diff options
authorBertrand Jacquin <>2009-05-15 21:33:09 +0200
committerBertrand Jacquin <>2009-05-15 21:33:09 +0200
commitac6660543b7e2fa8846d7e8a3621696cebd05d73 (patch)
parentalsa-utils: fix build when alsa-lib don't have midi support (diff)
grub: add --direct-pci for PIC in 0.97-r9 too
2 files changed, 273 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/Manifest b/sys-boot/grub/Manifest
index 1c8c41fd..f6a661f5 100644
--- a/sys-boot/grub/Manifest
+++ b/sys-boot/grub/Manifest
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ AUX grub-1.95-build.patch 522 RMD160 eec01af7250a0883604530f321b154c575b14c41 SH
AUX grub-1.96-genkernel.patch 298 RMD160 3acae46d0c9a6b0c97960728751c679e32f0521d SHA1 b496e4486a546cfb72b81b27d8642c7d2e5123cb SHA256 8cbbaf1db68c39dfcc30b59779d820e9e9dca7ef957431791cdc0fc24e258eaf
AUX grub.conf.gentoo 627 RMD160 d90fb4373bad476f98ec9c5065d6cdfd9e3b706f SHA1 004f2fc04605ec9190de0a87e7df8bbc33daff89 SHA256 914b15af252210a32776196437cd8013e10e57d5780e66877ef3fe9a2b4b9776
DIST grub-0.97-patches-1.7.tar.bz2 31190 RMD160 f72f956c36d07e914bb7b4512ff9c88349123ab0 SHA1 6c5e011a8a55fc986abc84c43d59266a42f2ac9c SHA256 6dfb17ff874ce8f737211a728c319a133b90e3633a80daf5ef370c15ee625389
+DIST grub-0.97-patches-1.9.tar.bz2 51809 RMD160 a745902212dbd22f4d9f0bb0d563ffd44b429eaa SHA1 1d9da2df8bccef9821ebbbc2f5c5353dbd90bf4d SHA256 6b8445c9260803f059031cbe7475a45fee6499fc2dbd911288af6169455c4028
DIST grub-0.97.tar.gz 971783 RMD160 7fb5674edf0c950bd38e94f85ff1e2909aa741f0 SHA1 2580626c4579bd99336d3af4482c346c95dac4fb SHA256 4e1d15d12dbd3e9208111d6b806ad5a9857ca8850c47877d36575b904559260b
DIST splash.xpm.gz 33856 RMD160 2fead61f91c368429e80936248bb02af2bdf15ff SHA1 98e679f9698be43426f971f89a088c053e8c804a SHA256 b95600f777331b0dd31d51c68f60f0e846e4c8b628857a41165f4e6b30e6acaf
EBUILD grub-0.97-r6.ebuild 8857 RMD160 75b99aead16428487f3d3a5c970b7a29e87bc561 SHA1 b05b78cef0e3cb484f00e6d1408fd2fda179bea3 SHA256 c37efeef73e947919a019d94e6ed66f106372dc4d27a030daf080a61647206a4
+EBUILD grub-0.97-r9.ebuild 8860 RMD160 681b0548cba74e4503a5248b1441737cd269b6b1 SHA1 617961f7c2820494a75b79a304a24e4ce35152c6 SHA256 18db2b78c2b640a29bfa348fe1bcb5f48858d469b58874ceb5fdc2fba0e38190
diff --git a/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.97-r9.ebuild b/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.97-r9.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..87771cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.97-r9.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-boot/grub/grub-0.97-r9.ebuild,v 1.3 2009/05/14 12:14:12 fauli Exp $
+# XXX: we need to review menu.lst vs grub.conf handling. We've been converting
+# all systems to grub.conf (and symlinking menu.lst to grub.conf), but
+# we never updated any of the source code (it still all wants menu.lst),
+# and there is no indication that upstream is making the transition.
+inherit mount-boot eutils flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs autotools
+PATCHVER="1.9" # Should match the revision ideally
+DESCRIPTION="GNU GRUB Legacy boot loader"
+ mirror://gentoo/splash.xpm.gz
+ mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-${PATCHVER}.tar.bz2"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+IUSE="custom-cflags ncurses netboot static"
+DEPEND="ncurses? (
+ >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2-r5
+ amd64? ( app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs )
+ )"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ # patch breaks booting for some people #111885
+ rm "${WORKDIR}"/patch/400_*
+ # Grub will not handle a kernel larger than EXTENDED_MEMSIZE Mb as
+ # discovered in bug 160801. We can change this, however, using larger values
+ # for this variable means that Grub needs more memory to run and boot. For a
+ # kernel of size N, Grub needs (N+1)*2. Advanced users should set a custom
+ # value in make.conf, it is possible to make kernels ~16Mb in size, but it
+ # needs the kitchen sink built-in.
