diff options
authorBertrand Jacquin <>2006-12-26 17:53:17 +0100
committerBertrand Jacquin <>2006-12-26 17:53:17 +0100
commit661629f597983599583f5b8e0db4aa7346b073b9 (patch)
parentexim: add dsn, and import dk and dovecot support to 4.63 (diff)
update mod_layout for a bug (see
6 files changed, 367 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-www/mod_layout/Manifest b/net-www/mod_layout/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6235a464
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_layout/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+AUX 15_mod_layout.conf 4590 RMD160 2886293d6ee109ed32b37979b77984bcee809c4b SHA1 11163279c5a1292084a59250795ce28ee8310fd1 SHA256 85c5b738fa97ab3feb7bb875bbb0ce3c44e9f4452e05de835a9268fae28c3da3
+MD5 ed08f74402be537f28435ce409adb86d files/15_mod_layout.conf 4590
+RMD160 2886293d6ee109ed32b37979b77984bcee809c4b files/15_mod_layout.conf 4590
+SHA256 85c5b738fa97ab3feb7bb875bbb0ce3c44e9f4452e05de835a9268fae28c3da3 files/15_mod_layout.conf 4590
+AUX 4.0.2a/15_mod_layout.conf 4654 RMD160 b3d7256ac785582d19f8205c61e3922ec35f7845 SHA1 d3c53685b2c096b9878e1a62922ce511e6bc063e SHA256 0db21a10af6c7cbcf7cafd72ec925d9b4f9ea32e3ea802dc5b7d8a8bcfcb641f
+MD5 233872afb84493400986f25e36dd396f files/4.0.2a/15_mod_layout.conf 4654
+RMD160 b3d7256ac785582d19f8205c61e3922ec35f7845 files/4.0.2a/15_mod_layout.conf 4654
+SHA256 0db21a10af6c7cbcf7cafd72ec925d9b4f9ea32e3ea802dc5b7d8a8bcfcb641f files/4.0.2a/15_mod_layout.conf 4654
+AUX mod_layout-4.0.1a-register.patch 585 RMD160 95031399d2a9fb472909191deca6d06d035c44f8 SHA1 e281905475531101965bdccbe623b96294a6761e SHA256 6828588347472cd0ebfb837b976bab96a2a8c2aec7374758e993751903964cab
+MD5 9ce33c60579d3b6a35ac6d2722b0888c files/mod_layout-4.0.1a-register.patch 585
+RMD160 95031399d2a9fb472909191deca6d06d035c44f8 files/mod_layout-4.0.1a-register.patch 585
+SHA256 6828588347472cd0ebfb837b976bab96a2a8c2aec7374758e993751903964cab files/mod_layout-4.0.1a-register.patch 585
+DIST mod_layout-4.0.2a.tar.gz 13663 RMD160 19ef0781cea7ba6d1043534fe7491c669a2df2c7 SHA1 34e2056aa2e441ee5ff370cb249c8c81804e18ad SHA256 0af42d12460b01ad2f6c19e5dfd5e93f8a39df8e593b3767185779da574cf3fd
+EBUILD mod_layout-4.0.2a.ebuild 626 RMD160 37cdc3fd22aa694d910652ac52f632709e23529b SHA1 fec1b6d930fd9e0eeca329eb876e2a09729167f8 SHA256 8d969c416590a8d4e75b11ceae48904f429469846925b01594ce11da1b12b45d
+MD5 79e256b374da8bf45b8646ecaaa7281a mod_layout-4.0.2a.ebuild 626
+RMD160 37cdc3fd22aa694d910652ac52f632709e23529b mod_layout-4.0.2a.ebuild 626
+SHA256 8d969c416590a8d4e75b11ceae48904f429469846925b01594ce11da1b12b45d mod_layout-4.0.2a.ebuild 626
+MD5 23847d8604097fd66b2ce8002b8380d0 files/digest-mod_layout-4.0.2a 250
+RMD160 ff51b946885ccdccccae0577548115541b3fb157 files/digest-mod_layout-4.0.2a 250
+SHA256 fe424b3ad3560e33fa4c420c63472b1b099b4fd146a37575afd1e8516de052fc files/digest-mod_layout-4.0.2a 250
diff --git a/net-www/mod_layout/files/15_mod_layout.conf b/net-www/mod_layout/files/15_mod_layout.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68691e5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_layout/files/15_mod_layout.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+<IfDefine LAYOUT>
+ <IfModule !mod_layout.c>
+ LoadModule layout_module extramodules/
+ </IfModule>
+<IfModule mod_layout.c>
+<Location _REPLACE_ME_>
+AddOutputFilter LAYOUT html
+# This directives makes sure that all Layout headers and footers
+# get Cache-Control: no-cache methods in all situations. This
+# directive either takes On or Off."
