// Copyright (c) 2019-2020, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "levin_notify.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/expect.h" #include "common/varint.h" #include "cryptonote_config.h" #include "crypto/crypto.h" #include "crypto/duration.h" #include "cryptonote_basic/connection_context.h" #include "cryptonote_core/i_core_events.h" #include "cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_defs.h" #include "net/dandelionpp.h" #include "p2p/net_node.h" #undef MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY #define MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "net.p2p.tx" namespace { int get_command_from_message(const cryptonote::blobdata &msg) { return msg.size() >= sizeof(epee::levin::bucket_head2) ? SWAP32LE(((epee::levin::bucket_head2*)msg.data())->m_command) : 0; } } namespace cryptonote { namespace levin { namespace { constexpr const std::size_t connection_id_reserve_size = 100; constexpr const std::chrono::minutes noise_min_epoch{CRYPTONOTE_NOISE_MIN_EPOCH}; constexpr const std::chrono::seconds noise_epoch_range{CRYPTONOTE_NOISE_EPOCH_RANGE}; constexpr const std::chrono::minutes dandelionpp_min_epoch{CRYPTONOTE_DANDELIONPP_MIN_EPOCH}; constexpr const std::chrono::seconds dandelionpp_epoch_range{CRYPTONOTE_DANDELIONPP_EPOCH_RANGE}; constexpr const std::chrono::seconds noise_min_delay{CRYPTONOTE_NOISE_MIN_DELAY}; constexpr const std::chrono::seconds noise_delay_range{CRYPTONOTE_NOISE_DELAY_RANGE}; /* A custom duration is used for the poisson distribution because of the variance. If 5 seconds is given to `std::poisson_distribution`, 95% of the values fall between 1-9s in 1s increments (not granular enough). If 5000 milliseconds is given, 95% of the values fall between 4859ms-5141ms in 1ms increments (not enough time variance). Providing 20 quarter seconds yields 95% of the values between 3s-7.25s in 1/4s increments. */ using fluff_stepsize = std::chrono::duration>; constexpr const std::chrono::seconds fluff_average_in{CRYPTONOTE_DANDELIONPP_FLUSH_AVERAGE}; /*! Bitcoin Core is using 1/2 average seconds for outgoing connections compared to incoming. The thinking is that the user controls outgoing connections (Dandelion++ makes similar assumptions in its stem algorithm). The randomization yields 95% values between 1s-4s in 1/4s increments. */ using fluff_duration = crypto::random_poisson_subseconds::result_type; constexpr const fluff_duration fluff_average_out{fluff_duration{fluff_average_in} / 2}; /*! Select a randomized duration from 0 to `range`. The precision will be to the systems `steady_clock`. As an example, supplying 3 seconds to this function will select a duration from [0, 3] seconds, and the increments for the selection will be determined by the `steady_clock` precision (typically nanoseconds). \return A randomized duration from 0 to `range`. */ std::chrono::steady_clock::duration random_duration(std::chrono::steady_clock::duration range) { using rep = std::chrono::steady_clock::rep; return std::chrono::steady_clock::duration{crypto::rand_range(rep(0), range.count())}; } //! \return Outgoing connections supporting fragments in `connections` filtered by remote blockchain height. std::vector get_out_connections(connections& p2p, uint64_t min_blockchain_height) { std::vector outs; outs.reserve(connection_id_reserve_size); /* The foreach call is serialized with a lock, but should be quick due to the reserve call so a strand is not used. Investigate if there is lots of waiting in here. */ p2p.foreach_connection([&outs, min_blockchain_height] (detail::p2p_context& context) { if (!context.m_is_income && context.m_remote_blockchain_height >= min_blockchain_height) outs.emplace_back(context.m_connection_id); return true; }); return outs; } std::string make_tx_payload(std::vector&& txs, const bool pad, const bool fluff) { NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::request request{}; request.txs = std::move(txs); request.dandelionpp_fluff = fluff; if (pad) { size_t bytes = 9 /* header */ + 4 /* 1 + 'txs' */ + tools::get_varint_data(request.txs.size()).size(); for(auto tx_blob_it = request.txs.begin(); tx_blob_it!