+ local t="custom"
+ if [[ -z ${GRUB_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE} ]] ; then
+ case $(tc-arch) in
+ amd64) GRUB_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE=7 ;;
+ esac
+ t="default"
+ fi
+ einfo "Grub will support the ${t} maximum kernel size of ${GRUB_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE} Mb (GRUB_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE)"
+ sed -i \
+ -e "/^#define.*EXTENDED_MEMSIZE/s,3,${GRUB_MAX_KERNEL_SIZE},g" \
+ "${S}"/grub/asmstub.c \
+ || die "Failed to hack memory size"
+ if [[ -n ${PATCHVER} ]] ; then
+ epatch "${WORKDIR}"/patch
+ eautoreconf
+ fi
+src_compile() {
+ filter-flags -fPIE #168834
+ use amd64 && multilib_toolchain_setup x86
+ unset BLOCK_SIZE #73499
+ ### i686-specific code in the boot loader is a bad idea; disabling to ensure
+ ### at least some compatibility if the hard drive is moved to an older or
+ ### incompatible system.
+ # grub-0.95 added -fno-stack-protector detection, to disable ssp for stage2,
+ # but the objcopy's (faulty) test fails if -fstack-protector is default.
+ # create a cache telling configure that objcopy is ok, and add -C to econf
+ # to make use of the cache.
+ #
+ # CFLAGS has to be undefined running econf, else -fno-stack-protector detection fails.
+ # STAGE2_CFLAGS is not allowed to be used on emake command-line, it overwrites
+ # -fno-stack-protector detected by configure, removed from netboot's emake.
+ use custom-cflags || unset CFLAGS
+ export grub_cv_prog_objcopy_absolute=yes #79734
+ use static && append-ldflags -static
+ # Per bug 216625, the emul packages do not provide .a libs for performing
+ # suitable static linking
+ if use amd64 && use static ; then
+ if [ -z "${GRUB_STATIC_PACKAGE_BUILDING}" ]; then
+ die "You must use the grub-static package if you want a static Grub on amd64!"
+ else
+ eerror "You have set GRUB_STATIC_PACKAGE_BUILDING. This"
+ eerror "is specifically intended for building the tarballs for the"
+ eerror "grub-static package via USE='static -ncurses'."
+ eerror "All bets are now off."
+ ebeep 10
+ fi
+ fi
+ # build the net-bootable grub first, but only if "netboot" is set
+ if use netboot ; then
+ econf \
+ --libdir=/lib \
+ --datadir=/usr/lib/grub \
+ --exec-prefix=/ \
+ --disable-auto-linux-mem-opt \
+ --enable-pci-direct \
+ --enable-diskless \
+ --enable-{3c{5{03,07,09,29,95},90x},cs89x0,davicom,depca,eepro{,100}} \
+ --enable-{epic100,exos205,ni5210,lance,ne2100,ni{50,65}10,natsemi} \
+ --enable-{ne,ns8390,wd,otulip,rtl8139,sis900,sk-g16,smc9000,tiara} \
+ --enable-{tulip,via-rhine,w89c840} || die "netboot econf failed"
+ emake w89c840_o_CFLAGS="-O" || die "making netboot stuff"
+ mv -f stage2/{nbgrub,pxegrub} "${S}"/
+ mv -f stage2/stage2 stage2/stage2.netboot
+ make clean || die "make clean failed"
+ fi
+ # Now build the regular grub
+ # Note that FFS and UFS2 support are broken for now - stage1_5 files too big
+ econf \
+ --libdir=/lib \
+ --datadir=/usr/lib/grub \
+ --exec-prefix=/ \
+ --disable-auto-linux-mem-opt \
+ $(use_with ncurses curses) \
+ || die "econf failed"
+ # sanity check due to common failure
+ use ncurses && ! grep -qs "HAVE_LIBCURSES.*1" config.h && die "USE=ncurses but curses not found"
+ emake || die "making regular stuff"
+src_test() {
+ # non-default block size also give false pass/fails.
