path: root/tests/core_tests/integer_overflow.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/core_tests/integer_overflow.cpp')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/core_tests/integer_overflow.cpp b/tests/core_tests/integer_overflow.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82bfb2150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/core_tests/integer_overflow.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers
+// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include "chaingen.h"
+#include "chaingen_tests_list.h"
+#include "integer_overflow.h"
+using namespace epee;
+using namespace cryptonote;
+ void split_miner_tx_outs(transaction& miner_tx, uint64_t amount_1)
+ {
+ uint64_t total_amount = get_outs_money_amount(miner_tx);
+ uint64_t amount_2 = total_amount - amount_1;
+ txout_target_v target = miner_tx.vout[0].target;
+ miner_tx.vout.clear();
+ tx_out out1;
+ out1.amount = amount_1;
+ out1.target = target;
+ miner_tx.vout.push_back(out1);
+ tx_out out2;
+ out2.amount = amount_2;
+ out2.target = target;
+ miner_tx.vout.push_back(out2);
+ }
+ void append_tx_source_entry(std::vector<cryptonote::tx_source_entry>& sources, const transaction& tx, size_t out_idx)
+ {
+ cryptonote::tx_source_entry se;
+ se.amount = tx.vout[out_idx].amount;
+ se.outputs.push_back(std::make_pair(0, boost::get<cryptonote::txout_to_key>(tx.vout[out_idx].target).key));
+ se.real_output = 0;
+ se.real_out_tx_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(tx);
+ se.real_output_in_tx_index = out_idx;
+ sources.push_back(se);
+ }
+ : m_last_valid_block_event_idx(static_cast<size_t>(-1))
+ REGISTER_CALLBACK_METHOD(gen_uint_overflow_1, mark_last_valid_block);
+bool gen_uint_overflow_base::check_tx_verification_context(const cryptonote::tx_verification_context& tvc, bool tx_added, size_t event_idx, const cryptonote::transaction& /*tx*/)
+ return m_last_valid_block_event_idx < event_idx ? !tx_added && tvc.m_verifivation_failed : tx_added && !tvc.m_verifivation_failed;
+bool gen_uint_overflow_base::check_block_verification_context(const cryptonote::block_verification_context& bvc, size_t event_idx, const cryptonote::block& /*block*/)
+ return m_last_valid_block_event_idx < event_idx ? bvc.m_verifivation_failed | bvc.m_marked_as_orphaned : !bvc.m_verifivation_failed;
+bool gen_uint_overflow_base::mark_last_valid_block(cryptonote::core& c, size_t ev_index, const std::vector<test_event_entry>& events)
+ m_last_valid_block_event_idx = ev_index - 1;
+ return true;
+bool gen_uint_overflow_1::generate(std::vector<test_event_entry>& events) const
+ uint64_t ts_start = 1338224400;
+ GENERATE_ACCOUNT(miner_account);
+ MAKE_GENESIS_BLOCK(events, blk_0, miner_account, ts_start);
+ DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_last_valid_block");
+ MAKE_ACCOUNT(events, bob_account);
+ MAKE_ACCOUNT(events, alice_account);
+ // Problem 1. Miner tx output overflow
+ MAKE_MINER_TX_MANUALLY(miner_tx_0, blk_0);
+ split_miner_tx_outs(miner_tx_0, MONEY_SUPPLY);
+ block blk_1;
+ if (!generator.construct_block_manually(blk_1, blk_0, miner_account, test_generator::bf_miner_tx, 0, 0, 0, crypto::hash(), 0, miner_tx_0))
+ return false;
+ events.push_back(blk_1);
+ // Problem 1. Miner tx outputs overflow
+ MAKE_MINER_TX_MANUALLY(miner_tx_1, blk_1);
+ split_miner_tx_outs(miner_tx_1, MONEY_SUPPLY);
+ block blk_2;
