path: root/src/liblzma/subblock/subblock_encoder.c
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diff --git a/src/liblzma/subblock/subblock_encoder.c b/src/liblzma/subblock/subblock_encoder.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f71f99c..00000000
--- a/src/liblzma/subblock/subblock_encoder.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,984 +0,0 @@
-/// \file subblock_encoder.c
-/// \brief Encoder of the Subblock filter
-// Author: Lasse Collin
-// This file has been put into the public domain.
-// You can do whatever you want with this file.
-#include "subblock_encoder.h"
-#include "filter_encoder.h"
-/// Maximum number of repeats that a single Repeating Data can indicate.
-/// This is directly from the file format specification.
-#define REPEAT_COUNT_MAX (1U << 28)
-/// Number of bytes the data chunk (not including the header part) must be
-/// before we care about alignment. This is somewhat arbitrary. It just
-/// doesn't make sense to waste bytes for alignment when the data chunk
-/// is very small.
-/// Number of bytes of the header part of Subblock Type `Data'. This is
-/// used as the `skew' argument for subblock_align().
-#define ALIGN_SKEW_DATA 4
-/// Like above but for Repeating Data.
-/// Writes one byte to output buffer and updates the alignment counter.
-#define write_byte(b) \
-do { \
- assert(*out_pos < out_size); \
- out[*out_pos] = b; \
- ++*out_pos; \
- ++coder->alignment.out_pos; \
-} while (0)
-struct lzma_coder_s {
- lzma_next_coder next;
- bool next_finished;
- enum {
- } sequence;
- /// Pointer to the options given by the application. This is used
- /// for two-way communication with the application.
- lzma_options_subblock *options;
- /// Position in various arrays.
- size_t pos;
- /// Holds subblock.size - 1 or rle.size - 1 when encoding size
- /// of Data or Repeat Count.
- uint32_t tmp;
- struct {
- /// This is a copy of options->alignment, or
- uint32_t multiple;
- /// Number of input bytes which we have processed and started
- /// writing out. 32-bit integer is enough since we care only
- /// about the lowest bits when fixing alignment.
- uint32_t in_pos;
- /// Number of bytes written out.
- uint32_t out_pos;
- } alignment;
- struct {
- /// Pointer to allocated buffer holding the Data field
- /// of Subblock Type "Data".
- uint8_t *data;
- /// Number of bytes in the buffer.
- size_t size;
- /// Allocated size of the buffer.
- size_t limit;
- /// Number of input bytes that we have already read but
- /// not yet started writing out. This can be different
- /// to `size' when using Subfilter. That's why we track
- /// in_pending separately for RLE (see below).
- uint32_t in_pending;
- } subblock;
- struct {
- /// Buffer to hold the data that may be coded with
- /// Subblock Type `Repeating Data'.
- uint8_t buffer[LZMA_SUBBLOCK_RLE_MAX];
- /// Number of bytes in buffer[].
- size_t size;
- /// Number of times the first `size' bytes of buffer[]
- /// will be repeated.
- uint64_t count;
- /// Like subblock.in_pending above, but for RLE.
- uint32_t in_pending;
- } rle;
- struct {
- enum {
- } mode;
- /// This is a copy of options->allow_subfilters. We use
- /// this to verify that the application doesn't change
- /// the value of allow_subfilters.
- bool allow;
- /// When this is true, application is not allowed to modify
- /// options->subblock_mode. We may still modify it here.
- bool mode_locked;
- /// True if we have encoded at least one byte of data with
- /// the Subfilter.
- bool got_input;
- /// Track the amount of input available once
- /// LZMA_SUBFILTER_FINISH has been enabled.
- /// This is needed for sanity checking (kind
- /// of duplicating what common/code.c does).
- size_t in_avail;
- /// Buffer for the Filter Flags field written after
- /// the `Set Subfilter' indicator.
- uint8_t *flags;
- /// Size of Filter Flags field.
- uint32_t flags_size;
- /// Pointers to Subfilter.
- lzma_next_coder subcoder;
- } subfilter;
- /// Temporary buffer used when we are not the last filter in the chain.
