path: root/.github/workflows/ci.yml
blob: 19391ec465819fb5d96a6569b9a13b56401d6e67 (plain) (tree)































# Author: Jia Tan
# This file has been put into the public domain.
# You can do whatever you want with this file.

name: CI

  # Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch
    branches: [ master ]
    branches: [ master ]

  # Allows running workflow manually

  # When CMake can support disabling check types and
  # encoders/decoders/threads, it will be combined to one Linux job
  # and another matrix list.
    # Just run on latest ubuntu
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake build-essential po4a autopoint gcc-multilib

      # -b specifies the build system to use.
      # -p specifies the phase (build or test) to help narrow down an error
      #    if one occurs.
      # Start with the 32-bit build because the autoconf cache must be reset
      # after the build because the 32-bit build sets the CFLAGS env variable.
      # By starting with the 32-bit build, we only have to clear the
      # cache once.
      - name: Build 32-bit
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -p build -f "-m32"
      - name: Test 32-bit
        run: |
            ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -p test -f "-m32" -n 32_bit
            cd ../xz_build && make distclean

      - name: Build with full features
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -p build
      - name: Test with full features
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -p test -n full_features

      - name: Build without encoders
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d encoders,shared -p build
      - name: Test without encoders
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d encoders,shared -p test -n no_encoders

      - name: Build without decoders
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d decoders,shared -p build
      - name: Test without decoders
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d decoders,shared -p test -n no_decoders

      - name: Build without threads
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d threads,shared -p build
      - name: Test without threads
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d threads,shared -p test -n no_threads

      - name: Build without BCJ filters
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d bcj,shared,nls -p build
      - name: Test without BCJ filters
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d bcj,shared,nls -p test -n no_bcj

      - name: Build without Delta filters
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d delta,shared,nls -p build
      - name: Test without Delta filters
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d delta,shared,nls -p test -n no_delta

      - name: Build without sha256 check
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -c crc32,crc64 -d shared,nls -p build
      - name: Test without sha256 check
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -c crc32,crc64 -d shared,nls -p test -n no_sha256

      - name: Build without crc64 check
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -c crc32,sha256 -d shared,nls -p build
      - name: Test without crc64 check
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -c crc32,sha256 -d shared,nls -p test -n no_crc64

      # Attempt to upload the test logs as artifacts if any step has failed
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        if: ${{ failure() }}
          name: Linux Autotools Test Logs
          path: build-aux/artifacts

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: sudo apt-get install -y build-essential cmake
      - name: Build
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b cmake -p build
      - name: Test
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b cmake -p test
      # Attempt to upload the test logs as artifacts if any step has failed
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        if: ${{ failure() }}
          name: Linux CMake Test Logs
          path: build-aux/artifacts

    runs-on: macos-latest
      # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: brew install autoconf automake libtool po4a

      - name: Build with full features
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -p build
      - name: Test with full features
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -p test -n full_features

      - name: Build without encoders
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d encoders,shared -p build
      - name: Test without encoders
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d encoders,shared -p test -n no_encoders

      - name: Build without decoders
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d decoders,shared -p build
      - name: Test without decoders
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d decoders,shared -p test -n no_decoders

      - name: Build without threads
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d threads,shared -p build
      - name: Test without threads
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d threads,shared -p test -n no_threads

      - name: Build without BCJ filters
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d bcj,shared,nls -p build
      - name: Test without BCJ filters
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d bcj,shared,nls -p test -n no_bcj

      - name: Build without Delta filters
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d delta,shared,nls -p build
      - name: Test without Delta filters
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -d delta,shared,nls -p test -n no_delta

      - name: Build without sha256 check
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -c crc32,crc64 -d shared,nls -p build
      - name: Test without sha256 check
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -c crc32,crc64 -d shared,nls -p test -n no_sha256

      - name: Build without crc64 check
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -c crc32,sha256 -d shared,nls -p build
      - name: Test without crc64 check
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b autotools -c crc32,sha256 -d shared,nls -p test -n no_crc64

      # Attempt to upload the test logs as artifacts if any step has failed
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        if: ${{ failure() }}
          name: MacOS Autotools Test Logs
          path: build-aux/artifacts

    runs-on: macos-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install Dependencies
        run: brew install cmake
      - name: Build
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b cmake -p build
      - name: Test
        run: ./build-aux/ci_build.sh -b cmake -p test
      # Attempt to upload the test logs as artifacts if any step has failed
      - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        if: ${{ failure() }}
          name: MacOS CMake Test Logs
          path: build-aux/artifacts