dnl OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks dnl over a single UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based dnl session authentication and key exchange, dnl packet encryption, packet authentication, and dnl packet compression. dnl dnl Copyright (C) 2002-2008 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. <sales@openvpn.net> dnl dnl This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify dnl it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by dnl the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or dnl (at your option) any later version. dnl dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of dnl MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the dnl GNU General Public License for more details. dnl dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License dnl along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this dnl distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., dnl 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ(2.50) m4_include(version.m4) AC_INIT([OpenVPN], [PRODUCT_VERSION], [openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net], [openvpn]) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(syshead.h) dnl Guess host type. AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(openvpn, [$PACKAGE_VERSION]) AC_ARG_WITH(cygwin-native, [ --with-cygwin-native Compile native win32], [CYGWIN_NATIVE="${withval}"], [CYGWIN_NATIVE="no"] ) WIN32="no" CYGWIN="no" case "${host}" in *-mingw32*) WIN32="yes" cross_compiling="yes" ;; *-cygwin*) AC_MSG_CHECKING([cygwin mode to use]) if test "${CYGWIN_NATIVE}" = "yes"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([Using native win32]) CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -mno-cygwin" CYGWIN="yes" WIN32="yes" else AC_MSG_RESULT([Using cygwin]) fi ;; *) ;; esac AC_ARG_ENABLE(lzo, [ --disable-lzo Disable LZO compression support], [LZO="$enableval"], [LZO="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(crypto, [ --disable-crypto Disable OpenSSL crypto support], [CRYPTO="$enableval"], [CRYPTO="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ssl, [ --disable-ssl Disable OpenSSL SSL support for TLS-based key exchange], [SSL="$enableval"], [SSL="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(multi, [ --disable-multi Disable client/server support (--mode server + client mode)], [MULTI="$enableval"], [MULTI="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(server, [ --disable-server Disable server support only (but retain client support)], [MULTI_SERVER="$enableval"], [MULTI_SERVER="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(plugins, [ --disable-plugins Disable plug-in support], [PLUGINS="$enableval"], [PLUGINS="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(management, [ --disable-management Disable management server support], [MANAGEMENT="$enableval"], [MANAGEMENT="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pkcs11, [ --disable-pkcs11 Disable pkcs11 support], [PKCS11="$enableval"], [PKCS11="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(socks, [ --disable-socks Disable Socks support], [SOCKS="$enableval"], [SOCKS="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(http, [ --disable-http Disable HTTP proxy support], [HTTP_PROXY="$enableval"], [HTTP_PROXY="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fragment, [ --disable-fragment Disable internal fragmentation support (--fragment)], [FRAGMENT="$enableval"], [FRAGMENT="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(multihome, [ --disable-multihome Disable multi-homed UDP server support (--multihome)], [MULTIHOME="$enableval"], [MULTIHOME="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(port-share, [ --disable-port-share Disable TCP server port-share support (--port-share)], [PORT_SHARE="$enableval"], [PORT_SHARE="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, [ --disable-debug Disable debugging support (disable gremlin and verb 7+ messages)], [DEBUG="$enableval"], [DEBUG="yes"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(small, [ --enable-small Enable smaller executable size (disable OCC, usage message, and verb 4 parm list)], [SMALL="$enableval"], [SMALL="no"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pthread, [ --enable-pthread Enable