 * testpkts. Data file parse for test packets, and query matching.
 * Data storage for specially crafted replies for testing purposes.
 * (c) NLnet Labs, 2005, 2006, 2007
 * See the file LICENSE for the license

#ifndef TESTPKTS_H
#define TESTPKTS_H
struct sldns_buffer;
struct sldns_file_parse_state;

 * \file
 * This is a debugging aid. It is not efficient, especially
 * with a long config file, but it can give any reply to any query.
 * This can help the developer pre-script replies for queries.
 * You can specify a packet RR by RR with header flags to return.
 * Missing features:
 *		- matching content different from reply content.
 *		- find way to adjust mangled packets?

	The data file format is as follows:
	; comment.
	; a number of entries, these are processed first to last.
	; a line based format.

	$ORIGIN origin
	$TTL default_ttl

	; first give MATCH lines, that say what queries are matched
	; by this entry.
	; 'opcode' makes the query match the opcode from the reply
	; if you leave it out, any opcode matches this entry.
	; 'qtype' makes the query match the qtype from the reply
	; 'qname' makes the query match the qname from the reply
	; 'subdomain' makes the query match subdomains of qname from the reply
	; 'serial=1023' makes the query match if ixfr serial is 1023. 
	; 'all' has to match header byte for byte and all rrs in packet.
	; 'ttl' used with all, rrs in packet must also have matching TTLs.
	; 'DO' will match only queries with DO bit set.
	; 'noedns' matches queries without EDNS OPT records.
	MATCH [opcode] [qtype] [qname] [serial=<value>] [all] [ttl]
	MATCH ...
	; Then the REPLY header is specified.
	REPLY opcode, rcode or flags.
		(flags)   QR AA TC RD CD RA AD DO
	REPLY ...
	; any additional actions to do.
	; 'copy_id' copies the ID from the query to the answer.
	ADJUST copy_id
	; 'copy_query' copies the query name, type and class to the answer.
	ADJUST copy_query
	; 'sleep=10' sleeps for 10 seconds before giving the answer (TCP is open)
	ADJUST [sleep=<num>]    ; sleep before giving any reply
	ADJUST [packet_sleep=<num>]  ; sleep before this packet in sequence
	<RRs, one per line>    ; the RRcount is determined automatically.
	<RRs, one per line>
	<RRs, one per line>
	<RRs, one per line>
	EXTRA_PACKET		; follow with SECTION, REPLY for more packets.
	HEX_ANSWER_BEGIN	; follow with hex data
				; this replaces any answer packet constructed
				; with the SECTION keywords (only SECTION QUERY
				; is used to match queries). If the data cannot
				; be parsed, ADJUST rules for the answer packet
				; are ignored. Only copy_id is done.

 	Example data file:
$ORIGIN nlnetlabs.nl
$TTL 3600

MATCH qname
ADJUST copy_id
www.nlnetlabs.nl.	IN	A
www.nlnetlabs.nl.	IN	A
nlnetlabs.nl.		IN	NS	www.nlnetlabs.nl.

MATCH qname
ADJUST copy_id
www2.nlnetlabs.nl.	IN	A
; 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
;-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 00 bf 81 80 00 01 00 01 00 02 00 02 03 77 77 77 0b 6b 61 6e	;	   1-  20
 61 72 69 65 70 69 65 74 03 63 6f 6d 00 00 01 00 01 03 77 77	;	  21-  40
 77 0b 6b 61 6e 61 72 69 65 70 69 65 74 03 63 6f 6d 00 00 01	;	  41-  60
 00 01 00 01 50 8b 00 04 52 5e ed 32 0b 6b 61 6e 61 72 69 65	;	  61-  80
 70 69 65 74 03 63 6f 6d 00 00 02 00 01 00 01 50 8b 00 11 03	;	  81- 100
 6e 73 31 08 68 65 78 6f 6e 2d 69 73 02 6e 6c 00 0b 6b 61 6e	;	 101- 120
 61 72 69 65 70 69 65 74 03 63 6f 6d 00 00 02 00 01 00 01 50	;	 121- 140
 8b 00 11 03 6e 73 32 08 68 65 78 6f 6e 2d 69 73 02 6e 6c 00	;	 141- 160
 03 6e 73 31 08 68 65 78 6f 6e 2d 69 73 02 6e 6c 00 00 01 00	;	 161- 180
 01 00 00 46 53 00 04 52 5e ed 02 03 6e 73 32 08 68 65 78 6f	;	 181- 200
 6e 2d 69 73 02 6e 6c 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 46 53 00 04 d4 cc	;	 201- 220
 db 5b

   note that this file will link with your
   void verbose(int level, char* format, ...); output function.

