path: root/scripts/mkinstall
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/mkinstall')
1 files changed, 814 insertions, 181 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/mkinstall b/scripts/mkinstall
index 3ccd20e..7914987 100755
--- a/scripts/mkinstall
+++ b/scripts/mkinstall
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# /sbin/mkinstall - Formilux System Installer - version 1.0.0 - 2003-03-20
+# /sbin/mkinstall - System Installer - version 1.9.1 - 2003-08-02
# This file is part of the Formilux project : http://formilux.ant-computing.com/
# Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Benoit Dolez & Willy Tarreau
@@ -8,12 +8,432 @@
# This program is licenced under GPLv2 ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt )
+cdlist=( )
+names=( )
+sizes=( )
+parts=( )
+# this utility uses a few temporary files :
+# /tmp/fsmnt : <device><space><mount_point>
+# device=/dev/hda, /dev/sda1...
+# space=exactly one space
+# mount_mount=/home, /var, /, ..., mbr, cdrom, swap, <empty string when not affected>
+# /tmp/fsid : <device><space><hex_id><space><os_name>
+# /tmp/fstype : <device><space><fstype>
+# /tmp/fslist : <device>
+# /tmp/fssize : <device><space><size_in_kB>
+# /tmp/sourcepkg : symlink to the source packages directory
+# give it a number suffixed with a k,M,G,T, and it will return it reduced to
+# the nearest power of 1024 suffixed with k,M,G or T
+humansize() {
+ local pow val
+ local -a suff=( "" k M G T P )
+ case "${1##[0-9]*}" in
+ k) pow=1;;
+ M) pow=2;;
+ G) pow=3;;
+ T) pow=4;;
+ P) pow=5;;
+ *) pow=0;;
+ esac
+ val=${1%%[a-zA-Z]*}
+ # we don't return values lower than 10 when possible
+ while [ $val -ge 10240 ]; do
+ ((pow++))
+ ((val/=1024))
+ done
+ REPLY=$val${suff[$pow]}
+ echo -n $REPLY
+detect_cdrom() {
+ cdlist=($(grep -i '^drive name:' /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info |cut -f2 -d:))
+ CDROMS="${cdlist[*]}"
+detect_disks() {
+ local i j major minor size name rest
+ names=( )
+ sizes=( )
+ parts=( )
+ rm -f /tmp/partitions
+ tail +3 /proc/partitions | sort -k4.1 >/tmp/partitions
+ while read major minor size name rest; do
+ if ((i >= 0)); then
+ names[i]=$name
+ sizes[i]=$size
+ parts[i]=1
+ fi
+ ((i++))
+ done < /tmp/partitions
+ i=0
+ while ((i < ${#names[@]})); do
+ if [ -n "${names[i]}" ]; then
+ j=0
+ while ((j < ${#names[@]})); do
+ if [ $i -ne $j -a -n "${names[j]}" -a -z "${names[j]##${names[i]}*}" ]; then
+ names[j]=""
+ ((parts[i]+=${parts[j]}))
+ fi
+ ((j++))
+ done
+ fi
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ i=0 j=0
+ while ((i < ${#names[@]})); do
+ if [ -n "${names[i]}" -a "${cdlist[*]##${names[i]}}" = "${cdlist[*]}" ]; then
+ names[j]=${names[i]}
+ sizes[j]=${sizes[i]}
+ ((parts[j]=${parts[i]}-1))
+ ((j++))
+ fi
+ if ((i >= j)); then
+ unset names[i] parts[i] sizes[i]
+ names=("${names[@]}") parts=("${parts[@]}") sizes=("${sizes[@]}")
+ else
+ ((i++))
+ fi
+ done
+ # now we have the list of the hard disks :
+ # names[] contains their name in /dev
+ # sizes[] contains their size in blocks (1 kB)
+ # parts[] contains their number of partitions
# This function collects some information in /proc and other places.
# It should be called ASAP.
function init {
- #umount /mnt/cdrom >/dev/null 2>&1 # to avoid stupid recursive copying !
- CDROMS=$(grep -i '^drive name:' /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info |cut -f2- -d:)
+ #umount /mnt/cdrom >/dev/null 2>&1 # to avoid stupid recursive copying !
+ detect_cdrom
+ detect_disks
+ mkdir -p $ROOTDIR >/dev/null 2>&1
+# displays the main menu
+# if an arg is passed, it will be used as the name entry of the default action.
+# it returns the name of the entry in REPLY
+# returns 0 if OK, 1 if Cancel/Exit.
+function menu_main {
+ REPLY=$(dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-cancel --no-shadow ${1:+--default-item $1 }\
+ --menu "Installation Menu\n\n Press <Up>/<Down> to select an item.\n Press <Tab> to move between [OK] and [Cancel].\n Press <Enter> to confirm your choice." 24 80 14 \
+ "PART" "Configure Partitions and File Systems" \
+ "SOURCE" "Select Packages Source" \
+ "PKG" "Select which Packages to Install" \
+ "CONFIG" "Build Configuration" \
+ "SAVE" "Save Current Configuration" \
+ "LILO" "Run LILO" \
+ "UNMOUNT" "Unmount all File Systems" \
+ "SHELL" "Get Access to a Shell" \
+ "EXIT" "Exit this Utility" 2>&1 | grep -v EXIT)
+ [ -n "$REPLY" ]
+# presents a list of hard disks and lets the user choose one.
+# the default one can be passed in $1
+# returns 0 if OK, 1 if Cancel/Exit.
+function menu_harddisk {
+ local -a args=( )
+ local i=0
+ local model
+ while ((i < ${#names[@]})); do
+ model='unknown model'
+ [ -e "/proc/ide/${names[i]}/model" ] && model=$(</proc/ide/${names[i]}/model)
+ args=("${args[@]}" "${names[i]}" "$model, $(humansize ${sizes[i]}k)B, ${parts[i]} part.")