=request.txs.end(); ++tx_blob_it) bytes += tools::get_varint_data(tx_blob_it->size()).size() + tx_blob_it->size(); // stuff some dummy bytes in to stay safe from traffic volume analysis static constexpr const size_t granularity = 1024; size_t padding = granularity - bytes % granularity; const size_t overhead = 2 /* 1 + '_' */ + tools::get_varint_data(padding).size(); if (overhead > padding) padding = 0; else padding -= overhead; request._ = std::string(padding, ' '); std::string arg_buff; epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(request, arg_buff); // we probably lowballed the payload size a bit, so added a but too much. Fix this now. size_t remove = arg_buff.size() % granularity; if (remove > request._.size()) request._.clear(); else request._.resize(request._.size() - remove); // if the size of _ moved enough, we might lose byte in size encoding, we don't care } std::string fullBlob; if (!epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(request, fullBlob)) throw std::runtime_error{"Failed to serialize to epee binary format"}; return fullBlob; } bool make_payload_send_txs(connections& p2p, std::vector&& txs, const boost::uuids::uuid& destination, const bool pad, const bool fluff) { const cryptonote::blobdata blob = make_tx_payload(std::move(txs), pad, fluff); p2p.for_connection(destination, [&blob](detail::p2p_context& context) { on_levin_traffic(context, true, true, false, blob.size(), get_command_from_message(blob)); return true; }); return p2p.notify(NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::ID, epee::strspan(blob), destination); } /* The current design uses `asio::strand`s. The documentation isn't as clear as it should be - a `strand` has an internal `mutex` and `bool`. The `mutex` synchronizes thread access and the `bool` is set when a thread is executing something "in the strand". Therefore, if a callback has lots of work to do in a `strand`, asio can switch to some other task instead of blocking 1+ threads to wait for the original thread to complete the task (as is the case when client code has a `mutex` inside the callback). The downside is that asio _always_ allocates for the callback, even if it can be immediately executed. So if all work in a strand is minimal, a lock may be better. This code uses a strand per "zone" and a strand per "channel in a zone". `dispatch` is used heavily, which means "execute immediately in _this_ thread if the strand is not in use, otherwise queue the callback to be executed immediately after the strand completes its current task". `post` is used where deferred execution to an `asio::io_service::run` thread is preferred. The strand per "zone" is useful because the levin `foreach_connection` is blocked with a mutex anyway. So this primarily helps with reducing blocking of a thread attempting a "flood" notification. Updating/merging the outgoing connections in the Dandelion++ map is also somewhat expensive. The strand per "channel" may need a re-visit. The most "expensive" code is figuring out the noise/notification to send. If levin code is optimized further, it might be better to just use standard locks per channel. */ //! A queue of levin messages for a noise i2p/tor link struct noise_channel { explicit noise_channel(boost::asio::io_service& io_service) : active(nullptr), queue(), strand(io_service), next_noise(io_service), connection(boost::uuids::nil_uuid()) {} // `asio::io_service::strand` cannot be copied or moved noise_channel(const noise_channel&) = delete; noise_channel& operator=(const noise_channel&) = delete; // Only read/write these values "inside the strand" epee::byte_slice active; std::deque queue; boost::asio::io_service::strand strand; boost::asio::steady_timer next_noise; boost::uuids::uuid connection; }; } // anonymous namespace detail { struct zone { explicit zone(boost::asio::io_service& io_service, std::shared_ptr p2p, epee::byte_slice noise_in, epee::net_utils::zone zone, bool pad_txs) : p2p(std::move(p2p)), noise(std::move(noise_in)), next_epoch(io_service), flush_txs(io_service), strand(io_service), map(), channels(), flush_time(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::max()), connection_count(0), nzone(zone), pad_txs(pad_txs), fluffing(false) { for (std::size_t count = 0; !noise.empty() && count < CRYPTONOTE_NOISE_CHANNELS; ++count) channels.emplace_back(io_service); } const std::shared_ptr p2p; const epee::byte_slice noise; //!< `!empty()` means zone is using noise channels boost::asio::steady_timer next_epoch; boost::asio::steady_timer flush_txs; boost::asio::io_service::strand strand; net::dandelionpp::connection_map map;//!< Tracks outgoing uuid's for noise channels or Dandelion++ stems std::deque channels; //!