- struct {
- size_t pos;
- size_t size;
- uint8_t buffer[LZMA_BUFFER_SIZE];
- } temp;
-/// \brief Aligns the output buffer
-/// Aligns the output buffer so that after skew bytes the output position is
-/// a multiple of coder->alignment.multiple.
-static bool
-subblock_align(lzma_coder *coder, uint8_t *restrict out,
- size_t *restrict out_pos, size_t out_size,
- size_t chunk_size, uint32_t skew)
- assert(*out_pos < out_size);
- // Fix the alignment only if it makes sense at least a little.
- if (chunk_size >= MIN_CHUNK_SIZE_FOR_ALIGN) {
- const uint32_t target = coder->alignment.in_pos
- % coder->alignment.multiple;
- while ((coder->alignment.out_pos + skew)
- % coder->alignment.multiple != target) {
- // Zero indicates padding.
- write_byte(0x00);
- // Check if output buffer got full and indicate it to
- // the caller.
- if (*out_pos == out_size)
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Output buffer is not full.
- return false;
-/// \brief Checks if buffer contains repeated data
-/// \param needle Buffer containing a single repeat chunk
-/// \param needle_size Size of needle in bytes
-/// \param buf Buffer to search for repeated needles
-/// \param buf_chunks Buffer size is buf_chunks * needle_size.
-/// \return True if the whole buf is filled with repeated needles.
-static bool
-is_repeating(const uint8_t *restrict needle, size_t needle_size,
- const uint8_t *restrict buf, size_t buf_chunks)
- while (buf_chunks-- != 0) {
- if (memcmp(buf, needle, needle_size) != 0)
- return false;
- buf += needle_size;
- }
- return true;
-/// \brief Optimizes the repeating style and updates coder->sequence
-static void
-subblock_rle_flush(lzma_coder *coder)
- // The Subblock decoder can use memset() when the size of the data
- // being repeated is one byte, so we check if the RLE buffer is
- // filled with a single repeating byte.
- if (coder->rle.size > 1) {
- const uint8_t b = coder->rle.buffer[0];
- size_t i = 0;
- while (true) {
- if (coder->rle.buffer[i] != b)
- break;
- if (++i == coder->rle.size) {
- // TODO Integer overflow check maybe,
- // although this needs at least 2**63 bytes
- // of input until it gets triggered...
- coder->rle.count *= coder->rle.size;
- coder->rle.size = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (coder->rle.count == 1) {
- // The buffer should be repeated only once. It is
- // waste of space to use Repeating Data. Instead,
- // write a regular Data Subblock. See SEQ_RLE_COUNT_0
- // in subblock_buffer() for more info.
- coder->tmp = coder->rle.size - 1;
- } else if (coder->rle.count > REPEAT_COUNT_MAX) {
- // There's so much to repeat that it doesn't fit into
- // 28-bit integer. We will write two or more Subblocks
- // of type Repeating Data.
- coder->tmp = REPEAT_COUNT_MAX - 1;
- } else {
- coder->tmp = coder->rle.count - 1;
- }
- coder->sequence = SEQ_RLE_COUNT_0;
- return;
-/// \brief Resizes coder->subblock.data for a new size limit
-static lzma_ret
-subblock_data_size(lzma_coder *coder, lzma_allocator *allocator,
- size_t new_limit)
- // Verify that the new limit is valid.
- // Ff the new limit is different than the previous one, we need
- // to reallocate the data buffer.
- if (new_limit != coder->subblock.limit) {
- lzma_free(coder->subblock.data, allocator);
- coder->subblock.data = lzma_alloc(new_limit, allocator);
- if (coder->subblock.data == NULL)
- return LZMA_MEM_ERROR;
- }
- coder->subblock.limit = new_limit;
- return LZMA_OK;
-static lzma_ret
-subblock_buffer(lzma_coder *coder, lzma_allocator *allocator,
- const uint8_t *restrict in, size_t *restrict in_pos,
- size_t in_size, uint8_t *restrict out,
- size_t *restrict out_pos, size_t out_size, lzma_action action)
- // Changing allow_subfilter is not allowed.