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ REPLY=$(dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-shadow ${1:+--default-item $1 } --menu "\nSelect a Hard Disk to Configure\n\n Press <Up>/<Down> to select an item.\n Press <Tab> to move between [OK] and [Cancel].\n Press <Enter> to confirm your choice." 24 80 12 "${args[@]}" "EXIT" "Exit this menu" 2>&1 |grep -v EXIT)
+ [ -n "$REPLY" ]
+# presents a list of hard disks partitions and lets the user choose one.
+# the disk is passed in $1
+# the default one can be passed in $2
+# returns 0 if OK, 1 if Cancel/Exit.
+function menu_partition {
+ local -a args=( )
+ local dev=$1
+ local disk=${1##/dev/}
+ local def=$2
+ local mnt
+ local device size id syst rest
+ for device in $(grep "^$dev" /tmp/fslist 2>/dev/null); do
+ size=$(grep "^$device " /tmp/fssize 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d' ')
+ mnt=$(grep "^$device " /tmp/fsmnt 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d' ')
+ id=$(grep "^$device " /tmp/fsid 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d' ')
+ syst=$(grep "^$device " /tmp/fsid 2>/dev/null |cut -f3 -d' ')
+ type=$(grep "^$device " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d' ')
+ if [ -z "$mnt" ]; then
+ def=${def:-${device##/dev/}}
+ mnt="not assigned"
+ else
+ mnt="assigned to $mnt"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$type" ]; then
+ def=${def:-${device##/dev/}}
+ type="not formated"
+ else
+ type="type $type"
+ fi
+ args=("${args[@]}" "${device##/dev/}" "$(humansize ${size}k)B, Id 0x$id($syst), $type, $mnt")
+ done
+ def=${def:-EXIT}
+ args=("${args[@]}" "CLEAR" "Clear ALL partitions on this disk" "FDISK" "Run fdisk on this disk")
+ REPLY=$(dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-shadow ${def:+--default-item $def} --menu "\nSelect a Partition\n\n Press <Up>/<Down> to select an item.\n Press <Tab> to move between [OK] and [Cancel].\n Press <Enter> to confirm your choice." 24 80 12 "${args[@]}" "EXIT" "Exit this menu" 2>&1 |grep -v EXIT)
+ [ -n "$REPLY" ]
+# reads the partition table on a disk and updates the associated files :
+# /tmp/fslist, /tmp/fssize, /tmp/fsid, /tmp/fsmnt, /tmp/fstype
+# the disk device is passed in $1 (/dev/xxx). There's no return code.
+function disk_read_part {
+ local dev=$1
+ local disk=${1##/dev/}
+ local device begin end cyl size id syst rest file
+ rm -f /tmp/sfdisk.${disk//\//.}
+ for file in fslist fssize fsid; do
+ grep -v "^$dev" /tmp/$file 2>/dev/null >/tmp/${file}-; mv /tmp/${file}- /tmp/$file
+ done
+ for file in fsmnt fstype; do
+ grep "^$dev" /tmp/$file 2>/dev/null >/tmp/$file.${disk//\//.}
+ grep -v "^$dev" /tmp/$file 2>/dev/null >/tmp/${file}-; mv /tmp/${file}- /tmp/$file
+ done
+ sfdisk -l $dev | tr '*' ' ' | grep '^/dev/' >/tmp/sfdisk.${disk//\//.}
+ while read device begin end cyl size id syst rest; do
+ # let's ignore empty and extended partitions
+ [ "$id" = "0" -o "$id" = "5" ] && continue
+ size=${size%+}
+ echo "$device" >> /tmp/fslist
+ echo "$device $size" >> /tmp/fssize
+ echo "$device $id $syst" >> /tmp/fsid
+ if [ "$id" != "82" ] || grep -q "^$device " /tmp/fsmnt.${disk//\//.} && ! grep -q "^$device swap" /tmp/fsmnt.${disk//\//.} ; then
+ grep "^$device " /tmp/fsmnt.${disk//\//.} >> /tmp/fsmnt
+ grep "^$device " /tmp/fstype.${disk//\//.} >> /tmp/fstype
+ else
+ echo "$device swap" >> /tmp/fsmnt
+ # we want to keep a trace of the format status of the swap partition
+ # instead of assuming it has already been formated
+ grep "^$device " /tmp/fstype.${disk//\//.} >> /tmp/fstype
+ #echo "$device swap" >> /tmp/fstype
+ fi
+ done < /tmp/sfdisk.${disk//\//.}
+ rm -f /tmp/sfdisk.${disk//\//.}
+# presents a list of possible actions for a partition :
+# - change its mount point
+# - format it
+# the partition is passed in $1
+# if a default choice should be proposed, its name must be in $2
+# returns 0 if OK, 1 if Cancel/Exit.