< Never touch after init; only update elements on `noise_channel.strand` std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point flush_time; //!< Next expected Dandelion++ fluff flush std::atomic connection_count; //!< Only update in strand, can be read at any time const epee::net_utils::zone nzone; //!< Zone is public ipv4/ipv6 connections, or i2p or tor const bool pad_txs; //!< Pad txs to the next boundary for privacy bool fluffing; //!< Zone is in Dandelion++ fluff epoch }; } // detail namespace { //! Adds a message to the sending queue of the channel. class queue_covert_notify { std::shared_ptr zone_; epee::byte_slice message_; // Requires manual copy constructor const std::size_t destination_; public: queue_covert_notify(std::shared_ptr zone, epee::byte_slice message, std::size_t destination) : zone_(std::move(zone)), message_(std::move(message)), destination_(destination) {} queue_covert_notify(queue_covert_notify&&) = default; queue_covert_notify(const queue_covert_notify& source) : zone_(source.zone_), message_(source.message_.clone()), destination_(source.destination_) {} //! \pre Called within `zone_->channels[destionation_].strand`. void operator()() { if (!zone_) return; noise_channel& channel = zone_->channels.at(destination_); assert(channel.strand.running_in_this_thread()); if (!channel.connection.is_nil()) channel.queue.push_back(std::move(message_)); else if (destination_ == 0 && zone_->connection_count == 0) MWARNING("Unable to send transaction(s) to " << epee::net_utils::zone_to_string(zone_->nzone) << " - no available outbound connections"); } }; //! Sends txs on connections with expired timers, and queues callback for next timer expiration (if any). struct fluff_flush { std::shared_ptr zone_; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point flush_time_; static void queue(std::shared_ptr zone, const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point flush_time) { assert(zone != nullptr); assert(zone->strand.running_in_this_thread()); detail::zone& this_zone = *zone; this_zone.flush_time = flush_time; this_zone.flush_txs.expires_at(flush_time); this_zone.flush_txs.async_wait(this_zone.strand.wrap(fluff_flush{std::move(zone), flush_time})); } void operator()(const boost::system::error_code error) { if (!zone_ || !zone_->p2p) return; assert(zone_->strand.running_in_this_thread()); const bool timer_error = bool(error); if (timer_error) { if (error != boost::system::errc::operation_canceled) throw boost::system::system_error{error, "fluff_flush timer failed"}; // new timer canceled this one set in future if (zone_->flush_time < flush_time_) return; } const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto next_flush = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::max(); std::vector, boost::uuids::uuid>> connections{}; zone_->p2p->foreach_connection([timer_error, now, &next_flush, &connections] (detail::p2p_context& context) { if (!context.fluff_txs.empty()) { if (context.flush_time <= now || timer_error) // flush on canceled timer { context.flush_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::max(); connections.emplace_back(std::move(context.fluff_txs), context.m_connection_id); context.fluff_txs.clear(); } else // not flushing yet next_flush = std::min(next_flush, context.flush_time); } else // nothing to flush context.flush_time = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::max(); return true; }); /* Always send with `fluff` flag, even over i2p/tor. The hidden service will disable the forwarding delay and immediately fluff. The i2p/tor network is therefore replacing the sybil protection of Dandelion++. Dandelion++ stem phase over i2p/tor is also worth investigating (with/without "noise"?). */ for (auto& connection : connections) { std::sort(connection.first.begin(), connection.first.end()); // don't leak receive order make_payload_send_txs(*zone_->p2p, std::move(connection.first), connection.second, zone_->pad_txs, true); } if (next_flush != std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::max()) fluff_flush::queue(std::move(zone_), next_flush); else zone_->flush_time = next_flush; // signal that no timer is set } }; /*! The "fluff" portion of the Dandelion++ algorithm. Every tx is queued per-connection and flushed with a randomized poisson timer. This implementation only has one system timer per-zone, and instead tracks the lowest flush time. */ struct fluff_notify { std::shared_ptr zone_; std::vector txs_; boost::uuids::uuid source_; void operator()() { run(std::move(zone_), epee::to_span(txs_), source_); } static