- if (coder->options != NULL && coder->subfilter.allow
- != coder->options->allow_subfilters)
- // Check if we need to do something special with the Subfilter.
- if (coder->subfilter.allow) {
- assert(coder->options != NULL);
- // See if subfilter_mode has been changed.
- switch (coder->options->subfilter_mode) {
- if (coder->subfilter.mode != SUB_NONE)
- break;
- if (coder->subfilter.mode_locked
- || coder->subfilter.mode != SUB_NONE)
- coder->subfilter.mode = SUB_SET;
- coder->subfilter.got_input = false;
- if (coder->sequence == SEQ_FILL)
- coder->sequence = SEQ_FLUSH;
- break;
- if (coder->subfilter.mode != SUB_RUN)
- break;
- const size_t in_avail = in_size - *in_pos;
- if (coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_RUN) {
- if (coder->subfilter.mode_locked)
- coder->subfilter.mode = SUB_FINISH;
- coder->subfilter.in_avail = in_avail;
- } else if (coder->subfilter.mode != SUB_FINISH
- || coder->subfilter.in_avail
- != in_avail) {
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- }
- // If we are sync-flushing or finishing, the application may
- // no longer change subfilter_mode. Note that this check is
- // done after checking the new subfilter_mode above; this
- // way the application may e.g. set LZMA_SUBFILTER_SET and
- // LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH at the same time, but it cannot modify
- // subfilter_mode on the later lzma_code() calls before
- // we have returned LZMA_STREAM_END.
- if (action != LZMA_RUN)
- coder->subfilter.mode_locked = true;
- }
- // Main loop
- while (*out_pos < out_size)
- switch (coder->sequence) {
- case SEQ_FILL:
- // Grab the new Subblock Data Size and reallocate the buffer.
- if (coder->subblock.size == 0 && coder->options != NULL
- && coder->options->subblock_data_size
- != coder->subblock.limit)
- return_if_error(subblock_data_size(coder,
- allocator, coder->options
- ->subblock_data_size));
- if (coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_NONE) {
- assert(coder->subfilter.subcoder.code == NULL);
- // No Subfilter is enabled, just copy the data as is.
- coder->subblock.in_pending += lzma_bufcpy(
- in, in_pos, in_size,
- coder->subblock.data,
- &coder->subblock.size,
- coder->subblock.limit);
- // If we ran out of input before the whole buffer
- // was filled, return to application.
- if (coder->subblock.size < coder->subblock.limit
- && action == LZMA_RUN)
- return LZMA_OK;
- } else {
- assert(coder->options->subfilter_mode
- // Using LZMA_FINISH automatically toggles
- //
- // NOTE: It is possible that application had set
- // time. In that case it is possible that we will
- // and back to LZMA_SUBFILTER_NONE in a single
- // Subblock encoder function call.
- if (action == LZMA_FINISH) {
- coder->options->subfilter_mode
- coder->subfilter.mode = SUB_FINISH;
- }
- const size_t in_start = *in_pos;
- const lzma_ret ret = coder->subfilter.subcoder.code(
- coder->subfilter.subcoder.coder,
- allocator, in, in_pos, in_size,
- coder->subblock.data,
- &coder->subblock.size,
- coder->subblock.limit,
- coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_FINISH
- ? LZMA_FINISH : action);
- const size_t in_used = *in_pos - in_start;
- coder->subblock.in_pending += in_used;
- if (in_used > 0)
- coder->subfilter.got_input = true;
- coder->subfilter.in_avail = in_size - *in_pos;
- if (ret == LZMA_STREAM_END) {
- // All currently available input must have
- // been processed.
- assert(*in_pos == in_size);
- // Flush now. Even if coder->subblock.size
- // happened to be zero, we still need to go
- // to SEQ_FLUSH to possibly finish RLE or
- // write the Subfilter Unset indicator.
- coder->sequence = SEQ_FLUSH;
- if (coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_RUN) {
- // Flushing with Subfilter enabled.
- assert(action == LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH);
- coder->subfilter.mode = SUB_FLUSH;
- break;
- }
- // Subfilter finished its job.
