// Copyright (c) 2017-2019, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // #ifdef WITH_DEVICE_TREZOR_WEBUSB #include <libusb.h> #endif #include <algorithm> #include <boost/endian/conversion.hpp> #include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp> #include <boost/asio/ip/udp.hpp> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time_types.hpp> #include <boost/format.hpp> #include "common/apply_permutation.h" #include "transport.hpp" #include "messages/messages-common.pb.h" #undef MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY #define MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "device.trezor.transport" using namespace std; using json = rapidjson::Document; namespace hw{ namespace trezor{ bool t_serialize(const std::string & in, std::string & out){ out = in; return true; } bool t_serialize(const epee::wipeable_string & in, std::string & out){ out.assign(in.data(), in.size()); return true; } bool t_serialize(const json_val & in, std::string & out){ rapidjson::StringBuffer sb; rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(sb); in.Accept(writer); out = sb.GetString(); return true; } std::string t_serialize(const json_val & in){ std::string ret; t_serialize(in, ret); return ret; } bool t_deserialize(const std::string & in, std::string & out){ out = in; return true; } bool t_deserialize(std::string & in, epee::wipeable_string & out){ out = epee::wipeable_string(in); return true; } bool t_deserialize(const std::string & in, json & out){ if (out.Parse(in.c_str()).HasParseError()) { throw exc::CommunicationException("JSON parse error"); } return true; } static std::string json_get_string(const rapidjson::Value & in){ return std::string(in.GetString()); } uint64_t pack_version(uint32_t major, uint32_t minor, uint32_t patch) { // packing (major, minor, patch) to 64 B: 16 B | 24 B | 24 B const unsigned bits_1 = 16; const unsigned bits_2 = 24; const uint32_t mask_1 = (1 << bits_1) - 1; const uint32_t mask_2 = (1 << bits_2) - 1; CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(major <= mask_1 && minor <= mask_2 && patch <= mask_2, "Version numbers overflow packing scheme"); return patch | (((uint64_t)minor) << bits_2) | (((uint64_t)major) << (bits_1 + bits_2)); } typedef struct { uint16_t trezor_type; uint16_t id_vendor; uint16_t id_product; } trezor_usb_desc_t; static trezor_usb_desc_t TREZOR_DESC_T1 = {1, 0x534C, 0x0001}; static trezor_usb_desc_t TREZOR_DESC_T2 = {2, 0x1209, 0x53C1}; static trezor_usb_desc_t TREZOR_DESC_T2_BL = {3, 0x1209, 0x53C0}; static trezor_usb_desc_t TREZOR_DESCS[] = { TREZOR_DESC_T1, TREZOR_DESC_T2, TREZOR_DESC_T2_BL, }; static size_t TREZOR_DESCS_LEN = sizeof(TREZOR_DESCS)/sizeof(TREZOR_DESCS[0]); static ssize_t get_device_idx(uint16_t id_vendor, uint16_t id_product){ for(size_t i = 0; i < TREZOR_DESCS_LEN; ++i){ if (TREZOR_DESCS[i].id_vendor == id_vendor && TREZOR_DESCS[i].id_product == id_product){ return i; } } return -1; } static bool is_device_supported(ssize_t device_idx){ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(device_idx < (ssize_t)TREZOR_DESCS_LEN, "Device desc idx too big"); if (device_idx < 0){ return false; } #ifdef TREZOR_1_SUPPORTED return true; #else return TREZOR_DESCS[device_idx].trezor_type != 1; #endif } // // Helpers // #define PROTO_HEADER_SIZE 6 static size_t message_size(const google::protobuf::Message &req){ return static_cast<size_t>(req.ByteSize()); } static size_t serialize_message_buffer_size(size_t msg_size) { return PROTO_HEADER_SIZE + msg_size; // tag 2B + len 4B } static void serialize_message_header(void * buff, uint16_t tag, uint32_t len){ uint16_t wire_tag = boost::endian::native_to_big(static_cast<uint16_t>(tag)); uint32_t wire_len = boost::endian::native_to_big(static_cast<uint32_t>(len)); memcpy(buff, (void *) &wire_tag, 2); memcpy((uint8_t*)buff + 2, (void *) &wire_len, 4); } static void deserialize_message_header(const void * buff, uint16_t & tag, uint32_t & len){ uint16_t wire_tag; uint32_t wire_len; memcpy(&wire_tag, buff, 2); memcpy(&wire_len, (uint8_t*)buff + 2, 4); tag = boost::endian::big_to_native(wire_tag); len = boost::endian::big_to_native(wire_len); } static void serialize_message(const google::protobuf::Message &req, size_t msg_size, uint8_t * buff, size_t buff_size) { auto msg_wire_num = MessageMapper::get_message_wire_number(req); const auto req_buffer_size = serialize_message_buffer_size(msg_size); if (req_buffer_size > buff_size){ throw