/// @file /// @author rfree (current maintainer/user in monero.cc project - most of code is from CryptoNote) /// @brief This is the original cryptonote protocol network-events handler, modified by us // Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers // (may contain code and/or modifications by other developers) // developer rfree: this code is caller of our new network code, and is modded; e.g. for rate limiting #include <boost/interprocess/detail/atomic.hpp> #include <list> #include <ctime> #include "cryptonote_basic/cryptonote_format_utils.h" #include "profile_tools.h" #include "net/network_throttle-detail.hpp" #include "common/pruning.h" #undef MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY #define MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY "net.cn" #define MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE(x) MCINFO("net.p2p.msg", context << x) #define MLOGIF_P2P_MESSAGE(init, test, x) \ do { \ const auto level = el::Level::Info; \ const char *cat = "net.p2p.msg"; \ if (ELPP->vRegistry()->allowed(level, cat)) { \ init; \ if (test) \ el::base::Writer(level, __FILE__, __LINE__, ELPP_FUNC, el::base::DispatchAction::NormalLog).construct(cat) << x; \ } \ } while(0) #define MLOG_PEER_STATE(x) \ MCINFO(MONERO_DEFAULT_LOG_CATEGORY, context << "[" << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed) << "] state: " << x << " in state " << cryptonote::get_protocol_state_string(context.m_state)) #define BLOCK_QUEUE_NSPANS_THRESHOLD 10 // chunks of N blocks #define BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE_THRESHOLD (100*1024*1024) // MB #define BLOCK_QUEUE_FORCE_DOWNLOAD_NEAR_BLOCKS 1000 #define REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD_STANDBY (5 * 1000000) // microseconds #define REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD (30 * 1000000) // microseconds #define IDLE_PEER_KICK_TIME (600 * 1000000) // microseconds #define PASSIVE_PEER_KICK_TIME (60 * 1000000) // microseconds #define DROP_ON_SYNC_WEDGE_THRESHOLD (30 * 1000000000ull) // nanoseconds #define LAST_ACTIVITY_STALL_THRESHOLD (2.0f) // seconds namespace cryptonote { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<class t_core> t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::t_cryptonote_protocol_handler(t_core& rcore, nodetool::i_p2p_endpoint<connection_context>* p_net_layout, bool offline):m_core(rcore), m_p2p(p_net_layout), m_syncronized_connections_count(0), m_synchronized(offline), m_stopping(false), m_no_sync(false) { if(!m_p2p) m_p2p = &m_p2p_stub; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::init(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm) { m_sync_timer.pause(); m_sync_timer.reset(); m_add_timer.pause(); m_add_timer.reset(); m_last_add_end_time = 0; m_sync_spans_downloaded = 0; m_sync_old_spans_downloaded = 0; m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded = 0; m_sync_download_chain_size = 0; m_sync_download_objects_size = 0; m_block_download_max_size = command_line::get_arg(vm, cryptonote::arg_block_download_max_size); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::deinit() { return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::set_p2p_endpoint(nodetool::i_p2p_endpoint<connection_context>* p2p) { if(p2p) m_p2p = p2p; else m_p2p = &m_p2p_stub; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::on_callback(cryptonote_connection_context& context) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L2("callback fired"); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES_CC( context.m_callback_request_count > 0, false, "false callback fired, but context.m_callback_request_count=" << context.m_callback_request_count); --context.m_callback_request_count; if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing) { NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request r = boost::value_initialized<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request>(); context.m_needed_objects.clear(); m_core.get_short_chain_history(r.block_ids); handler_request_blocks_history( r.block_ids ); // change the limit(?), sleep(?) MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN: m_block_ids.size()=" << r.block_ids.size() ); post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN>(r, context); MLOG_PEER_STATE("requesting chain"); } else if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby) { context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing; try_add_next_blocks(context); } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_stat_info(core_stat_info& stat_inf) { return m_core.get_stat_info(stat_inf); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::log_connections() { std::stringstream ss; ss.precision(1); double down_sum = 0.0; double down_curr_sum = 0.0; double up_sum = 0.0; double up_curr_sum = 0.0; ss << std::setw(30) << std::left << "Remote Host" << std::setw(20) << "Peer id" << std::setw(20) << "Support Flags" << std::setw(30) << "Recv/Sent (inactive,sec)" << std::setw(25) << "State" << std::setw(20) << "Livetime(sec)" << std::setw(12) << "Down (kB/s)" << std::setw(14) << "Down(now)" << std::setw(10) << "Up (kB/s)" << std::setw(13) << "Up(now)" << ENDL; m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context& cntxt, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags) { bool local_ip = cntxt.m_remote_address.is_local(); auto connection_time = time(NULL) - cntxt.m_started; ss << std::setw(30) << std::left << std::string(cntxt.m_is_income ? " [INC]":"[OUT]") + cntxt.m_remote_address.str() << std::setw(20) << std::hex << peer_id << std::setw(20) << std::hex << support_flags << std::setw(30) << std::to_string(cntxt.m_recv_cnt)+ "(" + std::to_string(time(NULL) - cntxt.m_last_recv) + ")" + "/" + std::to_string(cntxt.m_send_cnt) + "(" + std::to_string(time(NULL) - cntxt.m_last_send) + ")" << std::setw(25) << get_protocol_state_string(cntxt.m_state) << std::setw(20) << std::to_string(time(NULL) - cntxt.m_started) << std::setw(12) << std::fixed << (connection_time == 0 ? 0.0 : cntxt.m_recv_cnt / connection_time / 1024) << std::setw(14) << std::fixed << cntxt.m_current_speed_down / 1024 << std::setw(10) << std::fixed << (connection_time == 0 ? 0.0 : cntxt.m_send_cnt / connection_time / 1024) << std::setw(13) << std::fixed << cntxt.m_current_speed_up / 1024 << (local_ip ? "[LAN]" : "") << std::left << (cntxt.m_remote_address.is_loopback() ? "[LOCALHOST]" : "") // << ENDL; if (connection_time > 1) { down_sum += (cntxt.m_recv_cnt / connection_time / 1024); up_sum += (cntxt.m_send_cnt / connection_time / 1024); } down_curr_sum += (cntxt.m_current_speed_down / 1024); up_curr_sum += (cntxt.m_current_speed_up / 1024); return true; }); ss << ENDL << std::setw(125) << " " << std::setw(12) << down_sum << std::setw(14) << down_curr_sum << std::setw(10) << up_sum << std::setw(13) << up_curr_sum << ENDL; LOG_PRINT_L0("Connections: " << ENDL << ss.str()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns a list of connection_info objects describing each open p2p connection //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> std::list<connection_info> t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_connections() { std::list<connection_info> connections; m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context& cntxt, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags) { connection_info cnx; auto timestamp = time(NULL); cnx.incoming = cntxt.m_is_income ? true : false; cnx.address = cntxt.m_remote_address.str(); cnx.host = cntxt.m_remote_address.host_str(); cnx.ip = ""; cnx.port = ""; if (cntxt.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id()) { cnx.ip = cnx.host; cnx.port = std::to_string(cntxt.m_remote_address.as<epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().port()); } cnx.rpc_port = cntxt.m_rpc_port; std::stringstream peer_id_str; peer_id_str << std::hex << std::setw(16) << peer_id; peer_id_str >> cnx.peer_id; cnx.support_flags = support_flags; cnx.recv_count = cntxt.m_recv_cnt; cnx.recv_idle_time = timestamp - std::max(cntxt.m_started, cntxt.m_last_recv); cnx.send_count = cntxt.m_send_cnt; cnx.send_idle_time = timestamp - std::max(cntxt.m_started, cntxt.m_last_send); cnx.state = get_protocol_state_string(cntxt.m_state); cnx.live_time = timestamp - cntxt.m_started; cnx.localhost = cntxt.m_remote_address.is_loopback(); cnx.local_ip = cntxt.m_remote_address.is_local(); auto connection_time = time(NULL) - cntxt.m_started; if (connection_time == 0) { cnx.avg_download = 0; cnx.avg_upload = 0; } else { cnx.avg_download = cntxt.m_recv_cnt / connection_time / 1024; cnx.avg_upload = cntxt.m_send_cnt / connection_time / 1024; } cnx.current_download = cntxt.m_current_speed_down / 1024; cnx.current_upload = cntxt.m_current_speed_up / 1024; cnx.connection_id = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(cntxt.m_connection_id); cnx.ssl = cntxt.m_ssl; cnx.height = cntxt.m_remote_blockchain_height; cnx.pruning_seed = cntxt.m_pruning_seed; connections.push_back(cnx); return true; }); return connections; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::process_payload_sync_data(const CORE_SYNC_DATA& hshd, cryptonote_connection_context& context, bool is_inital) { if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_before_handshake && !is_inital) return true; if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing) return true; // from v6, if the peer advertises a top block version, reject if it's not what it should be (will only work if no voting) if (hshd.current_height > 0) { const uint8_t version = m_core.get_ideal_hard_fork_version(hshd.current_height - 1); if (version >= 6 && version != hshd.top_version) { if (version < hshd.top_version && version == m_core.get_ideal_hard_fork_version()) MCLOG_RED(el::Level::Warning, "global", context << " peer claims higher version that we think (" << (unsigned)hshd.top_version << " for " << (hshd.current_height - 1) << " instead of " << (unsigned)version << ") - we may be forked from the network and a software upgrade may be needed"); return false; } } // reject weird pruning schemes if (hshd.pruning_seed) { const uint32_t log_stripes = tools::get_pruning_log_stripes(hshd.pruning_seed); if (log_stripes != CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES || tools::get_pruning_stripe(hshd.pruning_seed) > (1u << log_stripes)) { MWARNING(context << " peer claim unexpected pruning seed " << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(hshd.pruning_seed) << ", disconnecting"); return false; } } context.m_remote_blockchain_height = hshd.current_height; context.m_pruning_seed = hshd.pruning_seed; #ifdef CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_DEBUG_SPOOF_SEED context.m_pruning_seed = tools::make_pruning_seed(1 + (context.m_remote_address.as<epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip()) % (1 << CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES), CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES); LOG_INFO_CC(context, "New connection posing as pruning seed " << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed) << ", seed address " << &context.m_pruning_seed); #endif uint64_t target = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height(); if (target == 0) target = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(); if(m_core.have_block(hshd.top_id)) { context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal; if(is_inital && target == m_core.get_current_blockchain_height()) on_connection_synchronized(); return true; } // No chain synchronization over hidden networks (tor, i2p, etc.) if(context.m_remote_address.get_zone() != epee::net_utils::zone::public_) { context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal; return true; } if (hshd.current_height > target) { /* As I don't know if accessing hshd from core could be a good practice, I prefer pushing target height to the core at the same time it is pushed to the user. Nz. */ int64_t diff = static_cast<int64_t>(hshd.current_height) - static_cast<int64_t>(m_core.get_current_blockchain_height()); uint64_t abs_diff = std::abs(diff); uint64_t max_block_height = std::max(hshd.current_height,m_core.get_current_blockchain_height()); uint64_t last_block_v1 = m_core.get_nettype() == TESTNET ? 