- assert(coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_FINISH
- || action == LZMA_FINISH);
- // At least one byte of input must have been
- // encoded with the Subfilter. This is
- // required by the file format specification.
- if (!coder->subfilter.got_input)
- // We don't strictly need to do this, but
- // doing it sounds like a good idea, because
- // otherwise the Subfilter's memory could be
- // left allocated for long time, and would
- // just waste memory.
- lzma_next_end(&coder->subfilter.subcoder,
- allocator);
- // We need to flush the currently buffered
- // data and write Unset Subfilter marker.
- // Note that we cannot set
- // coder->options->subfilter_mode to
- // LZMA_SUBFILTER_NONE yet, because we
- // haven't written the Unset Subfilter
- // marker yet.
- coder->subfilter.mode = SUB_END_MARKER;
- coder->sequence = SEQ_FLUSH;
- break;
- }
- // Return if we couldn't fill the buffer or
- // if an error occurred.
- if (coder->subblock.size < coder->subblock.limit
- || ret != LZMA_OK)
- return ret;
- }
- coder->sequence = SEQ_FLUSH;
- // SEQ_FILL doesn't produce any output so falling through
- // to SEQ_FLUSH is safe.
- assert(*out_pos < out_size);
- // Fall through
- case SEQ_FLUSH:
- if (coder->options != NULL) {
- // Update the alignment variable.
- coder->alignment.multiple = coder->options->alignment;
- if (coder->alignment.multiple
- || coder->alignment.multiple
- // Run-length encoder
- //
- // First check if there is some data pending and we
- // have an obvious need to flush it immediately.
- if (coder->rle.count > 0
- && (coder->rle.size
- != coder->options->rle
- || coder->subblock.size
- % coder->rle.size)) {
- subblock_rle_flush(coder);
- break;
- }
- // Grab the (possibly new) RLE chunk size and
- // validate it.
- coder->rle.size = coder->options->rle;
- if (coder->rle.size > LZMA_SUBBLOCK_RLE_MAX)
- if (coder->subblock.size != 0
- && coder->rle.size
- && coder->subblock.size
- % coder->rle.size == 0) {
- // Initialize coder->rle.buffer if we don't
- // have RLE already running.
- if (coder->rle.count == 0)
- memcpy(coder->rle.buffer,
- coder->subblock.data,
- coder->rle.size);
- // Test if coder->subblock.data is repeating.
- // If coder->rle.count would overflow, we
- // force flushing. Forced flushing shouldn't
- // really happen in real-world situations.
- const size_t count = coder->subblock.size
- / coder->rle.size;
- if (UINT64_MAX - count > coder->rle.count
- && is_repeating(
- coder->rle.buffer,
- coder->rle.size,
- coder->subblock.data,
- count)) {
- coder->rle.count += count;
- coder->rle.in_pending += coder
- ->subblock.in_pending;
- coder->subblock.in_pending = 0;
- coder->subblock.size = 0;
- } else if (coder->rle.count > 0) {
- // It's not repeating or at least not
- // with the same byte sequence as the
- // earlier Subblock Data buffers. We
- // have some data pending in the RLE
- // buffer already, so do a flush.
- // Once flushed, we will check again
- // if the Subblock Data happens to
- // contain a different repeating
- // sequence.
- subblock_rle_flush(coder);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // If we now have some data left in coder->subblock, the RLE
- // buffer is empty and we must write a regular Subblock Data.
- if (coder->subblock.size > 0) {
- assert(coder->rle.count == 0);
- coder->tmp = coder->subblock.size - 1;
- coder->sequence = SEQ_DATA_SIZE_0;
- break;
- }
- // Check if we should enable Subfilter.
- if (coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_SET) {
- if (coder->rle.count > 0)
- subblock_rle_flush(coder);
- else
- coder->sequence = SEQ_SUBFILTER_INIT;
- break;
- }
- // Check if we have just finished Subfiltering.
- if (coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_END_MARKER) {
- if (coder->rle.count > 0) {
- subblock_rle_flush(coder);
- break;
- }
- coder->options->subfilter_mode = LZMA_SUBFILTER_NONE;
- coder->subfilter.mode = SUB_NONE;
- write_byte(0x50);
- if (*out_pos == out_size)
- return LZMA_OK;
- }
- // Check if we have already written everything.
