// Copyright (c) 2014-2016, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "include_base_utils.h" #include "cryptonote_core/account.h" #include "cryptonote_core/account_boost_serialization.h" #include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_basic_impl.h" #include "net/http_client.h" #include "storages/http_abstract_invoke.h" #include "rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h" #include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_format_utils.h" #include "common/unordered_containers_boost_serialization.h" #include "crypto/chacha8.h" #include "crypto/hash.h" #include "ringct/rctTypes.h" #include "ringct/rctOps.h" #include "wallet_errors.h" #include "password_container.h" #include #define WALLET_RCP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT 200000 namespace tools { class i_wallet2_callback { public: virtual void on_new_block(uint64_t height, const cryptonote::block& block) {} virtual void on_money_received(uint64_t height, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t amount) {} virtual void on_money_spent(uint64_t height, const cryptonote::transaction& in_tx, uint64_t amount, const cryptonote::transaction& spend_tx) {} virtual void on_skip_transaction(uint64_t height, const cryptonote::transaction& tx) {} virtual ~i_wallet2_callback() {} }; struct tx_dust_policy { uint64_t dust_threshold; bool add_to_fee; cryptonote::account_public_address addr_for_dust; tx_dust_policy(uint64_t a_dust_threshold = 0, bool an_add_to_fee = true, cryptonote::account_public_address an_addr_for_dust = cryptonote::account_public_address()) : dust_threshold(a_dust_threshold) , add_to_fee(an_add_to_fee) , addr_for_dust(an_addr_for_dust) { } }; class wallet2 { public: enum RefreshType { RefreshFull, RefreshOptimizeCoinbase, RefreshNoCoinbase, RefreshDefault = RefreshOptimizeCoinbase, }; private: wallet2(const wallet2&) : m_run(true), m_callback(0), m_testnet(false), m_always_confirm_transfers(true), m_store_tx_info(true), m_default_mixin(0), m_default_priority(0), m_refresh_type(RefreshOptimizeCoinbase), m_auto_refresh(true), m_refresh_from_block_height(0), m_confirm_missing_payment_id(true) {} public: static const char* tr(const char* str);// { return i18n_translate(str, "cryptonote::simple_wallet"); } static bool has_testnet_option(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm); static void init_options(boost::program_options::options_description& desc_params); //! Uses stdin and stdout. Returns a wallet2 if no errors. static std::unique_ptr make_from_json(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, const std::string& json_file); //! Uses stdin and stdout. Returns a wallet2 and password for `wallet_file` if no errors. static std::pair, password_container> make_from_file(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, const std::string& wallet_file); //! Uses stdin and stdout. Returns a wallet2 and password for wallet with no file if no errors. static std::pair, password_container> make_new(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm); wallet2(bool testnet = false, bool restricted = false) : m_run(true), m_callback(0), m_testnet(testnet), m_always_confirm_transfers(true), m_store_tx_info(true), m_default_mixin(0), m_default_priority(0), m_refresh_type(RefreshOptimizeCoinbase), m_auto_refresh(true), m_refresh_from_block_height(0), m_confirm_missing_payment_id(true), m_restricted(restricted), is_old_file_format(false) {} struct transfer_details { uint64_t m_block_height; cryptonote::transaction_prefix m_tx; crypto::hash m_txid; size_t m_internal_output_index; uint64_t m_global_output_index; bool m_spent; uint64_t m_spent_height; crypto::key_image m_key_image; //TODO: key_image stored twice :( rct::key m_mask; uint64_t m_amount; bool m_rct; bool m_key_image_known; bool is_rct() const { return m_rct; } uint64_t amount() const { return m_amount; } const crypto::public_key &get_public_key() const { return boost::get(m_tx.vout[m_internal_output_index].target).key; } BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(m_block_height) FIELD(m_tx) FIELD(m_txid) FIELD(m_internal_output_index) FIELD(m_global_output_index) FIELD(m_spent) FIELD(m_spent_height) FIELD(m_key_image) FIELD(m_mask) FIELD(m_amount) FIELD(m_rct) FIELD(m_key_image_known) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct payment_details { crypto::hash m_tx_hash; uint64_t m_amount; uint64_t m_block_height; uint64_t m_unlock_time; uint64_t m_timestamp; }; struct unconfirmed_transfer_details { cryptonote::transaction_prefix m_tx; uint64_t m_amount_in; uint64_t m_amount_out; uint64_t m_change; time_t m_sent_time; std::vector m_dests; crypto::hash m_payment_id; enum { pending, pending_not_in_pool, failed } m_state; uint64_t m_timestamp; }; struct confirmed_transfer_details { uint64_t m_amount_in; uint64_t m_amount_out; uint64_t m_change; uint64_t m_block_height; std::vector m_dests; crypto::hash m_payment_id; uint64_t