+function menu_setupfs {
+ local -a args=( )
+ local dev=$1
+ local def size type strext2s strext2l strext3 strreiser
+ local mnt
+ def=$2
+ mnt=$(grep "^$dev " /tmp/fsmnt 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d' ')
+ [ -z "$mnt" ] && { mnt="not assigned" ; def=${def:-"MNT"}; }
+ type=$(grep "^$dev " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d' ')
+ [ -z "$type" ] && type="not formated"
+ size=$[ ($(grep "^$dev " /tmp/fssize 2>/dev/null | cut -f2 -d' ')+0) / 1024 ]
+ args=("MNT" "Change the mount point ($mnt)")
+ if [ "$mnt" = "swap" ]; then
+ args=("${args[@]}" "SWAP" "* mkswap $dev (format as swap)")
+ args=("${args[@]}" "SWAPC" " mkswap -c $dev (format and check)")
+ def=${def:-SWAP}
+ else
+ strext2s="mke2fs -b 1024 -m 1 -s 1 $dev (format as small Ext2)"
+ strext2l="mke2fs -b 4096 -s 1 $dev (format as large Ext2)"
+ strext3="mke2fs -b 4096 -s 1 -j $dev (format as Ext3)"
+ strreiser="mkreiserfs -h r5 $dev (format as ReiserFS)"
+ if [ $size -lt 64 ]; then
+ strext2s="* $strext2s"
+ strext2l=" $strext2l"
+ strext3=" $strext3"
+ strreiser=" $strreiser"
+ def=${def:-EXT2S}
+ else
+ strext2s=" $strext2s"
+ strext2l=" $strext2l"
+ strext3="* $strext3"
+ strreiser=" $strreiser"
+ def=${def:-EXT3}
+ fi
+ args=("${args[@]}" "EXT2S" "$strext2s" "EXT2L" "$strext2l" "EXT3" "$strext3" "REISER" "$strreiser" )
+ fi
+ args=("${args[@]}" "SHELL" "Get Access to a Shell")
+ REPLY=$(dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-shadow ${def:+--default-item $def} --menu "\nFormat and Mount Point\n\nChoose a mount point for this partition, then select a format command to format it and set its type. The '*' indicates the recommended format.\n\n Press <Up>/<Down> to select an item.\n Press <Tab> to move between [OK] and [Cancel].\n Press <Enter> to confirm your choice." 24 80 8 "${args[@]}" "EXIT" "Exit this menu" 2>&1 |grep -v EXIT)
+ [ -n "$REPLY" ]
+# lets the user change a mount point for a partition.
+# the partition is passed in $1
+# returns 0 if something changed, else 1.
+function menu_mount_point {
+ local mnt dev type id name
+ dev=$1
+ mnt=$(grep "^$dev " /tmp/fsmnt 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d' ')
+ id=$(grep "^$dev " /tmp/fsid 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d' ')
+ name=$(grep "^$dev " /tmp/fsid 2>/dev/null |cut -f3 -d' ')
+ type=$(grep "^$dev " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null |cut -f2 -d' ')
+ REPLY=$mnt
+ [ -z "$REPLY" -a "$id" = "82" ] && REPLY="swap"
+ [ -z "$REPLY" ] && ! grep -q " /boot$" /tmp/fsmnt && REPLY="/boot"
+ [ -z "$REPLY" ] && ! grep -q " /$" /tmp/fsmnt && REPLY="/"
+ [ -z "$REPLY" ] && ! grep -q " /var$" /tmp/fsmnt && REPLY="/var"
+ [ -z "$REPLY" ] && ! grep -q " /home$" /tmp/fsmnt && REPLY="/home"
+ REPLY=$(dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-shadow --inputbox "Enter the mount point for partition $dev\n${id:+Partition Id=$id($name)}${type:+${id:+, }Formated as $type}\nEnter 'swap' to force it to become swap\n\n Press <Tab> to move between [OK] and [Cancel].\n Press <Enter> to confirm your choice." 12 60 $REPLY 2>&1 || echo $mnt)
+ if [ "$REPLY" != "$mnt" ]; then
+ (grep -v "^$dev " /tmp/fsmnt 2>/dev/null; echo "$dev $REPLY") >/tmp/fsmnt-
+ mv /tmp/fsmnt- /tmp/fsmnt
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+# lets the user change the package directory
+# the entry is checked to be a valid directory
+# returns 0 if something changed, else 1.
+function menu_pkg_dir {
+ local old
+ old=$(readlink /var/flx-pkg 2>/dev/null)
+ REPLY=$old
+ while : ; do
+ REPLY=$(dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-shadow --inputbox "Enter the new packages directory\nCurrently set to '$old'\n\n Press <Tab> to move between [OK] and [Cancel].\n Press <Enter> to confirm your choice." 12 60 $REPLY 2>&1 || echo $old)
+ if [ "$REPLY" != "$old" ]; then
+ if [ -d "$REPLY/." ]; then
+ rm -f /var/flx-pkg
+ ln -sf $REPLY /var/flx-pkg
+ return 0
+ else
+ dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --msgbox "'$REPLY' is not a valid directory. Please try again, or press [Cancel].\n" 8 60
+ fi
+ else
+ # cancel or no changes
+ return 1
+ fi
+ done
+# ask the user about the desired source of packages for the installation
+function menu_select_source {
+ local -a args=( )
+ args=("CDROM" "CD-ROM" "DISK" "Hard disk or USB storage device" "NFS" "Remove file-system over NFS" "DIR" "Pre-mounted directory")
+ REPLY=$(dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-shadow --menu "\nSource Packages Selection\n\nChoose from which medium the source packages will be fetched.\n\n Press <Up>/<Down> to select an item.\n Press <Tab> to move between [OK] and [Cancel].\n Press <Enter> to confirm your choice." 24 80 8 "${args[@]}" "EXIT" "Exit this menu" 2>&1 |grep -v EXIT)
+ [ -n "$REPLY" ]
+# ask the user about the desired source cdrom
+# returns 0 if the CD could be mounted, 1 otherwise.