- if (action != LZMA_RUN && *in_pos == in_size
- && (coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_NONE
- || coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_FLUSH)) {
- if (coder->rle.count > 0) {
- subblock_rle_flush(coder);
- break;
- }
- if (action == LZMA_SYNC_FLUSH) {
- if (coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_FLUSH)
- coder->subfilter.mode = SUB_RUN;
- coder->subfilter.mode_locked = false;
- coder->sequence = SEQ_FILL;
- } else {
- assert(action == LZMA_FINISH);
- // Write EOPM.
- // NOTE: No need to use write_byte() here
- // since we are finishing.
- out[*out_pos] = 0x10;
- ++*out_pos;
- }
- }
- // Otherwise we have more work to do.
- coder->sequence = SEQ_FILL;
- break;
- case SEQ_RLE_COUNT_0:
- assert(coder->rle.count > 0);
- if (coder->rle.count == 1) {
- // The buffer should be repeated only once. Fix
- // the alignment and write the first byte of
- // Subblock Type `Data'.
- if (subblock_align(coder, out, out_pos, out_size,
- coder->rle.size, ALIGN_SKEW_DATA))
- return LZMA_OK;
- write_byte(0x20 | (coder->tmp & 0x0F));
- } else {
- // We have something to actually repeat, which should
- // mean that it takes less space with run-length
- // encoding.
- if (subblock_align(coder, out, out_pos, out_size,
- coder->rle.size,
- return LZMA_OK;
- write_byte(0x30 | (coder->tmp & 0x0F));
- }
- // NOTE: If we have to write more than one Repeating Data
- // due to rle.count > REPEAT_COUNT_MAX, the subsequent
- // Repeating Data Subblocks may get wrong alignment, because
- // we add rle.in_pending to alignment.in_pos at once instead
- // of adding only as much as this particular Repeating Data
- // consumed input data. Correct alignment is always restored
- // after all the required Repeating Data Subblocks have been
- // written. This problem occurs in such a weird cases that
- // it's not worth fixing.
- coder->alignment.out_pos += coder->rle.size;
- coder->alignment.in_pos += coder->rle.in_pending;
- coder->rle.in_pending = 0;
- coder->sequence = SEQ_RLE_COUNT_1;
- break;
- case SEQ_RLE_COUNT_1:
- write_byte(coder->tmp >> 4);
- coder->sequence = SEQ_RLE_COUNT_2;
- break;
- case SEQ_RLE_COUNT_2:
- write_byte(coder->tmp >> 12);
- coder->sequence = SEQ_RLE_COUNT_3;
- break;
- case SEQ_RLE_COUNT_3:
- write_byte(coder->tmp >> 20);
- // Again, see if we are writing regular Data or Repeating Data.
- // In the former case, we skip SEQ_RLE_SIZE.
- if (coder->rle.count == 1)
- coder->sequence = SEQ_RLE_DATA;
- else
- coder->sequence = SEQ_RLE_SIZE;
- if (coder->rle.count > REPEAT_COUNT_MAX)
- coder->rle.count -= REPEAT_COUNT_MAX;
- else
- coder->rle.count = 0;
- break;
- case SEQ_RLE_SIZE:
- assert(coder->rle.size >= LZMA_SUBBLOCK_RLE_MIN);
- assert(coder->rle.size <= LZMA_SUBBLOCK_RLE_MAX);
- write_byte(coder->rle.size - 1);
- coder->sequence = SEQ_RLE_DATA;
- break;
- case SEQ_RLE_DATA:
- lzma_bufcpy(coder->rle.buffer, &coder->pos, coder->rle.size,
- out, out_pos, out_size);
- if (coder->pos < coder->rle.size)
- return LZMA_OK;
- coder->pos = 0;
- coder->sequence = SEQ_FLUSH;
- break;
- case SEQ_DATA_SIZE_0:
- // We need four bytes for the Size field.