void run(std::shared_ptr zone, epee::span txs, const boost::uuids::uuid& source) { if (!zone || !zone->p2p || txs.empty()) return; assert(zone->strand.running_in_this_thread()); const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto next_flush = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point::max(); crypto::random_poisson_subseconds in_duration(fluff_average_in); crypto::random_poisson_subseconds out_duration(fluff_average_out); MDEBUG("Queueing " << txs.size() << " transaction(s) for Dandelion++ fluffing"); bool available = false; zone->p2p->foreach_connection([txs, now, &zone, &source, &in_duration, &out_duration, &next_flush, &available] (detail::p2p_context& context) { // When i2p/tor, only fluff to outbound connections if (source != context.m_connection_id && (zone->nzone == epee::net_utils::zone::public_ || !context.m_is_income)) { available = true; if (context.fluff_txs.empty()) context.flush_time = now + (context.m_is_income ? in_duration() : out_duration()); next_flush = std::min(next_flush, context.flush_time); context.fluff_txs.reserve(context.fluff_txs.size() + txs.size()); for (const blobdata& tx : txs) context.fluff_txs.push_back(tx); // must copy instead of move (multiple conns) } return true; }); if (!available) MWARNING("Unable to send transaction(s), no available connections"); if (next_flush < zone->flush_time) fluff_flush::queue(std::move(zone), next_flush); } }; //! Updates the connection for a channel. struct update_channel { std::shared_ptr zone_; const std::size_t channel_; const boost::uuids::uuid connection_; //! \pre Called within `stem_.strand`. void operator()() const { if (!zone_) return; noise_channel& channel = zone_->channels.at(channel_); assert(channel.strand.running_in_this_thread()); static_assert( CRYPTONOTE_MAX_FRAGMENTS <= (noise_min_epoch / (noise_min_delay + noise_delay_range)), "Max fragments more than the max that can be sent in an epoch" ); /* This clears the active message so that a message "in-flight" is restarted. DO NOT try to send the remainder of the fragments, this additional send time can leak that this node was sending out a real notify (tx) instead of dummy noise. */ channel.connection = connection_; channel.active = nullptr; if (connection_.is_nil()) channel.queue.clear(); } }; //! Merges `out_connections_` into the existing `zone_->map`. struct update_channels { std::shared_ptr zone_; std::vector out_connections_; //! \pre Called within `zone->strand`. static void post(std::shared_ptr zone) { if (!zone) return; assert(zone->strand.running_in_this_thread()); zone->connection_count = zone->map.size(); // only noise uses the "noise channels", only update when enabled if (zone->noise.empty()) return; for (auto id = zone->map.begin(); id != zone->map.end(); ++id) { const std::size_t i = id - zone->map.begin(); zone->channels[i].strand.post(update_channel{zone, i, *id}); } } //! \pre Called within `zone_->strand`. static void run(std::shared_ptr zone, std::vector out_connections) { if (!zone) return; assert(zone->strand.running_in_this_thread()); if (zone->map.update(std::move(out_connections))) post(std::move(zone)); } //! \pre Called within `zone_->strand`. void operator()() { run(std::move(zone_), std::move(out_connections_)); } }; //! Checks fluff status for this node, and then does stem or fluff for txes struct dandelionpp_notify { std::shared_ptr zone_; i_core_events* core_; std::vector txs_; boost::uuids::uuid source_; //! \pre Called in `zone_->strand` void operator()() { if (!zone_ || !core_ || txs_.empty()) return; if (!zone_->fluffing) { core_->on_transactions_relayed(epee::to_span(txs_), relay_method::stem); for (int tries = 2; 0 < tries; tries--) { const boost::uuids::uuid destination = zone_->map.get_stem(source_); if (!destination.is_nil() && make_payload_send_txs(*zone_->p2p, std::vector{txs_}, destination, zone_->pad_txs, false)) { /* Source is intentionally omitted in debug log for privacy - a nil uuid indicates source is that node. */ MDEBUG("Sent " << txs_.size() << " transaction(s) to " << destination << " using Dandelion++ stem"); return; } // connection list may be outdated, try again update_channels::run(zone_, get_out_connections(*zone_->p2p, core_->get_target_blockchain_height())); } MERROR("Unable to send transaction(s) via Dandelion++ stem"); } core_->on_transactions_relayed(epee::to_span(txs_), relay_method::fluff); fluff_notify::run(std::move(zone_), epee::to_span(txs_), source_); } }; //! Swaps