known issues for IPv6 payload support in OpenVPN

1.) "--topology subnet" doesn't work together with IPv6 payload
    (verified for FreeBSD server, Linux/ifconfig client, problems 
    with ICMP6 neighbor solicitations from BSD not being answered by Linux)

2.) NetBSD IPv6 support doesn't work
    ("connected" route is not auto-created, "route-ipv6" adding fails)

    * fixed, 3.1.10 *

3.) route deletion for IPv6 routes is not yet done

    * fixed for configured routes, 3.1.10 *
    * missing for manual-ifconfig-connected (NetBSD, Darwin)

4.) do "ifconfig tun0 inet6 unplumb"  or "ifconfig tun0 destroy" for
    Solaris, *BSD, ... at program termination time, to clean up leftovers
    (unless tunnel persistance is desired).

    For Solaris, only the "ipv6 tun0" is affected, for the *BSDs all tun0
    stay around.

5.) add new option "ifconfig-ipv6-push"
    (per-client static IPv6 assignment, -> radiusplugin, etc)

6.) add new option "route-ipv6-gateway"

7.) add "full" gateway handling for IPv6 in route.c 
    (right now, the routes are just sent down the tun interface, if the
    operating system in questions supports that, without care for the
    gateway address - which does not work for gateways that are supposed
    to point elsewhere.  Also, it doesn't work for TAP interfaces.

8.) full IPv6 support for TAP interfaces 
    (main issue should be routes+gateway - and testing :-) )