 *  TAP-Win32 -- A kernel driver to provide virtual tap device functionality
 *               on Windows.  Originally derived from the CIPE-Win32
 *               project by Damion K. Wilson, with extensive modifications by
 *               James Yonan.
 *  All source code which derives from the CIPE-Win32 project is
 *  Copyright (C) Damion K. Wilson, 2003, and is released under the
 *  GPL version 2 (see below).
 *  All other source code is Copyright (C) 2002-2005 OpenVPN Solutions LLC,
 *  and is released under the GPL version 2 (see below).
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
 *  as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this
 *  distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

// MAC address, Ethernet header, and ARP

#pragma pack(1)

#define IP_HEADER_SIZE 20

typedef unsigned char MACADDR [6];
typedef unsigned long IPADDR;

// Ethernet address

typedef struct {
  MACADDR addr;

typedef struct {

// Ethernet header

typedef struct
  MACADDR dest;               /* destination eth addr	*/
  MACADDR src;                /* source ether addr	*/

# define ETH_P_IP   0x0800    /* IPv4 protocol */
# define ETH_P_ARP  0x0806    /* ARP protocol */
  USHORT proto;               /* packet type ID field	*/

// ARP packet

typedef struct
    MACADDR        m_MAC_Destination;        // Reverse these two
    MACADDR        m_MAC_Source;             // to answer ARP requests
    USHORT         m_Proto;                  // 0x0806

#   define MAC_ADDR_TYPE 0x0001
    USHORT         m_MAC_AddressType;        // 0x0001

    USHORT         m_PROTO_AddressType;      // 0x0800
    UCHAR          m_MAC_AddressSize;        // 0x06
    UCHAR          m_PROTO_AddressSize;      // 0x04

#   define ARP_REQUEST 0x0001
#   define ARP_REPLY   0x0002
    USHORT         m_ARP_Operation;          // 0x0001 for ARP request, 0x0002 for ARP reply

    MACADDR        m_ARP_MAC_Source;
    IPADDR         m_ARP_IP_Source;
    MACADDR        m_ARP_MAC_Destination;
    IPADDR         m_ARP_IP_Destination;

// IP Header

typedef struct {
# define IPH_GET_VER(v) (((v) >> 4) & 0x0F)
# define IPH_GET_LEN(v) (((v) & 0x0F) << 2)
  UCHAR    version_len;

  UCHAR    tos;
  USHORT   tot_len;
  USHORT   id;

# define IP_OFFMASK 0x1fff
  USHORT   frag_off;

  UCHAR    ttl;

# define IPPROTO_UDP  17  /* UDP protocol */
# define IPPROTO_TCP   6  /* TCP protocol */
# define IPPROTO_ICMP  1  /* ICMP protocol */
# define IPPROTO_IGMP  2  /* IGMP protocol */
  UCHAR    protocol;

  USHORT   check;
  ULONG    saddr;
  ULONG    daddr;
  /* The options start here. */

// UDP header

typedef struct {
  USHORT   source;
  USHORT   dest;
  USHORT   len;
  USHORT   check;

// TCP header, per RFC 793.

typedef struct {
  USHORT      source;    /* source port */
  USHORT      dest;      /* destination port */
  ULONG       seq;       /* sequence number */
  ULONG       ack_seq;   /* acknowledgement number */

# define TCPH_GET_DOFF(d) (((d) & 0xF0) >> 2)
  UCHAR       doff_res;

# define TCPH_FIN_MASK (1<<0)
# define TCPH_SYN_MASK (1<<1)
# define TCPH_RST_MASK (1<<2)
# define TCPH_PSH_MASK (1<<3)
# define TCPH_ACK_MASK (1<<4)
# define TCPH_URG_MASK (1<<5)
# define TCPH_ECE_MASK (1<<6)
# define TCPH_CWR_MASK (1<<7)
  UCHAR       flags;

  USHORT      window;
  USHORT      check;
  USHORT      urg_ptr;

#define	TCPOPT_EOL     0
#define	TCPOPT_NOP     1
#define	TCPOPT_MAXSEG  2

#pragma pack()