out noise/dandelionpp channels entirely; new epoch start. class change_channels { std::shared_ptr zone_; net::dandelionpp::connection_map map_; // Requires manual copy constructor bool fluffing_; public: explicit change_channels(std::shared_ptr zone, net::dandelionpp::connection_map map, const bool fluffing) : zone_(std::move(zone)), map_(std::move(map)), fluffing_(fluffing) {} change_channels(change_channels&&) = default; change_channels(const change_channels& source) : zone_(source.zone_), map_(source.map_.clone()) {} //! \pre Called within `zone_->strand`. void operator()() { if (!zone_) return; assert(zone_->strand.running_in_this_thread()); if (zone_->nzone == epee::net_utils::zone::public_) MDEBUG("Starting new Dandelion++ epoch: " << (fluffing_ ? "fluff" : "stem")); zone_->map = std::move(map_); zone_->fluffing = fluffing_; update_channels::post(std::move(zone_)); } }; //! Sends a noise packet or real notification and sets timer for next call. struct send_noise { std::shared_ptr zone_; const std::size_t channel_; const i_core_events* core_; static void wait(const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point start, std::shared_ptr zone, const std::size_t index, const i_core_events* core) { if (!zone) return; noise_channel& channel = zone->channels.at(index); channel.next_noise.expires_at(start + noise_min_delay + random_duration(noise_delay_range)); channel.next_noise.async_wait( channel.strand.wrap(send_noise{std::move(zone), index, core}) ); } //! \pre Called within `zone_->channels[channel_].strand`. void operator()(boost::system::error_code error) { if (!zone_ || !zone_->p2p || zone_->noise.empty()) return; if (error && error != boost::system::errc::operation_canceled) throw boost::system::system_error{error, "send_noise timer failed"}; assert(zone_->channels.at(channel_).strand.running_in_this_thread()); const auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); noise_channel& channel = zone_->channels.at(channel_); if (!channel.connection.is_nil()) { epee::byte_slice message = nullptr; if (!channel.active.empty()) message = channel.active.take_slice(zone_->noise.size()); else if (!channel.queue.empty()) { channel.active = channel.queue.front().clone(); message = channel.active.take_slice(zone_->noise.size()); } else message = zone_->noise.clone(); zone_->p2p->for_connection(channel.connection, [&](detail::p2p_context& context) { on_levin_traffic(context, true, true, false, message.size(), "noise"); return true; }); if (zone_->p2p->send(std::move(message), channel.connection)) { if (!channel.queue.empty() && channel.active.empty()) channel.queue.pop_front(); } else { channel.active = nullptr; channel.connection = boost::uuids::nil_uuid(); auto height = core_->get_target_blockchain_height(); auto connections = get_out_connections(*zone_->p2p, height); if (connections.empty()) MWARNING("Unable to send transaction(s) to " << epee::net_utils::zone_to_string(zone_->nzone) << " - no suitable outbound connections at height " << height); zone_->strand.post(update_channels{zone_, std::move(connections)}); } } wait(start, std::move(zone_), channel_, core_); } }; //! Prepares connections for new channel/dandelionpp epoch and sets timer for next epoch struct start_epoch { // Variables allow for Dandelion++ extension std::shared_ptr zone_; std::chrono::seconds min_epoch_; std::chrono::seconds epoch_range_; std::size_t count_; const i_core_events* core_; //! \pre Should not be invoked within any strand to prevent blocking. void operator()(const boost::system::error_code error = {}) { if (!zone_ || !zone_->p2p) return; if (error && error != boost::system::errc::operation_canceled) throw boost::system::system_error{error, "start_epoch timer failed"}; const bool fluffing = crypto::rand_idx(unsigned(100)) < CRYPTONOTE_DANDELIONPP_FLUFF_PROBABILITY; const auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); auto connections = get_out_connections(*(zone_->p2p), core_->get_target_blockchain_height()); zone_->strand.dispatch( change_channels{zone_, net::dandelionpp::connection_map{std::move(connections), count_}, fluffing} ); detail::zone& alias = *zone_; alias.next_epoch.expires_at(start + min_epoch_ + random_duration(epoch_range_)); alias.next_epoch.async_wait(start_epoch{std::move(*this)}); } }; } // anonymous notify::notify(boost::asio::io_service& service, std::shared_ptr p2p, epee::byte_slice noise, epee::net_utils::zone zone, const