/* * OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks * over a single TCP/UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based * session authentication and key exchange, * packet encryption, packet authentication, and * packet compression. * * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 OpenVPN Solutions LLC <info@openvpn.net> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this * distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * The routines in this file deal with providing private key cryptography * using RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface (Cryptoki). * */ #if defined(WIN32) #include "config-win32.h" #else #include "config.h" #endif #include "syshead.h" #if defined(ENABLE_PKCS11) #define PKCS11H_NO_NEED_INCLUDE_CONFIG #include "pkcs11-helper.h" #include "pkcs11.h" #define snprintf openvpn_snprintf static void _pkcs11_openvpn_print ( IN const void *pData, IN const char * const szFormat, IN ... ) { char Buffer[10*1024]; va_list args; va_start (args, szFormat); vsnprintf (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), szFormat, args); va_end (args); Buffer[sizeof (Buffer)-1] = 0; msg (M_INFO|M_NOPREFIX|M_NOLF, "%s", Buffer); } static bool _pkcs11_openvpn_card_prompt ( IN const void *pData, IN const char * const szLabel ) { static struct user_pass token_pass; char szPrompt[1024]; char szTemp[1024]; ASSERT (szLabel!=NULL); openvpn_snprintf (szPrompt, sizeof (szPrompt), "Please insert %s token", szLabel); token_pass.defined = false; token_pass.nocache = true; get_user_pass (&token_pass, NULL, szPrompt, GET_USER_PASS_MANAGEMENT|GET_USER_PASS_NEED_OK); strncpynt (szTemp, token_pass.password, sizeof (szTemp)); purge_user_pass (&token_pass, true); if (strlen (szTemp) == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } static bool _pkcs11_openvpn_pin_prompt ( IN const void *pData, IN const char * const szLabel, OUT char * const szPIN, IN const size_t nMaxPIN ) { static struct user_pass token_pass; char szPrompt[1024]; ASSERT (szLabel!=NULL); openvpn_snprintf (szPrompt, sizeof (szPrompt), "%s token", szLabel); token_pass.defined = false; token_pass.nocache = true; get_user_pass (&token_pass, NULL, szPrompt, GET_USER_PASS_MANAGEMENT|GET_USER_PASS_PASSWORD_ONLY); strncpynt (szPIN, token_pass.password, nMaxPIN); purge_user_pass (&token_pass, true); if (strlen (szPIN) == 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } void pkcs11_initialize ( const int nPINCachePeriod ) { CK_RV rv; PKCS11LOG ( PKCS11_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: pkcs11_initialize - entered" ); if ((rv = pkcs11h_initialize ()) != CKR_OK) { PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_ERROR, "PKCS#11: Cannot initialize %ld-'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); } if ((rv = pkcs11h_setCardPromptHook (_pkcs11_openvpn_card_prompt, NULL)) != CKR_OK) { PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_ERROR, "PKCS#11: Cannot set hooks %ld-'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); } if ((rv = pkcs11h_setPINPromptHook (_pkcs11_openvpn_pin_prompt, NULL)) != CKR_OK) { PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_ERROR, "PKCS#11: Cannot set hooks %ld-'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); } if ((rv = pkcs11h_setPINCachePeriod (nPINCachePeriod)) != CKR_OK) { PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_ERROR, "PKCS#11: Cannot set PIN cache period %ld-'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); } PKCS11LOG ( PKCS11_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: pkcs11_initialize - return" ); } void pkcs11_terminate () { PKCS11LOG ( PKCS11_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: pkcs11_terminate - entered" ); pkcs11h_terminate (); PKCS11LOG ( PKCS11_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: pkcs11_terminate - return" ); } void pkcs11_forkFixup () { pkcs11h_forkFixup (); } void pkcs11_addProvider ( IN const char * const provider, IN const char * const sign_mode ) { CK_RV rv; PKCS11LOG ( PKCS11_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: pkcs11_addProvider - entered - provider='%s', sign_mode='%s'", provider, sign_mode == NULL ? "default" : sign_mode ); PKCS11LOG ( PKCS11_LOG_INFO, "PKCS#11: Adding PKCS#11 provider '%s'", provider ); if ((rv = pkcs11h_addProvider (provider, sign_mode)) != CKR_OK) { PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot initialize provider '%s' %ld-'%s'", provider, rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); } PKCS11LOG ( PKCS11_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: pkcs11_addProvider - return" ); } int SSL_CTX_use_pkcs11 ( IN OUT SSL_CTX * const ssl_ctx, IN const char * const pkcs11h_slot_type, IN const char * const pkcs11h_slot, IN const char * const pkcs11h_id_type, IN const char * const pkcs11h_id, IN const bool pkcs11h_protected_authentication ) { X509 *x509 = NULL; RSA *rsa = NULL; pkcs11h_openssl_session_t pkcs11h_openssl_session = NULL; CK_RV rv = CKR_OK; bool fOK = true; PKCS11LOG ( PKCS11_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: SSL_CTX_use_pkcs11 - entered - ssl_ctx=%p, pkcs11h_slot_type='%s', pkcs11h_slot='%s', pkcs11h_id_type='%s', pkcs11h_id='%s', pkcs11h_protected_authentication=%d", (void *)ssl_ctx, pkcs11h_slot_type, pkcs11h_slot, pkcs11h_id_type, pkcs11h_id, pkcs11h_protected_authentication ? 1 : 0 ); PKCS11ASSERT (ssl_ctx!=NULL); PKCS11ASSERT (pkcs11h_slot_type!=NULL); PKCS11ASSERT (pkcs11h_slot!=NULL); PKCS11ASSERT (pkcs11h_id_type!=NULL); PKCS11ASSERT (pkcs11h_id!=NULL); if ( fOK && (pkcs11h_openssl_session = pkcs11h_openssl_createSession (false)) == NULL ) { fOK = false; PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot initialize openssh session"); } if ( fOK && (rv = pkcs11h_createSession ( pkcs11h_slot_type, pkcs11h_slot, pkcs11h_id_type, pkcs11h_id, pkcs11h_protected_authentication, &pkcs11h_openssl_session->pkcs11h_session )) != CKR_OK ) { fOK = false; PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot set parameters %ld-'%s'", rv, pkcs11h_getMessage (rv)); } if ( fOK && (rsa = pkcs11h_openssl_getRSA (pkcs11h_openssl_session)) == NULL ) { fOK = false; PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Unable get rsa object"); } if ( fOK && (x509 = pkcs11h_openssl_getX509 (pkcs11h_openssl_session)) == NULL ) { fOK = false; PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Unable get certificate object"); } if ( fOK && !SSL_CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey (ssl_ctx, rsa) ) { fOK = false; PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot set private key for openssl"); } if ( fOK && !SSL_CTX_use_certificate (ssl_ctx, x509) ) { fOK = false; PKCS11LOG (PKCS11_LOG_WARN, "PKCS#11: Cannot set certificate for openssl"); } /* * openssl objects have reference * count, so release them */ if (x509 != NULL) { X509_free (x509); x509 = NULL; } if (rsa != NULL) { RSA_free (rsa); rsa = NULL; } if (pkcs11h_openssl_session != NULL) { pkcs11h_openssl_freeSession (pkcs11h_openssl_session); pkcs11h_openssl_session = NULL; } PKCS11LOG ( PKCS11_LOG_DEBUG2, "PKCS#11: SSL_CTX_use_pkcs11 - return fOK=%d, rv=%ld", fOK ? 1 : 0, rv ); return fOK; } void show_pkcs11_slots ( const char * const provider ) { pkcs11h_standalone_dump_slots ( _pkcs11_openvpn_print, NULL, provider ); } void show_pkcs11_objects ( const char * const provider, const char * const slot, const char * const pin ) { pkcs11h_standalone_dump_objects ( _pkcs11_openvpn_print, NULL, provider, slot, pin ); } #else static void dummy (void) {} #endif /* ENABLE_PKCS11 */