#include <string.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include "flx.h"
/* cette fonction ajoute et place un chainon dans la chaine t_file_tree (brother)
* le pointeur pfilename est le pointeur à utiliser pour le nom, attention
* aux allocations (il n'est pas logique qu'il contienne un '/'
* elle retourne un pointeur sur le nouveau chainon
t_ft *ft_add(t_ft *base, char *pfilename, void *(*fct_init_desc)(), void *data) {
t_ft *new;
int ret = 1;
/* base initialisation */
if (!pfilename || !base) {
new = POOL_ALLOC(t_file_tree);
new->prev = new->next = new;
/* be the root dir */
new->parent = (!base) ? new : base;
new->filename = NULL;
new->desc = fct_init_desc ? fct_init_desc(data) : NULL;
new->subtree = NULL;
new->status = BASE;
return (new);
/* possibly pass first element */
if (!base->filename) base = base->next;
/* find best place */
while (base->filename && (ret = strcmp(pfilename, base->filename)) > 0)
base = base->next;
/* already exist */
if (ret == 0) return (base);
/* create new element and fill it */
new = POOL_ALLOC(t_file_tree);
/* data */
new->status = 0;
new->desc = NULL;
new->filename = pfilename;
/* description pointer initialization */
new->desc = fct_init_desc ? fct_init_desc(data) : NULL;
/* parent is the same for each soon, or be root dir */
new->parent = (!base->parent) ? new : base->parent;
/* special traitment for '.' and '..' */
new->subtree = NULL;
if (base && base->parent && IS_DOT(pfilename))
new->subtree = base->parent->subtree;
if (base && base->parent && base->parent->parent && IS_DOTDOT(pfilename))
new->subtree = base->parent->parent->subtree;
/* place at the before current base */
LIST_CHAIN(base->prev, new, base);
return (new);
/* cette fonction supprime un chainon dans une chaine t_file_tree
* elle retourne le pointeur sur le chainon précédent
t_ft *ft_del(t_ft *old, void (*fct_free_desc)(void *data, void *desc), void *data) {
t_ft *prev;
prev = LIST_UNCHAIN(old);
if (old->filename) FREE(old->filename);
if (old->desc) {
if (fct_free_desc) fct_free_desc(data, old->desc);
// else warning("Possibly unfree memory");
if (old->subtree && !IS_PDOTF(old)) {
t_ft *c;
for (c = old->subtree->next; c != old->subtree; c = c->next)
c = ft_del(c, fct_free_desc, data);
POOL_FREE(t_file_tree, old->subtree);
POOL_FREE(t_file_tree, old);
return (prev);
/* return (and build) tree structure for matching path */
/* path : directory to search (and create)
* tree : current directories structure
* (return) : pointer to a new base tree
t_ft *ft_get(t_ft *tree, char *path) {
char tfilename[BUFFER_LENGTH];
char *beginpath;
int len;
/* no more subtree, break to current */
while (path && *path) {
/* the first level path filename */
beginpath = path;
if ((path = strchr(beginpath, '/'))) path++;
len = (path ? (path - beginpath - 1) : strlen(beginpath));
/* put filename in buffer */
strncpy(tfilename, beginpath, len); tfilename[len] = 0;
/* want subdir but don't exist, should create */
if (!tree->subtree) tree->subtree = NEWDIR(tree);
/* get it in current directory */
tree = ft_add(tree->subtree, tfilename, NULL, NULL);
/* new entry, allocate memory for filename */
if (tree->filename == tfilename)
tree->filename = strdup(tree->filename);
return (tree);