path: root/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/wallet/wallet2.cpp')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
index 4f7b6bbd3..c7374b896 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ using namespace cryptonote;
#define DEFAULT_INACTIVITY_LOCK_TIMEOUT 90 // a minute and a half
static const std::string MULTISIG_SIGNATURE_MAGIC = "SigMultisigPkV1";
static const std::string MULTISIG_EXTRA_INFO_MAGIC = "MultisigxV1";
@@ -1113,7 +1115,6 @@ wallet2::wallet2(network_type nettype, uint64_t kdf_rounds, bool unattended):
- m_confirm_missing_payment_id(true),
@@ -1127,6 +1128,8 @@ wallet2::wallet2(network_type nettype, uint64_t kdf_rounds, bool unattended):
+ m_ignore_outputs_above(MONEY_SUPPLY),
+ m_ignore_outputs_below(0),
@@ -1793,7 +1796,7 @@ void wallet2::cache_tx_data(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const crypto::has
-void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool, bool double_spend_seen, const tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache)
+void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint8_t block_version, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool, bool double_spend_seen, const tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache)
// In this function, tx (probably) only contains the base information
@@ -2285,8 +2288,18 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote
else if (get_payment_id_from_tx_extra_nonce(extra_nonce.nonce, payment_id))
- LOG_PRINT_L2("Found unencrypted payment ID: " << payment_id);
- MWARNING("Found unencrypted payment ID: these are bad for privacy, consider using subaddresses instead");
+ bool ignore = block_version >= IGNORE_LONG_PAYMENT_ID_FROM_BLOCK_VERSION;
+ if (ignore)
+ {
+ LOG_PRINT_L2("Found unencrypted payment ID in tx " << txid << " (ignored)");
+ MWARNING("Found OBSOLETE AND IGNORED unencrypted payment ID: these are bad for privacy, use subaddresses instead");
+ payment_id = crypto::null_hash;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_PRINT_L2("Found unencrypted payment ID: " << payment_id);
+ MWARNING("Found unencrypted payment ID: these are bad for privacy, consider using subaddresses instead");
+ }
@@ -2422,7 +2435,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cry
if (m_refresh_type != RefreshNoCoinbase)
- process_new_transaction(get_transaction_hash(b.miner_tx), b.miner_tx, parsed_block.o_indices.indices[0].indices, height, b.timestamp, true, false, false, tx_cache_data[tx_cache_data_offset], output_tracker_cache);
+ process_new_transaction(get_transaction_hash(b.miner_tx), b.miner_tx, parsed_block.o_indices.indices[0].indices, height, b.major_version, b.timestamp, true, false, false, tx_cache_data[tx_cache_data_offset], output_tracker_cache);
@@ -2431,7 +2444,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cry
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(bche.txs.size() != parsed_block.txes.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Wrong amount of transactions for block");
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < b.tx_hashes.size(); ++idx)
- process_new_transaction(b.tx_hashes[idx], parsed_block.txes[idx], parsed_block.o_indices.indices[idx+1].indices, height, b.timestamp, false, false, false, tx_cache_data[tx_cache_data_offset++], output_tracker_cache);
+ process_new_transaction(b.tx_hashes[idx], parsed_block.txes[idx], parsed_block.o_indices.indices[idx+1].indices, height, b.major_version, b.timestamp, false, false, false, tx_cache_data[tx_cache_data_offset++], output_tracker_cache);
m_last_block_reward = cryptonote::get_outs_money_amount(b.miner_tx);
@@ -2962,7 +2975,7 @@ void wallet2::update_pool_state(bool refreshed)
[tx_hash](const std::pair<crypto::hash, bool> &e) { return e.first == tx_hash; });
if (i != txids.end())
- process_new_transaction(tx_hash, tx, std::vector<uint64_t>(), 0, time(NULL), false, true, tx_entry.double_spend_seen, {});
+ process_new_transaction(tx_hash, tx, std::vector<uint64_t>(), 0, 0, time(NULL), false, true, tx_entry.double_spend_seen, {});