m_timestamp; confirmed_transfer_details(): m_amount_in(0), m_amount_out(0), m_change((uint64_t)-1), m_block_height(0), m_payment_id(cryptonote::null_hash) {} confirmed_transfer_details(const unconfirmed_transfer_details &utd, uint64_t height): m_amount_in(utd.m_amount_in), m_amount_out(utd.m_amount_out), m_change(utd.m_change), m_block_height(height), m_dests(utd.m_dests), m_payment_id(utd.m_payment_id), m_timestamp(utd.m_timestamp) {} }; struct tx_construction_data { std::vector sources; cryptonote::tx_destination_entry change_dts; std::vector splitted_dsts; // split, includes change std::list selected_transfers; std::vector extra; uint64_t unlock_time; bool use_rct; std::vector dests; // original setup, does not include change BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(sources) FIELD(change_dts) FIELD(splitted_dsts) FIELD(selected_transfers) FIELD(extra) VARINT_FIELD(unlock_time) FIELD(use_rct) FIELD(dests) END_SERIALIZE() }; typedef std::vector transfer_container; typedef std::unordered_multimap payment_container; // The convention for destinations is: // dests does not include change // splitted_dsts (in construction_data) does struct pending_tx { cryptonote::transaction tx; uint64_t dust, fee; bool dust_added_to_fee; cryptonote::tx_destination_entry change_dts; std::list selected_transfers; std::string key_images; crypto::secret_key tx_key; std::vector dests; tx_construction_data construction_data; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(tx) VARINT_FIELD(dust) VARINT_FIELD(fee) FIELD(dust_added_to_fee) FIELD(change_dts) FIELD(selected_transfers) FIELD(key_images) FIELD(tx_key) FIELD(dests) FIELD(construction_data) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct unsigned_tx_set { std::vector txes; wallet2::transfer_container transfers; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(txes) FIELD(transfers) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct signed_tx_set { std::vector ptx; std::vector key_images; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(ptx) FIELD(key_images) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct keys_file_data { crypto::chacha8_iv iv; std::string account_data; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(iv) FIELD(account_data) END_SERIALIZE() }; struct cache_file_data { crypto::chacha8_iv iv; std::string cache_data; BEGIN_SERIALIZE_OBJECT() FIELD(iv) FIELD(cache_data) END_SERIALIZE() }; /*! * \brief Generates a wallet or restores one. * \param wallet_ Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param recovery_param If it is a restore, the recovery key * \param recover Whether it is a restore * \param two_random Whether it is a non-deterministic wallet * \return The secret key of the generated wallet */ crypto::secret_key generate(const std::string& wallet, const std::string& password, const crypto::secret_key& recovery_param = crypto::secret_key(), bool recover = false, bool two_random = false); /*! * \brief Creates a wallet from a public address and a spend/view secret key pair. * \param wallet_ Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param viewkey view secret key * \param spendkey spend secret key */ void generate(const std::string& wallet, const std::string& password, const cryptonote::account_public_address &account_public_address, const crypto::secret_key& spendkey, const crypto::secret_key& viewkey); /*! * \brief Creates a watch only wallet from a public address and a view secret key. * \param wallet_ Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param viewkey view secret key */ void generate(const std::string& wallet, const std::string& password, const cryptonote::account_public_address &account_public_address, const crypto::secret_key& viewkey = crypto::secret_key()); /*! * \brief Rewrites to the wallet file for wallet upgrade (doesn't generate key, assumes it's already there) * \param wallet_name Name of wallet file (should exist) * \param password Password for wallet file */ void rewrite(const std::string& wallet_name, const std::string& password); void write_watch_only_wallet(const std::string& wallet_name, const std::string& password); void load(const std::string& wallet, const std::string& password); void store(); /*! * \brief store_to - stores wallet to another file(s), deleting old ones * \param path - path to the wallet file (keys and address filenames will be generated based on this filename) * \param password - password to protect new wallet (TODO: probably better save the password in the wallet object?) */ void store_to(const std::string &path, const std::string &password); std::string path() const; /*! * \brief verifies given password is correct for default wallet keys file */ bool verify_password(const std::string& password) const; cryptonote::account_base& get_account(){return m_account;} const cryptonote::account_base& get_account()const{return m_account;} void set_refresh_from_block_height(uint64_t height) {m_refresh_from_block_height = height;} // upper_transaction_size_limit as