/** Type of transport, since some entries match based on UDP or TCP of query */
enum transport_type {transport_any = 0, transport_udp, transport_tcp };

/** struct to keep a linked list of reply packets for a query */
struct reply_packet {
	/** next in list of reply packets, for TCP multiple pkts on wire */
	struct reply_packet* next;
	/** the reply pkt */
	uint8_t* reply_pkt;
	/** length of reply pkt */
	size_t reply_len;
	/** or reply pkt in hex if not parsable */
	struct sldns_buffer* reply_from_hex;
	/** seconds to sleep before giving packet */
	unsigned int packet_sleep; 

/** data structure to keep the canned queries in.
   format is the 'matching query' and the 'canned answer' */
struct entry {
	/* match */
	/* How to match an incoming query with this canned reply */
	/** match query opcode with answer opcode */
	uint8_t match_opcode; 
	/** match qtype with answer qtype */
	uint8_t match_qtype;  
	/** match qname with answer qname */
	uint8_t match_qname;  
	/** match qname as subdomain of answer qname */
	uint8_t match_subdomain;  
	/** match SOA serial number, from auth section */
	uint8_t match_serial; 
	/** match all of the packet */
	uint8_t match_all;
	/** match ttls in the packet */
	uint8_t match_ttl;
	/** match DO bit */
	uint8_t match_do;
	/** match absence of EDNS OPT record in query */
	uint8_t match_noedns;
	/** match query serial with this value. */
	uint32_t ixfr_soa_serial; 
	/** match on UDP/TCP */
	enum transport_type match_transport; 

	/** pre canned reply */
	struct reply_packet *reply_list;

	/** how to adjust the reply packet */
	/** copy over the ID from the query into the answer */
	uint8_t copy_id; 
	/** copy the query nametypeclass from query into the answer */
	uint8_t copy_query;
	/** in seconds */
	unsigned int sleeptime; 

	/** some number that names this entry, line number in file or so */
	int lineno;

	/** next in list */
	struct entry* next;

 * reads the canned reply file and returns a list of structs 
 * does an exit on error.
 * @param name: name of the file to read.
 * @param skip_whitespace: skip leftside whitespace.
struct entry* read_datafile(const char* name, int skip_whitespace);

 * Delete linked list of entries.
void delete_entry(struct entry* list);

 * Read one entry from the data file.
 * @param in: file to read from. Filepos must be at the start of a new line.
 * @param name: name of the file for prettier errors.
 * @param pstate: file parse state with lineno, default_ttl,
 * 	oirigin and prev_rr name.
 * @param skip_whitespace: skip leftside whitespace.
 * @return: The entry read (malloced) or NULL if no entry could be read.
struct entry* read_entry(FILE* in, const char* name, 
	struct sldns_file_parse_state* pstate, int skip_whitespace);

 * finds entry in list, or returns NULL.
struct entry* find_match(struct entry* entries, uint8_t* query_pkt,
	size_t query_pkt_len, enum transport_type transport);

 * match two packets, all must match
 * @param q: packet 1
 * @param qlen: length of q.
 * @param p: packet 2
 * @param plen: length of p.
 * @param mttl: if true, ttls must match, if false, ttls do not need to match
 * @param noloc: if true, rrs may be reordered in their packet-section.
 * 	rrs are then matches without location of the rr being important.
 * @return true if matched.
int match_all(uint8_t* q, size_t qlen, uint8_t* p, size_t plen, int mttl,
	int noloc);

 * copy & adjust packet, mallocs a copy.
void adjust_packet(struct entry* match, uint8_t** answer_pkt,
	size_t* answer_pkt_len, uint8_t* query_pkt, size_t query_pkt_len);

 * Parses data buffer to a query, finds the correct answer 
 * and calls the given function for every packet to send.
 * if verbose_out filename is given, packets are dumped there.
 * @param inbuf: the packet that came in
 * @param inlen: length of packet.
 * @param entries: entries read in from datafile.
 * @param count: is increased to count number of queries answered.
 * @param transport: set to UDP or TCP to match some types of entries.
 * @param sendfunc: called to send answer (buffer, size, userarg).
 * @param userdata: userarg to give to sendfunc.
 * @param verbose_out: if not NULL, verbose messages are printed there.
void handle_query(uint8_t* inbuf, ssize_t inlen, struct entry* entries, 
	int* count, enum transport_type transport, 
	void (*sendfunc)(uint8_t*, size_t, void*), void* userdata,
	FILE* verbose_out);

#endif /* TESTPKTS_H */