pthread support (Experimental for OpenVPN 2.0)], [PTHREAD="$enableval"], [PTHREAD="no"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(password-save, [ --enable-password-save Allow --askpass and --auth-user-pass passwords to be read from a file], [PASSWORD_SAVE="$enableval"], [PASSWORD_SAVE="no"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(iproute2, [ --enable-iproute2 Enable support for iproute2], test $enableval = "yes" && AC_DEFINE(CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE, 1, [enable iproute2 support]) ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(strict, [ --enable-strict Enable strict compiler warnings (debugging option)], [STRICT="$enableval"], [STRICT="no"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(pedantic, [ --enable-pedantic Enable pedantic compiler warnings, will not generate a working executable (debugging option)], [PEDANTIC="$enableval"], [PEDANTIC="no"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(profiling, [ --enable-profiling Enable profiling (debugging option)], [PROFILE="$enableval"], [PROFILE="no"] ) AC_ARG_ENABLE(strict-options, [ --enable-strict-options Enable strict options check between peers (debugging option)], [STRICT_OPTIONS="$enableval"], [STRICT_OPTIONS="no"] ) AC_ARG_WITH(ssl-headers, [ --with-ssl-headers=DIR Crypto/SSL Include files location], [CS_HDR_DIR="$withval"] [CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval"] ) AC_ARG_WITH(ssl-lib, [ --with-ssl-lib=DIR Crypto/SSL Library location], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval"] ) AC_ARG_WITH(lzo-headers, [ --with-lzo-headers=DIR LZO Include files location], [LZO_HDR_DIR="$withval"] [CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval"] ) AC_ARG_WITH(lzo-lib, [ --with-lzo-lib=DIR LZO Library location], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval"] ) AC_ARG_WITH(pkcs11-helper-headers, [ --with-pkcs11-helper-headers=DIR pkcs11-helper Include files location], [PKCS11_HELPER_HDR_DIR="$withval"] [CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$withval"] ) AC_ARG_WITH(pkcs11-helper-lib, [ --with-pkcs11-helper-lib=DIR pkcs11-helper Library location], [LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$withval"] ) AC_ARG_WITH(ifconfig-path, [ --with-ifconfig-path=PATH Path to ifconfig tool], [IFCONFIG="$withval"], [AC_PATH_PROG([IFCONFIG], [ifconfig], [ifconfig], [$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin])] ) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(IFCONFIG_PATH, "$IFCONFIG", [Path to ifconfig tool]) AC_ARG_WITH(iproute-path, [ --with-iproute-path=PATH Path to iproute tool], [IPROUTE="$withval"], [AC_PATH_PROG([IPROUTE], [ip], [ip], [$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin])] ) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(IPROUTE_PATH, "$IPROUTE", [Path to iproute tool]) AC_ARG_WITH(route-path, [ --with-route-path=PATH Path to route tool], [ROUTE="$withval"], [AC_PATH_PROG([ROUTE], [route], [route], [$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin])] ) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ROUTE_PATH, "$ROUTE", [Path to route tool]) AC_ARG_WITH(mem-check, [ --with-mem-check=TYPE Build with debug memory checking, TYPE = dmalloc or valgrind], [MEMCHECK="$withval"] ) dnl fix search path, to allow compilers to find syshead.h CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${srcdir}" dnl check target OS openvpn_target=$target if test $target_alias; then openvpn_target=$target_alias fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(TARGET_ALIAS, "$openvpn_target", [A string representing our target]) case "$target" in *linux*) AC_DEFINE(TARGET_LINUX, 1, [Are we running on Linux?]) dnl RH9 SSL headers workaround if test -z $CS_HDR_DIR && test "$CRYPTO" = "yes"; then CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $(pkg-config --cflags openssl 2>/dev/null)" fi ;; *solaris*) AC_DEFINE(TARGET_SOLARIS, 1, [Are we running on Solaris?]) ;; *openbsd*) AC_DEFINE(TARGET_OPENBSD, 1, [Are we running on OpenBSD?]) ;; *freebsd*) AC_DEFINE(TARGET_FREEBSD, 1, [Are we running on FreeBSD?]) ;; *netbsd*) AC_DEFINE(TARGET_NETBSD, 1, [Are we running NetBSD?]) ;; *darwin*) dnl some Mac OS X tendering (we use vararg macros...) AC_DEFINE(TARGET_DARWIN, 1, [Are we running on Mac OS