+function menu_select_cdrom {
+ local -a args=( )
+ local cdrom
+ umount -l /mnt/cdrom >/dev/null 2>&1
+ rm -f /dev/cdrom
+ rm -f /var/flx-pkg
+ case ${#cdlist[@]} in
+ 0)
+ dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --msgbox "No CD-ROM device was detected on this system. Please load manually any appropriate module or choose another source medium." 12 60 ;
+ rm -f /var/flx-pkg
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ ln -sf ${cdlist[0]} /dev/cdrom
+ if mount /mnt/cdrom >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/pkg
+ ln -s $PKGDIR /var/flx-pkg
+ dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --msgbox "/dev/${cdlist[0]} has been selected as the only CD-ROM device, and mounted successfully.\n" 8 60
+ return 0
+ else
+ dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --msgbox "/dev/${cdlist[0]} has been selected as the only CD-ROM device, but could not be mounted. Please insert a valid CD-ROM and try again.\n" 8 60
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ args=("AUTO" "Automatically find which drive contains a CD")
+ for cdrom in "${cdlist[@]}"; do
+ if [ -e "/proc/ide/$cdrom/model" ]; then
+ args=("${args[@]}" "$cdrom" "$(cat /proc/ide/$cdrom/model)")
+ elif [ -z "${cdrom##sr*}" -o -z "${cdrom##scd*}" ]; then
+ args=("${args[@]}" "$cdrom" "SCSI CD-ROM")
+ else
+ args=("${args[@]}" "$cdrom" "Unknown CD-ROM model")
+ fi
+ done
+ cdrom="${args[0]}"
+ while [ -z "$PKGDIR" ]; do
+ rm -f /dev/cdrom
+ REPLY=$(dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-shadow --default-item "$cdrom" --menu "\nCD-ROM\n\nSelect the CD-ROM drive which contains the Formilux CD-ROM you want to use for the installation.\n\n Press <Up>/<Down> to select an item.\n Press <Tab> to move between [OK] and [Cancel].\n Press <Enter> to confirm your choice." 24 80 8 "${args[@]}" "EXIT" "Exit this menu" 2>&1 |grep -v EXIT)
+ cdrom=$REPLY
+ case "$REPLY" in
+ "")
+ return 1
+ ;;
+ findcdrom
+ if [ ! -e /dev/cdrom ]; then
+ dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --msgbox "No drive containing a valid CD-ROM was found. Please insert a valid CD-ROM and try again.\n" 8 60
+ continue
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ln -sf $REPLY /dev/cdrom
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if mount /mnt/cdrom >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/pkg
+ dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --msgbox "/dev/$(readlink /dev/cdrom) has been selected as the new CD-ROM device, and mounted successfully.\n" 8 60
+ return 0
+ else
+ dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --msgbox "/dev/$(readlink /dev/cdrom) has been selected as the new CD-ROM device, but could not be mounted. Please insert a valid CD-ROM and try again.\n" 8 60
+ fi
+ done
+ return 1
+# ask the user a question to which he can reply by "yes" or "no".
+# A simple message is passed in $1
+# if $2 is NOT EMPTY, the default response will be NO.
+# returns 0 if No, 1 if Yes
+function menu_yesno {
+ dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-shadow ${2:+--defaultno} --yesno "$1" 12 65
# user interface functions
@@ -32,74 +452,152 @@ function yesno {
function check_directories {
- if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/etc/. ] ; then
- if [ -d $ROOTDIR/boot/etc/. ] ; then
- ln -s boot/etc $ROOTDIR/etc
- else
- echo "Can't find 'etc' directory neither in '/' nor in '/boot'"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/var/. ] ; then
- mkdir $ROOTDIR/var ; fi
- if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/var/tmp ] ; then
- mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/tmp ; chmod 1777 $ROOTDIR/var/tmp ; fi
- if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/var/run ] ; then
- mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/run ; fi
- if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/var/spool ] ; then
- mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/spool ; fi
- if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/var/log ] ; then
- mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/log ; fi
- if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/var/cache ] ; then
- mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/cache ; fi
- if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/var/adm/. ] ; then
- ln -s log $ROOTDIR/var/adm ; fi
+ if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/etc/. ] ; then
+ if [ -d $ROOTDIR/boot/etc/. ] ; then
+ ln -s boot/etc $ROOTDIR/etc
+ else
+ echo "Can't find 'etc' directory neither in '/' nor in '/boot'"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ [ -d $ROOTDIR/var/. ] || mkdir $ROOTDIR/var
+ [ -d $ROOTDIR/var/run ] || mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/run
+ [ -d $ROOTDIR/var/spool ] || mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/spool
+ [ -d $ROOTDIR/var/cache ] || mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/cache
+ if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/var/log ] ; then
+ mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/log
+ chown root:log $ROOTDIR/var/log
+ chmod 2750 $ROOTDIR/var/log
+ fi
+ [ -d $ROOTDIR/var/adm/. ] || ln -s log $ROOTDIR/var/adm
- return 0
+ if [ ! -d $ROOTDIR/var/tmp ] ; then mkdir $ROOTDIR/var/tmp ; chmod 1777 $ROOTDIR/var/tmp ; fi
+ # /tmp should exist, either as a dir or a link.
