path: root/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/wallet/wallet2.cpp')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
index 14369da3f..095a321da 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
@@ -633,28 +633,13 @@ bool wallet2::wallet_generate_key_image_helper(const cryptonote::account_keys& a
return true;
-void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool)
+void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool)
- class lazy_txid_getter
- {
- const cryptonote::transaction &tx;
- crypto::hash lazy_txid;
- bool computed;
- public:
- lazy_txid_getter(const transaction &tx): tx(tx), computed(false) {}
- const crypto::hash &operator()()
- {
- if (!computed)
- {
- lazy_txid = cryptonote::get_transaction_hash(tx);
- computed = true;
- }
- return lazy_txid;
- }
- } txid(tx);
+ // In this function, tx (probably) only contains the base information
+ // (that is, the prunable stuff may or may not be included)
if (!miner_tx)
- process_unconfirmed(tx, height);
+ process_unconfirmed(txid, tx, height);
std::vector<size_t> outs;
uint64_t tx_money_got_in_outs = 0;
crypto::public_key tx_pub_key = null_pkey;
@@ -663,7 +648,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
if(!parse_tx_extra(tx.extra, tx_extra_fields))
// Extra may only be partially parsed, it's OK if tx_extra_fields contains public key
- LOG_PRINT_L0("Transaction extra has unsupported format: " << txid());
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Transaction extra has unsupported format: " << txid);
// Don't try to extract tx public key if tx has no ouputs
@@ -677,9 +662,9 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
if (pk_index > 1)
- LOG_PRINT_L0("Public key wasn't found in the transaction extra. Skipping transaction " << txid());
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Public key wasn't found in the transaction extra. Skipping transaction " << txid);
if(0 != m_callback)
- m_callback->on_skip_transaction(height, tx);
+ m_callback->on_skip_transaction(height, txid, tx);
@@ -879,7 +864,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
td.m_internal_output_index = o;
td.m_global_output_index = o_indices[o];
td.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix&)tx;
- td.m_txid = txid();
+ td.m_txid = txid;
td.m_key_image = ki[o];
td.m_key_image_known = !m_watch_only;
td.m_amount = tx.vout[o].amount;
@@ -903,9 +888,9 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
m_key_images[td.m_key_image] = m_transfers.size()-1;
m_pub_keys[in_ephemeral[o].pub] = m_transfers.size()-1;
- LOG_PRINT_L0("Received money: " << print_money(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid());
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Received money: " << print_money(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid);
if (0 != m_callback)
- m_callback->on_money_received(height, tx, td.m_amount);
+ m_callback->on_money_received(height, txid, tx, td.m_amount);
else if (m_transfers[kit->second].m_spent || m_transfers[kit->second].amount() >= tx.vout[o].amount)
@@ -930,7 +915,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
td.m_internal_output_index = o;
td.m_global_output_index = o_indices[o];
td.m_tx = (const cryptonote::transaction_prefix&)tx;
- td.m_txid = txid();
+ td.m_txid = txid;
td.m_amount = tx.vout[o].amount;
td.m_pk_index = pk_index - 1;
if (td.m_amount == 0)
@@ -952,9 +937,9 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.get_public_key() != in_ephemeral[o].pub, error::wallet_internal_error, "Inconsistent public keys");
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.m_spent, error::wallet_internal_error, "Inconsistent spent status");
- LOG_PRINT_L0("Received money: " << print_money(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid());
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Received money: " << print_money(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid);
if (0 != m_callback)
- m_callback->on_money_received(height, tx, td.m_amount);
+ m_callback->on_money_received(height, txid, tx, td.m_amount);
@@ -982,17 +967,17 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
tx_money_spent_in_ins += amount;
if (!pool)
- LOG_PRINT_L0("Spent money: " << print_money(amount) << ", with tx: " << txid());
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Spent money: " << print_money(amount) << ", with tx: " << txid);
set_spent(it->second, height);
if (0 != m_callback)
- m_callback->on_money_spent(height, tx, amount, tx);
+ m_callback->on_money_spent(height, txid, tx, amount, tx);
if (tx_money_spent_in_ins > 0)
- process_outgoing(tx, height, ts, tx_money_spent_in_ins, tx_money_got_in_outs);
+ process_outgoing(txid, tx, height, ts, tx_money_spent_in_ins, tx_money_got_in_outs);
uint64_t received = (tx_money_spent_in_ins < tx_money_got_in_outs) ? tx_money_got_in_outs - tx_money_spent_in_ins : 0;