std::invalid_argument("Buffer too small"); } serialize_message_header(buff, msg_wire_num, msg_size); if (!req.SerializeToArray(buff + 6, msg_size)){ throw exc::EncodingException("Message serialization error"); } } // // Communication protocol // #define REPLEN 64 void ProtocolV1::write(Transport & transport, const google::protobuf::Message & req){ const auto msg_size = message_size(req); const auto buff_size = serialize_message_buffer_size(msg_size) + 2; epee::wipeable_string req_buff; epee::wipeable_string chunk_buff; req_buff.resize(buff_size); chunk_buff.resize(REPLEN); uint8_t * req_buff_raw = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(req_buff.data()); uint8_t * chunk_buff_raw = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(chunk_buff.data()); req_buff_raw[0] = '#'; req_buff_raw[1] = '#'; serialize_message(req, msg_size, req_buff_raw + 2, buff_size - 2); size_t offset = 0; // Chunk by chunk upload while(offset < buff_size){ auto to_copy = std::min((size_t)(buff_size - offset), (size_t)(REPLEN - 1)); chunk_buff_raw[0] = '?'; memcpy(chunk_buff_raw + 1, req_buff_raw + offset, to_copy); // Pad with zeros if (to_copy < REPLEN - 1){ memset(chunk_buff_raw + 1 + to_copy, 0, REPLEN - 1 - to_copy); } transport.write_chunk(chunk_buff_raw, REPLEN); offset += REPLEN - 1; } } void ProtocolV1::read(Transport & transport, std::shared_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> & msg, messages::MessageType * msg_type){ epee::wipeable_string chunk_buff; chunk_buff.resize(REPLEN); char * chunk_buff_raw = chunk_buff.data(); // Initial chunk read size_t nread = transport.read_chunk(chunk_buff_raw, REPLEN); if (nread != REPLEN){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Read chunk has invalid size"); } if (memcmp(chunk_buff_raw, "?##", 3) != 0){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Malformed chunk"); } uint16_t tag; uint32_t len; nread -= 3 + 6; deserialize_message_header(chunk_buff_raw + 3, tag, len); epee::wipeable_string data_acc(chunk_buff_raw + 3 + 6, nread); data_acc.reserve(len); while(nread < len){ const size_t cur = transport.read_chunk(chunk_buff_raw, REPLEN); if (chunk_buff_raw[0] != '?'){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Chunk malformed"); } data_acc.append(chunk_buff_raw + 1, cur - 1); nread += cur - 1; } if (msg_type){ *msg_type = static_cast<messages::MessageType>(tag); } if (nread < len){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Response incomplete"); } std::shared_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> msg_wrap(MessageMapper::get_message(tag)); if (!msg_wrap->ParseFromArray(data_acc.data(), len)){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Message could not be parsed"); } msg = msg_wrap; } static void assert_port_number(uint32_t port) { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(port >= 1024 && port < 65535, "Invalid port number: " << port); } Transport::Transport(): m_open_counter(0) { } bool Transport::pre_open(){ if (m_open_counter > 0){ MTRACE("Already opened, count: " << m_open_counter); m_open_counter += 1; return false; } else if (m_open_counter < 0){ MTRACE("Negative open value: " << m_open_counter); } // Caller should set m_open_counter to 1 after open m_open_counter = 0; return true; } bool Transport::pre_close(){ m_open_counter -= 1; if (m_open_counter < 0){ MDEBUG("Already closed. Counter " << m_open_counter); } else if (m_open_counter == 0) { return true; } return false; } // // Bridge transport // const char * BridgeTransport::PATH_PREFIX = "bridge:"; BridgeTransport::BridgeTransport( boost::optional<std::string> device_path, boost::optional<std::string> bridge_host): m_device_path(device_path), m_bridge_host(bridge_host ? bridge_host.get() : DEFAULT_BRIDGE), m_response(boost::none), m_session(boost::none), m_device_info(boost::none) { const char *env_bridge_port = nullptr; if (!bridge_host && (env_bridge_port = getenv("TREZOR_BRIDGE_PORT")) != nullptr) { uint16_t bridge_port; CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(epee::string_tools::get_xtype_from_string(bridge_port, env_bridge_port), "Invalid bridge port: " << env_bridge_port); assert_port_number(bridge_port); m_bridge_host = std::string("") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(env_bridge_port); MDEBUG("Bridge host: " << m_bridge_host); } m_http_client.set_server(m_bridge_host, boost::none, epee::net_utils::ssl_support_t::e_ssl_support_disabled); } std::string