path: root/src/simplewallet
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/simplewallet')
2 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp b/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp
index d03f3e7be..8da19720f 100644
--- a/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp
+++ b/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp
@@ -563,6 +563,7 @@ simple_wallet::simple_wallet()
m_cmd_binder.set_handler("set_log", boost::bind(&simple_wallet::set_log, this, _1), tr("set_log <level> - Change current log detail level, <0-4>"));
m_cmd_binder.set_handler("address", boost::bind(&simple_wallet::print_address, this, _1), tr("Show current wallet public address"));
m_cmd_binder.set_handler("integrated_address", boost::bind(&simple_wallet::print_integrated_address, this, _1), tr("integrated_address [PID] - Encode a payment ID into an integrated address for the current wallet public address (no argument uses a random payment ID), or decode an integrated address to standard address and payment ID"));
+ m_cmd_binder.set_handler("address_book", boost::bind(&simple_wallet::address_book, this, _1), tr("address_book [(add (<address> [pid <long or short payment id>])|<integrated address> [<description possibly with whitespaces>])|(delete <index>)] - Print all entries in the address book, optionally adding/deleting an entry to/from it"));
m_cmd_binder.set_handler("save", boost::bind(&simple_wallet::save, this, _1), tr("Save wallet data"));
m_cmd_binder.set_handler("save_watch_only", boost::bind(&simple_wallet::save_watch_only, this, _1), tr("Save a watch-only keys file"));
m_cmd_binder.set_handler("viewkey", boost::bind(&simple_wallet::viewkey, this, _1), tr("Display private view key"));
@@ -3489,6 +3490,86 @@ bool simple_wallet::print_integrated_address(const std::vector<std::string> &arg
return true;
+bool simple_wallet::address_book(const std::vector<std::string> &args/* = std::vector<std::string>()*/)
+ if (args.size() == 0)
+ {
+ }
+ else if (args.size() == 1 || (args[0] != "add" && args[0] != "delete"))
+ {
+ fail_msg_writer() << tr("usage: address_book [(add (<address> [pid <long or short payment id>])|<integrated address> [<description possibly with whitespaces>])|(delete <index>)]");
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (args[0] == "add")
+ {
+ cryptonote::account_public_address address;
+ bool has_payment_id;
+ crypto::hash8 payment_id8;
+ if (!get_address_from_str(args[1], address, has_payment_id, payment_id8))
+ {
+ fail_msg_writer() << tr("failed to parse address");
+ return true;
+ }
+ crypto::hash payment_id = null_hash;
+ size_t description_start = 2;
+ if (has_payment_id)
+ {
+ memcpy(payment_id.data, payment_id8.data, 8);
+ }
+ else if (!has_payment_id && args.size() >= 4 && args[2] == "pid")
+ {
+ if (tools::wallet2::parse_long_payment_id(args[3], payment_id))
+ {
+ description_start += 2;
+ }
+ else if (tools::wallet2::parse_short_payment_id(args[3], payment_id8))
+ {
+ memcpy(payment_id.data, payment_id8.data, 8);
+ description_start += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fail_msg_writer() << tr("failed to parse payment ID");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string description;
+ for (size_t i = description_start; i < args.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (i > description_start)
+ description += " ";
+ description += args[i];
+ }
+ m_wallet->add_address_book_row(address, payment_id, description);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ size_t row_id;
+ if(!epee::string_tools::get_xtype_from_string(row_id, args[1]))
+ {
+ fail_msg_writer() << tr("failed to parse index");
+ return true;
+ }
+ m_wallet->delete_address_book_row(row_id);
+ }
+ auto address_book = m_wallet->get_address_book();
+ if (address_book.empty())
+ {
+ success_msg_writer() << tr("Address book is empty.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < address_book.size(); ++i) {
+ auto& row = address_book[i];
+ success_msg_writer() << tr("Index: ") << i;
+ success_msg_writer() << tr("Address: ") << get_account_address_as_str(m_wallet->testnet(), row.m_address);
+ success_msg_writer() << tr("Payment ID: ") << row.m_payment_id;
+ success_msg_writer() << tr("Description: ") << row.m_description << "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
bool simple_wallet::set_tx_note(const std::vector<std::string> &args)
if (args.size() == 0)
diff --git a/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.h b/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.h
index c3e14a8cc..b12759ab1 100644
--- a/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.h
+++ b/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.h
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ namespace cryptonote
bool print_address(const std::vector<std::string> &args = std::vector<std::string>());
bool print_integrated_address(const std::vector<std::string> &args = std::vector<std::string>());
+ bool address_book(const std::vector<std::string> &args = std::vector<std::string>());
bool save(const std::vector<std::string> &args);
bool save_watch_only(const std::vector<std::string> &args);
bool set_variable(const std::vector<std::string> &args);