@@ -1038,7 +1023,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
payment_details payment;
- payment.m_tx_hash = txid();
+ payment.m_tx_hash = txid;
payment.m_amount = received;
payment.m_block_height = height;
payment.m_unlock_time = tx.unlock_time;
@@ -1046,7 +1031,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
if (pool) {
m_unconfirmed_payments.emplace(payment_id, payment);
if (0 != m_callback)
- m_callback->on_unconfirmed_money_received(height, tx, payment.m_amount);
+ m_callback->on_unconfirmed_money_received(height, txid, tx, payment.m_amount);
m_payments.emplace(payment_id, payment);
@@ -1054,12 +1039,11 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const s
-void wallet2::process_unconfirmed(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t height)
+void wallet2::process_unconfirmed(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t height)
if (m_unconfirmed_txs.empty())
- crypto::hash txid = get_transaction_hash(tx);
auto unconf_it = m_unconfirmed_txs.find(txid);
if(unconf_it != m_unconfirmed_txs.end()) {
if (store_tx_info()) {
@@ -1075,9 +1059,8 @@ void wallet2::process_unconfirmed(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, uint64_t he
-void wallet2::process_outgoing(const cryptonote::transaction &tx, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, uint64_t spent, uint64_t received)
+void wallet2::process_outgoing(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction &tx, uint64_t height, uint64_t ts, uint64_t spent, uint64_t received)
- crypto::hash txid = get_transaction_hash(tx);
std::pair<std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, confirmed_transfer_details>::iterator, bool> entry = m_confirmed_txs.insert(std::make_pair(txid, confirmed_transfer_details()));
// fill with the info we know, some info might already be there
if (entry.second)
@@ -1120,16 +1103,19 @@ void wallet2::process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cry
if(b.timestamp + 60*60*24 > m_account.get_createtime() && height >= m_refresh_from_block_height)
- process_new_transaction(b.miner_tx, o_indices.indices[txidx++].indices, height, b.timestamp, true, false);
+ process_new_transaction(get_transaction_hash(b.miner_tx), b.miner_tx, o_indices.indices[txidx++].indices, height, b.timestamp, true, false);
- for(auto& txblob: bche.txs)
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(bche.txs.size() != b.tx_hashes.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Wrong amount of transactions for block");
+ size_t idx = 0;
+ for (const auto& txblob: bche.txs)
cryptonote::transaction tx;
- bool r = parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(txblob, tx);
+ bool r = parse_and_validate_tx_base_from_blob(txblob, tx);
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::tx_parse_error, txblob);
- process_new_transaction(tx, o_indices.indices[txidx++].indices, height, b.timestamp, false, false);
+ process_new_transaction(b.tx_hashes[idx], tx, o_indices.indices[txidx++].indices, height, b.timestamp, false, false);
+ ++idx;
LOG_PRINT_L2("Processed block: " << bl_id << ", height " << height << ", " << miner_tx_handle_time + txs_handle_time << "(" << miner_tx_handle_time << "/" << txs_handle_time <<")ms");
@@ -1185,6 +1171,34 @@ void wallet2::pull_blocks(uint64_t start_height, uint64_t &blocks_start_height,
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCKS_FAST::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res);
req.block_ids = short_chain_history;
+ uint32_t rpc_version;
+ boost::optional<std::string> result = m_node_rpc_proxy.get_rpc_version(rpc_version);
+ // no error
+ if (!!result)
+ {
+ // empty string -> not connection
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(result->empty(), tools::error::no_connection_to_daemon, "getversion");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(*result == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY, tools::error::daemon_busy, "getversion");
+ if (*result != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Cannot determined daemon RPC version, not asking for pruned blocks");
+ req.prune = false; // old daemon
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (rpc_version >= MAKE_CORE_RPC_VERSION(1, 7))
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Daemon is recent enough, asking for pruned blocks");
+ req.prune = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Daemon is too old, not asking for pruned blocks");
+ req.prune = false;
+ }
+ }
req.start_height = start_height;
bool r = net_utils::invoke_http_bin("/getblocks.bin", req, res, m_http_client, rpc_timeout);
@@ -1497,7 +1511,7 @@ void wallet2::update_pool_state()
if (tx_hash == txid)
- process_new_transaction(tx, std::vector<uint64_t>(), 0, time(NULL), false, true);
+ process_new_transaction(txid, tx, std::vector<uint64_t>(), 0, time(NULL), false, true);