BridgeTransport::get_path() const { if (!m_device_path){ return ""; } std::string path(PATH_PREFIX); return path + m_device_path.get(); } void BridgeTransport::enumerate(t_transport_vect & res) { json bridge_res; std::string req; bool req_status = invoke_bridge_http("/enumerate", req, bridge_res, m_http_client); if (!req_status){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Bridge enumeration failed"); } for(rapidjson::Value::ConstValueIterator itr = bridge_res.Begin(); itr != bridge_res.End(); ++itr){ auto element = itr->GetObject(); auto t = std::make_shared<BridgeTransport>(boost::make_optional(json_get_string(element["path"]))); auto itr_vendor = element.FindMember("vendor"); auto itr_product = element.FindMember("product"); if (itr_vendor != element.MemberEnd() && itr_product != element.MemberEnd() && itr_vendor->value.IsNumber() && itr_product->value.IsNumber()){ try { const auto id_vendor = (uint16_t) itr_vendor->value.GetUint64(); const auto id_product = (uint16_t) itr_product->value.GetUint64(); const auto device_idx = get_device_idx(id_vendor, id_product); if (!is_device_supported(device_idx)){ MDEBUG("Device with idx " << device_idx << " is not supported. Vendor: " << id_vendor << ", product: " << id_product); continue; } } catch(const std::exception &e){ MERROR("Could not detect vendor & product: " << e.what()); } } t->m_device_info.emplace(); t->m_device_info->CopyFrom(*itr, t->m_device_info->GetAllocator()); res.push_back(t); } } void BridgeTransport::open() { if (!pre_open()){ return; } if (!m_device_path){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Coud not open, empty device path"); } std::string uri = "/acquire/" + m_device_path.get() + "/null"; std::string req; json bridge_res; bool req_status = invoke_bridge_http(uri, req, bridge_res, m_http_client); if (!req_status){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Failed to acquire device"); } m_session = boost::make_optional(json_get_string(bridge_res["session"])); m_open_counter = 1; } void BridgeTransport::close() { if (!pre_close()){ return; } MTRACE("Closing Trezor:BridgeTransport"); if (!m_device_path || !m_session){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Device not open"); } std::string uri = "/release/" + m_session.get(); std::string req; json bridge_res; bool req_status = invoke_bridge_http(uri, req, bridge_res, m_http_client); if (!req_status){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Failed to release device"); } m_session = boost::none; } void BridgeTransport::write(const google::protobuf::Message &req) { m_response = boost::none; const auto msg_size = message_size(req); const auto buff_size = serialize_message_buffer_size(msg_size); epee::wipeable_string req_buff; req_buff.resize(buff_size); uint8_t * req_buff_raw = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(req_buff.data()); serialize_message(req, msg_size, req_buff_raw, buff_size); std::string uri = "/call/" + m_session.get(); epee::wipeable_string res_hex; epee::wipeable_string req_hex = epee::to_hex::wipeable_string(epee::span<const std::uint8_t>(req_buff_raw, buff_size)); bool req_status = invoke_bridge_http(uri, req_hex, res_hex, m_http_client); if (!req_status){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Call method failed"); } m_response = res_hex; } void BridgeTransport::read(std::shared_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> & msg, messages::MessageType * msg_type) { if (!m_response){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Could not read, no response stored"); } boost::optional<epee::wipeable_string> bin_data = m_response->parse_hexstr(); if (!bin_data){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Response is not well hexcoded"); } uint16_t msg_tag; uint32_t msg_len; deserialize_message_header(bin_data->data(), msg_tag, msg_len); if (bin_data->size() != msg_len + 6){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Response is not well hexcoded"); } if (msg_type){ *msg_type = static_cast<messages::MessageType>(msg_tag); } std::shared_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> msg_wrap(MessageMapper::get_message(msg_tag)); if (!msg_wrap->ParseFromArray(bin_data->data() + 6, msg_len)){ throw exc::EncodingException("Response is not well hexcoded"); } msg = msg_wrap; } const boost::optional<json> & BridgeTransport::device_info() const { return m_device_info; } std::ostream& BridgeTransport::dump(std::ostream& o) const { return o << "BridgeTransport<path=" << (m_device_path ? get_path() : "None") << ", info=" << (m_device_info ? t_serialize(m_device_info.get()) : "None") << ", session=" << (m_session ? m_session.get() : "None") << ">"; } // // UdpTransport // const char * UdpTransport::PATH_PREFIX = "udp:"; const char * UdpTransport::DEFAULT_HOST = ""; const int UdpTransport::DEFAULT_PORT = 21324; static void parse_udp_path(std::string &host, int &port, std::string path) { if (boost::starts_with(path, UdpTransport::PATH_PREFIX)) { path = path.substr(strlen(UdpTransport::PATH_PREFIX)); } auto delim = path.find(':'); if (delim == std::string::npos) { host = path; } else { host = path.substr(0, delim); port = std::stoi(path.substr(delim + 1)); } } UdpTransport::UdpTransport(boost::optional<std::string> device_path, boost::optional<std::shared_ptr<Protocol>> proto) : m_io_service(), m_deadline(m_io_service) { m_device_host = DEFAULT_HOST; m_device_port = DEFAULT_PORT; const char *env_trezor_path = nullptr; if (device_path) { parse_udp_path(m_device_host, m_device_port, device_path.get()); } else if ((env_trezor_path = getenv("TREZOR_PATH")) != nullptr && boost::starts_with(env_trezor_path, UdpTransport::PATH_PREFIX)){ parse_udp_path(m_device_host, m_device_port, std::string(env_trezor_path)); MDEBUG("Applied TREZOR_PATH: " << m_device_host << ":" << m_device_port); } else { m_device_host = DEFAULT_HOST; } assert_port_number((uint32_t)m_device_port); if (m_device_host != "localhost" && m_device_host != DEFAULT_HOST){ throw std::invalid_argument("Local endpoint allowed only"); } m_proto = proto ? proto.get() : std::make_shared<ProtocolV1>(); } std::string UdpTransport::get_path() const { std::string path(PATH_PREFIX); return path + m_device_host + ":" + std::to_string(m_device_port); } void UdpTransport::require_socket(){ if (!m_socket){ throw exc::NotConnectedException("Socket not connected"); } } bool UdpTransport::ping(){ return ping_int(); } bool UdpTransport::ping_int(boost::posix_time::time_duration timeout){ require_socket(); try { std::string req = "PINGPING"; char res[8]; m_socket->send_to(boost::asio::buffer(req.c_str(), req.size()), m_endpoint); receive(res, 8, nullptr, false, timeout); return memcmp(res, "PONGPONG", 8) == 0; } catch(...){ return false; } } void UdpTransport::enumerate(t_transport_vect & res) { std::shared_ptr<UdpTransport> t = std::make_shared<UdpTransport>(); bool t_works = false; try{ t->open(); t_works = t->ping(); } catch(...) { } t->close(); if (t_works){ res.push_back(t); } } void UdpTransport::open() { if (!pre_open()){ return; } udp::resolver resolver(m_io_service); udp::resolver::query query(udp::v4(), m_device_host, std::to_string(m_device_port)); m_endpoint = *resolver.resolve(query); m_socket.reset(new udp::socket(m_io_service)); m_socket->open(udp::v4()); m_deadline.expires_at(boost::posix_time::pos_infin); check_deadline(); m_proto->session_begin(*this); m_open_counter = 1; } void UdpTransport::close() { if (!pre_close()){ return; } MTRACE("Closing Trezor:UdpTransport"); if (!m_socket) { throw exc::CommunicationException("Socket is already closed"); } m_proto->session_end(*this); m_socket->close(); m_socket = nullptr; } std::shared_ptr<Transport> UdpTransport::find_debug() { #ifdef WITH_TREZOR_DEBUGGING std::shared_ptr<UdpTransport> t = std::make_shared<UdpTransport>(); t->m_proto = std::make_shared<ProtocolV1>(); t->m_device_host = m_device_host; t->m_device_port = m_device_port + 1; return t; #else MINFO("Debug link is disabled in production"); return nullptr; #endif } void UdpTransport::write_chunk(const void * buff, size_t size){ require_socket(); if (size != 64){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Invalid chunk size"); } auto written = m_socket->send_to(boost::asio::buffer(buff, size), m_endpoint); if (size != written){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Could not send the whole chunk"); } } size_t UdpTransport::read_chunk(void * buff, size_t size){ require_socket(); if (size < 64){ throw std::invalid_argument("Buffer too small"); } ssize_t len; while(true) { try { boost::system::error_code ec; len = receive(buff, size, &ec, true); if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { continue; } else if (ec) { throw exc::CommunicationException(std::string("Comm error: ") + ec.message()); } if (len != 64) { throw exc::CommunicationException("Invalid chunk size"); } break; } catch(exc::CommunicationException const& e){ throw; } catch(std::exception