defined below is set to // approximately 125% of the fixed minimum allowable penalty // free block size. TODO: fix this so that it actually takes // into account the current median block size rather than // the minimum block size. void init(const std::string& daemon_address = "http://localhost:8080", uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit = 0); bool deinit(); void stop() { m_run.store(false, std::memory_order_relaxed); } i_wallet2_callback* callback() const { return m_callback; } void callback(i_wallet2_callback* callback) { m_callback = callback; } /*! * \brief Checks if deterministic wallet */ bool is_deterministic() const; bool get_seed(std::string& electrum_words) const; /*! * \brief Gets the seed language */ const std::string &get_seed_language() const; /*! * \brief Sets the seed language */ void set_seed_language(const std::string &language); /*! * \brief Tells if the wallet file is deprecated. */ bool is_deprecated() const; void refresh(); void refresh(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t & blocks_fetched); void refresh(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t & blocks_fetched, bool& received_money); bool refresh(uint64_t & blocks_fetched, bool& received_money, bool& ok); void set_refresh_type(RefreshType refresh_type) { m_refresh_type = refresh_type; } RefreshType get_refresh_type() const { return m_refresh_type; } bool testnet() const { return m_testnet; } bool restricted() const { return m_restricted; } bool watch_only() const { return m_watch_only; } uint64_t balance() const; uint64_t unlocked_balance() const; uint64_t unlocked_dust_balance(const tx_dust_policy &dust_policy) const; template void transfer(const std::vector& dsts, const size_t fake_outputs_count, const std::vector &unused_transfers_indices, uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector& extra, T destination_split_strategy, const tx_dust_policy& dust_policy, bool trusted_daemon); template void transfer(const std::vector& dsts, const size_t fake_outputs_count, const std::vector &unused_transfers_indices, uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector& extra, T destination_split_strategy, const tx_dust_policy& dust_policy, cryptonote::transaction& tx, pending_tx& ptx, bool trusted_daemon); void transfer(const std::vector& dsts, const size_t fake_outputs_count, const std::vector &unused_transfers_indices, uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector& extra, bool trusted_daemon); void transfer(const std::vector& dsts, const size_t fake_outputs_count, const std::vector &unused_transfers_indices, uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector& extra, cryptonote::transaction& tx, pending_tx& ptx, bool trusted_daemon); template void transfer_selected(const std::vector& dsts, const std::list selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count, uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector& extra, T destination_split_strategy, const tx_dust_policy& dust_policy, cryptonote::transaction& tx, pending_tx &ptx); void transfer_selected_rct(std::vector dsts, const std::list selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count, uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector& extra, cryptonote::transaction& tx, pending_tx &ptx); void commit_tx(pending_tx& ptx_vector); void commit_tx(std::vector& ptx_vector); bool save_tx(const std::vector& ptx_vector, const std::string &filename); bool sign_tx(const std::string &unsigned_filename, const std::string &signed_filename, std::vector &ptx, std::function accept_func = NULL); bool load_tx(const std::string &signed_filename, std::vector &ptx, std::function accept_func = NULL); std::vector create_transactions(std::vector dsts, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector extra, bool trusted_daemon); std::vector create_transactions_2(std::vector dsts, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector extra, bool trusted_daemon); std::vector create_transactions_all(const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector extra, bool trusted_daemon); std::vector create_transactions_from(const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, std::vector unused_transfers_indices, std::vector unused_dust_indices, const size_t fake_outs_count, const uint64_t unlock_time, uint32_t priority, const std::vector extra, bool trusted_daemon); std::vector create_unmixable_sweep_transactions(bool trusted_daemon); bool check_connection(bool *same_version = NULL); void get_transfers(wallet2::transfer_container& incoming_transfers) const; void get_payments(const crypto::hash& payment_id, std::list& payments, uint64_t min_height = 0) const; void get_payments(std::list>& payments, uint64_t min_height, uint64_t max_height = (uint64_t)-1) const; void get_payments_out(std::list>& confirmed_payments, uint64_t min_height, uint64_t max_height = (uint64_t)-1) const; void get_unconfirmed_payments_out(std::list>& unconfirmed_payments) const; void