path: root/src/wallet
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Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 177 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp b/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp
index 67d2ebecb..4b97e2f1d 100644
--- a/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp
@@ -527,8 +527,8 @@ PendingTransaction *WalletImpl::createTransaction(const string &dst_addr, const
} catch (const tools::error::not_enough_outs_to_mix& e) {
std::ostringstream writer;
writer << tr("not enough outputs for specified mixin_count") << " = " << e.mixin_count() << ":";
- for (const cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::outs_for_amount& outs_for_amount : e.scanty_outs()) {
- writer << "\n" << tr("output amount") << " = " << print_money(outs_for_amount.amount) << ", " << tr("found outputs to mix") << " = " << outs_for_amount.outs.size();
+ for (const std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> outs_for_amount : e.scanty_outs()) {
+ writer << "\n" << tr("output amount") << " = " << print_money(outs_for_amount.first) << ", " << tr("found outputs to mix") << " = " << outs_for_amount.second;
m_errorString = writer.str();
m_status = Status_Error;
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
index 502d64c9c..b1544321c 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
@@ -2364,45 +2364,174 @@ void wallet2::transfer_selected(const std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_ent
LOG_PRINT_L2("wanted " << print_money(needed_money) << ", found " << print_money(found_money) << ", fee " << print_money(fee));
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(found_money < needed_money, error::not_enough_money, found_money, needed_money - fee, fee);
- typedef COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::out_entry out_entry;
- typedef cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry tx_output_entry;
- COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::response daemon_resp = AUTO_VAL_INIT(daemon_resp);
- if(fake_outputs_count)
+ typedef std::pair<uint64_t, crypto::public_key> entry;
+ std::vector<std::vector<entry>> outs;
+ if (fake_outputs_count)
- req.outs_count = fake_outputs_count + 1;// add one to make possible (if need) to skip real output key
- BOOST_FOREACH(transfer_container::iterator it, selected_transfers)
+ // get histogram for the amounts we need
+ epee::json_rpc::request<cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::request> req_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req_t);
+ epee::json_rpc::response<cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::response, std::string> resp_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(resp_t);
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.lock();
+ req_t.jsonrpc = "2.0";
+ req_t.id = epee::serialization::storage_entry(0);
+ req_t.method = "get_output_histogram";
+ for(auto it: selected_transfers)
+ req_t.params.amounts.push_back(it->amount());
+ req_t.params.unlocked = true;
+ bool r = net_utils::invoke_http_json_remote_command2(m_daemon_address + "/json_rpc", req_t, resp_t, m_http_client);
+ m_daemon_rpc_mutex.unlock();
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "transfer_selected");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.result.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_output_histogram");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(resp_t.result.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_histogram_error, resp_t.result.status);
+ // we ask for more, to have spares if some outputs are still locked
+ size_t requested_outputs_count = (size_t)((fake_outputs_count + 1) * 1.5 + 1);
+ // generate output indices to request
+ COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS::response daemon_resp = AUTO_VAL_INIT(daemon_resp);
+ for(transfer_container::iterator it: selected_transfers)
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it->m_tx.vout.size() <= it->m_internal_output_index, error::wallet_internal_error,
- "m_internal_output_index = " + std::to_string(it->m_internal_output_index) +
- " is greater or equal to outputs count = " + std::to_string(it->m_tx.vout.size()));
- req.amounts.push_back(it->amount());
+ std::unordered_set<uint64_t> seen_indices;
+ size_t start = req.outputs.size();
+ // if there are just enough outputs to mix with, use all of them.
+ // Eventually this should become impossible.
+ uint64_t num_outs = 0;
+ for (auto he: resp_t.result.histogram)
+ {
+ if (he.amount == it->amount())
+ {
+ num_outs = he.instances;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_outs <= requested_outputs_count)
+ {
+ for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_outs; i++)
+ req.outputs.push_back({it->amount(), i});
+ // duplicate to make up shortfall: this will be caught after the RPC call,
+ // so we can also output the amounts for which we can't reach the required
+ // mixin after checking the actual unlockedness
+ for (uint64_t i = num_outs; i < requested_outputs_count; ++i)
+ req.outputs.push_back({it->amount(), num_outs - 1});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // start with real one
+ uint64_t num_found = 1;
+ seen_indices.emplace(it->m_global_output_index);
+ req.outputs.push_back({it->amount(), it->m_global_output_index});
+ // while we still need more mixins
+ while (num_found < requested_outputs_count)
+ {
+ // if we've gone through every possible output, we've gotten all we can
+ if (seen_indices.size() == num_outs)
+ break;
+ // get a random output index from the DB. If we've already seen it,
+ // return to the top of the loop and try again, otherwise add it to the
+ // list of output indices we've seen.