const& e){ MWARNING("Error reading chunk, reason: " << e.what()); throw exc::CommunicationException(std::string("Chunk read error: ") + std::string(e.what())); } } return static_cast<size_t>(len); } ssize_t UdpTransport::receive(void * buff, size_t size, boost::system::error_code * error_code, bool no_throw, boost::posix_time::time_duration timeout){ boost::system::error_code ec; boost::asio::mutable_buffer buffer = boost::asio::buffer(buff, size); require_socket(); // Set a deadline for the asynchronous operation. m_deadline.expires_from_now(timeout); // Set up the variables that receive the result of the asynchronous // operation. The error code is set to would_block to signal that the // operation is incomplete. Asio guarantees that its asynchronous // operations will never fail with would_block, so any other value in // ec indicates completion. ec = boost::asio::error::would_block; std::size_t length = 0; // Start the asynchronous operation itself. The handle_receive function // used as a callback will update the ec and length variables. m_socket->async_receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(buffer), m_endpoint, boost::bind(&UdpTransport::handle_receive, _1, _2, &ec, &length)); // Block until the asynchronous operation has completed. do { m_io_service.run_one(); } while (ec == boost::asio::error::would_block); if (error_code){ *error_code = ec; } if (no_throw){ return length; } // Operation result if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted){ throw exc::TimeoutException(); } else if (ec) { MWARNING("Reading from UDP socket failed: " << ec.message()); throw exc::CommunicationException(); } return length; } void UdpTransport::write(const google::protobuf::Message &req) { m_proto->write(*this, req); } void UdpTransport::read(std::shared_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> & msg, messages::MessageType * msg_type) { m_proto->read(*this, msg, msg_type); } void UdpTransport::check_deadline(){ if (!m_socket){ return; // no active socket. } // Check whether the deadline has passed. We compare the deadline against // the current time since a new asynchronous operation may have moved the // deadline before this actor had a chance to run. if (m_deadline.expires_at() <= boost::asio::deadline_timer::traits_type::now()) { // The deadline has passed. The outstanding asynchronous operation needs // to be cancelled so that the blocked receive() function will return. // // Please note that cancel() has portability issues on some versions of // Microsoft Windows, and it may be necessary to use close() instead. // Consult the documentation for cancel() for further information. m_socket->cancel(); // There is no longer an active deadline. The expiry is set to positive // infinity so that the actor takes no action until a new deadline is set. m_deadline.expires_at(boost::posix_time::pos_infin); } // Put the actor back to sleep. m_deadline.async_wait(boost::bind(&UdpTransport::check_deadline, this)); } void UdpTransport::handle_receive(const boost::system::error_code &ec, std::size_t length, boost::system::error_code *out_ec, std::size_t *out_length) { *out_ec = ec; *out_length = length; } std::ostream& UdpTransport::dump(std::ostream& o) const { return o << "UdpTransport<path=" << get_path() << ", socket_alive=" << (m_socket ? "true" : "false") << ">"; } #ifdef WITH_DEVICE_TREZOR_WEBUSB static bool is_trezor1(libusb_device_descriptor * info){ return info->idVendor == TREZOR_DESC_T1.id_vendor && info->idProduct == TREZOR_DESC_T1.id_product; } static bool is_trezor2(libusb_device_descriptor * info){ return info->idVendor == TREZOR_DESC_T2.id_vendor && info->idProduct == TREZOR_DESC_T2.id_product; } static bool is_trezor2_bl(libusb_device_descriptor * info){ return info->idVendor == TREZOR_DESC_T2_BL.id_vendor && info->idProduct == TREZOR_DESC_T2_BL.id_product; } static ssize_t get_trezor_dev_id(libusb_device_descriptor *info){ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(info, "Empty device descriptor"); return get_device_idx(info->idVendor, info->idProduct); } static void set_libusb_log(libusb_context *ctx){ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(ctx, "Null libusb context"); // http://libusb.sourceforge.net/api-1.0/group__libusb__lib.html #if defined(LIBUSB_API_VERSION) && (LIBUSB_API_VERSION >= 0x01000106) # define TREZOR_LIBUSB_SET_DEBUG(ctx, level) libusb_set_option(ctx, LIBUSB_OPTION_LOG_LEVEL, level) #else # define