+ if [ ! -e $ROOTDIR/tmp ] ; then mkdir $ROOTDIR/tmp ; chmod 1777 $ROOTDIR/tmp ; fi
+ return 0
# this function lists all hard drives found, but hides CDROMs
function list_disks {
- for i in `tail +3 /proc/partitions | awk '{print $4}' | grep '\([a-zA-Z]$\)\|\(c[0-9]*d[0-9]*$\)'`; do
- if ! echo $CDROMS | grep -qw $i; then
- echo $i
- fi
- done
+ echo "${names[@]}"
+ #for i in `tail +3 /proc/partitions | awk '{print $4}' | grep '\([a-zA-Z]$\)\|\(c[0-9]*d[0-9]*$\)'`; do
+ # if ! echo $CDROMS | grep -qw $i; then
+ # echo $i
+ # fi
+ #done
+# mounts all the new file-systems, and creates the mount points when needed
+function mount_new_fs {
+ local -a mplist=($(sort -k2.1 /tmp/fsmnt 2>/dev/null|cut -f2 -d' ') )
+ local fs mp type
+ rm -f /tmp/fstab
+ echo "/proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ echo "#/dev /dev tmpfs size=0,nr_inodes=4096,remount,nosuid 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ echo "/dev/pts /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ echo "/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 defaults,noauto,ro,users,exec 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ for mp in "${mplist[@]}"; do
+ fs=$(grep " $mp\$" /tmp/fsmnt 2>/dev/null|cut -f1 -d' ')
+ type=$(grep "^$fs " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null|cut -f2 -d' ')
+ if [ "$mp" != "swap" ]; then
+ mkdir -p -m 0755 $ROOTDIR$mp 2>/dev/null
+ mount -t $type $fs $ROOTDIR$mp
+ fi
+ if [ "$mp" = "/" ]; then
+ echo "#$fs $mp $type defaults,ro 1 1" >> /tmp/fstab
+ echo "/dev/root $mp $type defaults,ro 1 1" >> /tmp/fstab
+ mkdir -p -m 0755 $ROOTDIR/dev $ROOTDIR/proc $ROOTDIR/etc
+ mount -t proc proc $ROOTDIR/proc # may be needed for compressed files
+ elif [ "$mp" = "/boot" ]; then
+ echo "$fs $mp $type defaults,ro 1 2" >> /tmp/fstab
+ elif [ "$mp" = "swap" ]; then
+ echo "$fs $mp $type defaults 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ else
+ echo "$fs $mp $type defaults 1 2" >> /tmp/fstab
+ fi
+ done
+ echo "/var/empty /var/empty tmpfs size=0,nr_inodes=1,ro,mode=0100,nosuid,nodev 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+# unmounts all the new file-systems
+function unmount_new_fs {
+ local -a mplist=($(sort -rk 2.1 /proc/mounts 2>/dev/null | cut -f2 -d' ' | grep "^$ROOTDIR") )
+ local fs mp type
+ for mp in "${mplist[@]}"; do
+ if [ "$mp" != "swap" ]; then
+ umount $mp >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ done
function setup_part {
- if [ -e /tmp/devmap -a -e /tmp/fstab ]; then
- echo "Filesystems are currently configured this way :"
- for i in `cut -f1 -d' ' /tmp/devmap`; do grep "^$i[ ]" /tmp/fstab | awk '{print $1 " => " $2 }'; done
- echo "-- end of list --"
- yesno "Do you want to change something (y/n) ?" "n"
- if [ "$REPLY" != "y" ]; then return 0; fi
- cp /tmp/fstab /tmp/fstab-
- cp /tmp/devmap /tmp/devmap-
- else
- touch /tmp/fstab- /tmp/devmap-
- fi
- # clean temporary files
- rm -rf /tmp/temp.$$ /tmp/fstab /tmp/devmap
- # unmount previously mounted file-systems
- for part in $(grep " $ROOTDIR" /proc/mounts|awk '{print $2}'|sort -r); do
- umount $part;
- done
+ if [ -e /tmp/devmap -a -e /tmp/fstab ]; then
+ echo "Filesystems are currently configured this way :"
+ for i in `cut -f1 -d' ' /tmp/devmap`; do grep "^$i[ ]" /tmp/fstab | awk '{print $1 " => " $2 }'; done
+ echo "-- end of list --"
+ yesno "Do you want to change something (y/n) ?" "n"
+ [ "$REPLY" = "y" ] || return 0
+ cp /tmp/fstab /tmp/fstab-
+ cp /tmp/devmap /tmp/devmap-
+ else
+ touch /tmp/fstab- /tmp/devmap-
+ fi
- echo "/proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
- echo "/dev /dev tmpfs size=0,nr_inodes=4096,,remount 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
- echo "/dev/pts /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
- echo "/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 defaults,noauto,ro,user 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ # clean temporary files
+ rm -rf /tmp/temp.$$ /tmp/fstab /tmp/devmap
- echo "/dev/$(readlink /dev/cdrom) /dev/cdrom" >> /tmp/devmap
+ # unmount previously mounted file-systems
+ for part in $(grep " $ROOTDIR" /proc/mounts|awk '{print $2}'|sort -r); do
+ umount $part;
+ done
+ echo "/proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ echo "#/dev /dev tmpfs size=0,nr_inodes=4096,remount 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ echo "/dev/pts /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ echo "/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 defaults,noauto,ro,users 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab
+ echo "/dev/$(readlink /dev/cdrom) /dev/cdrom" >> /tmp/devmap
+ (grep -v ' CDROM$' /tmp/mounts 2>/dev/null; echo "/dev/$(readlink /dev/cdrom) CDROM") >/tmp/mounts- && mv /tmp/mounts- /tmp/mounts
+ # scan all disk
+ # for disk in $(list_disks); do
+ REPLY=${names[0]}
+ while menu_harddisk $REPLY; do
+ disk=${REPLY##/dev/}
- # scan all disk
- for disk in $(list_disks); do
# look for all detected partitions
- for spart in `sfdisk -l /dev/$disk 2>/dev/null | grep "^/" |tr '*' ' '| cut -f3- -d'/' | awk '{print $1 ":" $6 }'` ; do
+# for spart in `sfdisk -l /dev/$disk 2>/dev/null | grep "^/" |tr '*' ' '| cut -f3- -d'/' | awk '{print $1 ":" $6 }'` ; do
+ while { disk_read_part /dev/$disk ; menu_partition /dev/$disk $REPLY; } do
+ [ -z "$REPLY" ] && break
+ if [ "$REPLY" = "CLEAR" ] ; then