- if (subblock_align(coder, out, out_pos, out_size,
- coder->subblock.size, ALIGN_SKEW_DATA))
- return LZMA_OK;
- coder->alignment.out_pos += coder->subblock.size;
- coder->alignment.in_pos += coder->subblock.in_pending;
- coder->subblock.in_pending = 0;
- write_byte(0x20 | (coder->tmp & 0x0F));
- coder->sequence = SEQ_DATA_SIZE_1;
- break;
- case SEQ_DATA_SIZE_1:
- write_byte(coder->tmp >> 4);
- coder->sequence = SEQ_DATA_SIZE_2;
- break;
- case SEQ_DATA_SIZE_2:
- write_byte(coder->tmp >> 12);
- coder->sequence = SEQ_DATA_SIZE_3;
- break;
- case SEQ_DATA_SIZE_3:
- write_byte(coder->tmp >> 20);
- coder->sequence = SEQ_DATA;
- break;
- case SEQ_DATA:
- lzma_bufcpy(coder->subblock.data, &coder->pos,
- coder->subblock.size, out, out_pos, out_size);
- if (coder->pos < coder->subblock.size)
- return LZMA_OK;
- coder->subblock.size = 0;
- coder->pos = 0;
- coder->sequence = SEQ_FLUSH;
- break;
- assert(coder->subblock.size == 0);
- assert(coder->subblock.in_pending == 0);
- assert(coder->rle.count == 0);
- assert(coder->rle.in_pending == 0);
- assert(coder->subfilter.mode == SUB_SET);
- assert(coder->options != NULL);
- // There must be a filter specified.
- if (coder->options->subfilter_options.id == LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN)
- // Initialize a raw encoder to work as a Subfilter.
- lzma_filter options[2];
- options[0] = coder->options->subfilter_options;
- options[1].id = LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN;
- return_if_error(lzma_raw_encoder_init(
- &coder->subfilter.subcoder, allocator,
- options));
- // Encode the Filter Flags field into a buffer. This should
- // never fail since we have already successfully initialized
- // the Subfilter itself. Check it still, and return
- // LZMA_PROG_ERROR instead of whatever the ret would say.
- lzma_ret ret = lzma_filter_flags_size(
- &coder->subfilter.flags_size, options);
- assert(ret == LZMA_OK);
- if (ret != LZMA_OK)
- coder->subfilter.flags = lzma_alloc(
- coder->subfilter.flags_size, allocator);
- if (coder->subfilter.flags == NULL)
- return LZMA_MEM_ERROR;
- // Now we have a big-enough buffer. Encode the Filter Flags.
- // Like above, this should never fail.
- size_t dummy = 0;
- ret = lzma_filter_flags_encode(options, coder->subfilter.flags,
- &dummy, coder->subfilter.flags_size);
- assert(ret == LZMA_OK);
- assert(dummy == coder->subfilter.flags_size);
- if (ret != LZMA_OK || dummy != coder->subfilter.flags_size)
- // Write a Subblock indicating a new Subfilter.
- write_byte(0x40);
- coder->options->subfilter_mode = LZMA_SUBFILTER_RUN;
- coder->subfilter.mode = SUB_RUN;
- coder->alignment.out_pos += coder->subfilter.flags_size;
- coder->sequence = SEQ_SUBFILTER_FLAGS;
- // It is safe to fall through because SEQ_SUBFILTER_FLAGS
- // uses lzma_bufcpy() which doesn't write unless there is
- // output space.
- }
- // Fall through
- // Copy the Filter Flags to the output stream.
