMDB::get_filenames()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
std::vector<std::string> filenames;
boost::filesystem::path datafile(m_folder);
datafile /= "data.mdb";
boost::filesystem::path lockfile(m_folder);
lockfile /= "lock.mdb";
return filenames;
// TODO: this?
bool BlockchainLMDB::lock()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
return false;
// TODO: this?
void BlockchainLMDB::unlock()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
bool BlockchainLMDB::block_exists(const crypto::hash& h)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
crypto::hash key_cpy = h;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
key.mv_data = &key_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_block_heights, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Block with hash " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(h) << "not found in db");
return false;
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to fetch block index from hash");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to fetch block index from hash");
return true;
block BlockchainLMDB::get_block(const crypto::hash& h)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
return get_block_from_height(get_block_height(h));
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_block_height(const crypto::hash& h)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
crypto::hash key_cpy = h;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
key.mv_data = &key_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_block_heights, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempted to retrieve non-existent block height");
throw BLOCK_DNE("Attempted to retrieve non-existent block height");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error attempting to retrieve a block height from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve a block height from the db");
return *(uint64_t*)result.mv_data;
block_header BlockchainLMDB::get_block_header(const crypto::hash& h)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
// block_header object is automatically cast from block object
return get_block(h);
block BlockchainLMDB::get_block_from_height(const uint64_t& height)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
uint64_t height_cpy = height;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
key.mv_data = &height_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_blocks, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempted to get block from height " << height << ", but no such block exists");
throw DB_ERROR("Attempt to get block from height failed -- block not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error attempting to retrieve a block from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve a block from the db");
blobdata bd;
bd.assign(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.mv_data), result.mv_size);
block b;
if (!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(bd, b))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse block from blob retrieved from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to parse block from blob retrieved from the db");
return b;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_block_timestamp(const uint64_t& height)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
uint64_t height_cpy = height;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
key.mv_data = &height_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_block_timestamps, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempted to get timestamp from height " << height << ", but no such timestamp exists");
throw DB_ERROR("Attempt to get timestamp from height failed -- timestamp not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error attempting to retrieve a timestamp from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve a timestamp from the db");
return *(uint64_t*)result.mv_data;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_top_block_timestamp()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
// if no blocks, return 0
if (m_height == 0)
return 0;
return get_block_timestamp(m_height - 1);
size_t BlockchainLMDB::get_block_size(const uint64_t& height)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
uint64_t height_cpy = height;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
key.mv_data = &height_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_block_sizes, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempted to get block size from height " << height << ", but no such block size exists");
throw DB_ERROR("Attempt to get block size from height failed -- block size not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error attempting to retrieve a block size from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve a block size from the db");
return *(size_t*)result.mv_data;
difficulty_type BlockchainLMDB::get_block_cumulative_difficulty(const uint64_t& height)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
uint64_t height_cpy = height;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
key.mv_data = &height_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_block_diffs, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempted to get cumulative difficulty from height " << height << ", but no such cumulative difficulty exists");
throw DB_ERROR("Attempt to get cumulative difficulty from height failed -- block size not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error attempting to retrieve a cumulative difficulty from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve a cumulative difficulty from the db");
return *(difficulty_type*)result.mv_data;
difficulty_type BlockchainLMDB::get_block_difficulty(const uint64_t& height)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
difficulty_type diff1 = 0;
difficulty_type diff2 = 0;
diff1 = get_block_cumulative_difficulty(height);
if (height != 0)
diff2 = get_block_cumulative_difficulty(height - 1);
return diff1 - diff2;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_block_already_generated_coins(const uint64_t& height)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
uint64_t height_cpy = height;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
key.mv_data = &height_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_block_coins, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempted to get total generated coins from height " << height << ", but no such total generated coins exists");
throw DB_ERROR("Attempt to get total generated coins from height failed -- block size not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error attempting to retrieve a total generated coins from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve a total generated coins from the db");
return *(uint64_t*)result.mv_data;
crypto::hash BlockchainLMDB::get_block_hash_from_height(const uint64_t& height)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
uint64_t height_cpy = height;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(uint64_t);
key.mv_data = &height_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_block_hashes, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempted to get hash from height " << height << ", but no such hash exists");
throw BLOCK_DNE("Attempt to get hash from height failed -- hash not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error attempting to retrieve a block hash from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve a block hash from the db");
return *(crypto::hash*)result.mv_data;
std::vector<block> BlockchainLMDB::get_blocks_range(const uint64_t& h1, const uint64_t& h2)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
std::vector<block> v;
for (uint64_t height = h1; height <= h2; ++height)
return v;
std::vector<crypto::hash> BlockchainLMDB::get_hashes_range(const uint64_t& h1, const uint64_t& h2)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
