# # OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks # over a single UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based # session authentication and key exchange, # packet encryption, packet authentication, and # packet compression. # # Copyright (C) 2002-2005 OpenVPN Solutions LLC <info@openvpn.net> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this # distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # This option prevents autoreconf from overriding our COPYING and # INSTALL targets: AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign sbin_PROGRAMS = openvpn nodist_openvpn_SOURCES = config.h TESTS = t_lpback.sh t_cltsrv.sh dist_noinst_SCRIPTS = $(TESTS) .PHONY: plugin openvpn_SOURCES = \ base64.c base64.h \ basic.h \ buffer.c buffer.h \ circ_list.h \ common.h \ crypto.c crypto.h \ errlevel.h \ error.c error.h \ event.c event.h \ fdmisc.c fdmisc.h \ forward.c forward.h forward-inline.h \ fragment.c fragment.h \ gremlin.c gremlin.h \ helper.c helper.h \ lladdr.c lladdr.h \ init.c init.h \ integer.h \ interval.c interval.h \ list.c list.h \ lzo.c lzo.h \ manage.c manage.h \ mbuf.c mbuf.h \ memdbg.h \ misc.c misc.h \ mroute.c mroute.h \ mss.c mss.h \ mtcp.c mtcp.h \ mtu.c mtu.h \ mudp.c mudp.h \ multi.c multi.h \ ntlm.c ntlm.h \ occ.c occ.h occ-inline.h \ pkcs11.c pkcs11.h \ openvpn.c openvpn.h \ openvpn-plugin.h \ options.c options.h \ otime.c otime.h \ packet_id.c packet_id.h \ perf.c perf.h \ ping.c ping.h ping-inline.h \ plugin.c plugin.h \ pool.c pool.h \ proto.c proto.h \ proxy.c proxy.h \ ps.c ps.h \ push.c push.h \ reliable.c reliable.h \ route.c route.h \ schedule.c schedule.h \ session_id.c session_id.h \ shaper.c shaper.h \ sig.c sig.h \ socket.c socket.h \ socks.c socks.h \ ssl.c ssl.h \ status.c status.h \ syshead.h \ thread.c thread.h \ tun.c tun.h LDADD = @LIBOBJS@ man_MANS = openvpn.8 EXTRA_DIST = \ doclean \ $(man_MANS) \ COPYRIGHT.GPL \ PORTS \ openvpn.spec \ easy-rsa \ sample-config-files \ sample-keys \ sample-scripts \ gentoo \ suse \ openvpn.spec.in \ config-win32.h \ win32.h \ win32.c \ cryptoapi.h \ cryptoapi.c \ makefile.w32 \ makefile.w32-vc \ INSTALL-win32.txt \ tap-win32 \ install-win32 \ service-win32 \ contrib \ debug \ plugin \ management \ images \ ieproxy.c \ ieproxy.h \ domake-win dist-hook: cd $(distdir) && for i in $(EXTRA_DIST) ; do find $$i -name .svn -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' ';' ; rm -f `find $$i -type f | grep -E '(^|\/)\.?\#|\~$$|\.s?o$$'` ; done