get_unconfirmed_payments(std::list>& unconfirmed_payments) const; uint64_t get_blockchain_current_height() const { return m_local_bc_height; } void rescan_spent(); void rescan_blockchain(bool refresh = true); bool is_transfer_unlocked(const transfer_details& td) const; template inline void serialize(t_archive &a, const unsigned int ver) { uint64_t dummy_refresh_height = 0; // moved to keys file if(ver < 5) return; a & m_blockchain; a & m_transfers; a & m_account_public_address; a & m_key_images; if(ver < 6) return; a & m_unconfirmed_txs; if(ver < 7) return; a & m_payments; if(ver < 8) return; a & m_tx_keys; if(ver < 9) return; a & m_confirmed_txs; if(ver < 11) return; a & dummy_refresh_height; if(ver < 12) return; a & m_tx_notes; if(ver < 13) return; a & m_unconfirmed_payments; if(ver < 14) return; if(ver < 15) { // we're loading an older wallet without a pubkey map, rebuild it for (size_t i = 0; i < m_transfers.size(); ++i) { const transfer_details &td = m_transfers[i]; const cryptonote::tx_out &out = td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index]; const cryptonote::txout_to_key &o = boost::get(out.target); m_pub_keys.emplace(o.key, i); } return; } a & m_pub_keys; } /*! * \brief Check if wallet keys and bin files exist * \param file_path Wallet file path * \param keys_file_exists Whether keys file exists * \param wallet_file_exists Whether bin file exists */ static void wallet_exists(const std::string& file_path, bool& keys_file_exists, bool& wallet_file_exists); /*! * \brief Check if wallet file path is valid format * \param file_path Wallet file path * \return Whether path is valid format */ static bool wallet_valid_path_format(const std::string& file_path); static bool parse_long_payment_id(const std::string& payment_id_str, crypto::hash& payment_id); static bool parse_short_payment_id(const std::string& payment_id_str, crypto::hash8& payment_id); static bool parse_payment_id(const std::string& payment_id_str, crypto::hash& payment_id); static std::vector addresses_from_url(const std::string& url, bool& dnssec_valid); static std::string address_from_txt_record(const std::string& s); bool always_confirm_transfers() const { return m_always_confirm_transfers; } void always_confirm_transfers(bool always) { m_always_confirm_transfers = always; } bool store_tx_info() const { return m_store_tx_info; } void store_tx_info(bool store) { m_store_tx_info = store; } uint32_t default_mixin() const { return m_default_mixin; } void default_mixin(uint32_t m) { m_default_mixin = m; } uint32_t get_default_priority() const { return m_default_priority; } void set_default_priority(uint32_t p) { m_default_priority = p; } bool auto_refresh() const { return m_auto_refresh; } void auto_refresh(bool r) { m_auto_refresh = r; } bool confirm_missing_payment_id() const { return m_confirm_missing_payment_id; } void confirm_missing_payment_id(bool always) { m_confirm_missing_payment_id = always; } bool get_tx_key(const crypto::hash &txid, crypto::secret_key &tx_key) const; uint64_t get_num_rct_outputs(); const transfer_details &get_transfer_details(size_t idx) const; void get_hard_fork_info(uint8_t version, uint64_t &earliest_height); bool use_fork_rules(uint8_t version, int64_t early_blocks = 0); std::string get_wallet_file() const; std::string get_keys_file() const; std::string get_daemon_address() const; uint64_t get_daemon_blockchain_height(std::string& err); uint64_t get_daemon_blockchain_target_height(std::string& err); /*! * \brief Calculates the approximate blockchain height from current date/time. */ uint64_t get_approximate_blockchain_height() const; std::vector select_available_outputs_from_histogram(uint64_t count, bool atleast, bool unlocked, bool trusted_daemon); std::vector select_available_outputs(const std::function &f); std::vector select_available_unmixable_outputs(bool trusted_daemon); std::vector select_available_mixable_outputs(bool trusted_daemon); size_t pop_best_value_from(const transfer_container &transfers, std::vector &unused_dust_indices, const std::list& selected_transfers) const; size_t pop_best_value(std::vector &unused_dust_indices, const std::list& selected_transfers) const; void set_tx_note(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string ¬e); std::string get_tx_note(const crypto::hash &txid) const; std::string sign(const std::string &data) const; bool verify(const std::string &data, const cryptonote::account_public_address &address, const std::string &signature) const; std::vector export_outputs() const; size_t import_outputs(const std::vector &outputs); std::vector> export_key_images() const; uint64_t import_key_images(const std::vector> &signed_key_images, uint64_t &spent, uint64_t &unspent); void update_pool_state(); std::string encrypt(const std::string &plaintext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated = true) const; std::string encrypt_with_view_secret_key(const std::string &plaintext, bool authenticated = true) const; std::string