624633 : m_core.get_nettype() == MAINNET ? 1009826 : (uint64_t)-1; uint64_t diff_v2 = max_block_height > last_block_v1 ? std::min(abs_diff, max_block_height - last_block_v1) : 0; MCLOG(is_inital ? el::Level::Info : el::Level::Debug, "global", context << "Sync data returned a new top block candidate: " << m_core.get_current_blockchain_height() << " -> " << hshd.current_height << " [Your node is " << abs_diff << " blocks (" << ((abs_diff - diff_v2) / (24 * 60 * 60 / DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V1)) + (diff_v2 / (24 * 60 * 60 / DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V2)) << " days) " << (0 <= diff ? std::string("behind") : std::string("ahead")) << "] " << ENDL << "SYNCHRONIZATION started"); if (hshd.current_height >= m_core.get_current_blockchain_height() + 5) // don't switch to unsafe mode just for a few blocks { m_core.safesyncmode(false); } if (m_core.get_target_blockchain_height() == 0) // only when sync starts { m_sync_timer.resume(); m_sync_timer.reset(); m_add_timer.pause(); m_add_timer.reset(); m_last_add_end_time = 0; m_sync_spans_downloaded = 0; m_sync_old_spans_downloaded = 0; m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded = 0; m_sync_download_chain_size = 0; m_sync_download_objects_size = 0; } m_core.set_target_blockchain_height((hshd.current_height)); } MINFO(context << "Remote blockchain height: " << hshd.current_height << ", id: " << hshd.top_id); if (m_no_sync) { context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal; return true; } context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing; //let the socket to send response to handshake, but request callback, to let send request data after response LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L2("requesting callback"); ++context.m_callback_request_count; m_p2p->request_callback(context); MLOG_PEER_STATE("requesting callback"); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_payload_sync_data(CORE_SYNC_DATA& hshd) { m_core.get_blockchain_top(hshd.current_height, hshd.top_id); hshd.top_version = m_core.get_ideal_hard_fork_version(hshd.current_height); difficulty_type wide_cumulative_difficulty = m_core.get_block_cumulative_difficulty(hshd.current_height); hshd.cumulative_difficulty = (wide_cumulative_difficulty & 0xffffffffffffffff).convert_to<uint64_t>(); hshd.cumulative_difficulty_top64 = ((wide_cumulative_difficulty >> 64) & 0xffffffffffffffff).convert_to<uint64_t>(); hshd.current_height +=1; hshd.pruning_seed = m_core.get_blockchain_pruning_seed(); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_payload_sync_data(blobdata& data) { CORE_SYNC_DATA hsd = boost::value_initialized<CORE_SYNC_DATA>(); get_payload_sync_data(hsd); epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(hsd, data); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_notify_new_block(int command, NOTIFY_NEW_BLOCK::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context) { MLOGIF_P2P_MESSAGE(crypto::hash hash; cryptonote::block b; bool ret = cryptonote::parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(arg.b.block, b, &hash);, ret, "Received NOTIFY_NEW_BLOCK " << hash << " (height " << arg.current_blockchain_height << ", " << arg.b.txs.size() << " txes)"); if(context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal) return 1; if(!is_synchronized()) // can happen if a peer connection goes to normal but another thread still hasn't finished adding queued blocks { LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "Received new block while syncing, ignored"); return 1; } m_core.pause_mine(); std::vector<block_complete_entry> blocks; blocks.push_back(arg.b); std::vector<block> pblocks; if (!m_core.prepare_handle_incoming_blocks(blocks, pblocks)) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1("Block verification failed: prepare_handle_incoming_blocks failed, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } for(auto tx_blob_it = arg.b.txs.begin(); tx_blob_it!=arg.b.txs.end();tx_blob_it++) { cryptonote::tx_verification_context tvc = AUTO_VAL_INIT(tvc); m_core.handle_incoming_tx(*tx_blob_it, tvc, true, true, false); if(tvc.m_verifivation_failed) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1("Block verification failed: transaction verification failed, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks(); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } } block_verification_context bvc = boost::value_initialized<block_verification_context>(); m_core.handle_incoming_block(arg.b.block, pblocks.empty() ? NULL : &pblocks[0], bvc); // got block from handle_notify_new_block if (!m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks(true)) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L0("Failure in cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks"); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } m_core.resume_mine(); if(bvc.m_verifivation_failed) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L0("Block verification failed, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, true, false); return 1; } if(bvc.m_added_to_main_chain) { //TODO: Add here announce protocol usage relay_block(arg, context); }else if(bvc.m_marked_as_orphaned) { context.m_needed_objects.clear(); context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing; NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request r = boost::value_initialized<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request>(); m_core.get_short_chain_history(r.block_ids); handler_request_blocks_history( r.block_ids ); // change the limit(?), sleep(?) MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN: m_block_ids.size()=" << r.block_ids.size() ); post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN>(r, context); MLOG_PEER_STATE("requesting chain"); } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_notify_new_fluffy_block(int command, NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context) { MLOGIF_P2P_MESSAGE(crypto::hash hash; cryptonote::block b; bool ret = cryptonote::parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(arg.b.block, b, &hash);, ret, "Received NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK " << hash << " (height " << arg.current_blockchain_height << ", " << arg.b.txs.size() << " txes)"); if(context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal) return 1; if(!is_synchronized()) // can happen if a peer connection goes to normal but another thread still hasn't finished adding queued blocks { LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "Received new block while syncing, ignored"); return 1; } m_core.pause_mine(); block new_block; transaction miner_tx; if(parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(arg.b.block, new_block)) { // This is a second notification, we must have asked for some missing tx if(!context.m_requested_objects.empty()) { // What we asked for != to what we received .. if(context.m_requested_objects.size() != arg.b.txs.size()) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT ( "NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK -> request/response mismatch, " << "block = " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_blob_hash(arg.b.block)) << ", requested = " << context.m_requested_objects.size() << ", received = " << new_block.tx_hashes.size() << ", dropping connection" ); drop_connection(context, false, false); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } } std::vector<blobdata> have_tx; // Instead of requesting missing transactions by hash like BTC, // we do it by index (thanks to a suggestion from moneromooo) because // we're way cooler .. and also because they're smaller than hashes. // // Also, remember to pepper some whitespace changes around to bother // moneromooo ... only because I <3 him. std::vector<uint64_t> need_tx_indices; transaction tx; crypto::hash tx_hash; for(auto& tx_blob: arg.b.txs) { if(parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(tx_blob, tx)) { try { if(!get_transaction_hash(tx, tx_hash)) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1 ( "NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK: get_transaction_hash failed" << ", dropping connection" ); drop_connection(context, false, false); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } } catch(...) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1 ( "NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK: get_transaction_hash failed" << ", exception thrown" << ", dropping connection" ); drop_connection(context, false, false); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } // hijacking m_requested objects in connection context to patch up // a possible DOS vector pointed out by @monero-moo where peers keep // sending (0...n-1) transactions. // If requested objects is not empty, then we must have asked for // some missing transacionts, make sure that they're all there. // // Can I safely re-use this field? I think so, but someone check me! if(!context.m_requested_objects.empty()) { auto req_tx_it = context.m_requested_objects.find(tx_hash); if(req_tx_it == context.m_requested_objects.end()) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT ( "Peer sent wrong transaction (NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK): " << "transaction with id = " << tx_hash << " wasn't requested, " << "dropping connection" ); drop_connection(context, false, false); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } context.m_requested_objects.erase(req_tx_it); } // we might already have the tx that the peer // sent in our pool, so don't verify again.. if(!m_core.pool_has_tx(tx_hash)) { MDEBUG("Incoming tx " << tx_hash << " not in pool, adding"); cryptonote::tx_verification_context tvc = AUTO_VAL_INIT(tvc); if(!m_core.handle_incoming_tx(tx_blob, tvc, true, true, false) || tvc.m_verifivation_failed) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1("Block verification failed: transaction verification failed, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } // // future todo: // tx should only not be added to pool if verification failed, but // maybe in the future could not be added for other reasons // according to monero-moo so keep track of these separately .. // } } else { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT ( "sent wrong tx: failed to parse and validate transaction: " << epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(tx_blob) << ", dropping connection" ); drop_connection(context, false, false); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } } // The initial size equality check could have been fooled if the sender // gave us the number of transactions we asked for, but not the right // ones. This check make sure the transactions we asked for were the // ones we received. if(context.m_requested_objects.size()) { MERROR ( "NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK: peer sent the number of transaction requested" << ", but not the actual transactions requested" << ", context.m_requested_objects.size() = " << context.m_requested_objects.size() << ", dropping