X?]) CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -no-cpp-precomp" ;; *mingw*) AC_DEFINE(TARGET_WIN32, 1, [Are we running WIN32?]) OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-lgdi32) OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-lws2_32) OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-lwininet) OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-lcrypt32) OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-liphlpapi) OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-lwinmm) ;; *dragonfly*) AC_DEFINE(TARGET_DRAGONFLY, 1, [Are we running on DragonFlyBSD?]) ;; esac dnl Checks for programs. AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_GCC_TRADITIONAL AC_GNU_SOURCE if test "${WIN32}" = "yes"; then AC_ARG_VAR([MAN2HTML], [man2html utility]) AC_CHECK_PROGS([MAN2HTML], [man2html]) test -z "${MAN2HTML}" && AC_MSG_ERROR([man2html is required for win32]) fi dnl Checks for header files. AC_HEADER_STDC dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_C_VOLATILE AC_TYPE_OFF_T AC_TYPE_PID_T AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_TYPE_UID_T TYPE_SOCKLEN_T AC_HEADER_TIME AX_CPP_VARARG_MACRO_ISO AX_CPP_VARARG_MACRO_GCC AX_EMPTY_ARRAY dnl Check for more header files. AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h stdlib.h dnl stdarg.h stdio.h string.h dnl strings.h ctype.h errno.h dnl ) if test "${WIN32}" != "yes"; then AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/time.h sys/socket.h sys/un.h sys/ioctl.h sys/stat.h dnl sys/mman.h fcntl.h sys/file.h stdlib.h stdint.h dnl stdarg.h unistd.h signal.h stdio.h string.h dnl strings.h ctype.h errno.h syslog.h pwd.h grp.h dnl net/if_tun.h net/tun/if_tun.h stropts.h sys/sockio.h dnl netinet/in.h netinet/in_systm.h dnl netinet/tcp.h arpa/inet.h dnl netdb.h sys/uio.h linux/if_tun.h linux/sockios.h dnl linux/types.h sys/poll.h sys/epoll.h err.h dnl ) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(net/if.h,,, [#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H # include <sys/socket.h> #endif ]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/ip.h,,, [#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include <sys/types.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H # include <netinet/in.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_SYSTM_H # include <netinet/in_systm.h> #endif ]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/if_ether.h,,, [#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include <sys/types.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H # include <sys/socket.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H # include <netinet/in.h> #endif ]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(resolv.h,,, [#ifdef HAVE_NETINET_IN_H # include <netinet/in.h> #endif ]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(linux/errqueue.h,,, [#ifdef HAVE_LINUX_TYPES_H # include <linux/types.h> #endif ]) fi AC_CACHE_SAVE dnl check that in_addr_t is defined AC_CHECK_TYPE( [in_addr_t], [], [AC_DEFINE(in_addr_t, uint32_t, [Some systems don't define in_addr_t])], [#include "syshead.h"]) dnl check for basic types AC_CHECK_TYPE( [uint8_t], [], [AC_DEFINE(uint8_t, unsigned char, [8-bit unsigned type])], [#include "syshead.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPE( [uint16_t], [], [AC_DEFINE(uint16_t, unsigned char, [16-bit unsigned type])], [#include "syshead.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPE( [uint32_t], [], [AC_DEFINE(uint32_t, unsigned long, [32-bit unsigned type])], [#include "syshead.h"]) dnl check for IPv6 types AC_CHECK_TYPE( [struct tun_pi], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_TUN_PI, 1, [struct tun_pi needed for IPv6 support])], [], [#include "syshead.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPE( [struct iphdr], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IPHDR, 1, [struct iphdr needed for IPv6 support])], [], [#include "syshead.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPE( [struct iovec], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IOVEC, 1, [struct iovec needed for IPv6 support])], [], [#include "syshead.h"]) dnl check for extended socket error types AC_CHECK_TYPE( [struct sock_extended_err], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SOCK_EXTENDED_ERR, 1, [struct sock_extended_err needed for extended socket error support])], [], [#include "syshead.