- lzma_bufcpy(coder->subfilter.flags, &coder->pos,
- coder->subfilter.flags_size,
- out, out_pos, out_size);
- if (coder->pos < coder->subfilter.flags_size)
- return LZMA_OK;
- lzma_free(coder->subfilter.flags, allocator);
- coder->subfilter.flags = NULL;
- coder->pos = 0;
- coder->sequence = SEQ_FILL;
- break;
- default:
- }
- return LZMA_OK;
-static lzma_ret
-subblock_encode(lzma_coder *coder, lzma_allocator *allocator,
- const uint8_t *restrict in, size_t *restrict in_pos,
- size_t in_size, uint8_t *restrict out,
- size_t *restrict out_pos, size_t out_size, lzma_action action)
- if (coder->next.code == NULL)
- return subblock_buffer(coder, allocator, in, in_pos, in_size,
- out, out_pos, out_size, action);
- while (*out_pos < out_size
- && (*in_pos < in_size || action != LZMA_RUN)) {
- if (!coder->next_finished
- && coder->temp.pos == coder->temp.size) {
- coder->temp.pos = 0;
- coder->temp.size = 0;
- const lzma_ret ret = coder->next.code(coder->next.coder,
- allocator, in, in_pos, in_size,
- coder->temp.buffer, &coder->temp.size,
- LZMA_BUFFER_SIZE, action);
- if (ret == LZMA_STREAM_END) {
- assert(action != LZMA_RUN);
- coder->next_finished = true;
- } else if (coder->temp.size == 0 || ret != LZMA_OK) {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- const lzma_ret ret = subblock_buffer(coder, allocator,
- coder->temp.buffer, &coder->temp.pos,
- coder->temp.size, out, out_pos, out_size,
- coder->next_finished ? LZMA_FINISH : LZMA_RUN);
- if (ret == LZMA_STREAM_END) {
- assert(action != LZMA_RUN);
- assert(coder->next_finished);
- }
- if (ret != LZMA_OK)
- return ret;
- }
- return LZMA_OK;
-static void
-subblock_encoder_end(lzma_coder *coder, lzma_allocator *allocator)
- lzma_next_end(&coder->next, allocator);
- lzma_next_end(&coder->subfilter.subcoder, allocator);
- lzma_free(coder->subblock.data, allocator);
- lzma_free(coder->subfilter.flags, allocator);
- lzma_free(coder, allocator);
- return;
-extern lzma_ret
-lzma_subblock_encoder_init(lzma_next_coder *next, lzma_allocator *allocator,
- const lzma_filter_info *filters)
- if (next->coder == NULL) {
- next->coder = lzma_alloc(sizeof(lzma_coder), allocator);
- if (next->coder == NULL)
- return LZMA_MEM_ERROR;
- next->code = &subblock_encode;
- next->end = &subblock_encoder_end;
- next->coder->next = LZMA_NEXT_CODER_INIT;
- next->coder->subblock.data = NULL;
- next->coder->subblock.limit = 0;
- next->coder->subfilter.subcoder = LZMA_NEXT_CODER_INIT;
- } else {
- lzma_next_end(&next->coder->subfilter.subcoder,
- allocator);
- lzma_free(next->coder->subfilter.flags, allocator);
- }
- next->coder->subfilter.flags = NULL;
- next->coder->next_finished = false;
- next->coder->sequence = SEQ_FILL;
- next->coder->options = filters[0].options;
- next->coder->pos = 0;
- next->coder->alignment.in_pos = 0;
- next->coder->alignment.out_pos = 0;
- next->coder->subblock.size = 0;
- next->coder->subblock.in_pending = 0;
- next->coder->rle.count = 0;
- next->coder->rle.in_pending = 0;
- next->coder->subfilter.mode = SUB_NONE;
- next->coder->subfilter.mode_locked = false;
- next->coder->temp.pos = 0;
- next->coder->temp.size = 0;
- // Grab some values from the options structure if it is available.
- size_t subblock_size_limit;
- if (next->coder->options != NULL) {
- if (next->coder->options->alignment
- || next->coder->options->alignment
- subblock_encoder_end(next->coder, allocator);
- }
- next->coder->alignment.multiple
- = next->coder->options->alignment;
- next->coder->subfilter.allow
- = next->coder->options->allow_subfilters;
- subblock_size_limit = next->coder->options->subblock_data_size;
- } else {
- next->coder->alignment.multiple
- next->coder->subfilter.allow = false;
- subblock_size_limit = LZMA_SUBBLOCK_DATA_SIZE_DEFAULT;
- }
- return_if_error(subblock_data_size(next->coder, allocator,
- subblock_size_limit));
- return lzma_next_filter_init(
- &next->coder->next, allocator, filters + 1);