bool pad_txs, i_core_events& core) : zone_(std::make_shared(service, std::move(p2p), std::move(noise), zone, pad_txs)) , core_(std::addressof(core)) { if (!zone_->p2p) throw std::logic_error{"cryptonote::levin::notify cannot have nullptr p2p argument"}; const bool noise_enabled = !zone_->noise.empty(); if (noise_enabled || zone == epee::net_utils::zone::public_) { const auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); const auto min_epoch = noise_enabled ? noise_min_epoch : dandelionpp_min_epoch; const auto epoch_range = noise_enabled ? noise_epoch_range : dandelionpp_epoch_range; const std::size_t out_count = noise_enabled ? CRYPTONOTE_NOISE_CHANNELS : CRYPTONOTE_DANDELIONPP_STEMS; start_epoch{zone_, min_epoch, epoch_range, out_count, core_}(); for (std::size_t channel = 0; channel < zone_->channels.size(); ++channel) send_noise::wait(now, zone_, channel, core_); } } notify::~notify() noexcept {} notify::status notify::get_status() const noexcept { if (!zone_) return {false, false}; return {!zone_->noise.empty(), CRYPTONOTE_NOISE_CHANNELS <= zone_->connection_count}; } void notify::new_out_connection() { if (!zone_ || zone_->noise.empty() || CRYPTONOTE_NOISE_CHANNELS <= zone_->connection_count) return; zone_->strand.dispatch( update_channels{zone_, get_out_connections(*(zone_->p2p), core_->get_target_blockchain_height())} ); } void notify::run_epoch() { if (!zone_) return; zone_->next_epoch.cancel(); } void notify::run_stems() { if (!zone_) return; for (noise_channel& channel : zone_->channels) channel.next_noise.cancel(); } void notify::run_fluff() { if (!zone_) return; zone_->flush_txs.cancel(); } bool notify::send_txs(std::vector txs, const boost::uuids::uuid& source, relay_method tx_relay) { if (txs.empty()) return true; if (!zone_) return false; /* If noise is enabled in a zone, it always takes precedence. The technique provides good protection against ISP adversaries, but not sybil adversaries. Noise is currently only enabled over I2P/Tor - those networks provide protection against sybil attacks (we only send to outgoing connections). If noise is disabled, Dandelion++ is used for public networks only. Dandelion++ over I2P/Tor should be an interesting case to investigate, but the mempool/stempool needs to know the zone a tx originated from to work properly. */ if (!zone_->noise.empty() && !zone_->channels.empty()) { // covert send in "noise" channel static_assert( CRYPTONOTE_MAX_FRAGMENTS * CRYPTONOTE_NOISE_BYTES <= LEVIN_DEFAULT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, "most nodes will reject this fragment setting" ); if (tx_relay == relay_method::stem) { MWARNING("Dandelion++ stem not supported over noise networks"); tx_relay = relay_method::local; // do not put into stempool embargo (hopefully not there already!). } core_->on_transactions_relayed(epee::to_span(txs), tx_relay); // Padding is not useful when using noise mode. Send as stem so receiver // forwards in Dandelion++ mode. const std::string payload = make_tx_payload(std::move(txs), false, false); epee::byte_slice message = epee::levin::make_fragmented_notify( zone_->noise, NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::ID, epee::strspan(payload) ); if (CRYPTONOTE_MAX_FRAGMENTS * zone_->noise.size() < message.size()) { MERROR("notify::send_txs provided message exceeding covert fragment size"); return false; } for (std::size_t channel = 0; channel < zone_->channels.size(); ++channel) { zone_->channels[channel].strand.dispatch( queue_covert_notify{zone_, message.clone(), channel} ); } } else { switch (tx_relay) { default: case relay_method::none: case relay_method::block: return false; case relay_method::stem: case relay_method::forward: case relay_method::local: if (zone_->nzone == epee::net_utils::zone::public_) { // this will change a local/forward tx to stem or fluff ... zone_->strand.dispatch( dandelionpp_notify{zone_, core_, std::move(txs), source} ); break; } /* fallthrough */ case relay_method::fluff: /* If sending stem/forward/local txes over non public networks, continue to claim that relay mode even though it used the "fluff" routine. A "fluff" over i2p/tor is not the same as a "fluff" over ipv4/6. Marking it as "fluff" here will make the tx immediately visible externally from this node, which is not desired. */ core_->on_transactions_relayed(epee::to_span(txs), tx_relay); zone_->strand.dispatch(fluff_notify{zone_, std::move(txs), source}); break; } } return true; } } // levin } // net