#ifndef __UTILS_H__
#define __UTILS_H__
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 8192
#define FILENAME_LENGTH 4096
#define MALLOC(size) ({ \
void *__var; \
if (!(__var = malloc(size))) { \
PFERROR("malloc(%d)", size); \
exit(2); \
} \
__var; \
#define CALLOC(nb, size) ({ \
void *__var; \
if (!(__var = calloc(nb, size))) { \
PFERROR("calloc(%d, %d)", nb, size); \
exit(2); \
} \
__var; \
#define FREE(ptr) free(ptr)
#define STRDUP(str) ({ \
char *__var; \
if (!(__var = strdup(str))) { \
PFERROR("strdup(%s)", str); \
exit(2); \
} \
__var; \
#define GET_UMASK() ({mode_t __mask = umask(0); umask(__mask); __mask; })
#define IS(v, f) (((v) & (f)) == (f))
#define SET(v, f) ((v) |= (f))
#define UNSET(v, f) ((v) &= ~(f))
#ifndef __USE_BSD
typedef unsigned int u_int;
typedef unsigned char u_char;
#define PFERROR(str...) PFERROR2(str, 0)
#define PFERROR2(str, p...) pferror("%s:%d: " str, __FILE__, __LINE__, ##p)
#define DEC2HEX(c) ({unsigned char __c=(c);(__c<10)?(__c+'0'):(__c-10+'a'); })
#define HEX2DEC(c) ({unsigned char __c=(c);('0'<=__c&&__c<='9')?(__c-'0'):\
(__c-'a'+10); })
#define flx_is_graph(x) ({int __c = (x); __c > 0x20 && __c < 0x7f && __c != '%' && __c != '\\' && __c != '$'; })
#ifdef MEM_OPTIM
* Returns a pointer to type <type> taken from the
* pool <pool_type> or dynamically allocated. In the
* first case, <pool_type> is updated to point to the
* next element in the list.
#define POOL_ALLOC(type) ({ \
void *p; \
if ((p = pool_##type) == NULL) \
p = malloc(sizeof(type)); \
else { \
pool_##type = *(void **)pool_##type; \
} \
p; \
* Puts a memory area back to the corresponding pool.
* Items are chained directly through a pointer that
* is written in the beginning of the memory area, so
* there's no need for any carrier cell. This implies
* that each memory area is at least as big as one
* pointer.
#define POOL_FREE(type, ptr) ({ \
*(void **)ptr = (void *)pool_##type; \
pool_##type = (void *)ptr; \
#define POOL_INIT(type) type *pool_##type = NULL
#define POOL_INIT_PROTO(type) extern type *pool_##type
#define POOL_ALLOC(type) (calloc(1,sizeof(type)));
#define POOL_FREE(type, ptr) (free(ptr));
#define POOL_INIT
#endif /* MEM_OPTIM */
typedef void *p2void[2];
/* initialise memory pool for list managing */
#define PUSH_STR_SORTED(ptr, str) (ptr = push_str_sorted(ptr, str))
/* unusable!!!
* #define SIMPLE_LIST_FOREACH(list, data, current, next) \
* for(current = list; \
* (next = SIMPLE_LIST_NEXT(current), data = SIMPLE_LIST_PTR(current), current); \
* current = next)
#define SIMPLE_LIST_FLUSH(list) ( { \
while (list) SIMPLE_LIST_POP(list); \
#define SIMPLE_LIST_NEXT(list) (*(((void**)(list))))
#define SIMPLE_LIST_PTR(list) (*(((void**)(list)) + 1))
#define SIMPLE_LIST_INIT() POOL_INIT(p2void)
#define SIMPLE_LIST_PUSH(list, elem) ( { \
void **__new; \
__new = POOL_ALLOC(p2void); \
__new[0] = (void*)(list); \
__new[1] = (void*)(elem); \
(list) = (void *)__new; \
#define SIMPLE_LIST_FILE(list, elem) ( { \
void **__next = list; \
if (!list) { \
__next = POOL_ALLOC(p2void); \
(list) = (void*)__next; \
} else { \
while (SIMPLE_LIST_NEXT(__next)) __next = SIMPLE_LIST_NEXT(__next); \
SIMPLE_LIST_NEXT(__next) = POOL_ALLOC(p2void); \
__next = SIMPLE_LIST_NEXT(__next); \
} \
__next[0] = NULL; \
__next[1] = (void*)(elem); \
} )
#define SIMPLE_LIST_POP(list) ( { \
void **__old = (void **)list, *__elem = NULL; \
if (list) { \
list = __old[0]; \
__elem = __old[1]; \
POOL_FREE(p2void, __old); \
} \
__elem ; \
#define LIST_CHAIN(pprev, pnew, pnext) ({ \
(pnew)->prev = pprev; \
(pnew)->next = pnext; \
(pnew)->prev->next = pnew; \
(pnew)->next->prev = pnew; \
#define LIST_UNCHAIN(pold) ({ \
(pold)->prev->next = (pold)->next; \
(pold)->next->prev = (pold)->prev; \
char *right(mode_t mode);
char *dirname(char *);
char *basename(char *);
int error(char *,...);
void warning(char *,...);
int fatal_error(char *,...);
int pferror(char *,...);
char *backslashed_strchr(char *s, char c);
char *backslashed_strmchr(char *s, char *mc);
char *backslashed_str(char *, char *toback);
void *push_str_sorted(void *ptr, char *str);
char *escape_str(char *s);
char *unescape_str(char *s);
#endif /* __UTILS_H__ */