connection" ); drop_connection(context, false, false); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } size_t tx_idx = 0; for(auto& tx_hash: new_block.tx_hashes) { cryptonote::blobdata txblob; if(m_core.get_pool_transaction(tx_hash, txblob)) { have_tx.push_back(txblob); } else { std::vector<crypto::hash> tx_ids; std::vector<transaction> txes; std::vector<crypto::hash> missing; tx_ids.push_back(tx_hash); if (m_core.get_transactions(tx_ids, txes, missing) && missing.empty()) { if (txes.size() == 1) { have_tx.push_back(tx_to_blob(txes.front())); } else { MERROR("1 tx requested, none not found, but " << txes.size() << " returned"); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } } else { MDEBUG("Tx " << tx_hash << " not found in pool"); need_tx_indices.push_back(tx_idx); } } ++tx_idx; } if(!need_tx_indices.empty()) // drats, we don't have everything.. { // request non-mempool txs MDEBUG("We are missing " << need_tx_indices.size() << " txes for this fluffy block"); for (auto txidx: need_tx_indices) MDEBUG(" tx " << new_block.tx_hashes[txidx]); NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX::request missing_tx_req; missing_tx_req.block_hash = get_block_hash(new_block); missing_tx_req.current_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height; missing_tx_req.missing_tx_indices = std::move(need_tx_indices); m_core.resume_mine(); MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX: missing_tx_indices.size()=" << missing_tx_req.missing_tx_indices.size() ); post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX>(missing_tx_req, context); } else // whoo-hoo we've got em all .. { MDEBUG("We have all needed txes for this fluffy block"); block_complete_entry b; b.block = arg.b.block; b.txs = have_tx; std::vector<block_complete_entry> blocks; blocks.push_back(b); std::vector<block> pblocks; if (!m_core.prepare_handle_incoming_blocks(blocks, pblocks)) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L0("Failure in prepare_handle_incoming_blocks"); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } block_verification_context bvc = boost::value_initialized<block_verification_context>(); m_core.handle_incoming_block(arg.b.block, pblocks.empty() ? NULL : &pblocks[0], bvc); // got block from handle_notify_new_block if (!m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks(true)) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L0("Failure in cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks"); m_core.resume_mine(); return 1; } m_core.resume_mine(); if( bvc.m_verifivation_failed ) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L0("Block verification failed, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, true, false); return 1; } if( bvc.m_added_to_main_chain ) { //TODO: Add here announce protocol usage NOTIFY_NEW_BLOCK::request reg_arg = AUTO_VAL_INIT(reg_arg); reg_arg.current_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height; reg_arg.b = b; relay_block(reg_arg, context); } else if( bvc.m_marked_as_orphaned ) { context.m_needed_objects.clear(); context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing; NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request r = boost::value_initialized<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request>(); m_core.get_short_chain_history(r.block_ids); handler_request_blocks_history( r.block_ids ); // change the limit(?), sleep(?) MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN: m_block_ids.size()=" << r.block_ids.size() ); post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN>(r, context); MLOG_PEER_STATE("requesting chain"); } } } else { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT ( "sent wrong block: failed to parse and validate block: " << epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(arg.b.block) << ", dropping connection" ); m_core.resume_mine(); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_request_fluffy_missing_tx(int command, NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context) { MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("Received NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX (" << arg.missing_tx_indices.size() << " txes), block hash " << arg.block_hash); std::vector<std::pair<cryptonote::blobdata, block>> local_blocks; std::vector<cryptonote::blobdata> local_txs; block b; if (!m_core.get_block_by_hash(arg.block_hash, b)) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("failed to find block: " << arg.block_hash << ", dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } std::vector<crypto::hash> txids; NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::request fluffy_response; fluffy_response.b.block = t_serializable_object_to_blob(b); fluffy_response.current_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height; std::vector<bool> seen(b.tx_hashes.size(), false); for(auto& tx_idx: arg.missing_tx_indices) { if(tx_idx < b.tx_hashes.size()) { MDEBUG(" tx " << b.tx_hashes[tx_idx]); if (seen[tx_idx]) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT ( "Failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX" << ", request is asking for duplicate tx " << ", tx index = " << tx_idx << ", block tx count " << b.tx_hashes.size() << ", block_height = " << arg.current_blockchain_height << ", dropping connection" ); drop_connection(context, true, false); return 1; } txids.push_back(b.tx_hashes[tx_idx]); seen[tx_idx] = true; } else { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT ( "Failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX" << ", request is asking for a tx whose index is out of bounds " << ", tx index = " << tx_idx << ", block tx count " << b.tx_hashes.size() << ", block_height = " << arg.current_blockchain_height << ", dropping connection" ); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } } std::vector<cryptonote::transaction> txs; std::vector<crypto::hash> missed; if (!m_core.get_transactions(txids, txs, missed)) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX, " << "failed to get requested transactions"); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } if (!missed.empty() || txs.size() != txids.size()) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX, " << missed.size() << " requested transactions not found" << ", dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } for(auto& tx: txs) { fluffy_response.b.txs.push_back(t_serializable_object_to_blob(tx)); } MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE ( "-->>NOTIFY_RESPONSE_FLUFFY_MISSING_TX: " << ", txs.size()=" << fluffy_response.b.txs.size() << ", rsp.current_blockchain_height=" << fluffy_response.current_blockchain_height ); post_notify<NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK>(fluffy_response, context); return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_notify_new_transactions(int command, NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context) { MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("Received NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS (" << arg.txs.size() << " txes)"); for (const auto &blob: arg.txs) MLOGIF_P2P_MESSAGE(cryptonote::transaction tx; crypto::hash hash; bool ret = cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(blob, tx, hash);, ret, "Including transaction " << hash); if(context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal) return 1; // while syncing, core will lock for a long time, so we ignore // those txes as they aren't really needed anyway, and avoid a // long block before replying if(!is_synchronized()) { LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "Received new tx while syncing, ignored"); return 1; } std::vector<cryptonote::blobdata> newtxs; newtxs.reserve(arg.txs.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.txs.size(); ++i) { cryptonote::tx_verification_context tvc = AUTO_VAL_INIT(tvc); m_core.handle_incoming_tx(arg.txs[i], tvc, false, true, false); if(tvc.m_verifivation_failed) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1("Tx verification failed, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } if(tvc.m_should_be_relayed) newtxs.push_back(std::move(arg.txs[i])); } arg.txs = std::move(newtxs); if(arg.txs.size()) { //TODO: add announce usage here relay_transactions(arg, context); } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_request_get_objects(int command, NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_OBJECTS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context) { MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("Received NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_OBJECTS (" << arg.blocks.size() << " blocks, " << arg.txs.size() << " txes)"); if (arg.blocks.size() + arg.txs.size() > CURRENCY_PROTOCOL_MAX_OBJECT_REQUEST_COUNT) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT( "Requested objects count is too big (" << arg.blocks.size() + arg.txs.size() << ") expected not more then " << CURRENCY_PROTOCOL_MAX_OBJECT_REQUEST_COUNT); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS::request rsp; if(!m_core.handle_get_objects(arg, rsp, context)) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("failed to handle request NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_OBJECTS, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("-->>NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS: blocks.size()=" << rsp.blocks.size() << ", txs.size()=" << rsp.txs.size() << ", rsp.m_current_blockchain_height=" << rsp.current_blockchain_height << ", missed_ids.size()=" << rsp.missed_ids.size()); post_notify<NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS>(rsp, context); //handler_response_blocks_now(sizeof(rsp)); // XXX //handler_response_blocks_now(200); return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> double t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_avg_block_size() { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_buffer_mutex); if (m_avg_buffer.empty()) { MWARNING("m_avg_buffer.size() == 0"); return 500; } double avg = 0; for (const auto &element : m_avg_buffer) avg += element; return avg / m_avg_buffer.size(); } template<class t_core> int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_response_get_objects(int command, NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context) { MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("Received NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS (" << arg.blocks.size() << " blocks, " << arg.txs.size() << " txes)"); MLOG_PEER_STATE("received objects"); boost::posix_time::ptime request_time = context.m_last_request_time; context.m_last_request_time = boost::date_time::not_a_date_time; // calculate size of request size_t size = 0; for (const auto &element : arg.txs) size += element.size(); size_t blocks_size = 0; for (const auto &element : arg.blocks) { blocks_size += element.block.size(); for (const auto &tx : element.txs) blocks_size += tx.size(); } size += blocks_size; for (const auto &element : arg.missed_ids) size += sizeof(element.data); size += sizeof(arg.current_blockchain_height); { CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_buffer_mutex); m_avg_buffer.push_back(size); } ++m_sync_spans_downloaded; m_sync_download_objects_size += size; MDEBUG(context << " downloaded " << size << " bytes worth of blocks"); /*using namespace boost::chrono; auto point = steady_clock::now(); auto time_from_epoh = point.time_since_epoch(); auto sec = duration_cast< seconds >( time_from_epoh ).count();*/ //epee::net_utils::network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_inreq().logger_handle_net("log/dr-monero/net/req-all.data", sec, get_avg_block_size()); if(context.m_last_response_height > arg.current_blockchain_height) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("sent wrong NOTIFY_HAVE_OBJECTS: arg.m_current_blockchain_height=" << arg.current_blockchain_height << " < m_last_response_height=" << context.m_last_response_height << ", dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); ++m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded; return 1; } context.m_remote_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height; if (context.m_remote_blockchain_height > m_core.get_target_blockchain_height()) m_core.set_target_blockchain_height(context.m_remote_blockchain_height); std::vector<crypto::hash> block_hashes; block_hashes.reserve(arg.blocks.size()); const boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time(); uint64_t start_height = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(); cryptonote::block b; for(const block_complete_entry& block_entry: arg.blocks) { if (m_stopping) { return 1; } crypto::hash block_hash; if(!