std::vector<crypto::hash> v;
for (uint64_t height = h1; height <= h2; ++height)
return v;
crypto::hash BlockchainLMDB::top_block_hash()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
if (m_height != 0)
return get_block_hash_from_height(m_height - 1);
return null_hash;
block BlockchainLMDB::get_top_block()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
if (m_height != 0)
return get_block_from_height(m_height - 1);
block b;
return b;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::height()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
return m_height;
bool BlockchainLMDB::tx_exists(const crypto::hash& h)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
crypto::hash key_cpy = h;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
key.mv_data = &key_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_txs, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("transaction with hash " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(h) << "not found in db");
return false;
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to fetch transaction from hash");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to fetch transaction from hash");
return true;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_tx_unlock_time(const crypto::hash& h)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
crypto::hash key_cpy = h;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
key.mv_data = &key_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_tx_unlocks, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("tx unlock time with hash " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(h) << "not found in db");
throw TX_DNE("Attempting to get unlock time for tx, but tx not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to fetch tx unlock time from hash");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to fetch tx unlock time from hash");
return *(uint64_t*)result.mv_data;
transaction BlockchainLMDB::get_tx(const crypto::hash& h)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
crypto::hash key_cpy = h;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
key.mv_data = &key_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_txs, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("tx with hash " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(h) << "not found in db");
throw TX_DNE("Attempting to get tx, but tx not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to fetch tx from hash");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to fetch tx from hash");
blobdata bd;
bd.assign(reinterpret_cast<char*>(result.mv_data), result.mv_size);
transaction tx;
if (!parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(bd, tx))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to parse tx from blob retrieved from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to parse tx from blob retrieved from the db");
return tx;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_tx_count()
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
MDB_stat db_stats;
if (mdb_stat(txn, m_txs, &db_stats))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to query m_txs");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to query m_txs");
return db_stats.ms_entries;
std::vector<transaction> BlockchainLMDB::get_tx_list(const std::vector<crypto::hash>& hlist)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
std::vector<transaction> v;
for (auto& h : hlist)
return v;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_tx_block_height(const crypto::hash& h)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
crypto::hash key_cpy = h;
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::hash);
key.mv_data = &key_cpy;
MDB_val result;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_tx_heights, &key, &result);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("tx height with hash " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(h) << "not found in db");
throw TX_DNE("Attempting to get height for tx, but tx not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to fetch tx height from hash");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to fetch tx height from hash");
return *(uint64_t*)result.mv_data;
//FIXME: make sure the random method used here is appropriate
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_random_output(const uint64_t& amount)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
uint64_t num_outputs = get_num_outputs(amount);
if (num_outputs == 0)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to get a random output for an amount, but none exist");
throw OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to get a random output for an amount, but none exist");
return crypto::rand<uint64_t>() % num_outputs;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_num_outputs(const uint64_t& amount)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
lmdb_cur cur(txn, m_output_amounts);
uint64_t amount_cpy = amount;
MDB_val k;
k.mv_size = sizeof(amount_cpy);
k.mv_data = &amount_cpy;
MDB_val v;
auto result = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_SET);
if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
return 0;
else if (result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to get number of outputs of an amount");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to get number of outputs of an amount");
size_t num_elems = 0;
mdb_cursor_count(cur, &num_elems);
return num_elems;
crypto::public_key BlockchainLMDB::get_output_key(const uint64_t& amount, const uint64_t& index)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
uint64_t global = get_output_global_index(amount, index);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
MDB_val k;
k.mv_size = sizeof(global);
k.mv_data = &global;
MDB_val v;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_output_keys, &k, &v);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempting to get output pubkey by global index, but key does not exist");
throw DB_ERROR("Attempting to get output pubkey by global index, but key does not exist");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error attempting to retrieve an output pubkey from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve an output pubkey from the db");
return *(crypto::public_key*)v.mv_data;
tx_out BlockchainLMDB::get_output(const crypto::hash& h, const uint64_t& index)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
MDB_val k;
crypto::hash h_cpy = h;
k.mv_size = sizeof(h_cpy);
k.mv_data = &h_cpy;
lmdb_cur cur(txn, m_tx_outputs);
MDB_val v;
auto result = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_SET);
if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to get an output by tx hash and tx index, but output not found");
throw OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to get an output by tx hash and tx index, but output not found");
else if (result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to get an output");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to get an output");
size_t num_elems = 0;
mdb_cursor_count(cur, &num_elems);
if (num_elems <= index)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to get an output by tx hash and tx index, but output not found");
throw OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to get an output by tx hash and tx index, but output not found");
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_FIRST_DUP);
if (index != 0)
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < index; ++i)
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_NEXT_DUP);
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_GET_CURRENT);
blobdata b;
b = *(blobdata*)v.mv_data;
return output_from_blob(b);
// As this is not used, its return is now a blank output.