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPE( [struct msghdr], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_MSGHDR, 1, [struct msghdr needed for extended socket error support])], [], [#include "syshead.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPE( [struct cmsghdr], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_CMSGHDR, 1, [struct cmsghdr needed for extended socket error support])], [], [#include "syshead.h"]) AC_CHECK_TYPE( [struct in_pktinfo], [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_IN_PKTINFO, 1, [struct in_pktinfo needed for IP_PKTINFO support])], [], [#include "syshead.h"]) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned int) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned long) AC_CACHE_SAVE AC_CHECK_FUNCS([ctime memset vsnprintf strdup], , [AC_MSG_ERROR([Required library function not found])]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(daemon chroot getpwnam setuid nice system getpid dup dup2 dnl getpass strerror syslog openlog mlockall getgrnam setgid dnl setgroups stat flock readv writev time dnl setsid chdir putenv getpeername unlink dnl chsize ftruncate execve getpeereid umask) # Windows use stdcall for winsock so we cannot auto detect these m4_define([SOCKET_FUNCS], [socket recv recvfrom send sendto listen dnl accept connect bind select gethostbyname inet_ntoa]) m4_define([SOCKET_OPT_FUNCS], [setsockopt getsockopt getsockname poll]) if test "${WIN32}" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY], [1], [We fake gettimeofday for win32 at otime.c]) m4_foreach([F], m4_split(SOCKET_FUNCS SOCKET_OPT_FUNCS), m4_define(UF, [[m4_join([_], [HAVE], m4_toupper(F))]]) AC_DEFINE([UF], [1], [Win32 builtin])) else dnl check for other types AC_TYPE_SIGNAL dnl Check for libsocket AC_SEARCH_LIBS(socket, socket) dnl Check for libnsl AC_SEARCH_LIBS(inet_ntoa, nsl) dnl Check for libresolv AC_SEARCH_LIBS(gethostbyname, resolv nsl) dnl optional library functions AC_FUNC_FORK AC_CHECK_FUNCS(gettimeofday) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(SOCKET_FUNCS, , [AC_MSG_ERROR([Required library function not found])]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(SOCKET_OPT_FUNCS sendmsg recvmsg) fi dnl Required library functions AC_FUNC_MEMCMP dnl dnl Check for res_init dnl AC_TRY_LINK([ #include <resolv.h> ], [ res_init (); ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT([res_init DEFINED]) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_RES_INIT], 1, [Indicates if res_init is available]) ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT([res_init UNDEFINED]) ]) dnl dnl check libraries dnl dnl Checking for a working epoll AC_CHECKING([for working epoll implementation]) OLDLDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,--fatal-warnings" AC_CHECK_FUNC(epoll_create, AC_DEFINE(HAVE_EPOLL_CREATE, 1, [epoll_create function is defined])) LDFLAGS="$OLDLDFLAGS" dnl dnl check for valgrind tool dnl if test "$MEMCHECK" = "valgrind"; then AC_CHECKING([for valgrind tool and Header files]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(valgrind/memcheck.h, [ AC_DEFINE(USE_VALGRIND, 1, [Use valgrind memory debugging library]) CFLAGS="-g -fno-inline" ], [AC_MSG_ERROR([valgrind headers not found.])] ) fi dnl dnl check for pthread library dnl if test "$PTHREAD" = "yes"; then AC_CHECKING([for pthread support]) AC_MSG_RESULT([********* WARNING: pthread support is experimental for OpenVPN 2.0]) ACX_PTHREAD( [ case "$target" in *openbsd*) AC_MSG_RESULT([WARNING: pthread support on OpenBSD is unstable!]) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -pthread" ;; esac LIBS="$PTHREAD_LIBS $LIBS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $PTHREAD_CFLAGS" CC="$PTHREAD_CC" AC_DEFINE(USE_PTHREAD, 1, [Use pthread-based multithreading]) ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT([I don't know how to build with pthread support on this platform.]) AC_MSG_ERROR([try ./configure --disable-pthread]) ]) fi dnl dnl check for dmalloc library dnl if test "$MEMCHECK" = "dmalloc"; then AC_CHECKING([for dmalloc Library and Header files]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(dmalloc.h, [AC_CHECK_LIB(dmalloc, malloc, [ if test "$PTHREAD" = "yes"; then OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-ldmallocth) else OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-ldmalloc) fi AC_DEFINE(DMALLOC, 1, [Use dmalloc memory debugging library]) ], [AC_MSG_ERROR([dmalloc library not found.])] )], [AC_MSG_ERROR([dmalloc headers not found.])] ) fi dnl dnl Check for dlopen -- first try libc then libdl. dnl if test "${WIN32}" != "yes"; then if test "$PLUGINS" = "yes"; then AC_CHECKING([for libdl Library and Header files]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(dlfcn.h, [AC_CHECK_FUNC(dlopen, [AC_DEFINE(USE_LIBDL, 1, [Use libdl for dynamic library loading])], [AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen, [ OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-ldl) AC_DEFINE(USE_LIBDL, 1, [Use libdl for dynamic library loading]) ], [AC_MSG_RESULT([libdl library not found.])] )], )], [AC_MSG_RESULT([libdl headers not found.])] ) fi fi dnl dnl Check if LoadLibrary exists on Windows dnl if test "${WIN32}" = "yes"; then if test "$PLUGINS" = "yes"; then AC_TRY_LINK([ #include <windows.h> ], [ LoadLibrary (NULL); ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT([LoadLibrary DEFINED]) AC_DEFINE(USE_LOAD_LIBRARY, 1, [Use LoadLibrary to load DLLs on Windows]) ], [ AC_MSG_RESULT([LoadLibrary UNDEFINED]) ]) fi fi dnl dnl check for LZO library dnl if test "$LZO" = "yes"; then LZO_H="" AC_CHECKING([for LZO Library and Header files]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(lzo/lzo1x.h, [ LZO_H="2" lzolibs="lzo2 lzo" AC_DEFINE(LZO_HEADER_DIR, 1, [Use lzo/ directory prefix for LZO header files (for LZO 2.0)]) ], [ AC_CHECK_HEADER(lzo1x.h, [ LZO_H="1" ; lzolibs=lzo ]) ] ) if test -n "$LZO_H"; then havelzolib=0 for i in $lzolibs ; do if test $havelzolib = 1 ; then break ; fi AC_CHECK_LIB($i, lzo1x_1_15_compress, [ OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-l$i) AC_DEFINE(USE_LZO, 1, [Use LZO compression library]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LZO_VERSION_NUM, "$LZO_H", [LZO version number]) havelzolib=1 ] ) done if test $havelzolib = 0 ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([LZO headers were found but LZO library was not found]) fi else AC_MSG_RESULT([LZO headers were not found]) AC_MSG_RESULT([LZO library available from http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/]) AC_MSG_ERROR([Or try ./configure --disable-lzo]) fi fi dnl dnl check for OpenSSL-crypto library dnl if test "$CRYPTO" = "yes"; then AC_CHECKING([for OpenSSL Crypto Library and Header files]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(openssl/evp.h, [AC_CHECK_LIB(crypto, EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init, [ AC_CHECKING([that OpenSSL Library is at least version 0.9.6]) AC_EGREP_CPP(yes, [ #include <openssl/evp.h> #if SSLEAY_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00906000L yes #endif ], [ AC_DEFINE(USE_CRYPTO, 1, [Use OpenSSL crypto library]) if test "${WIN32}" = "yes"; then OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-leay32) else OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-lcrypto) fi AC_CHECK_FUNCS(EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length) dnl check for OpenSSL crypto acceleration capability AC_CHECK_HEADERS(openssl/engine.h) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ENGINE_load_builtin_engines) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ENGINE_register_all_complete) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ENGINE_cleanup) ], [AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenSSL crypto Library is too old.])] ) ], [AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenSSL Crypto library not found.])] )], [AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenSSL Crypto headers not found.])] ) dnl dnl check for OpenSSL-SSL library dnl if test "$SSL" = "yes"; then AC_CHECKING([for OpenSSL SSL Library and Header files]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(openssl/ssl.h, [AC_CHECK_LIB(ssl, SSL_CTX_new, [ if test "$MEMCHECK" = "ssl"; then AC_CHECKING([for Memory Debugging Capabilities in OpenSSL Library]) AC_CHECK_LIB(ssl, CRYPTO_mem_ctrl, [ AC_DEFINE(CRYPTO_MDEBUG, 1, [Use memory debugging function in OpenSSL]) AC_MSG_RESULT([NOTE: OpenSSL library must be compiled with CRYPTO_MDEBUG]) ], [AC_MSG_ERROR([Memory Debugging