#!/bin/sh # Sign the x86 and x64 versions of the TAP driver SIGN=../sign INF2CAT=../inf2cat c=`pwd` # copy driver files into tap-win32/dist cd tap-win32 rm -rf dist mkdir dist cd dist mkdir i386 mkdir amd64 cd i386 x86=`pwd` cd ../amd64 x64=`pwd` cd ../.. cp i386/OemWin2k.inf $x86 cp i386/*.sys $x86 cp amd64/OemWin2k.inf $x64 cp amd64/*.sys $x64 cd $c cd $INF2CAT echo '******************' BUILD .cat FILE for x86 cmd //c "inf2cat /driver:`perl $c/install-win32/dosname.pl $x86` /os:2000,XP_X86,Server2003_X86,Vista_X86" echo '******************' BUILD .cat FILE for x64 cmd //c "inf2cat /driver:`perl $c/install-win32/dosname.pl $x64` /os:XP_X64,Server2003_X64,Vista_X64" cd $c cd $SIGN TS="http://timestamp.verisign.com/scripts/timstamp.dll" echo '******************' SIGN .cat FILE for x86 ./signcode -spc mycredentials.spc -v myprivatekey.pvk -n "OpenVPN TAP-Win32 Driver" -t $TS `perl $c/install-win32/dosname.pl $x86/tap.cat` echo '******************' SIGN .cat FILE for x64 ./signcode -spc mycredentials.spc -v myprivatekey.pvk -n "OpenVPN TAP-Win64 Driver" -t $TS `perl $c/install-win32/dosname.pl $x64/tap.cat`