if (m_scanned_pool_txs[0].size() > 5000)
@@ -3639,9 +3652,6 @@ bool wallet2::store_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable
json.AddMember("refresh_height", value2, json.GetAllocator());
- value2.SetInt(m_confirm_missing_payment_id ? 1 :0);
- json.AddMember("confirm_missing_payment_id", value2, json.GetAllocator());
value2.SetInt(m_confirm_non_default_ring_size ? 1 :0);
json.AddMember("confirm_non_default_ring_size", value2, json.GetAllocator());
@@ -3687,6 +3697,12 @@ bool wallet2::store_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable
value2.SetInt(m_ignore_fractional_outputs ? 1 : 0);
json.AddMember("ignore_fractional_outputs", value2, json.GetAllocator());
+ value2.SetUint64(m_ignore_outputs_above);
+ json.AddMember("ignore_outputs_above", value2, json.GetAllocator());
+ value2.SetUint64(m_ignore_outputs_below);
+ json.AddMember("ignore_outputs_below", value2, json.GetAllocator());
value2.SetInt(m_track_uses ? 1 : 0);
json.AddMember("track_uses", value2, json.GetAllocator());
@@ -3833,7 +3849,6 @@ bool wallet2::load_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_
m_auto_refresh = true;
m_refresh_type = RefreshType::RefreshDefault;
m_refresh_from_block_height = 0;
- m_confirm_missing_payment_id = true;
m_confirm_non_default_ring_size = true;
m_ask_password = AskPasswordToDecrypt;
@@ -3848,6 +3863,8 @@ bool wallet2::load_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_
m_key_reuse_mitigation2 = true;
m_segregation_height = 0;
m_ignore_fractional_outputs = true;
+ m_ignore_outputs_above = MONEY_SUPPLY;
+ m_ignore_outputs_below = 0;
m_track_uses = false;
m_inactivity_lock_timeout = DEFAULT_INACTIVITY_LOCK_TIMEOUT;
m_setup_background_mining = BackgroundMiningMaybe;
@@ -3968,8 +3985,6 @@ bool wallet2::load_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_
GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, refresh_height, uint64_t, Uint64, false, 0);
m_refresh_from_block_height = field_refresh_height;
- GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, confirm_missing_payment_id, int, Int, false, true);
- m_confirm_missing_payment_id = field_confirm_missing_payment_id;
GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, confirm_non_default_ring_size, int, Int, false, true);
m_confirm_non_default_ring_size = field_confirm_non_default_ring_size;
GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, ask_password, AskPasswordType, Int, false, AskPasswordToDecrypt);
@@ -4004,6 +4019,10 @@ bool wallet2::load_keys(const std::string& keys_file_name, const epee::wipeable_
m_segregation_height = field_segregation_height;
GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, ignore_fractional_outputs, int, Int, false, true);
m_ignore_fractional_outputs = field_ignore_fractional_outputs;
+ GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, ignore_outputs_above, uint64_t, Uint64, false, MONEY_SUPPLY);
+ m_ignore_outputs_above = field_ignore_outputs_above;
+ GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, ignore_outputs_below, uint64_t, Uint64, false, 0);
+ m_ignore_outputs_below = field_ignore_outputs_below;
GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, track_uses, int, Int, false, false);
m_track_uses = field_track_uses;
GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, inactivity_lock_timeout, uint32_t, Uint, false, DEFAULT_INACTIVITY_LOCK_TIMEOUT);
@@ -5570,6 +5589,11 @@ void wallet2::store_to(const std::string &path, const epee::wipeable_string &pas
const std::string address_file = m_wallet_file + ".address.txt";
r = save_to_file(address_file, m_account.get_public_address_str(m_nettype), true);
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::file_save_error, m_wallet_file);
+ // remove old address file
+ r = boost::filesystem::remove(old_address_file);
+ if (!r) {
+ LOG_ERROR("error removing file: " << old_address_file);
+ }
// remove old wallet file
r = boost::filesystem::remove(old_file);
@@ -5581,11 +5605,6 @@ void wallet2::store_to(const std::string &path, const epee::wipeable_string &pas
if (!r) {