+ // triangular distribution over [a,b) with a=0, mode c=b=up_index_limit
+ uint64_t r = crypto::rand<uint64_t>() % ((uint64_t)1 << 53);
+ double frac = std::sqrt((double)r / ((uint64_t)1 << 53));
+ uint64_t i = (uint64_t)(frac*num_outs);
+ // just in case rounding up to 1 occurs after sqrt
+ if (i == num_outs)
+ --i;
+ if (seen_indices.count(i))
+ continue;
+ seen_indices.emplace(i);
+ req.outputs.push_back({it->amount(), i});
+ ++num_found;
+ }
+ }
+ // sort the subsection, to ensure the daemon doesn't know wich output is ours
+ std::sort(req.outputs.begin() + start, req.outputs.end(),
+ [](const COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS::out &a, const COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUTS::out &b) { return a.index < b.index; });
+ // get the keys for those
- bool r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_bin_remote_command2(m_daemon_address + "/getrandom_outs.bin", req, daemon_resp, m_http_client, 200000);
+ r = epee::net_utils::invoke_http_bin_remote_command2(m_daemon_address + "/get_outs.bin", req, daemon_resp, m_http_client, 200000);
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "getrandom_outs.bin");
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "getrandom_outs.bin");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::no_connection_to_daemon, "get_outs.bin");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, error::daemon_busy, "get_outs.bin");
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK, error::get_random_outs_error, daemon_resp.status);
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.outs.size() != selected_transfers.size(), error::wallet_internal_error,
- "daemon returned wrong response for getrandom_outs.bin, wrong amounts count = " +
- std::to_string(daemon_resp.outs.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(selected_transfers.size()));
- std::vector<COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::outs_for_amount> scanty_outs;
- BOOST_FOREACH(COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::outs_for_amount& amount_outs, daemon_resp.outs)
- {
- if (amount_outs.outs.size() < fake_outputs_count)
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(daemon_resp.outs.size() != req.outputs.size(), error::wallet_internal_error,
+ "daemon returned wrong response for get_outs.bin, wrong amounts count = " +
+ std::to_string(daemon_resp.outs.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(req.outputs.size()));
+ std::unordered_map<uint64_t, uint64_t> scanty_outs;
+ size_t base = 0;
+ outs.reserve(selected_transfers.size());
+ for(transfer_container::iterator it: selected_transfers)
+ {
+ outs.push_back(std::vector<entry>());
+ outs.back().reserve(fake_outputs_count + 1);
+ // pick real out first (it will be sorted when done)
+ outs.back().push_back({it->m_global_output_index, boost::get<txout_to_key>(it->m_tx.vout[it->m_internal_output_index].target).key});
+ // then pick others in random order till we reach the required number
+ // since we use an equiprobable pick here, we don't upset the triangular distribution
+ std::vector<size_t> order;
+ order.resize(requested_outputs_count);
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < order.size(); ++n)
+ order[n] = n;
+ std::shuffle(order.begin(), order.end(), std::default_random_engine(crypto::rand<unsigned>()));
+ for (size_t o = 0; o < requested_outputs_count && outs.back().size() < fake_outputs_count + 1; ++o)
- scanty_outs.push_back(amount_outs);
+ size_t i = base + order[o];
+ if (req.outputs[i].index == it->m_global_output_index) // don't re-add real one
+ continue;
+ if (!daemon_resp.outs[i].unlocked) // don't add locked outs
+ continue;
+ if (o > 0 && daemon_resp.outs[i].key == daemon_resp.outs[i - 1].key) // don't add duplicates
+ continue;
+ outs.back().push_back({req.outputs[i].index, daemon_resp.outs[i].key});
+ }
+ if (outs.back().size() < fake_outputs_count + 1)
+ {
+ scanty_outs[it->amount()] = outs.back().size();
+ else
+ {
+ // sort the subsection, so any spares are reset in order
+ std::sort(outs.back().begin(), outs.back().end(), [](const entry &a, const entry &b) { return a.first < b.first; });
+ // sanity check
+ for (size_t n = 1; n < outs.back().size(); ++n)
+ {
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(outs.back()[n].first == outs.back()[n-1].first, error::wallet_internal_error,
+ "Duplicate indices though we did not ask for any");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(outs.back()[n].second == outs.back()[n-1].second, error::wallet_internal_error,
+ "Duplicate keys after we have weeded them out");
+ }
+ }
+ base += requested_outputs_count;
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!scanty_outs.empty(), error::not_enough_outs_to_mix, scanty_outs, fake_outputs_count);
+ else
+ {
