/* * TAP-Win32/TAP-Win64 -- A kernel driver to provide virtual tap * device functionality on Windows. * * This code was inspired by the CIPE-Win32 driver by Damion K. Wilson. * * This source code is Copyright (C) 2002-2008 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc., * and is released under the GPL version 2 (see below), however due * to the extra costs of supporting Windows Vista, OpenVPN Solutions * LLC reserves the right to change the terms of the TAP-Win32/TAP-Win64 * license for versions 9.1 and higher prior to the official release of * OpenVPN 2.1. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this * distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef TAP_PROTOTYPES_DEFINED #define TAP_PROTOTYPES_DEFINED NTSTATUS DriverEntry ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT p_DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING p_RegistryPath ); VOID TapDriverUnload ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT p_DriverObject ); NDIS_STATUS AdapterCreate ( OUT PNDIS_STATUS p_ErrorStatus, OUT PUINT p_MediaIndex, IN PNDIS_MEDIUM p_Media, IN UINT p_MediaCount, IN NDIS_HANDLE p_AdapterHandle, IN NDIS_HANDLE p_ConfigurationHandle ); VOID AdapterHalt ( IN NDIS_HANDLE p_AdapterContext ); VOID AdapterFreeResources ( TapAdapterPointer p_Adapter ); NDIS_STATUS AdapterReset ( OUT PBOOLEAN p_AddressingReset, IN NDIS_HANDLE p_AdapterContext ); NDIS_STATUS AdapterQuery ( IN NDIS_HANDLE p_AdapterContext, IN NDIS_OID p_OID, IN PVOID p_Buffer, IN ULONG p_BufferLength, OUT PULONG p_BytesWritten, OUT PULONG p_BytesNeeded ); NDIS_STATUS AdapterModify ( IN NDIS_HANDLE p_AdapterContext, IN NDIS_OID p_OID, IN PVOID p_Buffer, IN ULONG p_BufferLength, OUT PULONG p_BytesRead, OUT PULONG p_BytesNeeded ); NDIS_STATUS AdapterTransmit ( IN NDIS_HANDLE p_AdapterContext, IN PNDIS_PACKET p_Packet, IN UINT p_Flags ); NDIS_STATUS AdapterReceive ( OUT PNDIS_PACKET p_Packet, OUT PUINT p_Transferred, IN NDIS_HANDLE p_AdapterContext, IN NDIS_HANDLE p_ReceiveContext, IN UINT p_Offset, IN UINT p_ToTransfer ); NTSTATUS TapDeviceHook ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT p_DeviceObject, IN PIRP p_IRP ); NDIS_STATUS CreateTapDevice ( TapExtensionPointer p_Extension, const char *p_Name ); VOID DestroyTapDevice ( TapExtensionPointer p_Extension ); VOID TapDeviceFreeResources ( TapExtensionPointer p_Extension ); NTSTATUS CompleteIRP ( IN PIRP p_IRP, IN TapPacketPointer p_PacketBuffer, IN CCHAR PriorityBoost ); VOID CancelIRPCallback ( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT p_DeviceObject, IN PIRP p_IRP ); VOID CancelIRP ( TapExtensionPointer p_Extension, IN PIRP p_IRP, BOOLEAN callback ); VOID FlushQueues ( TapExtensionPointer p_Extension ); VOID ResetTapAdapterState ( TapAdapterPointer p_Adapter ); BOOLEAN ProcessARP ( TapAdapterPointer p_Adapter, const PARP_PACKET src, const IPADDR adapter_ip, const IPADDR ip_network, const IPADDR ip_netmask, const MACADDR mac ); VOID SetMediaStatus ( TapAdapterPointer p_Adapter, BOOLEAN state ); VOID InjectPacket ( TapAdapterPointer p_Adapter, UCHAR *packet, const unsigned int len ); VOID CheckIfDhcpAndTunMode ( TapAdapterPointer p_Adapter ); VOID HookDispatchFunctions(); #if ENABLE_NONADMIN #if DDKVER_MAJOR < 5600 /* * Better solution for use on Vista DDK, but possibly not compatible with * earlier DDKs: * * Eliminate the definition of SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR (and even ZwSetSecurityObject), * and at the top of tapdrv.c change: * * #include <ndis.h> * #include <ntstrsafe.h> * #include <ntddk.h> * * To * * #include <ntifs.h> * #include <ndis.h> * #include <ntstrsafe.h> */ typedef struct _SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR { unsigned char opaque[64]; } SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR; NTSYSAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI ZwSetSecurityObject ( IN HANDLE Handle, IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor); #endif VOID AllowNonAdmin (TapExtensionPointer p_Extension); #endif struct WIN2K_NDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK { unsigned char opaque[16]; UNICODE_STRING MiniportName; // how mini-port refers to us }; #if PACKET_TRUNCATION_CHECK VOID IPv4PacketSizeVerify ( const UCHAR *data, ULONG length, BOOLEAN tun, const char *prefix, LONG *counter ); #endif #endif