LOG_ERROR("error removing file: " << old_keys_file);
- // remove old address file
- r = boost::filesystem::remove(old_address_file);
- if (!r) {
- LOG_ERROR("error removing file: " << old_address_file);
- }
// remove old message store file
if (boost::filesystem::exists(old_mms_file))
@@ -8599,6 +8618,11 @@ std::vector<size_t> wallet2::pick_preferred_rct_inputs(uint64_t needed_money, ui
const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[i];
if (!is_spent(td, false) && !td.m_frozen && td.is_rct() && td.amount() >= needed_money && is_transfer_unlocked(td) && td.m_subaddr_index.major == subaddr_account && subaddr_indices.count(td.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1)
+ if (td.amount() > m_ignore_outputs_above || td.amount() < m_ignore_outputs_below)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Ignoring output " << i << " of amount " << print_money(td.amount()) << " which is outside prescribed range [" << print_money(m_ignore_outputs_below) << ", " << print_money(m_ignore_outputs_above) << "]");
+ continue;
+ }
LOG_PRINT_L2("We can use " << i << " alone: " << print_money(td.amount()));
return picks;
@@ -8614,10 +8638,20 @@ std::vector<size_t> wallet2::pick_preferred_rct_inputs(uint64_t needed_money, ui
const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[i];
if (!is_spent(td, false) && !td.m_frozen && !td.m_key_image_partial && td.is_rct() && is_transfer_unlocked(td) && td.m_subaddr_index.major == subaddr_account && subaddr_indices.count(td.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1)
+ if (td.amount() > m_ignore_outputs_above || td.amount() < m_ignore_outputs_below)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Ignoring output " << i << " of amount " << print_money(td.amount()) << " which is outside prescribed range [" << print_money(m_ignore_outputs_below) << ", " << print_money(m_ignore_outputs_above) << "]");
+ continue;
+ }
LOG_PRINT_L2("Considering input " << i << ", " << print_money(td.amount()));
for (size_t j = i + 1; j < m_transfers.size(); ++j)
const transfer_details& td2 = m_transfers[j];
+ if (td2.amount() > m_ignore_outputs_above || td2.amount() < m_ignore_outputs_below)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Ignoring output " << j << " of amount " << print_money(td2.amount()) << " which is outside prescribed range [" << print_money(m_ignore_outputs_below) << ", " << print_money(m_ignore_outputs_above) << "]");
+ continue;
+ }
if (!is_spent(td2, false) && !td2.m_frozen && !td.m_key_image_partial && td2.is_rct() && td.amount() + td2.amount() >= needed_money && is_transfer_unlocked(td2) && td2.m_subaddr_index == td.m_subaddr_index)
// update our picks if those outputs are less related than any we
@@ -9317,11 +9351,16 @@ std::vector<wallet2::pending_tx> wallet2::create_transactions_2(std::vector<cryp
const transfer_details& td = m_transfers[i];
if (m_ignore_fractional_outputs && td.amount() < fractional_threshold)
- MDEBUG("Ignoring output " << i << " of amount " << print_money(td.amount()) << " which is below threshold " << print_money(fractional_threshold));
+ MDEBUG("Ignoring output " << i << " of amount " << print_money(td.amount()) << " which is below fractional threshold " << print_money(fractional_threshold));
if (!is_spent(td, false) && !td.m_frozen && !td.m_key_image_partial && (use_rct ? true : !td.is_rct()) && is_transfer_unlocked(td) && td.m_subaddr_index.major == subaddr_account && subaddr_indices.count(td.m_subaddr_index.minor) == 1)
+ if (td.amount() > m_ignore_outputs_above || td.amount() < m_ignore_outputs_below)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Ignoring output " << i << " of amount " << print_money(td.amount()) << " which is outside prescribed range [" << print_money(m_ignore_outputs_below) << ", " << print_money(m_ignore_outputs_above) << "]");
+ continue;
+ }
const uint32_t index_minor = td.m_subaddr_index.minor;
auto find_predicate = [&index_minor](const std::pair<uint32_t, std::vector<size_t>>& x) { return x.first == index_minor; };
if ((td.is_rct()) || is_valid_decomposed_amount(td.amount()))