+ for (transfer_container::iterator it: selected_transfers)
+ {
+ std::vector<entry> v;
+ v.push_back({it->m_global_output_index, boost::get<txout_to_key>(it->m_tx.vout[it->m_internal_output_index].target).key});
+ outs.push_back(v);
+ }
+ }
//prepare inputs
- size_t i = 0;
+ typedef cryptonote::tx_source_entry::output_entry tx_output_entry;
+ size_t i = 0, out_index = 0;
std::vector<cryptonote::tx_source_entry> sources;
BOOST_FOREACH(transfer_container::iterator it, selected_transfers)
@@ -2410,38 +2539,34 @@ void wallet2::transfer_selected(const std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_ent
cryptonote::tx_source_entry& src = sources.back();
transfer_details& td = *it;
src.amount = td.amount();
- //paste mixin transaction
- if(daemon_resp.outs.size())
+ //paste keys (fake and real)
+ for (size_t n = 0; n < fake_outputs_count + 1; ++n)
- daemon_resp.outs[i].outs.sort([](const out_entry& a, const out_entry& b){return a.global_amount_index < b.global_amount_index;});
- BOOST_FOREACH(out_entry& daemon_oe, daemon_resp.outs[i].outs)
- {
- if(td.m_global_output_index == daemon_oe.global_amount_index)
- continue;
- tx_output_entry oe;
- oe.first = daemon_oe.global_amount_index;
- oe.second = daemon_oe.out_key;
- src.outputs.push_back(oe);
- if(src.outputs.size() >= fake_outputs_count)
- break;
- }
+ tx_output_entry oe;
+ oe.first = outs[out_index][n].first;
+ oe.second = outs[out_index][n].second;
+ src.outputs.push_back(oe);
+ ++i;
//paste real transaction to the random index
- auto it_to_insert = std::find_if(src.outputs.begin(), src.outputs.end(), [&](const tx_output_entry& a)
+ auto it_to_replace = std::find_if(src.outputs.begin(), src.outputs.end(), [&](const tx_output_entry& a)
- return a.first >= td.m_global_output_index;
+ return a.first == td.m_global_output_index;
- //size_t real_index = src.outputs.size() ? (rand() % src.outputs.size() ):0;
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it_to_replace == src.outputs.end(), error::wallet_internal_error,
+ "real output not found");
tx_output_entry real_oe;
real_oe.first = td.m_global_output_index;
real_oe.second = boost::get<txout_to_key>(td.m_tx.vout[td.m_internal_output_index].target).key;
- auto interted_it = src.outputs.insert(it_to_insert, real_oe);
+ *it_to_replace = real_oe;
src.real_out_tx_key = get_tx_pub_key_from_extra(td.m_tx);
- src.real_output = interted_it - src.outputs.begin();
+ src.real_output = it_to_replace - src.outputs.begin();
src.real_output_in_tx_index = td.m_internal_output_index;
- ++i;
+ ++out_index;
cryptonote::tx_destination_entry change_dts = AUTO_VAL_INIT(change_dts);
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.h b/src/wallet/wallet2.h
index 9ff6c4e21..d0c514a6d 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.h
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.h
@@ -668,12 +668,12 @@ namespace tools
"daemon returned wrong response for getrandom_outs.bin, wrong amounts count = " +
std::to_string(daemon_resp.outs.size()) + ", expected " + std::to_string(selected_transfers.size()));
- std::vector<COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::outs_for_amount> scanty_outs;
+ std::unordered_map<uint64_t, uint64_t> scanty_outs;
BOOST_FOREACH(COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::outs_for_amount& amount_outs, daemon_resp.outs)
if (amount_outs.outs.size() < fake_outputs_count)
- scanty_outs.push_back(amount_outs);
+ scanty_outs[amount_outs.amount] = amount_outs.outs.size();
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!scanty_outs.empty(), error::not_enough_outs_to_mix, scanty_outs, fake_outputs_count);
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet_errors.h b/src/wallet/wallet_errors.h
index ea0b6a1f5..8ea061152 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet_errors.h
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet_errors.h
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ namespace tools
struct not_enough_outs_to_mix : public transfer_error
- typedef std::vector<cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_RANDOM_OUTPUTS_FOR_AMOUNTS::outs_for_amount> scanty_outs_t;
+ typedef std::unordered_map<uint64_t, uint64_t> scanty_outs_t;
explicit not_enough_outs_to_mix(std::string&& loc, const scanty_outs_t& scanty_outs, size_t mixin_count)
: transfer_error(std::move(loc), "not enough outputs to mix")
@@ -393,9 +393,9 @@ namespace tools
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << transfer_error::to_string() << ", mixin_count = " << m_mixin_count << ", scanty_outs:";
- for (const auto& outs_for_amount : m_scanty_outs)
+ for (const auto& out: m_scanty_outs)
- ss << '\n' << cryptonote::print_money(outs_for_amount.amount) << " - " << outs_for_amount.outs.size();
+ ss << '\n' << cryptonote::print_money(out.first) << " - " << out.second;
return ss.str();