+# LayoutCacheNeeded
+# A URI which prints the header contents.
+LayoutHeader "<p><b>This is the LayoutHeader</b> (included from the config file)</p>"
+# A URI which prints the footer contents.
+LayoutFooter "<p><b>This is the LayoutFooter</b> (included from the config file)</p>"
+# Add a layout to be inserted when a tag is found, this takes two
+# options, with a third optional parameter. The first is a pattern,
+# the second is the layout and the third is how the layout should be
+# inserts (either prepend, append, or replace). The default is to
+# replace.
+Layout "<-- replace_me -->" "<p>Visit: <a href=>Gentoo Linux</a></p>" replace
+# Enter either a mime type or a handler type. This type will then be
+# handled by mod_layout.
+# LayoutHandler
+# Enter a URI that should be ignored, regular expressions are allowed.
+# LayoutIgnoreURI
+# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the header, regular expressions
+# are allowed.
+# LayoutIgnoreHeaderURI
+# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the HTTPHeader, regular
+# expressions are allowed.
+# LayoutIgnoreHTTPHeaderURI
+# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the footer, regular expressions
+# are allowed.
+# LayoutIgnoreFooterURI
+# This can either be On or Off (default it Off). It places HTML comments
+# in the outbound text describing when and where mod_layout has been
+# inserting text.
+LayoutComment On
+# This can either be On or Off (default it Off). This is both
+# experimental and probably quite broke.
+# LayoutProxy
+# This can either be On or Off (default it On). When off the original
+# document is not displayed.
+# LayoutDisplayOriginal
+# Turns On (default) or Off a list of standard types to handle.
+# LayoutDefaultHandlers
+# This takes a SSI style timme format that can be used to change the
+# output by mod_layout's internal TIME environmental variables that
+# it introduces.
+# LayoutTimeFormat
+# Takes a URI to call for the HTTP Header.
+# LayoutHTTPHeader
+# Specify handlers that mod_layout should produce HTTP headers for.
+# LayoutHTTPOverrideHandler
+# Specify URI's that mod_layout should produce HTTP headers for.
+# LayoutHTTPOverrideURI
+# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the footer.
+# LayoutFooterOff
+# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the header.
+# LayoutHeaderOff
+# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the http header.
+# LayoutHTTPHeaderOff
+# Turns on and off asynchronous POSTs (AKA everything can see the post
+# data).
+# LayoutPostAsync
+# This moves the default cache from /tmp to another directory(or a
+# RAM disk).
+# LayoutCache
+# Turning this On or Off afffects whether or not headers and footers
+# are appended when creating subsections.
+# LayoutAppend
+# Turning this on and off will tell mod_layout to attempt to resolve
+# content (do a merger of the footer, body and header text
+# LayoutMerge
+# Use this to change the default begin tag to use during merges (the
+# default string is \<HTML>\
+# LayoutMergeBeginTag
+# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
+# default string is \<\\HTML>\
+# LayoutMergeEndTag
+# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
+# default string is \<\\HTML>\
+# LayoutHeaderAppend
+# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
+# default string is \<\\HTML>\
+# LayoutFooterAppend
+# When enabled (it takes on and off flags) mod_layout will not try
+# to wrap any errors. Merge must be enabled for this to work. The
+# default for this is off.