+ if (!generator.construct_block_manually(blk_2, blk_1, miner_account, test_generator::bf_miner_tx, 0, 0, 0, crypto::hash(), 0, miner_tx_1))
+ return false;
+ events.push_back(blk_2);
+ REWIND_BLOCKS(events, blk_2r, blk_2, miner_account);
+ MAKE_TX_LIST_START(events, txs_0, miner_account, bob_account, MONEY_SUPPLY, blk_2);
+ MAKE_TX_LIST(events, txs_0, miner_account, bob_account, MONEY_SUPPLY, blk_2);
+ MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX_LIST(events, blk_3, blk_2r, miner_account, txs_0);
+ REWIND_BLOCKS(events, blk_3r, blk_3, miner_account);
+ // Problem 2. total_fee overflow, block_reward overflow
+ std::list<cryptonote::transaction> txs_1;
+ // Create txs with huge fee
+ txs_1.push_back(construct_tx_with_fee(events, blk_3, bob_account, alice_account, MK_COINS(1), MONEY_SUPPLY - MK_COINS(1)));
+ txs_1.push_back(construct_tx_with_fee(events, blk_3, bob_account, alice_account, MK_COINS(1), MONEY_SUPPLY - MK_COINS(1)));
+ MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX_LIST(events, blk_4, blk_3r, miner_account, txs_1);
+ return true;
+bool gen_uint_overflow_2::generate(std::vector<test_event_entry>& events) const
+ uint64_t ts_start = 1338224400;
+ GENERATE_ACCOUNT(miner_account);
+ MAKE_GENESIS_BLOCK(events, blk_0, miner_account, ts_start);
+ MAKE_ACCOUNT(events, bob_account);
+ MAKE_ACCOUNT(events, alice_account);
+ REWIND_BLOCKS(events, blk_0r, blk_0, miner_account);
+ DO_CALLBACK(events, "mark_last_valid_block");
+ // Problem 1. Regular tx outputs overflow
+ std::vector<cryptonote::tx_source_entry> sources;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < blk_0.miner_tx.vout.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE < blk_0.miner_tx.vout[i].amount)
+ {
+ append_tx_source_entry(sources, blk_0.miner_tx, i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sources.empty())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry> destinations;
+ const account_public_address& bob_addr = bob_account.get_keys().m_account_address;
+ destinations.push_back(tx_destination_entry(MONEY_SUPPLY, bob_addr));
+ destinations.push_back(tx_destination_entry(MONEY_SUPPLY - 1, bob_addr));
+ // sources.front().amount = destinations[0].amount + destinations[2].amount + destinations[3].amount + TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE
+ destinations.push_back(tx_destination_entry(sources.front().amount - MONEY_SUPPLY - MONEY_SUPPLY + 1 - TESTS_DEFAULT_FEE, bob_addr));
+ cryptonote::transaction tx_1;
+ if (!construct_tx(miner_account.get_keys(), sources, destinations, tx_1, 0))
+ return false;
+ events.push_back(tx_1);
+ MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX1(events, blk_1, blk_0r, miner_account, tx_1);
+ REWIND_BLOCKS(events, blk_1r, blk_1, miner_account);
+ // Problem 2. Regular tx inputs overflow
+ sources.clear();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < tx_1.vout.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ auto& tx_1_out = tx_1.vout[i];
+ if (tx_1_out.amount < MONEY_SUPPLY - 1)
+ continue;
+ append_tx_source_entry(sources, tx_1, i);
+ }
+ destinations.clear();
+ cryptonote::tx_destination_entry de;
+ de.addr = alice_account.get_keys().m_account_address;
+ destinations.push_back(de);
+ destinations.push_back(de);
+ cryptonote::transaction tx_2;
+ if (!construct_tx(bob_account.get_keys(), sources, destinations, tx_2, 0))
+ return false;
+ events.push_back(tx_2);
+ MAKE_NEXT_BLOCK_TX1(events, blk_2, blk_1r, miner_account, tx_2);
+ return true;