+ if menu_yesno "Warning !\n\nThis will erase the partition table for /dev/$disk.\nAll data will be lost.\n\nDo you still want to proceed ?" N; then
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$disk bs=1024 count=1 > /dev/null 2>&1
+ (echo o ; echo w ) | fdisk /dev/$disk > /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ continue
+ elif [ "$REPLY" = "FDISK" ]; then
+ fdisk /dev/$disk
+ continue
+ else
+ echo "menu format/mount pour $REPLY"
+ fi
# partition name
part=`echo $spart|cut -f1 -d:`
set -- `echo $spart | tr ':' ' '`
@@ -150,10 +648,20 @@ function setup_part {
case "$mountpoint" in
/) echo "$part /dev/root" >> /tmp/devmap ;;
/boot) echo "$part /dev/boot" >> /tmp/devmap ;;
- swap) echo "$part /dev/swap" >> /tmp/devmap ; echo "$part swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab;;
+ swap) echo "$part /dev/swap" >> /tmp/devmap ;
+ echo "$part swap swap defaults 0 0" >> /tmp/fstab;;
*) echo "$part /dev/fs/$(echo ${mountpoint#/} |tr '/' '.')" >> /tmp/devmap ;;
+ case "$mountpoint" in
+ swap)
+ (grep -v "^$part " /tmp/mounts 2>/dev/null; echo "$part SWAP") >/tmp/mounts- && mv /tmp/mounts- /tmp/mounts;;
+ *)
+ (grep -v "^$part " /tmp/mounts 2>/dev/null; echo "$part $mountpoint") >/tmp/mounts- && mv /tmp/mounts- /tmp/mounts;;
+ esac
# format linux partitions
if [ $type = 82 -o $type = 83 -o $type = 8e -o $type = fd ] ; then
@@ -294,8 +802,10 @@ function setup_config {
BOOTDEV=${BOOTDEV:-`echo $ROOTDEV | sed 's/[0-9]\+$//'`}
ask "Choose device on which LILO will be installed " $BOOTDEV
- grep -v '/dev/mbr$' /tmp/devmap > $TMP/devmap
+ grep -v '/dev/\(mbr\|cdrom\)$' /tmp/devmap > $TMP/devmap 2>/dev/null
echo "$BOOTDEV /dev/mbr" >> $TMP/devmap
+ echo "/dev/$(readlink /dev/cdrom) /dev/cdrom" >> $TMP/devmap
# build a new lilo.conf
cd $MNT
@@ -403,7 +913,7 @@ EOF
# if /var is on its own filesystem, /tmp must be a true filesystem too.
if grep -q ' \(/dev/fs/var\|/dev/fs/var\.tmp\)$' $TMP/devmap; then
if ! grep -q "^[^ ]\+[ ]\+/tmp[ ]" $TMP/fstab; then
- echo "/tmp /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> $TMP/fstab
+ echo "/tmp /tmp tmpfs defaults,nosuid,nodev 0 0" >> $TMP/fstab
@@ -444,6 +954,10 @@ function do_lilo {
# main
if [ $0 = "mkdisk" ] ; then setup_part && exit 0 ; exit 1 ;
@@ -464,132 +978,251 @@ while [ $# -ge 1 -a "$end" -ne 1 ] ; do
-while [ "$action" != "q" -a "$action" != "Q" ] ; do
+while [ -n "$action" ] ; do
- ROOTDEV=`mount | grep " on $ROOTDIR " | cut -f1 -d' '`
+ ROOTDEV=$(mount | grep " on $ROOTDIR " | cut -f1 -d' ')
- echo
- echo "Possible actions are :"
- echo "1: Run fdisk"
- echo "2: Setup filesystems"
- echo "3: Install packages"
- echo "4: Build running config"
- echo "5: Save built config for next reboot"
- echo "6: Run lilo"
- echo "7: Unmount all"
- echo "s: Shell"
- echo "q: Quit"
- ask "Select an action (1..7/s/q)" "$action"
- if [ "$REPLY" = "q" -o "$REPLY" = "Q" ] ; then break; fi
- if [ "$REPLY" = "s" -o "$REPLY" = "S" ] ; then (cd $SHELLDIR; pwd; sh -i); REPLY=$action; continue; fi
- action=`expr $REPLY + 1`
- if [ "$action" = 8 ] ; then action=q ; fi
- echo
- case $REPLY in
- 1)
+# echo
+# echo "Possible actions are :"
+# echo "1: Run fdisk"
+# echo "2: Setup filesystems"
+# echo "3: Install packages"
+# echo "4: Build running config"
+# echo "5: Save built config for next reboot"
+# echo "6: Run lilo"
+# echo "7: Unmount all"
+# echo "s: Shell"
+# echo "q: Quit"
+# ask "Select an action (1..7/s/q)" "$action"
+ menu_main $action
+ [ -z "$REPLY" ] && break
+ if [ "$REPLY" = "SHELL" ] ; then (cd $SHELLDIR; echo -n "Current directory : "; pwd; bash -i); REPLY=$action; continue; fi
+ case $REPLY in
# unmount previously mounted file-systems
- for part in $(grep " $ROOTDIR" /proc/mounts|awk '{print $2}'|sort -r); do umount $part; done
- for disk in $(list_disks); do
- sfdisk -l /dev/$disk
- yesno "Clear partition table for '/dev/$disk' (y/n)?" "n"
- if [ "$REPLY" = "y" ] ; then
- dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$disk bs=1024 count=1 > /dev/null 2>&1
- (echo o ; echo w ) | fdisk /dev/$disk > /dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- yesno "Run 'fdisk' for '/dev/$disk' (y/n)" "y"
- if [ "$REPLY" = "y" ] ; then
- fdisk /dev/$disk
- fi
- done
- ;;
- 2)
- setup_part
- ;;
- 3)
- cd /
- if [ "$ROOTDEV" != "" ] ; then
- ask "Packages directory, or files pattern ($PKGDIR, $PKGDIR/*.lst, *.prf, *.tgz)"$'\n'" " $PKGDIR ; PKGDIR="$REPLY"
- if [ -d "$PKGDIR" ]; then
- list=`cd $PKGDIR && ls *.prf *.lst *.tgz 2>/dev/null`
- else
- list=`basename "$PKGDIR"`
- PKGDIR=`dirname "$PKGDIR"`
- list=$(cd $PKGDIR && echo $list)
- fi
- echo "Package list :"; (cd $PKGDIR && ls $list); echo
- for pack in $list ; do
- ask "Install package '$pack' (y/n/./<other dest>) ?" "y"
- if [ "`echo $REPLY | cut -c1`" = "/" ] ; then INSTDIR=$REPLY ; fi
- if [ "$REPLY" = "." ]; then break; fi
- if [ "$REPLY" != "n" -a "$REPLY" != "N" ] ; then
- case "$pack" in
- *lst) cat $PKGDIR/$pack | xargs cp --target-directory=$ROOTDIR$INSTDIR -p --parents -d -R -x ;;
- *tgz) mkdir -p -m 0755 $ROOTDIR$INSTDIR && tar zpxf $PKGDIR/$pack -C $ROOTDIR$INSTDIR ;;
- *prf) flxextract -R $ROOTDIR$INSTDIR -i $PKGDIR/$pack ;;
- esac
- fi
- done
- check_directories || exit 1
- fi
- ;;
- 4)
- check_directories || exit 1
- if [ "$UPDATE_ONLY" != "n" -a "$UPDATE_ONLY" != "y" ]; then
- echo "Existing files can be REPLACED or UPDATED."
