// Copyright (c) 2016-2017, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "message.h" #include "daemon_rpc_version.h" #include "serialization/json_object.h" #include "rapidjson/writer.h" #include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h" namespace cryptonote { namespace rpc { const char* Message::STATUS_OK = "OK"; const char* Message::STATUS_RETRY = "Retry"; const char* Message::STATUS_FAILED = "Failed"; const char* Message::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST = "Invalid request type"; const char* Message::STATUS_BAD_JSON = "Malformed json"; namespace { constexpr const char error_field[] = "error"; constexpr const char id_field[] = "id"; constexpr const char method_field[] = "method"; constexpr const char params_field[] = "params"; constexpr const char result_field[] = "result"; } rapidjson::Value Message::toJson(rapidjson::Document& doc) const { rapidjson::Value val(rapidjson::kObjectType); auto& al = doc.GetAllocator(); val.AddMember("status", rapidjson::StringRef(status.c_str()), al); val.AddMember("error_details", rapidjson::StringRef(error_details.c_str()), al); INSERT_INTO_JSON_OBJECT(val, doc, rpc_version, DAEMON_RPC_VERSION_ZMQ); return val; } void Message::fromJson(rapidjson::Value& val) { GET_FROM_JSON_OBJECT(val, status, status); GET_FROM_JSON_OBJECT(val, error_details, error_details); GET_FROM_JSON_OBJECT(val, rpc_version, rpc_version); } FullMessage::FullMessage(const std::string& request, Message* message) { doc.SetObject(); doc.AddMember(method_field, rapidjson::StringRef(request.c_str()), doc.GetAllocator()); doc.AddMember(params_field, message->toJson(doc), doc.GetAllocator()); // required by JSON-RPC 2.0 spec doc.AddMember("jsonrpc", rapidjson::Value("2.0"), doc.GetAllocator()); } FullMessage::FullMessage(Message* message) { doc.SetObject(); // required by JSON-RPC 2.0 spec doc.AddMember("jsonrpc", "2.0", doc.GetAllocator()); if (message->status == Message::STATUS_OK) { doc.AddMember(result_field, message->toJson(doc), doc.GetAllocator()); } else { cryptonote::rpc::error err; err.error_str = message->status; err.message = message->error_details; INSERT_INTO_JSON_OBJECT(doc, doc, error, err); } } FullMessage::FullMessage(const std::string& json_string, bool request) { doc.Parse(json_string.c_str()); if (doc.HasParseError() || !doc.IsObject()) { throw cryptonote::json::PARSE_FAIL(); } OBJECT_HAS_MEMBER_OR_THROW(doc, "jsonrpc") if (request) { OBJECT_HAS_MEMBER_OR_THROW(doc, method_field) OBJECT_HAS_MEMBER_OR_THROW(doc, params_field) } else { if (!doc.HasMember(result_field) && !doc.HasMember(error_field)) { throw cryptonote::json::MISSING_KEY("error/result"); } } } std::string FullMessage::getJson() { if (!doc.HasMember(id_field)) { doc.AddMember(id_field, rapidjson::Value("unused"), doc.GetAllocator()); } rapidjson::StringBuffer buf; rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buf); doc.Accept(writer); return std::string(buf.GetString(), buf.GetSize()); } std::string FullMessage::getRequestType() const { OBJECT_HAS_MEMBER_OR_THROW(doc, method_field) return doc[method_field].GetString(); } rapidjson::Value& FullMessage::getMessage() { if (doc.HasMember(params_field)) { return doc[params_field]; } else if (doc.HasMember(result_field)) { return doc[result_field]; } //else OBJECT_HAS_MEMBER_OR_THROW(doc, error_field) return doc[error_field]; } rapidjson::Value FullMessage::getMessageCopy() { rapidjson::Value& val = getMessage(); return rapidjson::Value(val, doc.GetAllocator()); } rapidjson::Value& FullMessage::getID() { OBJECT_HAS_MEMBER_OR_THROW(doc, id_field) return doc[id_field]; } void FullMessage::setID(rapidjson::Value& id) { auto itr = doc.FindMember(id_field); if (itr != doc.MemberEnd()) { itr->value = id; } else { doc.AddMember(id_field, id, doc.GetAllocator()); } } cryptonote::rpc::error FullMessage::getError() { cryptonote::rpc::error err; err.use = false; if (doc.HasMember(error_field)) { GET_FROM_JSON_OBJECT(doc, err, error); err.use = true; } return err; } FullMessage FullMessage::requestMessage(const std::string& request, Message* message) { return FullMessage(request, message); } FullMessage FullMessage::requestMessage(const std::string& request, Message* message, rapidjson::Value& id) { auto mes = requestMessage(request, message); mes.setID(id); return mes; } FullMessage FullMessage::responseMessage(Message* message) { return FullMessage(message); } FullMessage FullMessage::responseMessage(Message* message, rapidjson::Value& id) { auto mes = responseMessage(message); mes.setID(id); return mes; } FullMessage* FullMessage::timeoutMessage() { auto *full_message = new FullMessage(); auto& doc = full_message->doc; auto& al = full_message->doc.GetAllocator(); doc.SetObject(); // required by JSON-RPC 2.0 spec doc.AddMember("jsonrpc", "2.0", al); cryptonote::rpc::error err; err.error_str = "RPC request timed out."; INSERT_INTO_JSON_OBJECT(doc, doc, err, err); return full_message; } // convenience functions for bad input std::string BAD_REQUEST(const std::string& request) { Message fail; fail.status = Message::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; fail.error_details = std::string("\"") + request + "\" is not a valid request."; FullMessage fail_response = FullMessage::responseMessage(&fail); return fail_response.getJson(); } std::string BAD_REQUEST(const std::string& request, rapidjson::Value& id) { Message fail; fail.status = Message::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST; fail.error_details = std::string("\"") + request + "\" is not a valid request."; FullMessage fail_response = FullMessage::responseMessage(&fail, id); return fail_response.getJson(); } std::string BAD_JSON(const std::string& error_details) { Message fail; fail.status = Message::STATUS_BAD_JSON; fail.error_details = error_details; FullMessage fail_response = FullMessage::responseMessage(&fail); return fail_response.getJson(); } } // namespace rpc } // namespace cryptonote