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(block_entry.block, b, block_hash)) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("sent wrong block: failed to parse and validate block: " << epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(block_entry.block) << ", dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); ++m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded; return 1; } if (b.miner_tx.vin.size() != 1 || b.miner_tx.vin.front().type() != typeid(txin_gen)) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("sent wrong block: block: miner tx does not have exactly one txin_gen input" << epee::string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(block_entry.block) << ", dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); ++m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded; return 1; } if (start_height == std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()) start_height = boost::get<txin_gen>(b.miner_tx.vin[0]).height; auto req_it = context.m_requested_objects.find(block_hash); if(req_it == context.m_requested_objects.end()) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("sent wrong NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS: block with id=" << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_blob_hash(block_entry.block)) << " wasn't requested, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); ++m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded; return 1; } if(b.tx_hashes.size() != block_entry.txs.size()) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("sent wrong NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS: block with id=" << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(get_blob_hash(block_entry.block)) << ", tx_hashes.size()=" << b.tx_hashes.size() << " mismatch with block_complete_entry.m_txs.size()=" << block_entry.txs.size() << ", dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); ++m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded; return 1; } context.m_requested_objects.erase(req_it); block_hashes.push_back(block_hash); } if(!context.m_requested_objects.empty()) { MERROR(context << "returned not all requested objects (context.m_requested_objects.size()=" << context.m_requested_objects.size() << "), dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); ++m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded; return 1; } { MLOG_YELLOW(el::Level::Debug, context << " Got NEW BLOCKS inside of " << __FUNCTION__ << ": size: " << arg.blocks.size() << ", blocks: " << start_height << " - " << (start_height + arg.blocks.size() - 1) << " (pruning seed " << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed) << ")"); // add that new span to the block queue const boost::posix_time::time_duration dt = now - request_time; const float rate = size * 1e6 / (dt.total_microseconds() + 1); MDEBUG(context << " adding span: " << arg.blocks.size() << " at height " << start_height << ", " << dt.total_microseconds()/1e6 << " seconds, " << (rate/1024) << " kB/s, size now " << (m_block_queue.get_data_size() + blocks_size) / 1048576.f << " MB"); m_block_queue.add_blocks(start_height, arg.blocks, context.m_connection_id, rate, blocks_size); const crypto::hash last_block_hash = cryptonote::get_block_hash(b); context.m_last_known_hash = last_block_hash; if (!m_core.get_test_drop_download() || !m_core.get_test_drop_download_height()) { // DISCARD BLOCKS for testing return 1; } } try_add_next_blocks(context); return 1; } template<class t_core> int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::try_add_next_blocks(cryptonote_connection_context& context) { bool force_next_span = false; { // We try to lock the sync lock. If we can, it means no other thread is // currently adding blocks, so we do that for as long as we can from the // block queue. Then, we go back to download. const boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> sync{m_sync_lock, boost::try_to_lock}; if (!sync.owns_lock()) { MINFO(context << "Failed to lock m_sync_lock, going back to download"); goto skip; } MDEBUG(context << " lock m_sync_lock, adding blocks to chain..."); MLOG_PEER_STATE("adding blocks"); { m_core.pause_mine(); m_add_timer.resume(); bool starting = true; epee::misc_utils::auto_scope_leave_caller scope_exit_handler = epee::misc_utils::create_scope_leave_handler([this, &starting]() { m_add_timer.pause(); m_core.resume_mine(); if (!starting) m_last_add_end_time = tools::get_tick_count(); }); while (1) { const uint64_t previous_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(); uint64_t start_height; std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> blocks; boost::uuids::uuid span_connection_id; if (!m_block_queue.get_next_span(start_height, blocks, span_connection_id)) { MDEBUG(context << " no next span found, going back to download"); break; } if (blocks.empty()) { MERROR(context << "Next span has no blocks"); m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height); continue; } MDEBUG(context << " next span in the queue has blocks " << start_height << "-" << (start_height + blocks.size() - 1) << ", we need " << previous_height); block new_block; crypto::hash last_block_hash; if (!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(blocks.back().block, new_block, last_block_hash)) { MERROR(context << "Failed to parse block, but it should already have been parsed"); m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height); continue; } if (m_core.have_block(last_block_hash)) { const uint64_t subchain_height = start_height + blocks.size(); LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "These are old blocks, ignoring: blocks " << start_height << " - " << (subchain_height-1) << ", blockchain height " << m_core.get_current_blockchain_height()); m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height); ++m_sync_old_spans_downloaded; continue; } if (!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(blocks.front().block, new_block)) { MERROR(context << "Failed to parse block, but it should already have been parsed"); m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height); continue; } bool parent_known = m_core.have_block(new_block.prev_id); if (!parent_known) { // it could be: // - later in the current chain // - later in an alt chain // - orphan // if it was requested, then it'll be resolved later, otherwise it's an orphan bool parent_requested = m_block_queue.requested(new_block.prev_id); if (!parent_requested) { // we might be able to ask for that block directly, as we now can request out of order, // otherwise we continue out of order, unless this block is the one we need, in which // case we request block hashes, though it might be safer to disconnect ? if (start_height > previous_height) { if (should_drop_connection(context, get_next_needed_pruning_stripe().first)) { MDEBUG(context << "Got block with unknown parent which was not requested, but peer does not have that block - dropping connection"); if (!context.m_is_income) m_p2p->add_used_stripe_peer(context); drop_connection(context, false, true); return 1; } MDEBUG(context << "Got block with unknown parent which was not requested, but peer does not have that block - back to download"); goto skip; } // this can happen if a connection was sicced onto a late span, if it did not have those blocks, // since we don't know that at the sic time LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Got block with unknown parent which was not requested - querying block hashes"); m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height); context.m_needed_objects.clear(); context.m_last_response_height = 0; goto skip; } // parent was requested, so we wait for it to be retrieved MINFO(context << " parent was requested, we'll get back to it"); break; } const boost::posix_time::ptime start = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time(); if (starting) { starting = false; if (m_last_add_end_time) { const uint64_t tnow = tools::get_tick_count(); const uint64_t ns = tools::ticks_to_ns(tnow - m_last_add_end_time); MINFO("Restarting adding block after idle for " << ns/1e9 << " seconds"); } } std::vector<block> pblocks; if (!m_core.prepare_handle_incoming_blocks(blocks, pblocks)) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Failure in prepare_handle_incoming_blocks"); return 1; } if (!pblocks.empty() && pblocks.size() != blocks.size()) { m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks(); LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Internal error: blocks.size() != block_entry.txs.size()"); return 1; } uint64_t block_process_time_full = 0, transactions_process_time_full = 0; size_t num_txs = 0, blockidx = 0; for(const block_complete_entry& block_entry: blocks) { if (m_stopping) { m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks(); return 1; } // process transactions TIME_MEASURE_START(transactions_process_time); num_txs += block_entry.txs.size(); std::vector<tx_verification_context> tvc; m_core.handle_incoming_txs(block_entry.txs, tvc, true, true, false); if (tvc.size() != block_entry.txs.size()) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Internal error: tvc.size() != block_entry.txs.size()"); return 1; } std::vector<blobdata>::const_iterator it = block_entry.txs.