- yesno "Do you prefer to UPDATE existing files (y/n) ?" "y"
- fi
- setup_config $ROOTDIR
- echo "done."
- echo "New files have been written to /tmp/newconf/"
- echo "You can check them now by starting a shell."
- SHELLDIR=/tmp/newconf
- (cd $SHELLDIR ; ls -lart)
- ;;
- 5)
- echo "Saving config (.preinit, startup.rc, config.rc, fstab, lilo.conf, passwd)"
- apply_config $ROOTDIR
- echo "Saving config ... done."
- echo "Updating dynamic files (/etc/formilux/sig.dat, /etc/ld.so.cache) ... "
- ldconfig -r $ROOTDIR > /dev/null 2>&1
- for SYSTEMMAP in `echo $ROOTDIR/boot/System.map-*`; do
- KERNVER=${SYSTEMMAP#$ROOTDIR/boot/System.map-}
- chroot $ROOTDIR depmod -a -F /boot/System.map-$KERNVER $KERNVER
- done
- echo "Signing the filesystem... (this may take a while)"
- cd $ROOTDIR ; signfs -x `mount|grep -v ' type \(tmpfs\|ramfs\)'|grep "^/.* $ROOTDIR "| \
- sed "s@^.*$ROOTDIR\([^ ]*\) .*@.\1@"` > /etc/formilux/sig.dat
- echo "Updating dynamic files ... done."
- ;;
- 6)
- do_lilo
- ;;
- 7)
- cd /
- for mp in `grep "$ROOTDIR" /proc/mounts | cut -f2 -d' ' | sort -r` ; do
- umount -n $mp
+ #for part in $(grep " $ROOTDIR" /proc/mounts|awk '{print $2}'|sort -r); do umount $part; done
+ unmount_new_fs
+ detect_disks
+ REPLY=${names[0]}
+ while menu_harddisk $REPLY; do
+ disk=${REPLY##/dev/}
+ #sfdisk -l /dev/$disk
+ #yesno "Clear partition table for '/dev/$disk' (y/n)?" "n"
+ while { disk_read_part /dev/$disk ; menu_partition /dev/$disk $REPLY; } do
+ part=$REPLY
+ [ -z "$REPLY" ] && break
+ if [ "$REPLY" = "CLEAR" ] ; then
+ if menu_yesno "Warning !\n\nThis will erase the partition table for /dev/$disk.\nAll data will be lost.\n\nDo you still want to proceed ?" N; then
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/$disk bs=1024 count=1 > /dev/null 2>&1
+ (echo o ; echo w ) | fdisk /dev/$disk > /dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ elif [ "$REPLY" = "FDISK" ]; then
+ fdisk /dev/$disk
+ else
+ part=$REPLY
+ while menu_setupfs /dev/$part $REPLY; do
+ case "$REPLY" in
+ (cd $SHELLDIR; echo -n "Current directory : "; pwd; bash -i)
+ (grep -v "^/dev/$part " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null; echo "/dev/$part auto") >/tmp/fstype-
+ mv /tmp/fstype- /tmp/fstype
+ # goes automatically to default format
+ ;;
+ MNT)
+ menu_mount_point /dev/$part
+ # goes automatically to default format
+ ;;
+ mkswap /dev/$part
+ (grep -v "^/dev/$part " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null; echo "/dev/$part swap") >/tmp/fstype-
+ mv /tmp/fstype- /tmp/fstype
+ ;;
+ mkswap -c /dev/$part
+ (grep -v "^/dev/$part " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null; echo "/dev/$part swap") >/tmp/fstype-
+ mv /tmp/fstype- /tmp/fstype
+ ;;
+ EXT2S)
+ mke2fs -b 1024 -m 1 -s 1 /dev/$part
+ (grep -v "^/dev/$part " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null; echo "/dev/$part ext2") >/tmp/fstype-
+ mv /tmp/fstype- /tmp/fstype
+ ;;
+ EXT2L)
+ mke2fs -b 4096 -s 1 /dev/$part
+ (grep -v "^/dev/$part " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null; echo "/dev/$part ext2") >/tmp/fstype-
+ mv /tmp/fstype- /tmp/fstype
+ ;;
+ EXT3)
+ mke2fs -b 4096 -s 1 -j /dev/$part
+ (grep -v "^/dev/$part " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null; echo "/dev/$part ext3") >/tmp/fstype-
+ mv /tmp/fstype- /tmp/fstype
+ ;;
+ mkreiserfs -h r5 /dev/$part
+ (grep -v "^/dev/$part " /tmp/fstype 2>/dev/null; echo "/dev/$part reiserfs") >/tmp/fstype-
+ mv /tmp/fstype- /tmp/fstype
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # this is done to exit right after an mkfs
+ [ "$REPLY" = "EXIT" ] && break;
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ # things might have changed !