TREZOR_LIBUSB_SET_DEBUG(ctx, level) libusb_set_debug(ctx, level) #endif if (ELPP->vRegistry()->allowed(el::Level::Debug, MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY)) TREZOR_LIBUSB_SET_DEBUG(ctx, 3); else if (ELPP->vRegistry()->allowed(el::Level::Warning, MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY)) TREZOR_LIBUSB_SET_DEBUG(ctx, 2); else if (ELPP->vRegistry()->allowed(el::Level::Error, MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY)) TREZOR_LIBUSB_SET_DEBUG(ctx, 1); #undef TREZOR_LIBUSB_SET_DEBUG } static int get_libusb_ports(libusb_device *dev, std::vector<uint8_t> &path){ uint8_t tmp_path[16]; int r = libusb_get_port_numbers(dev, tmp_path, sizeof(tmp_path)); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r != LIBUSB_ERROR_OVERFLOW, -1, "Libusb path array too small"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r >= 0, -1, "Libusb path array error"); path.resize(r); for (int i = 0; i < r; i++){ path[i] = tmp_path[i]; } return 0; } static std::string get_usb_path(uint8_t bus_id, const std::vector<uint8_t> &path){ std::stringstream ss; ss << WebUsbTransport::PATH_PREFIX << (boost::format("%03d") % ((int)bus_id)); for(uint8_t port : path){ ss << ":" << ((int) port); } return ss.str(); } const char * WebUsbTransport::PATH_PREFIX = "webusb:"; WebUsbTransport::WebUsbTransport( boost::optional<libusb_device_descriptor*> descriptor, boost::optional<std::shared_ptr<Protocol>> proto ): m_usb_session(nullptr), m_usb_device(nullptr), m_usb_device_handle(nullptr), m_bus_id(-1), m_device_addr(-1) { if (descriptor){ libusb_device_descriptor * desc = new libusb_device_descriptor; memcpy(desc, descriptor.get(), sizeof(libusb_device_descriptor)); this->m_usb_device_desc.reset(desc); } m_proto = proto ? proto.get() : std::make_shared<ProtocolV1>(); #ifdef WITH_TREZOR_DEBUGGING m_debug_mode = false; #endif } WebUsbTransport::~WebUsbTransport(){ if (m_usb_device){ close(); } if (m_usb_session) { libusb_exit(m_usb_session); m_usb_session = nullptr; } } void WebUsbTransport::require_device() const{ if (!m_usb_device_desc){ throw std::runtime_error("No USB device specified"); } } void WebUsbTransport::require_connected() const{ require_device(); if (!m_usb_device_handle){ throw std::runtime_error("USB Device not opened"); } } void WebUsbTransport::enumerate(t_transport_vect & res) { int r; libusb_device **devs; libusb_context *ctx = nullptr; r = libusb_init(&ctx); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(r >= 0, "Unable to init libusb"); set_libusb_log(ctx); ssize_t cnt = libusb_get_device_list(ctx, &devs); if (cnt < 0){ libusb_exit(ctx); throw std::runtime_error("Unable to enumerate libusb devices"); } MTRACE("Libusb devices: " << cnt); for(ssize_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { libusb_device_descriptor desc{}; r = libusb_get_device_descriptor(devs[i], &desc); if (r < 0){ MERROR("Unable to get libusb device descriptor " << i); continue; } const auto trezor_dev_idx = get_trezor_dev_id(&desc); if (!is_device_supported(trezor_dev_idx)){ continue; } MTRACE("Found Trezor device: " << desc.idVendor << ":" << desc.idProduct << " dev_idx " << (int)trezor_dev_idx); auto t = std::make_shared<WebUsbTransport>(boost::make_optional(&desc)); t->m_bus_id = libusb_get_bus_number(devs[i]); t->m_device_addr = libusb_get_device_address(devs[i]); // Port resolution may fail. Non-critical error, just addressing precision is decreased. get_libusb_ports(devs[i], t->m_port_numbers); res.push_back(t); } libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); libusb_exit(ctx); } std::string WebUsbTransport::get_path() const { if (!m_usb_device_desc){ return ""; } return get_usb_path(static_cast<uint8_t>(m_bus_id), m_port_numbers); }; void WebUsbTransport::open() { if (!pre_open()){ return; } const int interface = get_interface(); #define TREZOR_DESTROY_SESSION() do { libusb_exit(m_usb_session); m_usb_session = nullptr; } while(0) int r; libusb_device **devs = nullptr; if (m_usb_session) { TREZOR_DESTROY_SESSION(); } r = libusb_init(&m_usb_session); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(r >= 0, "Unable to init libusb"); set_libusb_log(m_usb_session); bool found = false; int open_res = 0; ssize_t cnt = libusb_get_device_list(m_usb_session, &devs); if (cnt < 0){ TREZOR_DESTROY_SESSION(); throw std::runtime_error("Unable to enumerate libusb devices"); } for (ssize_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { libusb_device_descriptor