function in OpenSSL library not found.])] ) fi ], [AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenSSL SSL library not found.])] )], [AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenSSL SSL headers not found.])] ) AC_DEFINE(USE_SSL, 1, [Use OpenSSL SSL library]) if test "${WIN32}" = "yes"; then OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-lssl32) else OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-lssl) fi fi fi dnl enable pkcs11 capability if test "$PKCS11" = "yes"; then AC_CHECKING([for pkcs11-helper Library and Header files]) AC_CHECK_HEADER(pkcs11-helper-1.0/pkcs11h-core.h, [AC_CHECK_LIB(pkcs11-helper, pkcs11h_initialize, [ AC_DEFINE(USE_PKCS11, 1, [Enable PKCS11 capability]) OPENVPN_ADD_LIBS(-lpkcs11-helper) ], [AC_MSG_RESULT([pkcs11-helper library not found.])] )], [AC_MSG_RESULT([pkcs11-helper headers not found.])] ) fi dnl enable multi-client mode if test "$MULTI" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_CLIENT_SERVER, 1, [Enable client/server capability]) fi dnl enable client mode only, not server if test "$MULTI_SERVER" = "no"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_CLIENT_ONLY, 1, [Enable client capability only]) fi dnl enable management server capability if test "$MANAGEMENT" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_MANAGEMENT, 1, [Enable management server capability]) fi dnl enable socks if test "$SOCKS" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_SOCKS, 1, [Enable Socks proxy support]) fi dnl enable HTTP proxy if test "$HTTP_PROXY" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_HTTP_PROXY, 1, [Enable HTTP proxy support]) fi dnl compile --multihome option if test "$MULTIHOME" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_MULTIHOME, 1, [Enable multi-homed UDP server capability]) fi dnl enable debugging if test "$DEBUG" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_DEBUG, 1, [Enable debugging support]) fi dnl enable small size optimizations if test "$SMALL" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_SMALL, 1, [Enable smaller executable size]) fi dnl enable --fragment if test "$FRAGMENT" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_FRAGMENT, 1, [Enable internal fragmentation support]) fi dnl enable --port-share if test "$PORT_SHARE" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_PORT_SHARE, 1, [Enable TCP Server port sharing]) fi dnl enable strict compiler warnings if test "$STRICT" = "yes"; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-unused-function" fi dnl enable pedantic compiler warnings if test "$PEDANTIC" = "yes"; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -ansi -pedantic" fi dnl enable profiling if test "$PROFILE" = "yes"; then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -pg -DENABLE_PROFILING" fi dnl enable strict options check between peers if test "$STRICT_OPTIONS" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(STRICT_OPTIONS_CHECK, 1, [Enable strict options check between peers]) fi dnl enable password save if test "$PASSWORD_SAVE" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_PASSWORD_SAVE, 1, [Allow --askpass and --auth-user-pass passwords to be read from a file]) fi TAP_ID="PRODUCT_TAP_ID" TAP_WIN32_MIN_MAJOR="PRODUCT_TAP_WIN32_MIN_MAJOR" TAP_WIN32_MIN_MINOR="PRODUCT_TAP_WIN32_MIN_MINOR" AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(TAP_ID, "${TAP_ID}", [The TAP-Win32 id defined in tap-win32/SOURCES]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(TAP_WIN32_MIN_MAJOR, ${TAP_WIN32_MIN_MAJOR}, [The TAP-Win32 version number is defined in tap-win32/SOURCES]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(TAP_WIN32_MIN_MINOR, ${TAP_WIN32_MIN_MINOR}, [The TAP-Win32 version number is defined in tap-win32/SOURCES]) AC_SUBST(TAP_ID) AC_SUBST(TAP_WIN32_MIN_MAJOR) AC_SUBST(TAP_WIN32_MIN_MINOR) win32datadir="\${datadir}/${PACKAGE}-win32" AC_SUBST(win32datadir) AM_CONDITIONAL(WIN32, test "${WIN32}" = "yes") # workaround for <autoconf-2.60 if test -z "${docdir}"; then docdir="\$(datarootdir)/doc/\$(PACKAGE_NAME)" AC_SUBST([docdir]) fi if test -z "${htmldir}"; then htmldir="\$(docdir)" AC_SUBST([htmldir]) fi # end workaround AC_OUTPUT([ Makefile openvpn.spec config-win32.h images/Makefile service-win32/Makefile install-win32/Makefile install-win32/settings ])