+ detect_disks
+ REPLY=/dev/$disk
+ # we now have to mount all these file systems
+ mount_new_fs
+ action=SOURCE
+ action=SOURCE
+ while menu_select_source; do
+ case "$REPLY" in
+ menu_select_cdrom && break;
+ ;;
+ menu_select_disk
+ ;;
+ NFS)
+ menu_select_nfs
+ ;;
+ DIR)
+ menu_select_dir
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ PKGDIR=$(readlink /var/flx-pkg 2>/dev/null)
+ [ -d "/var/flx-pkg/." ] && action=PKG
+ ;;
+ PKG)
+ cd /
+ if [ "$ROOTDEV" != "" ] ; then
+ #ask "Packages directory, or files pattern ($PKGDIR, $PKGDIR/*.lst, *.prf, *.tgz)"$'\n'" " $PKGDIR ; PKGDIR="$REPLY"
+ #if [ -d "$PKGDIR" ]; then
+ # list=`cd $PKGDIR && ls *.prf *.lst *.tgz 2>/dev/null`
+ #else
+ # list=`basename "$PKGDIR"`
+ # PKGDIR=`dirname "$PKGDIR"`
+ # list=$(cd $PKGDIR && echo $list)
+ #fi
+ menu_pkg_dir
+ list=( ); idx=0
+ for pack in $(shopt -s nullglob ; cd $PKGDIR && echo *.{prf,tgz}); do
+ list[idx++]=$pack
+ list[idx++]=""
+ if [ -z "${pack##[0-9][0-9][0-9]_*}" ]; then
+ # pre-selects every numbered package
+ list[idx++]="on"
+ else
+ list[idx++]="off"
+ fi
+ done
+ list=( $(dialog --title " Formilux Installation Utility " --no-shadow \
+ --checklist "Packages Selection\n\n Press <Space> to select/deselect a package.\n Press <Up>/<Down> to select an item.\n Press <Tab> to move between [OK] and [Cancel].\n Press <Enter> to install your selection." 24 80 12 "${list[@]}" 2>&1) )
+ # dialog returns quoted words
+ eval list=( "${list[@]}" )
+ [ ${#list[@]} -gt 0 ] || break
+ for pack in "${list[@]}" ; do
+ case "$pack" in
+ *tgz)
+ [ -d "$ROOTDIR" ] || mkdir -p -m 0755 $ROOTDIR
+ [ -d "$ROOTDIR/etc/formilux" ] || { mkdir -p -m 0750 $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux; chgrp adm $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux; }
+ echo "### begin $pack ###" >> $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux/install.log
+ tar zpvxf $PKGDIR/$pack -C $ROOTDIR >> $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux/install.log
+ echo "### end $pack ###" >> $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux/install.log
+ ;;
+ *prf)
+ [ -d "$ROOTDIR/etc/formilux" ] || { mkdir -p -m 0750 $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux; chgrp adm $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux; }
+ echo "### begin $pack ###" >> $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux/install.log
+ rm -f /tmp/${pack##*/}.log
+ flxextract -R $ROOTDIR -p $PKGDIR -i $PKGDIR/$pack -l /tmp/${pack##*/}.log
+ cat /tmp/${pack##*/}.log >> $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux/install.log
+ echo "### end $pack ###" >> $ROOTDIR/etc/formilux/install.log
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ check_directories || exit 1
+ action=CONFIG
+ else
+ action=PART
+ fi
+ ;;
+ check_directories || exit 1
+ if [ "$UPDATE_ONLY" != "n" -a "$UPDATE_ONLY" != "y" ]; then
+ echo "Existing files can be REPLACED or UPDATED."
+ yesno "Do you prefer to UPDATE existing files (y/n) ?" "y"
+ fi
+ setup_config $ROOTDIR
+ echo "done."
+ echo "New files have been written to /tmp/newconf/"
+ echo "You can check them now by starting a shell."
+ SHELLDIR=/tmp/newconf
+ (cd $SHELLDIR ; ls -lart)
+ action=SAVE
+ ;;
+ echo "Saving config (.preinit, startup.rc, config.rc, fstab, lilo.conf, passwd)"
+ apply_config $ROOTDIR
+ echo "Saving config ... done."
+ echo "Updating dynamic files (/etc/formilux/sig.dat, /etc/ld.so.cache) ... "
+ ldconfig -r $ROOTDIR > /dev/null 2>&1
+ for SYSTEMMAP in `echo $ROOTDIR/boot/System.map-*`; do
+ KERNVER=${SYSTEMMAP#$ROOTDIR/boot/System.map-}
+ chroot $ROOTDIR depmod -a -F /boot/System.map-$KERNVER $KERNVER
+ done
+ echo "Signing the filesystem... (this may take a while)"
+ cd $ROOTDIR ; signfs -x `mount|grep -v ' type \(tmpfs\|ramfs\)'|grep "^/.* $ROOTDIR "| \
+ sed "s@^.*$ROOTDIR\([^ ]*\) .*@.\1@"` > /etc/formilux/sig.dat
+ echo "Updating dynamic files ... done."
+ action=LILO
+ ;;
+ do_lilo
+ action=UNMOUNT
+ ;;
+ cd /
+ unmount_new_fs
+ umount -l /mnt/cdrom >/dev/null 2>&1
+ action=EXIT
+ ;;
- ;;
+ ;;