#!/bin/sh # Build the x86 and x64 versions of the tapinstall tool # Requires the Windows DDK. # TISRC should be set to directory containing # tapinstall source code. # get version.nsi definitions . autodefs/defs.sh if [ -d "/c/WINDDK/$DDKVER" ] ; then if ! [ -d "$TISRC" ] ; then echo "$TISRC" NOT INSTALLED exit 1 fi # common declarations for all DDK build targets . install-win32/ddk-common amdtarget="" if [ -z "$TI_BIN_AMD64" ]; then amdtarget="fre $x64_tag WNET" fi if [ -z "$DRVBINSRC" ] ; then rm -rf tapinstall cp -a "$TISRC" tapinstall if [ -e tapinstall/sources.in ]; then perl install-win32/ifdef.pl autodefs/defs.in <tapinstall/sources.in >tapinstall/sources fi cd tapinstall t=`pwd` cd .. for mode in "w2k f" "$amdtarget"; do if [ -n "$mode" ]; then echo '**********' build TAPINSTALL $mode cmd //c "C:\\WINDDK\\$DDKVER\\bin\\setenv.bat C:\\WINDDK\\$DDKVER $mode && cd `perl install-win32/dosname.pl $t` && build -cef" fi done fi if [ -n "$TI_BIN_AMD64" ]; then mkdir -p $t/objfre_wnet_amd64/amd64 cp "$TI_BIN_AMD64" $t/objfre_wnet_amd64/amd64 fi # $DRVBINSRC, if defined, points to prebuilt TAP driver and # tapinstall.exe. if [ -z "$DRVBINSRC" ] ; then # Get tapinstall mkdir -p $GENOUT/tapinstall/i386 &>/dev/null mkdir -p $GENOUT/tapinstall/amd64 &>/dev/null cp tapinstall/objfre_w2k_x86/i386/tapinstall.exe $GENOUT/tapinstall/i386 cp tapinstall/objfre_wnet_amd64/amd64/tapinstall.exe $GENOUT/tapinstall/amd64 else mkdir $GENOUT &>/dev/null cp -a $DRVBINSRC/tapinstall $GENOUT/tapinstall fi # $DRVBINDEST, if defined, points to a destination directory # where TAP driver and tapinstall.exe will be saved, to be used # as a $DRVBINSRC in future builds. if [ -n "$DRVBINDEST" ] ; then mkdir $DRVBINDEST &>/dev/null cp -a $GENOUT/driver $DRVBINDEST cp -a $GENOUT/tapinstall $DRVBINDEST fi title openvpn-build &>/dev/null else echo Not building tapinstall -- DDK version $DDKVER NOT INSTALLED fi