decrypt(const std::string &ciphertext, const crypto::secret_key &skey, bool authenticated = true) const; std::string decrypt_with_view_secret_key(const std::string &ciphertext, bool authenticated = true) const; private: /*! * \brief Stores wallet information to wallet file. * \param keys_file_name Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file * \param watch_only true to save only view key, false to save both spend and view keys * \return Whether it was successful. */ bool store_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const std::string& password, bool watch_only = false); /*! * \brief Load wallet information from wallet file. * \param keys_file_name Name of wallet file * \param password Password of wallet file */ bool load_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const std::string& password); void process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool); void process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cryptonote::block_complete_entry& bche, const crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t height, const cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCKS_FAST::block_output_indices &o_indices); void detach_blockchain(uint64_t height); void get_short_chain_history(std::list& ids) const; bool is_tx_spendtime_unlocked(uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t block_height) const; bool clear(); void pull_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t& blocks_start_height, const std::list &short_chain_history, std::list &blocks, std::vector &o_indices); void pull_hashes(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t& blocks_start_height, const std::list &short_chain_history, std::list &hashes); void fast_refresh(uint64_t stop_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_height, std::list &short_chain_history); void pull_next_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_height, std::list &short_chain_history, const std::list &prev_blocks, std::list &blocks, std::vector &o_indices, bool &error); void process_blocks(uint64_t start_height, const std::list &blocks, const std::vector &o_indices, uint64_t& blocks_added); uint64_t select_transfers(uint64_t needed_money, std::vector unused_transfers_indices, std::list& selected_transfers, bool trusted_daemon); bool prepare_file_names(const std::string& file_path); void process_unconfirmed(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t height); void process_outgoing(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, uint64_t spent, uint64_t received); void add_unconfirmed_tx(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t amount_in, const std::vector &dests, const crypto::hash &payment_id, uint64_t change_amount); void generate_genesis(cryptonote::block& b); void check_genesis(const crypto::hash& genesis_hash) const; //throws bool generate_chacha8_key_from_secret_keys(crypto::chacha8_key &key) const; crypto::hash get_payment_id(const pending_tx &ptx) const; void check_acc_out_precomp(const crypto::public_key &spend_public_key, const cryptonote::tx_out &o, const crypto::key_derivation &derivation, size_t i, bool &received, uint64_t &money_transfered, bool &error) const; void parse_block_round(const cryptonote::blobdata &blob, cryptonote::block &bl, crypto::hash &bl_id, bool &error) const; uint64_t get_upper_tranaction_size_limit(); std::vector get_unspent_amounts_vector(); uint64_t get_fee_multiplier(uint32_t priority, bool use_new_fee) const; uint64_t get_dynamic_per_kb_fee_estimate(); uint64_t get_per_kb_fee(); float get_output_relatedness(const transfer_details &td0, const transfer_details &td1) const; std::vector pick_prefered_rct_inputs(uint64_t needed_money) const; void set_spent(size_t idx, uint64_t height); void set_unspent(size_t idx); template void get_outs(std::vector> &outs, const std::list &selected_transfers, size_t fake_outputs_count); bool wallet_generate_key_image_helper(const cryptonote::account_keys& ack, const crypto::public_key& tx_public_key, size_t real_output_index, cryptonote::keypair& in_ephemeral, crypto::key_image& ki); crypto::public_key get_tx_pub_key_from_received_outs(const tools::wallet2::transfer_details &td) const; cryptonote::account_base m_account; std::string m_daemon_address; std::string m_wallet_file; std::string m_keys_file; epee::net_utils::http::http_simple_client m_http_client; std::vector m_blockchain; std::atomic m_local_bc_height; //temporary workaround std::unordered_map m_unconfirmed_txs; std::unordered_map m_confirmed_txs; std::unordered_map m_unconfirmed_payments; std::unordered_map m_tx_keys; transfer_container m_transfers; payment_container m_payments; std::unordered_map m_key_images; std::unordered_map m_pub_keys; cryptonote::account_public_address m_account_public_address; std::unordered_map m_tx_notes; uint64_t m_upper_transaction_size_limit; //TODO: auto-calc this value or request from daemon, now use some fixed value std::atomic m_run; boost::mutex m_daemon_rpc_mutex; i_wallet2_callback* m_callback; bool m_testnet; bool m_restricted; std::string seed_language; /*!