+# LayoutMergeErrorIgnore
+# If this tag is found during a merge, no footer or header will be
+# inserted into the document
+# LayoutIgnoreTag
+# If this tag is found during a merge, no footer will be inserted
+# into the document
+# LayoutIgnoreTagFooter
+# If this tag is found during a merge, no header will be inserted
+# into the document
+# LayoutIgnoreTagHeader
+# This turns on mod_layout's own text/html and text/plain handler
+# LayoutHTMLHandler
+# If this is enabled and you are doing a merge, the tags used for the
+# merge will be replaced.
+# LayoutReplaceTags
+# If you want applications to do notes (a set of directives to control
+# actions inside apache).
+# LayoutNotes
diff --git a/net-www/mod_layout/files/4.0.2a/15_mod_layout.conf b/net-www/mod_layout/files/4.0.2a/15_mod_layout.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3795ac07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_layout/files/4.0.2a/15_mod_layout.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+<IfDefine LAYOUT>
+ <IfModule !mod_layout.c>
+ LoadModule layout_module modules/
+ </IfModule>
+<IfModule mod_layout.c>
+<Directory /home/*/public_html>
+# This default configuration adds a footer to every html page in ~user
+# "Powered by Gentoo Linux"
+# Enable the filter for all text/html pages
+# use LayoutHandler for Apache1 and AddOutputFilter for Apache2
+#LayoutHandler text/html
+#AddOutputFilterByType LAYOUT text/html
+# This directives makes sure that all Layout headers and footers
+# get Cache-Control: no-cache methods in all situations. This
+# directive either takes On or Off."
+# LayoutCacheNeeded
+# A URI which prints the header contents.
+# LayoutHeader
+# A URI which prints the footer contents.
+LayoutFooter "<p>Powered by <a href=''>Gentoo Linux</a></p>"
+# Add a layout to be inserted when a tag is found, this takes two
+# options, with a third optional parameter. The first is a pattern,
+# the second is the layout and the third is how the layout should be
+# inserts (either prepend, append, or replace). The default is to
+# replace.
+# Layout "<-- replace_me -->" "<p>Visit: <a href=>Gentoo Linux</a></p>" replace
+# Enter a URI that should be ignored, regular expressions are allowed.
+# LayoutIgnoreURI
+# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the header, regular expressions
+# are allowed.
+# LayoutIgnoreHeaderURI
+# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the HTTPHeader, regular
+# expressions are allowed.
+# LayoutIgnoreHTTPHeaderURI
+# Enter a URI that should be ignored by the footer, regular expressions
+# are allowed.
+# LayoutIgnoreFooterURI
+# This can either be On or Off (default it Off). It places HTML comments
+# in the outbound text describing when and where mod_layout has been
+# inserting text.
+LayoutComment On
+# This can either be On or Off (default it Off). This is both
+# experimental and probably quite broke.
+# LayoutProxy
+# This can either be On or Off (default it On). When off the original
+# document is not displayed.
+# LayoutDisplayOriginal
+# Turns On (default) or Off a list of standard types to handle.
+# LayoutDefaultHandlers
+# This takes a SSI style timme format that can be used to change the
+# output by mod_layout's internal TIME environmental variables that
+# it introduces.
+# LayoutTimeFormat
+# Takes a URI to call for the HTTP Header.
+# LayoutHTTPHeader
+# Specify handlers that mod_layout should produce HTTP headers for.
+# LayoutHTTPOverrideHandler
+# Specify URI's that mod_layout should produce HTTP headers for.
+# LayoutHTTPOverrideURI
+# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the footer.
+# LayoutFooterOff
+# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the header.
+# LayoutHeaderOff
+# This takes no arguments. If found it will turn off the http header.