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < tvc.size(); ++i, ++it) { if(tvc[i].m_verifivation_failed) { if (!m_p2p->for_connection(span_connection_id, [&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t f)->bool{ cryptonote::transaction tx; parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(*it, tx); // must succeed if we got here LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("transaction verification failed on NOTIFY_RESPONSE_GET_OBJECTS, tx_id = " << epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx)) << ", dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, true); return 1; })) LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("span connection id not found"); if (!m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks()) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L0("Failure in cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks"); return 1; } // in case the peer had dropped beforehand, remove the span anyway so other threads can wake up and get it m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height); return 1; } } TIME_MEASURE_FINISH(transactions_process_time); transactions_process_time_full += transactions_process_time; // process block TIME_MEASURE_START(block_process_time); block_verification_context bvc = boost::value_initialized<block_verification_context>(); m_core.handle_incoming_block(block_entry.block, pblocks.empty() ? NULL : &pblocks[blockidx], bvc, false); // <--- process block if(bvc.m_verifivation_failed) { if (!m_p2p->for_connection(span_connection_id, [&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t f)->bool{ LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1("Block verification failed, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, true, true); return 1; })) LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("span connection id not found"); if (!m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks()) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L0("Failure in cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks"); return 1; } // in case the peer had dropped beforehand, remove the span anyway so other threads can wake up and get it m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height); return 1; } if(bvc.m_marked_as_orphaned) { if (!m_p2p->for_connection(span_connection_id, [&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t f)->bool{ LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1("Block received at sync phase was marked as orphaned, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, true, true); return 1; })) LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("span connection id not found"); if (!m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks()) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L0("Failure in cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks"); return 1; } // in case the peer had dropped beforehand, remove the span anyway so other threads can wake up and get it m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height); return 1; } TIME_MEASURE_FINISH(block_process_time); block_process_time_full += block_process_time; ++blockidx; } // each download block MDEBUG(context << "Block process time (" << blocks.size() << " blocks, " << num_txs << " txs): " << block_process_time_full + transactions_process_time_full << " (" << transactions_process_time_full << "/" << block_process_time_full << ") ms"); if (!m_core.cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks()) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L0("Failure in cleanup_handle_incoming_blocks"); return 1; } m_block_queue.remove_spans(span_connection_id, start_height); const uint64_t current_blockchain_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(); if (current_blockchain_height > previous_height) { const uint64_t target_blockchain_height = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height(); const boost::posix_time::time_duration dt = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time() - start; std::string progress_message = ""; if (current_blockchain_height < target_blockchain_height) { uint64_t completion_percent = (current_blockchain_height * 100 / target_blockchain_height); if (completion_percent == 100) // never show 100% if not actually up to date completion_percent = 99; progress_message = " (" + std::to_string(completion_percent) + "%, " + std::to_string(target_blockchain_height - current_blockchain_height) + " left)"; } const uint32_t previous_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(previous_height, target_blockchain_height, CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES); const uint32_t current_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height, CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES); std::string timing_message = ""; if (ELPP->vRegistry()->allowed(el::Level::Info, "sync-info")) timing_message = std::string(" (") + std::to_string(dt.total_microseconds()/1e6) + " sec, " + std::to_string((current_blockchain_height - previous_height) * 1e6 / dt.total_microseconds()) + " blocks/sec), " + std::to_string(m_block_queue.get_data_size() / 1048576.f) + " MB queued in " + std::to_string(m_block_queue.get_num_filled_spans()) + " spans, stripe " + std::to_string(previous_stripe) + " -> " + std::to_string(current_stripe); if (ELPP->vRegistry()->allowed(el::Level::Debug, "sync-info")) timing_message += std::string(": ") + m_block_queue.get_overview(current_blockchain_height); MGINFO_YELLOW("Synced " << current_blockchain_height << "/" << target_blockchain_height << progress_message << timing_message); if (previous_stripe != current_stripe) notify_new_stripe(context, current_stripe); } } } MLOG_PEER_STATE("stopping adding blocks"); if (should_download_next_span(context, false)) { force_next_span = true; } else if (should_drop_connection(context, get_next_needed_pruning_stripe().first)) { if (!context.m_is_income) { m_p2p->add_used_stripe_peer(context); drop_connection(context, false, false); } return 1; } } skip: if (!request_missing_objects(context, true, force_next_span)) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Failed to request missing objects, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::notify_new_stripe(cryptonote_connection_context& cntxt, uint32_t stripe) { m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags)->bool { if (cntxt.m_connection_id == context.m_connection_id) return true; if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal) { const uint32_t peer_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed); if (stripe && peer_stripe && peer_stripe != stripe) return true; context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing; LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L2("requesting callback"); ++context.m_callback_request_count; m_p2p->request_callback(context); MLOG_PEER_STATE("requesting callback"); } return true; }); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::on_idle() { m_idle_peer_kicker.do_call(boost::bind(&t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::kick_idle_peers, this)); m_standby_checker.do_call(boost::bind(&t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::check_standby_peers, this)); m_sync_search_checker.do_call(boost::bind(&t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::update_sync_search, this)); return m_core.on_idle(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::kick_idle_peers() { MTRACE("Checking for idle peers..."); m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags)->bool { if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing && context.m_last_request_time != boost::date_time::not_a_date_time) { const boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time(); const boost::posix_time::time_duration dt = now - context.m_last_request_time; if (dt.total_microseconds() > IDLE_PEER_KICK_TIME) { MINFO(context << " kicking idle peer, last update " << (dt.total_microseconds() / 1.e6) << " seconds ago"); LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L2("requesting callback"); context.m_last_request_time = boost::date_time::not_a_date_time; context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby; // we'll go back to adding, then (if we can't), download ++context.m_callback_request_count; m_p2p->request_callback(context); } } return true; }); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::update_sync_search() { const uint64_t target = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height(); const uint64_t height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(); if (target > height) // if we're not synced yet, don't do it return true; MTRACE("Checking for outgoing syncing peers..."); unsigned n_syncing = 0, n_synced = 0; boost::uuids::uuid last_synced_peer_id(boost::uuids::nil_uuid()); m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags)->bool { if (!peer_id || context.m_is_income) // only consider connected outgoing peers return true; if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing) ++n_syncing; if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal) { ++n_synced; if (!context.m_anchor) last_synced_peer_id = context.m_connection_id; } return true; }); MTRACE(n_syncing << " syncing, " << n_synced << " synced"); // if we're at max out peers, and not enough are syncing if (n_synced + n_syncing >= m_max_out_peers && n_syncing < P2P_DEFAULT_SYNC_SEARCH_CONNECTIONS_COUNT && last_synced_peer_id != boost::uuids::nil_uuid()) { if (!m_p2p->for_connection(last_synced_peer_id, [&](cryptonote_connection_context& ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t f)->bool{ MINFO(ctx << "dropping synced peer, " << n_syncing << " syncing, " << n_synced << " synced"); drop_connection(ctx, false, false); return true; })) MDEBUG("Failed to find peer we wanted to drop"); } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::check_standby_peers() { m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags)->bool { if (context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby) { LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L2("requesting callback"); ++context.m_callback_request_count; m_p2p->request_callback(context); } return true; }); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_request_chain(int command, NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context) { MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("Received NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN (" << arg.block_ids.size() << " blocks"); NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY::request r; if(!m_core.find_blockchain_supplement(arg.block_ids, r)) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Failed to handle NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN."); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("-->>NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY: m_start_height=" << r.start_height << ", m_total_height=" << r.total_height << ", m_block_ids.size()=" << r.m_block_ids.size()); post_notify<NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY>(r, context); return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::should_download_next_span(cryptonote_connection_context& context, bool standby) { std::vector<crypto::hash> hashes; boost::uuids::uuid span_connection_id; boost::posix_time::ptime request_time; boost::uuids::uuid connection_id; std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> span; bool filled; const uint64_t blockchain_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(); if (context.m_remote_blockchain_height <= blockchain_height) return false; const boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time(); const bool has_next_block = tools::has_unpruned_block(blockchain_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_pruning_seed); if (has_next_block) { if (!m_block_queue.has_next_span(blockchain_height, filled, request_time, connection_id)) { MDEBUG(context << " we should download it as no peer reserved it"); return true; } if (!filled) { const long dt = (now - request_time).total_microseconds(); if (dt >= REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD) { MDEBUG(context << " we should download it as it's not been received yet after " << dt/1e6); return true; } // in standby, be ready to double download early since we're idling anyway // let the fastest peer trigger first long threshold; const double dl_speed = context.m_max_speed_down; if (standby && dt >= REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD_STANDBY && dl_speed > 0) { bool download = false; if (m_p2p->for_connection(connection_id, [&](cryptonote_connection_context& ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t f)->bool{ const time_t nowt = time(NULL); const time_t time_since_last_recv = nowt - ctx.m_last_recv; const float last_activity = std::min((float)time_since_last_recv, dt/1e6f); const bool stalled = last_activity > LAST_ACTIVITY_STALL_THRESHOLD; if (stalled) { MDEBUG(context << " we should download it as the downloading peer is stalling for " << nowt - ctx.m_last_recv << " seconds"); download = true; return true; } // estimate the standby peer can give us 80% of its max speed // and let it download if that speed is > N times as fast as the current one // N starts at 10 after REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD_STANDBY, // decreases to 1.25 at REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD, // so that at times goes without the download being done, a retry becomes easier const float max_multiplier = 10.f; const float min_multiplier = 1.25f; float multiplier = max_multiplier; if (dt/1e6 >= REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD_STANDBY) { multiplier = max_multiplier - (dt/1e6-REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD_STANDBY) * (max_multiplier - min_multiplier) / (REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD - REQUEST_NEXT_SCHEDULED_SPAN_THRESHOLD_STANDBY); multiplier = std::min(max_multiplier, std::max(min_multiplier, multiplier)); } if (dl_speed * .8f > ctx.m_current_speed_down * multiplier) { MDEBUG(context << " we should download it as we are substantially faster (" << dl_speed << " vs " << ctx.m_current_speed_down << ", multiplier " << multiplier << " after " << dt/1e6 << " seconds)"); download = true; return true; } return true; })) { if (download) return true; } else { MWARNING(context << " we should download it as the downloading peer is unexpectedly not known to us"); return true; } } } } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::should_drop_connection(cryptonote_connection_context& context, uint32_t next_stripe) { if (context.m_anchor) { MDEBUG(context << "This is an anchor peer, not dropping"); return false; } if (context.m_pruning_seed == 0) { MDEBUG(context << "This peer is not striped, not dropping"); return false; } const uint32_t peer_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed); if (next_stripe == peer_stripe) { MDEBUG(context << "This peer has needed stripe " << peer_stripe << ", not dropping"); return false; } if (!context.m_needed_objects.empty()) { const uint64_t next_available_block_height = context.m_last_response_height - context.m_needed_objects.size() + 1; if (tools::has_unpruned_block(next_available_block_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_pruning_seed)) { MDEBUG(context << "This peer has unpruned next block at height " << next_available_block_height << ", not dropping"); return false; } } if (next_stripe > 0) { unsigned int n_out_peers = 0, n_peers_on_next_stripe = 0; m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags)->bool{ if (!ctx.m_is_income) ++n_out_peers; if (ctx.m_state >= cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing && tools::get_pruning_stripe(ctx.m_pruning_seed) == next_stripe) ++n_peers_on_next_stripe; return true; }); const uint32_t distance = (peer_stripe + (1<<CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES) - next_stripe) % (1<<CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES); if ((n_out_peers >= m_max_out_peers && n_peers_on_next_stripe == 0) || (distance > 1 && n_peers_on_next_stripe <= 2) || distance > 2) { MDEBUG(context << "we want seed " << next_stripe << ", and either " << n_out_peers << " is at max out peers (" << m_max_out_peers << ") or distance " << distance << " from " << next_stripe << " to " << peer_stripe << " is too large and we have only " << n_peers_on_next_stripe << " peers on next seed, dropping connection to make space"); return true; } } MDEBUG(context << "End of checks, not dropping"); return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::skip_unneeded_hashes(cryptonote_connection_context& context, bool check_block_queue) const { // take out blocks we already have size_t skip = 0; while (skip < context.m_needed_objects.size() && (m_core.have_block(context.m_needed_objects[skip]) || (check_block_queue && m_block_queue.have(context.m_needed_objects[skip])))) { // if we're popping the last hash, record it so we can ask again from that hash, // this prevents never being able to progress on peers we get old hash lists from if (skip + 1 == context.m_needed_objects.size()) context.m_last_known_hash = context.m_needed_objects[skip]; ++skip; } if (skip > 0) { MDEBUG(context << "skipping " << skip << "/" << context.m_needed_objects.size() << " blocks"); context.m_needed_objects = std::vector<crypto::hash>(context.m_needed_objects.begin() + skip, context.m_needed_objects.end()); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::request_missing_objects(cryptonote_connection_context& context, bool check_having_blocks, bool force_next_span) { // flush stale spans std::set<boost::uuids::uuid> live_connections; m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags)->bool{ live_connections.insert(context.m_connection_id); return true; }); m_block_queue.flush_stale_spans(live_connections); // if we don't need to get next span, and the block queue is full enough, wait a bit bool start_from_current_chain = false; if (!force_next_span) { do { size_t nspans = m_block_queue.get_num_filled_spans(); size_t size = m_block_queue.get_data_size(); const uint64_t bc_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(); const auto next_needed_pruning_stripe = get_next_needed_pruning_stripe(); const uint32_t add_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(bc_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES); const uint32_t peer_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed); const size_t block_queue_size_threshold = m_block_download_max_size ? m_block_download_max_size : BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE_THRESHOLD; bool queue_proceed = nspans < BLOCK_QUEUE_NSPANS_THRESHOLD || size < block_queue_size_threshold; // get rid of blocks we already requested, or already have skip_unneeded_hashes(context, true); uint64_t next_needed_height = m_block_queue.get_next_needed_height(bc_height); uint64_t next_block_height; if (context.m_needed_objects.empty()) next_block_height = next_needed_height; else next_block_height = context.m_last_response_height - context.m_needed_objects.size() + 1; bool stripe_proceed_main = (add_stripe == 0 || peer_stripe == 0 || add_stripe == peer_stripe) && (next_block_height < bc_height + BLOCK_QUEUE_FORCE_DOWNLOAD_NEAR_BLOCKS || next_needed_height < bc_height + BLOCK_QUEUE_FORCE_DOWNLOAD_NEAR_BLOCKS); bool stripe_proceed_secondary = tools::has_unpruned_block(next_block_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_pruning_seed); bool proceed = stripe_proceed_main || (queue_proceed && stripe_proceed_secondary); if (!stripe_proceed_main && !stripe_proceed_secondary && should_drop_connection(context, tools::get_pruning_stripe(next_block_height, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES))) { if (!context.m_is_income) m_p2p->add_used_stripe_peer(context); return false; // drop outgoing connections } MDEBUG(context << "proceed " << proceed << " (queue " << queue_proceed << ", stripe " << stripe_proceed_main << "/" << stripe_proceed_secondary << "), " << next_needed_pruning_stripe.first << "-" << next_needed_pruning_stripe.second << " needed, bc add stripe " << add_stripe << ", we have " << peer_stripe << "), bc_height " << bc_height); MDEBUG(context << " - next_block_height " << next_block_height << ", seed " << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed) << ", next_needed_height "<< next_needed_height); MDEBUG(context << " - last_response_height " << context.m_last_response_height << ", m_needed_objects size " << context.m_needed_objects.size()); // if we're waiting for next span, try to get it before unblocking threads below, // or a runaway downloading of future spans might happen if (stripe_proceed_main && should_download_next_span(context, true)) { MDEBUG(context << " we should try for that next span too, we think we could get it faster, resuming"); force_next_span = true; MLOG_PEER_STATE("resuming"); break; } if (proceed) { if (context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby) { LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "Block queue is " << nspans << " and " << size << ", resuming"); MLOG_PEER_STATE("resuming"); } break; } // this one triggers if all threads are in standby, which should not happen, // but happened at least once, so we unblock at least one thread if so boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> sync{m_sync_lock, boost::try_to_lock}; if (sync.owns_lock()) { bool filled = false; boost::posix_time::ptime time; boost::uuids::uuid connection_id; if (m_block_queue.has_next_span(m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(), filled, time, connection_id) && filled) { LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "No other thread is adding blocks, and next span needed is ready, resuming"); MLOG_PEER_STATE("resuming"); context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby; ++context.m_callback_request_count; m_p2p->request_callback(context); return true; } else { sync.unlock(); // if this has gone on for too long, drop incoming connection to guard against some wedge state if (!context.m_is_income) { const uint64_t now = tools::get_tick_count(); const uint64_t dt = now - m_last_add_end_time; if (tools::ticks_to_ns(dt) >= DROP_ON_SYNC_WEDGE_THRESHOLD) { MDEBUG(context << "Block addition seems to have wedged, dropping connection"); return false; } } } } if (context.m_state != cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby) { if (!queue_proceed) LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "Block queue is " << nspans << " and " << size << ", pausing"); else if (!stripe_proceed_main && !stripe_proceed_secondary) LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "We do not have the stripe required to download another block, pausing"); context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby; MLOG_PEER_STATE("pausing"); } return true; } while(0); context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing; } MDEBUG(context << " request_missing_objects: check " << check_having_blocks << ", force_next_span " << force_next_span << ", m_needed_objects " << context.m_needed_objects.size() << " lrh " << context.m_last_response_height << ", chain " << m_core.get_current_blockchain_height() << ", pruning seed " << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed)); if(context.m_needed_objects.size() || force_next_span) { //we know objects that we need, request this objects NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_OBJECTS::request req; bool is_next = false; size_t count = 0; const size_t count_limit = m_core.get_block_sync_size(m_core.get_current_blockchain_height()); std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> span = std::make_pair(0, 0); if (force_next_span) { if (span.second == 0) { std::vector<crypto::hash> hashes; boost::uuids::uuid span_connection_id; boost::posix_time::ptime time; span = m_block_queue.get_next_span_if_scheduled(hashes, span_connection_id, time); if (span.second > 0) { is_next = true; for (const auto &hash: hashes) { req.blocks.push_back(hash); context.m_requested_objects.insert(hash); } m_block_queue.reset_next_span_time(); } } } if (span.second == 0) { MDEBUG(context << " span size is 0"); if (context.m_last_response_height + 1 < context.m_needed_objects.size()) { MERROR(context << " ERROR: inconsistent context: lrh " << context.m_last_response_height << ", nos " << context.m_needed_objects.size()); context.m_needed_objects.clear(); context.m_last_response_height = 0; goto skip; } skip_unneeded_hashes(context, false); const uint64_t first_block_height = context.m_last_response_height - context.m_needed_objects.size() + 1; span = m_block_queue.reserve_span(first_block_height, context.m_last_response_height, count_limit, context.m_connection_id, context.m_pruning_seed, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_needed_objects); MDEBUG(context << " span from " << first_block_height << ": " << span.first << "/" << span.second); if (span.second > 0) { const uint32_t stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(span.first, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES); if (context.m_pruning_seed && stripe != tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed)) { MDEBUG(context << " starting early on next seed (" << span.first << " with stripe " << stripe << ", context seed " << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed) << ")"); } } } if (span.second == 0 && !force_next_span) { MDEBUG(context << " still no span reserved, we may be in the corner case of next span scheduled and everything else scheduled/filled"); std::vector<crypto::hash> hashes; boost::uuids::uuid span_connection_id; boost::posix_time::ptime time; span = m_block_queue.get_next_span_if_scheduled(hashes, span_connection_id, time); if (span.second > 0 && !tools::has_unpruned_block(span.first, context.m_remote_blockchain_height, context.m_pruning_seed)) span = std::make_pair(0, 0); if (span.second > 0) { is_next = true; for (const auto &hash: hashes) { req.blocks.push_back(hash); ++count; context.m_requested_objects.insert(hash); // that's atrocious O(n) wise, but this is rare auto i = std::find(context.m_needed_objects.begin(), context.m_needed_objects.end(), hash); if (i != context.m_needed_objects.end()) context.m_needed_objects.erase(i); } } } MDEBUG(context << " span: " << span.first << "/" << span.second << " (" << span.first << " - " << (span.first + span.second - 1) << ")"); if (span.second > 0) { if (!is_next) { const uint64_t first_context_block_height = context.m_last_response_height - context.m_needed_objects.size() + 1; uint64_t skip = span.first - first_context_block_height; if (skip > context.m_needed_objects.size()) { MERROR("ERROR: skip " << skip << ", m_needed_objects " << context.m_needed_objects.size() << ", first_context_block_height" << first_context_block_height); return false; } if (skip > 0) context.m_needed_objects = std::vector<crypto::hash>(context.m_needed_objects.begin() + skip, context.m_needed_objects.end()); if (context.m_needed_objects.size() < span.second) { MERROR("ERROR: span " << span.first << "/" << span.second << ", m_needed_objects " << context.m_needed_objects.size()); return false; } for (size_t n = 0; n < span.second; ++n) { req.blocks.push_back(context.m_needed_objects[n]); ++count; context.m_requested_objects.insert(context.m_needed_objects[n]); } context.m_needed_objects = std::vector<crypto::hash>(context.m_needed_objects.begin() + span.second, context.m_needed_objects.end()); } context.m_last_request_time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time(); MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_OBJECTS: blocks.size()=" << req.blocks.size() << ", txs.size()=" << req.txs.size() << "requested blocks count=" << count << " / " << count_limit << " from " << span.first << ", first hash " << req.blocks.front()); //epee::net_utils::network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_inreq().logger_handle_net("log/dr-monero/net/req-all.data", sec, get_avg_block_size()); post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_GET_OBJECTS>(req, context); MLOG_PEER_STATE("requesting objects"); return true; } // if we're still around, we might be at a point where the peer is pruned, so we could either // drop it to make space for other peers, or ask for a span further down the line const uint32_t next_stripe = get_next_needed_pruning_stripe().first; const uint32_t peer_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed); if (next_stripe && peer_stripe && next_stripe != peer_stripe) { // at this point, we have to either close the connection, or start getting blocks past the // current point, or become dormant MDEBUG(context << "this peer is pruned at seed " << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed) << ", next stripe needed is " << next_stripe); if (!context.m_is_income) { if (should_drop_connection(context, next_stripe)) { m_p2p->add_used_stripe_peer(context); return false; // drop outgoing connections } } // we'll get back stuck waiting for the go ahead context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal; MLOG_PEER_STATE("Nothing to do for now, switching to normal state"); return true; } } skip: context.m_needed_objects.clear(); // we might have been called from the "received chain entry" handler, and end up // here because we can't use any of those blocks (maybe because all of them are // actually already requested). In this case, if we can add blocks instead, do so if (m_core.get_current_blockchain_height() < m_core.get_target_blockchain_height()) { const boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> sync{m_sync_lock, boost::try_to_lock}; if (sync.owns_lock()) { uint64_t start_height; std::vector<cryptonote::block_complete_entry> blocks; boost::uuids::uuid span_connection_id; bool filled = false; if (m_block_queue.get_next_span(start_height, blocks, span_connection_id, filled) && filled) { LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "No other thread is adding blocks, resuming"); MLOG_PEER_STATE("will try to add blocks next"); context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_standby; ++context.m_callback_request_count; m_p2p->request_callback(context); return true; } } } if(context.m_last_response_height < context.m_remote_blockchain_height-1) {//we have to fetch more objects ids, request blockchain entry NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request r = boost::value_initialized<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN::request>(); m_core.get_short_chain_history(r.block_ids); CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(!r.block_ids.empty(), false, "Short chain history is empty"); if (!start_from_current_chain) { // we'll want to start off from where we are on that peer, which may not be added yet if (context.m_last_known_hash != crypto::null_hash && r.block_ids.front() != context.m_last_known_hash) r.block_ids.push_front(context.m_last_known_hash); } handler_request_blocks_history( r.block_ids ); // change the limit(?), sleep(?) //std::string blob; // for calculate size of request //epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(r, blob); //epee::net_utils::network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_inreq().logger_handle_net("log/dr-monero/net/req-all.data", sec, get_avg_block_size()); //LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1("r = " << 200); context.m_last_request_time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time(); MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("-->>NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN: m_block_ids.size()=" << r.block_ids.size() << ", start_from_current_chain " << start_from_current_chain); post_notify<NOTIFY_REQUEST_CHAIN>(r, context); MLOG_PEER_STATE("requesting chain"); }else { CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(context.m_last_response_height == context.m_remote_blockchain_height-1 && !context.m_needed_objects.size() && !context.m_requested_objects.size(), false, "request_missing_blocks final condition failed!" << "\r\nm_last_response_height=" << context.m_last_response_height << "\r\nm_remote_blockchain_height=" << context.m_remote_blockchain_height << "\r\nm_needed_objects.size()=" << context.m_needed_objects.size() << "\r\nm_requested_objects.size()=" << context.m_requested_objects.size() << "\r\non connection [" << epee::net_utils::print_connection_context_short(context)<< "]"); context.m_state = cryptonote_connection_context::state_normal; if (context.m_remote_blockchain_height >= m_core.get_target_blockchain_height()) { if (m_core.get_current_blockchain_height() >= m_core.get_target_blockchain_height()) { MGINFO_GREEN("SYNCHRONIZED OK"); on_connection_synchronized(); } } else { MINFO(context << " we've reached this peer's blockchain height"); } } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::on_connection_synchronized() { bool val_expected = false; if(m_synchronized.compare_exchange_strong(val_expected, true)) { MGINFO_YELLOW(ENDL << "**********************************************************************" << ENDL << "You are now synchronized with the network. You may now start monero-wallet-cli." << ENDL << ENDL << "Use the \"help\" command to see the list of available commands." << ENDL << "**********************************************************************"); m_sync_timer.pause(); if (ELPP->vRegistry()->allowed(el::Level::Info, "sync-info")) { const uint64_t sync_time = m_sync_timer.value(); const uint64_t add_time = m_add_timer.value(); if (sync_time && add_time) { MCLOG_YELLOW(el::Level::Info, "sync-info", "Sync time: " << sync_time/1e9/60 << " min, idle time " << (100.f * (1.0f - add_time / (float)sync_time)) << "%" << ", " << (10 * m_sync_download_objects_size / 1024 / 1024) / 10.f << " + " << (10 * m_sync_download_chain_size / 1024 / 1024) / 10.f << " MB downloaded, " << 100.0f * m_sync_old_spans_downloaded / m_sync_spans_downloaded << "% old spans, " << 100.0f * m_sync_bad_spans_downloaded / m_sync_spans_downloaded << "% bad spans"); } } m_core.on_synchronized(); } m_core.safesyncmode(true); m_p2p->clear_used_stripe_peers(); return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> size_t t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_synchronizing_connections_count() { size_t count = 0; m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags)->bool{ if(context.m_state == cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing) ++count; return true; }); return count; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::handle_response_chain_entry(int command, NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& context) { MLOG_P2P_MESSAGE("Received NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY: m_block_ids.size()=" << arg.m_block_ids.size() << ", m_start_height=" << arg.start_height << ", m_total_height=" << arg.total_height); MLOG_PEER_STATE("received chain"); context.m_last_request_time = boost::date_time::not_a_date_time; m_sync_download_chain_size += arg.m_block_ids.size() * sizeof(crypto::hash); if(!arg.m_block_ids.size()) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("sent empty m_block_ids, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, true, false); return 1; } if (arg.total_height < arg.m_block_ids.size() || arg.start_height > arg.total_height - arg.m_block_ids.size()) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("sent invalid start/nblocks/height, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, true, false); return 1; } MDEBUG(context << "first block hash " << arg.m_block_ids.front() << ", last " << arg.m_block_ids.back()); if (arg.total_height >= CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER || arg.m_block_ids.size() >= CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("sent wrong NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY, with total_height=" << arg.total_height << " and block_ids=" << arg.m_block_ids.size()); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } context.m_remote_blockchain_height = arg.total_height; context.m_last_response_height = arg.start_height + arg.m_block_ids.size()-1; if(context.m_last_response_height > context.m_remote_blockchain_height) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("sent wrong NOTIFY_RESPONSE_CHAIN_ENTRY, with m_total_height=" << arg.total_height << ", m_start_height=" << arg.start_height << ", m_block_ids.size()=" << arg.m_block_ids.size()); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } uint64_t n_use_blocks = m_core.prevalidate_block_hashes(arg.start_height, arg.m_block_ids); if (n_use_blocks + HASH_OF_HASHES_STEP <= arg.m_block_ids.size()) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Most blocks are invalid, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, true, false); return 1; } context.m_needed_objects.clear(); uint64_t added = 0; for(auto& bl_id: arg.m_block_ids) { context.m_needed_objects.push_back(bl_id); if (++added == n_use_blocks) break; } context.m_last_response_height -= arg.m_block_ids.size() - n_use_blocks; if (!request_missing_objects(context, false)) { LOG_ERROR_CCONTEXT("Failed to request missing objects, dropping connection"); drop_connection(context, false, false); return 1; } if (arg.total_height > m_core.get_target_blockchain_height()) m_core.set_target_blockchain_height(arg.total_height); return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::relay_block(NOTIFY_NEW_BLOCK::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& exclude_context) { NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::request fluffy_arg = AUTO_VAL_INIT(fluffy_arg); fluffy_arg.current_blockchain_height = arg.current_blockchain_height; std::vector<blobdata> fluffy_txs; fluffy_arg.b = arg.b; fluffy_arg.b.txs = fluffy_txs; // sort peers between fluffy ones and others std::vector<std::pair<epee::net_utils::zone, boost::uuids::uuid>> fullConnections, fluffyConnections; m_p2p->for_each_connection([this, &exclude_context, &fullConnections, &fluffyConnections](connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags) { if (peer_id && exclude_context.m_connection_id != context.m_connection_id && context.m_remote_address.get_zone() == epee::net_utils::zone::public_) { if(m_core.fluffy_blocks_enabled() && (support_flags & P2P_SUPPORT_FLAG_FLUFFY_BLOCKS)) { LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "PEER SUPPORTS FLUFFY BLOCKS - RELAYING THIN/COMPACT WHATEVER BLOCK"); fluffyConnections.push_back({context.m_remote_address.get_zone(), context.m_connection_id}); } else { LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "PEER DOESN'T SUPPORT FLUFFY BLOCKS - RELAYING FULL BLOCK"); fullConnections.push_back({context.m_remote_address.get_zone(), context.m_connection_id}); } } return true; }); // send fluffy ones first, we want to encourage people to run that if (!fluffyConnections.empty()) { std::string fluffyBlob; epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(fluffy_arg, fluffyBlob); m_p2p->relay_notify_to_list(NOTIFY_NEW_FLUFFY_BLOCK::ID, epee::strspan<uint8_t>(fluffyBlob), std::move(fluffyConnections)); } if (!fullConnections.empty()) { std::string fullBlob; epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(arg, fullBlob); m_p2p->relay_notify_to_list(NOTIFY_NEW_BLOCK::ID, epee::strspan<uint8_t>(fullBlob), std::move(fullConnections)); } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::relay_transactions(NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::request& arg, cryptonote_connection_context& exclude_context) { const bool hide_tx_broadcast = 1 < m_p2p->get_zone_count() && exclude_context.m_remote_address.get_zone() == epee::net_utils::zone::invalid; if (hide_tx_broadcast) MDEBUG("Attempting to conceal origin of tx via anonymity network connection(s)"); // no check for success, so tell core they're relayed unconditionally const bool pad_transactions = m_core.pad_transactions() || hide_tx_broadcast; size_t bytes = pad_transactions ? 9 /* header */ + 4 /* 1 + 'txs' */ + tools::get_varint_data(arg.txs.size()).size() : 0; for(auto tx_blob_it = arg.txs.begin(); tx_blob_it!=arg.txs.end(); ++tx_blob_it) { m_core.on_transaction_relayed(*tx_blob_it); if (pad_transactions) bytes += tools::get_varint_data(tx_blob_it->size()).size() + tx_blob_it->size(); } if (pad_transactions) { // stuff some dummy bytes in to stay safe from traffic volume analysis static constexpr size_t granularity = 1024; size_t padding = granularity - bytes % granularity; const size_t overhead = 2 /* 1 + '_' */ + tools::get_varint_data(padding).size(); if (overhead > padding) padding = 0; else padding -= overhead; arg._ = std::string(padding, ' '); std::string arg_buff; epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(arg, arg_buff); // we probably lowballed the payload size a bit, so added a but too much. Fix this now. size_t remove = arg_buff.size() % granularity; if (remove > arg._.size()) arg._.clear(); else arg._.resize(arg._.size() - remove); // if the size of _ moved enough, we might lose byte in size encoding, we don't care } std::vector<std::pair<epee::net_utils::zone, boost::uuids::uuid>> connections; m_p2p->for_each_connection([hide_tx_broadcast, &exclude_context, &connections](connection_context& context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags) { const epee::net_utils::zone current_zone = context.m_remote_address.get_zone(); const bool broadcast_to_peer = peer_id && (hide_tx_broadcast != bool(current_zone == epee::net_utils::zone::public_)) && exclude_context.m_connection_id != context.m_connection_id; if (broadcast_to_peer) connections.push_back({current_zone, context.m_connection_id}); return true; }); if (connections.empty()) MERROR("Transaction not relayed - no" << (hide_tx_broadcast ? " privacy": "") << " peers available"); else { std::string fullBlob; epee::serialization::store_t_to_binary(arg, fullBlob); m_p2p->relay_notify_to_list(NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::ID, epee::strspan<uint8_t>(fullBlob), std::move(connections)); } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> std::string t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_peers_overview() const { std::stringstream ss; const boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time(); m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context &ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags) { const uint32_t stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(ctx.m_pruning_seed); char state_char = cryptonote::get_protocol_state_char(ctx.m_state); ss << stripe + state_char; if (ctx.m_last_request_time != boost::date_time::not_a_date_time) ss << (((now - ctx.m_last_request_time).total_microseconds() > IDLE_PEER_KICK_TIME) ? "!" : "?"); ss << + " "; return true; }); return ss.str(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_next_needed_pruning_stripe() const { const uint64_t want_height_from_blockchain = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(); const uint64_t want_height_from_block_queue = m_block_queue.get_next_needed_height(want_height_from_blockchain); const uint64_t want_height = std::max(want_height_from_blockchain, want_height_from_block_queue); uint64_t blockchain_height = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height(); // if we don't know the remote chain size yet, assume infinitely large so we get the right stripe if we're not near the tip if (blockchain_height == 0) blockchain_height = CRYPTONOTE_MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER; const uint32_t next_pruning_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(want_height, blockchain_height, CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES); if (next_pruning_stripe == 0) return std::make_pair(0, 0); // if we already have a few peers on this stripe, but none on next one, try next one unsigned int n_next = 0, n_subsequent = 0, n_others = 0; const uint32_t subsequent_pruning_stripe = 1 + next_pruning_stripe % (1<<CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES); m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context &context, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags) { if (context.m_state >= cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing) { if (context.m_pruning_seed == 0 || tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed) == next_pruning_stripe) ++n_next; else if (tools::get_pruning_stripe(context.m_pruning_seed) == subsequent_pruning_stripe) ++n_subsequent; else ++n_others; } return true; }); const bool use_next = (n_next > m_max_out_peers / 2 && n_subsequent <= 1) || (n_next > 2 && n_subsequent == 0); const uint32_t ret_stripe = use_next ? subsequent_pruning_stripe: next_pruning_stripe; MIDEBUG(const std::string po = get_peers_overview(), "get_next_needed_pruning_stripe: want height " << want_height << " (" << want_height_from_blockchain << " from blockchain, " << want_height_from_block_queue << " from block queue), stripe " << next_pruning_stripe << " (" << n_next << "/" << m_max_out_peers << " on it and " << n_subsequent << " on " << subsequent_pruning_stripe << ", " << n_others << " others) -> " << ret_stripe << " (+" << (ret_stripe - next_pruning_stripe + (1 << CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES)) % (1 << CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES) << "), current peers " << po); return std::make_pair(next_pruning_stripe, ret_stripe); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::needs_new_sync_connections() const { const uint64_t target = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height(); const uint64_t height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height(); if (target && target <= height) return false; size_t n_out_peers = 0; m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](cryptonote_connection_context& ctx, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags)->bool{ if (!ctx.m_is_income) ++n_out_peers; return true; }); if (n_out_peers >= m_max_out_peers) return false; return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::drop_connection(cryptonote_connection_context &context, bool add_fail, bool flush_all_spans) { LOG_DEBUG_CC(context, "dropping connection id " << context.m_connection_id << " (pruning seed " << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(context.m_pruning_seed) << "), add_fail " << add_fail << ", flush_all_spans " << flush_all_spans); if (add_fail) m_p2p->add_host_fail(context.m_remote_address); m_block_queue.flush_spans(context.m_connection_id, flush_all_spans); m_p2p->drop_connection(context); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::on_connection_close(cryptonote_connection_context &context) { uint64_t target = 0; m_p2p->for_each_connection([&](const connection_context& cntxt, nodetool::peerid_type peer_id, uint32_t support_flags) { if (cntxt.m_state >= cryptonote_connection_context::state_synchronizing && cntxt.m_connection_id != context.m_connection_id) target = std::max(target, cntxt.m_remote_blockchain_height); return true; }); const uint64_t previous_target = m_core.get_target_blockchain_height(); if (target < previous_target) { MINFO("Target height decreasing from " << previous_target << " to " << target); m_core.set_target_blockchain_height(target); if (target == 0 && context.m_state > cryptonote_connection_context::state_before_handshake && !m_stopping) MCWARNING("global", "monerod is now disconnected from the network"); } m_block_queue.flush_spans(context.m_connection_id, false); MLOG_PEER_STATE("closed"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ template<class t_core> void t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::stop() { m_stopping = true; m_core.stop(); } } // namespace