< Language of the mnemonics (seed). */ bool is_old_file_format; /*!< Whether the wallet file is of an old file format */ bool m_watch_only; /*!< no spend key */ bool m_always_confirm_transfers; bool m_store_tx_info; /*!< request txkey to be returned in RPC, and store in the wallet cache file */ uint32_t m_default_mixin; uint32_t m_default_priority; RefreshType m_refresh_type; bool m_auto_refresh; uint64_t m_refresh_from_block_height; bool m_confirm_missing_payment_id; }; } BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2, 15) BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::transfer_details, 6) BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::payment_details, 1) BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details, 6) BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(tools::wallet2::confirmed_transfer_details, 3) namespace boost { namespace serialization { template inline void initialize_transfer_details(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver) { } template<> inline void initialize_transfer_details(boost::archive::binary_iarchive &a, tools::wallet2::transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver) { if (ver < 1) { x.m_mask = rct::identity(); x.m_amount = x.m_tx.vout[x.m_internal_output_index].amount; } if (ver < 2) { x.m_spent_height = 0; } if (ver < 4) { x.m_rct = x.m_tx.vout[x.m_internal_output_index].amount == 0; } if (ver < 6) { x.m_key_image_known = true; } } template inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver) { a & x.m_block_height; a & x.m_global_output_index; a & x.m_internal_output_index; if (ver < 3) { cryptonote::transaction tx; a & tx; x.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix&)tx; x.m_txid = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx); } else { a & x.m_tx; } a & x.m_spent; a & x.m_key_image; if (ver < 1) { // ensure mask and amount are set initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver); return; } a & x.m_mask; a & x.m_amount; if (ver < 2) { initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver); return; } a & x.m_spent_height; if (ver < 3) { initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver); return; } a & x.m_txid; if (ver < 4) { initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver); return; } a & x.m_rct; if (ver < 5) { initialize_transfer_details(a, x, ver); return; } if (ver < 6) { // v5 did not properly initialize uint8_t u; a & u; x.m_key_image_known = true; return; } a & x.m_key_image_known; } template inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::unconfirmed_transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver) { a & x.m_change; a & x.m_sent_time; if (ver < 5) { cryptonote::transaction tx; a & tx; x.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix&)tx; } else { a & x.m_tx; } if (ver < 1) return; a & x.m_dests; a & x.m_payment_id; if (ver < 2) return; a & x.m_state; if (ver < 3) return; a & x.m_timestamp; if (ver < 4) return; a & x.m_amount_in; a & x.m_amount_out; if (ver < 6) { // v<6 may not have change accumulated in m_amount_out, which is a pain, // as it's readily understood to be sum of outputs. // We convert it to include change from v6 if (!typename Archive::is_saving() && x.m_change != (uint64_t)-1) x.m_amount_out += x.m_change; } } template inline void serialize(Archive &a, tools::wallet2::confirmed_transfer_details &x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver) { a & x.m_amount_in; a & x.m_amount_out; a & x.m_change; a & x.m_block_height; if (ver < 1) return; a & x.m_dests; a & x.m_payment_id; if (ver < 2) return; a & x.m_timestamp; if (ver < 3) { // v<3 may not have change accumulated in m_amount_out, which is a pain, // as it's readily understood to be sum of outputs. Whether it got added // or not depends on whether it came from a unconfirmed_transfer_details // (not included) or not (included). We can't reliably tell here, so we // check whether either yields a "negative" fee, or use the other if so. // We convert it to include change from v3 if (!typename Archive::is_saving() && x.m_change != (uint64_t)-1) { if (x.m_amount_in > (x.m_amount_out + x.m_change)) x.m_amount_out += x.m_change; } } } template inline void serialize(Archive& a, tools::wallet2::payment_details& x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver) { a & x.m_tx_hash; a & x.m_amount; a & x.m_block_height; a & x.m_unlock_time; if (ver < 1) return; a & x.m_timestamp; } template inline void serialize(Archive& a, cryptonote::tx_destination_entry& x, const boost::serialization::version_type ver) { a & x.amount; a & x.addr; } } } namespace tools { namespace detail { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void digit_split_strategy(const std::vector& dsts, const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry& change_dst, uint64_t dust_threshold, std::vector& splitted_dsts, std::vector &dust_dsts) { splitted_dsts.clear(); dust_dsts.clear(); BOOST_FOREACH(auto& de, dsts) { cryptonote::decompose_amount_into_digits(de.amount, 0, [&](uint64_t chunk) { splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(chunk, de.addr)); }, [&](uint64_t a_dust) { splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(a_dust, de.addr)); } ); } cryptonote::decompose_amount_into_digits(change_dst.amount, 0, [&](uint64_t chunk) { if (chunk <= dust_threshold) dust_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(chunk, change_dst.addr)); else splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(chunk, change_dst.addr)); }, [&](uint64_t a_dust) { dust_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(a_dust, change_dst.addr)); } ); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void null_split_strategy(const std::vector& dsts, const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry& change_dst, uint64_t dust_threshold, std::vector& splitted_dsts, std::vector &dust_dsts) { splitted_dsts = dsts; dust_dsts.clear(); uint64_t change = change_dst.amount; if (0 != change) { splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(change, change_dst.addr)); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void print_source_entry(const cryptonote::tx_source_entry& src) { std::string indexes; std::for_each(src.outputs.begin(), src.outputs.end(), [&](const cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry& s_e) { indexes += boost::to_string(s_e.first) + " "; }); LOG_PRINT_L0("amount=" << cryptonote::print_money(src.amount) << ", real_output=" < void wallet2::transfer(const std::vector& dsts, const size_t fake_outs_count, const std::vector &unused_transfers_indices, uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector& extra, T destination_split_strategy, const tx_dust_policy& dust_policy, bool trusted_daemon) { pending_tx ptx; cryptonote::transaction tx; transfer(dsts, fake_outs_count, unused_transfers_indices, unlock_time, fee, extra, destination_split_strategy, dust_policy, tx, ptx, trusted_daemon); } template void wallet2::transfer(const std::vector& dsts, size_t fake_outputs_count, const std::vector &unused_transfers_indices, uint64_t unlock_time, uint64_t fee, const std::vector& extra, T destination_split_strategy, const tx_dust_policy& dust_policy, cryptonote::transaction& tx, pending_tx &ptx, bool trusted_daemon) { using namespace cryptonote; // throw if attempting a transaction with no destinations THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(dsts.empty(), error::zero_destination); uint64_t upper_transaction_size_limit = get_upper_tranaction_size_limit(); uint64_t needed_money = fee; // calculate total amount being sent to all destinations // throw if total amount overflows uint64_t BOOST_FOREACH(auto& dt, dsts) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(0 == dt.amount, error::zero_destination); needed_money += dt.amount; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(needed_money < dt.amount, error::tx_sum_overflow, dsts, fee, m_testnet); } // randomly select inputs for transaction // throw if requested send amount is greater than amount available to send std::list selected_transfers; uint64_t found_money = select_transfers(needed_money, unused_transfers_indices, selected_transfers, trusted_daemon); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(found_money < needed_money, error::not_enough_money, found_money, needed_money - fee, fee); typedef COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::out_entry out_entry; typedef cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry tx_output_entry; COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::response daemon_resp = AUTO_VAL_INIT(daemon_resp); if(fake_outputs_count) { COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req); req.outs_count = fake_outputs_count + 1;// add one to make possible (if need) to skip real output key BOOST_FOREACH(size_t idx, selected_transfers) { const transfer_container::const_iterator it = m_transfers.begin() + idx; THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it->m_tx.vout.size() <= it->m_internal_output_index, error::wallet_internal_error, "m_internal_output_index = " + std::to_string(it->m_internal_output_index) + " is greater or equal to outputs count = " + std::to_string(it->m_tx.vout.size())); req.amounts.push_back(it->amount()); } m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock(); bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_bin_remote_command2(m_daemon_address + "/getrandom_outs.bin", req, daemon_resp, m_http_client, 200000); m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock(); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "getrandom_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "getrandom_outs.bin"); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_random_outs_error, daemon_resp.status); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.outs.size() != selected_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "daemon returned wrong response for getrandom_outs.bin, wrong amounts count = " + std::to_string(daemon_resp.outs.