+# LayoutHTTPHeaderOff
+# Turns on and off asynchronous POSTs (AKA everything can see the post
+# data).
+# LayoutPostAsync
+# This moves the default cache from /tmp to another directory(or a
+# RAM disk).
+# LayoutCache
+# Turning this On or Off afffects whether or not headers and footers
+# are appended when creating subsections.
+# LayoutAppend
+# Turning this on and off will tell mod_layout to attempt to resolve
+# content (do a merger of the footer, body and header text
+# LayoutMerge
+# Use this to change the default begin tag to use during merges (the
+# default string is \<HTML>\
+# LayoutMergeBeginTag
+# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
+# default string is \<\\HTML>\
+# LayoutMergeEndTag
+# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
+# default string is \<\\HTML>\
+# LayoutHeaderAppend
+# Use this to change the default end tag to use during merges (the
+# default string is \<\\HTML>\
+# LayoutFooterAppend
+# When enabled (it takes on and off flags) mod_layout will not try
+# to wrap any errors. Merge must be enabled for this to work. The
+# default for this is off.
+# LayoutMergeErrorIgnore
+# If this tag is found during a merge, no footer or header will be
+# inserted into the document
+# LayoutIgnoreTag
+# If this tag is found during a merge, no footer will be inserted
+# into the document
+# LayoutIgnoreTagFooter
+# If this tag is found during a merge, no header will be inserted
+# into the document
+# LayoutIgnoreTagHeader
+# This turns on mod_layout's own text/html and text/plain handler
+# LayoutHTMLHandler
+# If this is enabled and you are doing a merge, the tags used for the
+# merge will be replaced.
+# LayoutReplaceTags
+# If you want applications to do notes (a set of directives to control
+# actions inside apache).
+# LayoutNotes
diff --git a/net-www/mod_layout/files/digest-mod_layout-4.0.2a b/net-www/mod_layout/files/digest-mod_layout-4.0.2a
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6a8b71f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_layout/files/digest-mod_layout-4.0.2a
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+MD5 123cbefc6e137f22e134025801eed47f mod_layout-4.0.2a.tar.gz 13663
+RMD160 19ef0781cea7ba6d1043534fe7491c669a2df2c7 mod_layout-4.0.2a.tar.gz 13663
+SHA256 0af42d12460b01ad2f6c19e5dfd5e93f8a39df8e593b3767185779da574cf3fd mod_layout-4.0.2a.tar.gz 13663
diff --git a/net-www/mod_layout/files/mod_layout-4.0.1a-register.patch b/net-www/mod_layout/files/mod_layout-4.0.1a-register.patch
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..989d007e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_layout/files/mod_layout-4.0.1a-register.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+--- mod_layout.c 2002-10-01 06:23:56.000000000 +0000
++++ mod_layout.c.oden 2002-10-22 20:09:45.000000000 +0000
+@@ -536,7 +536,16 @@
+ return NULL;
+ }
++static int layout_init_handler(apr_pool_t *p, apr_pool_t *plog,
++ apr_pool_t *ptemp, server_rec *s)
++ ap_add_version_component(p, "mod_layout/4.0.1a");
++ return OK;
+ static void layout_register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p) {
++ ap_hook_post_config(layout_init_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
+ ap_register_output_filter("LAYOUT", layout_filter, NULL, AP_FTYPE_CONTENT_SET);
+ }
diff --git a/net-www/mod_layout/mod_layout-4.0.2a.ebuild b/net-www/mod_layout/mod_layout-4.0.2a.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3b123de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-www/mod_layout/mod_layout-4.0.2a.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/mod_layout/mod_layout-4.0.1a-r1.ebuild,v 1.6 2006/11/24 22:05:43 beandog Exp $
+inherit apache-module
+DESCRIPTION="An Apache2 DSO module for adding custom headers and/or footers"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ppc x86"
+APXS2_ARGS="-c ${PN}.c utility.c layout.c"