// This will save on space in the db.
tx_out BlockchainLMDB::get_output(const uint64_t& index)
return tx_out();
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
uint64_t index_cpy = index;
MDB_val k;
k.mv_size = sizeof(index_cpy);
k.mv_data = &index_cpy;
MDB_val v;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_outputs, &k, &v);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempting to get output by global index, but output does not exist");
throw OUTPUT_DNE();
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Error attempting to retrieve an output from the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Error attempting to retrieve an output from the db");
blobdata b = *(blobdata*)v.mv_data;
return output_from_blob(b);
tx_out_index BlockchainLMDB::get_output_tx_and_index(const uint64_t& amount, const uint64_t& index)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
lmdb_cur cur(txn, m_output_amounts);
uint64_t amount_cpy = amount;
MDB_val k;
k.mv_size = sizeof(amount_cpy);
k.mv_data = &amount_cpy;
MDB_val v;
auto result = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_SET);
if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to get an output index by amount and amount index, but amount not found");
throw OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to get an output index by amount and amount index, but amount not found");
else if (result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to get an output");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to get an output");
size_t num_elems = 0;
mdb_cursor_count(cur, &num_elems);
if (num_elems <= index)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to get an output index by amount and amount index, but output not found");
throw OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to get an output index by amount and amount index, but output not found");
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_FIRST_DUP);
if (index != 0)
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < index; ++i)
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_NEXT_DUP);
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_GET_CURRENT);
uint64_t glob_index = *(uint64_t*)v.mv_data;
k.mv_size = sizeof(glob_index);
k.mv_data = &glob_index;
auto get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_output_txs, &k, &v);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("output with given index not in db");
throw OUTPUT_DNE("output with given index not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to fetch output tx hash");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to fetch output tx hash");
crypto::hash tx_hash = *(crypto::hash*)v.mv_data;
get_result = mdb_get(txn, m_output_indices, &k, &v);
if (get_result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("output with given index not in db");
throw OUTPUT_DNE("output with given index not in db");
else if (get_result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to fetch output tx index");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to fetch output tx index");
return tx_out_index(tx_hash, *(uint64_t *)v.mv_data);
std::vector<uint64_t> BlockchainLMDB::get_tx_output_indices(const crypto::hash& h)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
std::vector<uint64_t> index_vec;
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
MDB_val k;
crypto::hash h_cpy = h;
k.mv_size = sizeof(h_cpy);
k.mv_data = &h_cpy;
lmdb_cur cur(txn, m_tx_outputs);
MDB_val v;
auto result = mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_SET);
if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
LOG_PRINT_L1("Attempting to get an output by tx hash and tx index, but output not found");
throw OUTPUT_DNE("Attempting to get an output by tx hash and tx index, but output not found");
else if (result)
LOG_PRINT_L0("DB error attempting to get an output");
throw DB_ERROR("DB error attempting to get an output");
size_t num_elems = 0;
mdb_cursor_count(cur, &num_elems);
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_FIRST_DUP);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_elems; ++i)
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_NEXT_DUP);
mdb_cursor_get(cur, &k, &v, MDB_GET_CURRENT);
index_vec.push_back(*(uint64_t *)v.mv_data);
return index_vec;
bool BlockchainLMDB::has_key_image(const crypto::key_image& img)
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, MDB_RDONLY, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
crypto::key_image key = img;
MDB_val val_key;
val_key.mv_size = sizeof(crypto::key_image);
val_key.mv_data = &key;
MDB_val unused;
if (mdb_get(txn, m_spent_keys, &val_key, &unused) == 0)
return true;
return false;
uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::add_block( const block& blk
, const size_t& block_size
, const difficulty_type& cumulative_difficulty
, const uint64_t& coins_generated
, const std::vector<transaction>& txs
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, 0, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
m_write_txn = &txn;
uint64_t num_outputs = m_num_outputs;
BlockchainDB::add_block(blk, block_size, cumulative_difficulty, coins_generated, txs);
catch (...)
m_num_outputs = num_outputs;
return ++m_height;
void BlockchainLMDB::pop_block(block& blk, std::vector<transaction>& txs)
txn_safe txn;
if (mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, 0, txn))
LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
throw DB_ERROR("Failed to create a transaction for the db");
m_write_txn = &txn;
uint64_t num_outputs = m_num_outputs;
BlockchainDB::pop_block(blk, txs);
catch (...)
m_num_outputs = num_outputs;
} // namespace cryptonote