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(selected_transfers.size())); std::unordered_map scanty_outs; BOOST_FOREACH(COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::outs_for_amount& amount_outs, daemon_resp.outs) { if (amount_outs.outs.size() < fake_outputs_count) { scanty_outs[amount_outs.amount] = amount_outs.outs.size(); } } THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!scanty_outs.empty(), error::not_enough_outs_to_mix, scanty_outs, fake_outputs_count); } //prepare inputs size_t i = 0; std::vector sources; BOOST_FOREACH(size_t idx, selected_transfers) { sources.resize(sources.size()+1); cryptonote::tx_source_entry& src = sources.back(); const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[idx]; src.amount = td.amount(); src.rct = false; //paste mixin transaction if(daemon_resp.outs.size()) { daemon_resp.outs[i].outs.sort([](const out_entry& a, const out_entry& b){return a.global_amount_index < b.global_amount_index;}); BOOST_FOREACH(out_entry& daemon_oe, daemon_resp.outs[i].outs) { if(td.m_global_output_index == daemon_oe.global_amount_index) continue; tx_output_entry oe; oe.first = daemon_oe.global_amount_index; oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct(daemon_oe.out_key); oe.second.mask = rct::identity(); src.outputs.push_back(oe); if(src.outputs.size() >= fake_outputs_count) break; } } //paste real transaction to the random index auto it_to_insert = std::find_if(src.outputs.begin(), src.outputs.end(), [&](const tx_output_entry& a) { return a.first >= td.m_global_output_index; }); //size_t real_index = src.outputs.size() ? (rand() % src.outputs.size() ):0; tx_output_entry real_oe; real_oe.first = td.m_global_output_index; real_oe.second.dest = rct::pk2rct(boost::get(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target).key); real_oe.second.mask = rct::identity(); auto interted_it = src.outputs.insert(it_to_insert, real_oe); src.real_out_tx_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(td.m_tx); src.real_output = interted_it - src.outputs.begin(); src.real_output_in_tx_index = td.m_internal_output_index; detail::print_source_entry(src); ++i; } cryptonote::tx_destination_entry change_dts = AUTO_VAL_INIT(change_dts); if (needed_money < found_money) { change_dts.addr = m_account.get_keys().m_account_address; change_dts.amount = found_money - needed_money; } std::vector splitted_dsts, dust_dsts; uint64_t dust = 0; destination_split_strategy(dsts, change_dts, dust_policy.dust_threshold, splitted_dsts, dust_dsts); BOOST_FOREACH(auto& d, dust_dsts) { THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(dust_policy.dust_threshold < d.amount, error::wallet_internal_error, "invalid dust value: dust = " + std::to_string(d.amount) + ", dust_threshold = " + std::to_string(dust_policy.dust_threshold)); } BOOST_FOREACH(auto& d, dust_dsts) { if (!dust_policy.add_to_fee) splitted_dsts.push_back(cryptonote::tx_destination_entry(d.amount, dust_policy.addr_for_dust)); dust += d.amount; } crypto::secret_key tx_key; bool r = cryptonote::construct_tx_and_get_tx_key(m_account.get_keys(), sources, splitted_dsts, extra, tx, unlock_time, tx_key); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::tx_not_constructed, sources, splitted_dsts, unlock_time, m_testnet); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(upper_transaction_size_limit <= get_object_blobsize(tx), error::tx_too_big, tx, upper_transaction_size_limit); std::string key_images; bool all_are_txin_to_key = std::all_of(tx.vin.begin(), tx.vin.end(), [&](const txin_v& s_e) -> bool { CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(s_e, const txin_to_key, in, false); key_images += boost::to_string(in.k_image) + " "; return true; }); THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!all_are_txin_to_key, error::unexpected_txin_type, tx); bool dust_sent_elsewhere = (dust_policy.addr_for_dust.m_view_public_key != change_dts.addr.m_view_public_key || dust_policy.addr_for_dust.m_spend_public_key != change_dts.addr.m_spend_public_key); if (dust_policy.add_to_fee || dust_sent_elsewhere) change_dts.amount -= dust; ptx.key_images = key_images; ptx.fee = (dust_policy.add_to_fee ? fee+dust : fee); ptx.dust = ((dust_policy.add_to_fee || dust_sent_elsewhere) ? dust : 0); ptx.dust_added_to_fee = dust_policy.add_to_fee; ptx.tx = tx; ptx.change_dts = change_dts; ptx.selected_transfers = selected_transfers; ptx.tx_key = tx_key; ptx.dests = dsts; ptx.construction_data.sources = sources; ptx.construction_data.change_dts = change_dts; ptx.construction_data.splitted_dsts = splitted_dsts; ptx.construction_data.selected_transfers = selected_transfers; ptx.construction_data.extra = tx.extra; ptx.construction_data.unlock_time = unlock_time; ptx.construction_data.use_rct = false; ptx.construction_data.dests = dsts; } }