+ unset BLOCK_SIZE
+ make check || die "make check failed"
+src_install() {
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
+ if use netboot ; then
+ exeinto /usr/lib/grub/${CHOST}
+ doexe nbgrub pxegrub stage2/stage2.netboot || die "netboot install"
+ fi
+ newdoc docs/menu.lst grub.conf.sample
+ dodoc "${FILESDIR}"/grub.conf.gentoo
+ prepalldocs
+ mv \
+ "${D}"/usr/share/doc/${PF} \
+ "${D}"/usr/share/doc/grub-static-${PF/grub-}
+ insinto /usr/share/grub
+ doins "${DISTDIR}"/splash.xpm.gz
+setup_boot_dir() {
+ local boot_dir=$1
+ local dir=${boot_dir}
+ mkdir -p "${dir}"
+ [[ ! -L ${dir}/boot ]] && ln -s . "${dir}/boot"
+ dir="${dir}/grub"
+ if [[ ! -e ${dir} ]] ; then
+ mkdir "${dir}" || die "${dir} does not exist!"
+ fi
+ # change menu.lst to grub.conf
+ if [[ ! -e ${dir}/grub.conf ]] && [[ -e ${dir}/menu.lst ]] ; then
+ mv -f "${dir}"/menu.lst "${dir}"/grub.conf
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "*** IMPORTANT NOTE: menu.lst has been renamed to grub.conf"
+ ewarn
+ fi
+ if [[ ! -e ${dir}/menu.lst ]]; then
+ einfo "Linking from new grub.conf name to menu.lst"
+ ln -snf grub.conf "${dir}"/menu.lst
+ fi
+ if [[ -e ${dir}/stage2 ]] ; then
+ mv "${dir}"/stage2{,.old}
+ ewarn "*** IMPORTANT NOTE: you must run grub and install"
+ ewarn "the new version's stage1 to your MBR. Until you do,"
+ ewarn "stage1 and stage2 will still be the old version, but"
+ ewarn "later stages will be the new version, which could"
+ ewarn "cause problems such as an unbootable system."
+ ewarn "This means you must use either grub-install or perform"
+ ewarn "root/setup manually! For more help, see the handbook:"
+ ewarn "${ARCH}.xml?part=1&chap=10#grub-install-auto"
+ ebeep
+ fi
+ einfo "Copying files from /lib/grub, /usr/lib/grub and /usr/share/grub to ${dir}"
+ for x in \
+ "${ROOT}"/lib*/grub/*/* \
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/lib*/grub/*/* \
+ "${ROOT}"/usr/share/grub/* ; do
+ [[ -f ${x} ]] && cp -p "${x}" "${dir}"/
+ done
+ if [[ ! -e ${dir}/grub.conf ]] ; then
+ s="${ROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/grub.conf.gentoo"
+ [[ -e "${s}" ]] && cat "${s}" >${dir}/grub.conf
+ [[ -e "${s}.gz" ]] && zcat "${s}.gz" >${dir}/grub.conf
+ [[ -e "${s}.bz2" ]] && bzcat "${s}.bz2" >${dir}/grub.conf
+ fi
+ # Per bug 218599, we support grub.conf.install for users that want to run a
+ # specific set of Grub setup commands rather than the default ones.
+ grub_config=${dir}/grub.conf.install
+ [[ -e ${grub_config} ]] || grub_config=${dir}/grub.conf
+ if [[ -e ${grub_config} ]] ; then
+ egrep \
+ -v '^[[:space:]]*(#|$|default|fallback|initrd|password|splashimage|timeout|title)' \
+ "${grub_config}" | \
+ /sbin/grub --batch \
+ --device-map="${dir}"/ \
+ > /dev/null
+ fi
+ # the grub default commands silently piss themselves if
+ # the default file does not exist ahead of time
+ if [[ ! -e ${dir}/default ]] ; then
+ grub-set-default --root-directory="${boot_dir}" default
+ fi
+ einfo "Grub has been installed to ${boot_dir} successfully."
+pkg_postinst() {
+ if [[ -n ${DONT_MOUNT_BOOT} ]]; then
+ elog "WARNING: you have DONT_MOUNT_BOOT in effect, so you must apply"
+ elog "the following instructions for your /boot!"
+ elog "Neglecting to do so may cause your system to fail to boot!"
+ elog
+ else
+ setup_boot_dir "${ROOT}"/boot
+ # Trailing output because if this is run from pkg_postinst, it gets mixed into
+ # the other output.
+ einfo ""
+ fi
+ elog "To interactively install grub files to another device such as a USB"
+ elog "stick, just run the following and specify the directory as prompted:"
+ elog " emerge --config =${PF}"
+ elog "Alternately, you can export GRUB_ALT_INSTALLDIR=/path/to/use to tell"
+ elog "grub where to install in a non-interactive way."
+pkg_config() {
+ local dir
+ if [ ! -d "${GRUB_ALT_INSTALLDIR}" ]; then
+ einfo "Enter the directory where you want to setup grub:"
+ read dir
+ else
+ fi
+ setup_boot_dir "${dir}"