Testbed.sh help page. Testbed helps in running the test packages (using tpkg(1)) on several systems. The script is specially written for unbound (edit it to change to different software). It is licensed BSD. The hosts to run on are listed in host_file.<username>. You need to have public-key authorized ssh access to these systems (or type your password lots and lots of times). The host_file describes the directories and environment of each host. You need only user-level access to the host. The host_file is very restrictive in formatting. Comments are lines starting with the # mark. The entries must be separated by tabs. Please list the hostname<tab>description<tab>checkoutdir<tab>variables hostname: network hostname to ssh to. desc: pretty text to describe the machine architecture. checkoutdir: directory on the remote host where a svn checkout is present. variables: zero or more variables separated by spaces. BLA=value BAR=val. Only important variable for unbound is the LDNS=<dir> variable that if present forces --with-ldns=<dir> to be passed to ./configure. In case LDNS is not installed on the system itself, but present somewhere else. You can also set LIBEVENT=<dir> for the libevent directory, if it is installed in a nonstandard location. *** Running the testbed Run by executing the script. It will take all the hosts from the file in turn and update the svn directory there, possible autoreconf if necessary, possibly ./configure <args> if necessary, make the executables. Then it will run the testcode/do-tests script. This script should execute the tests that this host is capable of running. in testdata/testbed.log has a line-by-line log. See your make errors here. in testdata/testbed.report has only the tpkg reports. Summary.