desc{}; r = libusb_get_device_descriptor(devs[i], &desc); if (r < 0){ MERROR("Unable to get libusb device descriptor " << i); continue; } const auto trezor_dev_idx = get_trezor_dev_id(&desc); if (!is_device_supported(trezor_dev_idx)){ continue; } auto bus_id = libusb_get_bus_number(devs[i]); std::vector<uint8_t> path; // Port resolution may fail. Non-critical error, just addressing precision is decreased. get_libusb_ports(devs[i], path); MTRACE("Found Trezor device: " << desc.idVendor << ":" << desc.idProduct << ", dev_idx: " << (int)trezor_dev_idx << ". path: " << get_usb_path(bus_id, path)); if (bus_id == m_bus_id && path == m_port_numbers) { found = true; m_usb_device = devs[i]; open_res = libusb_open(m_usb_device, &m_usb_device_handle); break; } } libusb_free_device_list(devs, 1); if (!found){ TREZOR_DESTROY_SESSION(); throw exc::DeviceAcquireException("Device not found"); } else if (found && open_res != 0) { m_usb_device_handle = nullptr; m_usb_device = nullptr; TREZOR_DESTROY_SESSION(); throw exc::DeviceAcquireException("Unable to open libusb device"); } r = libusb_claim_interface(m_usb_device_handle, interface); if (r != 0){ libusb_close(m_usb_device_handle); m_usb_device_handle = nullptr; m_usb_device = nullptr; TREZOR_DESTROY_SESSION(); throw exc::DeviceAcquireException("Unable to claim libusb device"); } m_open_counter = 1; m_proto->session_begin(*this); #undef TREZOR_DESTROY_SESSION }; void WebUsbTransport::close() { if (!pre_close()){ return; } MTRACE("Closing Trezor:WebUsbTransport"); m_proto->session_end(*this); int r = libusb_release_interface(m_usb_device_handle, get_interface()); if (r != 0){ MERROR("Could not release libusb interface: " << r); } m_usb_device = nullptr; if (m_usb_device_handle) { libusb_close(m_usb_device_handle); m_usb_device_handle = nullptr; } if (m_usb_session) { libusb_exit(m_usb_session); m_usb_session = nullptr; } }; std::shared_ptr<Transport> WebUsbTransport::find_debug() { #ifdef WITH_TREZOR_DEBUGGING require_device(); auto t = std::make_shared<WebUsbTransport>(boost::make_optional(m_usb_device_desc.get())); t->m_bus_id = m_bus_id; t->m_device_addr = m_device_addr; t->m_port_numbers = m_port_numbers; t->m_debug_mode = true; return t; #else MINFO("Debug link is disabled in production"); return nullptr; #endif } int WebUsbTransport::get_interface() const{ const int INTERFACE_NORMAL = 0; #ifdef WITH_TREZOR_DEBUGGING const int INTERFACE_DEBUG = 1; return m_debug_mode ? INTERFACE_DEBUG : INTERFACE_NORMAL; #else return INTERFACE_NORMAL; #endif } unsigned char WebUsbTransport::get_endpoint() const{ const unsigned char ENDPOINT_NORMAL = 1; #ifdef WITH_TREZOR_DEBUGGING const unsigned char ENDPOINT_DEBUG = 2; return m_debug_mode ? ENDPOINT_DEBUG : ENDPOINT_NORMAL; #else return ENDPOINT_NORMAL; #endif } void WebUsbTransport::write(const google::protobuf::Message &req) { m_proto->write(*this, req); }; void WebUsbTransport::read(std::shared_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> & msg, messages::MessageType * msg_type) { m_proto->read(*this, msg, msg_type); }; void WebUsbTransport::write_chunk(const void * buff, size_t size) { require_connected(); if (size != REPLEN){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Invalid chunk size: "); } unsigned char endpoint = get_endpoint(); endpoint = (endpoint & ~LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK) | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_OUT; int transferred = 0; int r = libusb_interrupt_transfer(m_usb_device_handle, endpoint, (unsigned char*)buff, (int)size, &transferred, 0); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(r == 0, "Unable to transfer, r: " << r); if (transferred != (int)size){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Could not transfer chunk"); } }; size_t WebUsbTransport::read_chunk(void * buff, size_t size) { require_connected(); unsigned char endpoint = get_endpoint(); endpoint = (endpoint & ~LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_DIR_MASK) | LIBUSB_ENDPOINT_IN; int transferred = 0; int r = libusb_interrupt_transfer(m_usb_device_handle, endpoint, (unsigned char*)buff, (int)size, &transferred, 0); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_THROW_MES(r == 0, "Unable to transfer, r: " << r); if (transferred != (int)size){ throw exc::CommunicationException("Could not read the chunk"); } return transferred; }; std::ostream& WebUsbTransport::dump(std::ostream& o) const { o << "WebUsbTransport<path=" << get_path() << ", vendorId=" << (m_usb_device_desc ? std::to_string(m_usb_device_desc->idVendor) : "?") << ", productId=" << (m_usb_device_desc ? std::to_string(m_usb_device_desc->idProduct) : "?") << ", deviceType="; if (m_usb_device_desc){ if (is_trezor1(m_usb_device_desc.get())) o << "TrezorOne"; else if (is_trezor2(m_usb_device_desc.get())) o << "TrezorT"; else if (is_trezor2_bl(m_usb_device_desc.get())) o << "TrezorT BL"; } else { o << "?"; } return o << ">"; }; #endif // WITH_DEVICE_TREZOR_WEBUSB void enumerate(t_transport_vect & res){ BridgeTransport bt; try{ bt.enumerate(res); } catch (const std::exception & e){ MERROR("BridgeTransport enumeration failed:" << e.what()); } #ifdef WITH_DEVICE_TREZOR_WEBUSB hw::trezor::WebUsbTransport btw; try{ btw.enumerate(res); } catch (const std::exception & e){ MERROR("WebUsbTransport enumeration failed:" << e.what()); } #endif #ifdef WITH_DEVICE_TREZOR_UDP hw::trezor::UdpTransport btu; try{ btu.enumerate(res); } catch (const std::exception & e){ MERROR("UdpTransport enumeration failed:" << e.what()); } #endif } void sort_transports_by_env(t_transport_vect & res){ const char *env_trezor_path = getenv("TREZOR_PATH"); if (!env_trezor_path){ return; } // Sort transports by the longest matching prefix with TREZOR_PATH std::string trezor_path(env_trezor_path); std::vector<size_t> match_idx(res.size()); std::vector<size_t> path_permutation(res.size()); for(size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i){ auto cpath = res[i]->get_path(); std::string * s1 = &trezor_path; std::string * s2 = &cpath; // first has to be shorter in std::mismatch(). Returns first non-matching iterators. if (s1->size() >= s2->size()){ std::swap(s1, s2); } const auto mism = std::mismatch(s1->begin(), s1->end(), s2->begin()); match_idx[i] = mism.first - s1->begin(); path_permutation[i] = i; } std::sort(path_permutation.begin(), path_permutation.end(), [&](const size_t i0, const size_t i1) { return match_idx[i0] > match_idx[i1]; }); tools::apply_permutation(path_permutation, res); } std::shared_ptr<Transport> transport(const std::string & path){ if (boost::starts_with(path, BridgeTransport::PATH_PREFIX)){ return std::make_shared<BridgeTransport>(path.substr(strlen(BridgeTransport::PATH_PREFIX))); } else if (boost::starts_with(path, UdpTransport::PATH_PREFIX)){ return std::make_shared<UdpTransport>(path.substr(strlen(UdpTransport::PATH_PREFIX))); } else { throw std::invalid_argument("Unknown Trezor device path: " + path); } } void throw_failure_exception(const messages::common::Failure * failure) { if (failure == nullptr){ throw std::invalid_argument("Failure message cannot be null"); } boost::optional<std::string> message = failure->has_message() ? boost::make_optional(failure->message()) : boost::none; boost::optional<uint32_t> code = failure->has_code() ? boost::make_optional(static_cast<uint32_t>(failure->code())) : boost::none; if (!code){ throw exc::proto::FailureException(code, message); } auto ecode = failure->code(); if (ecode == messages::common::Failure_FailureType_Failure_UnexpectedMessage){ throw exc::proto::UnexpectedMessageException(code, message); } else if (ecode == messages::common::Failure_FailureType_Failure_ActionCancelled){ throw exc::proto::CancelledException(code, message); } else if (ecode == messages::common::Failure_FailureType_Failure_PinExpected){ throw exc::proto::PinExpectedException(code, message); } else if (ecode == messages::common::Failure_FailureType_Failure_PinInvalid){ throw exc::proto::InvalidPinException(code, message); } else if (ecode == messages::common::Failure_FailureType_Failure_NotEnoughFunds){ throw exc::proto::NotEnoughFundsException(code, message); } else if (ecode == messages::common::Failure_FailureType_Failure_NotInitialized){ throw exc::proto::NotInitializedException(code, message); } else if (ecode == messages::common::Failure_FailureType_Failure_FirmwareError){ throw exc::proto::FirmwareErrorException(code, message); } else { throw exc::proto::FailureException(code, message); } } GenericMessage::GenericMessage(messages::MessageType m_type, const shared_ptr<google::protobuf::Message> &m_msg) : m_type(m_type), m_msg(m_msg), m_empty(false) {} std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, hw::trezor::Transport const& t){ return t.dump(o); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, std::shared_ptr<hw::trezor::Transport> const& t){ if (!t){ return o << "None"; } return t->dump(o); } } }