path: root/src/ringct/rctSigs.h
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diff --git a/src/ringct/rctSigs.h b/src/ringct/rctSigs.h
index 9227eab1e..a0346b34e 100644
--- a/src/ringct/rctSigs.h
+++ b/src/ringct/rctSigs.h
@@ -76,7 +76,11 @@ namespace rct {
// Ver verifies that the MG sig was created correctly
mgSig MLSAG_Gen(const key &message, const keyM & pk, const keyV & xx, const multisig_kLRki *kLRki, key *mscout, const unsigned int index, size_t dsRows, hw::device &hwdev);
bool MLSAG_Ver(const key &message, const keyM &pk, const mgSig &sig, size_t dsRows);
- //mgSig MLSAG_Gen_Old(const keyM & pk, const keyV & xx, const int index);
+ clsag CLSAG_Gen(const key &message, const keyV & P, const key & p, const keyV & C, const key & z, const keyV & C_nonzero, const key & C_offset, const unsigned int l, const multisig_kLRki *kLRki, key *mscout, key *mspout, hw::device &hwdev);
+ clsag CLSAG_Gen(const key &message, const keyV & P, const key & p, const keyV & C, const key & z, const keyV & C_nonzero, const key & C_offset, const unsigned int l);
+ clsag proveRctCLSAGSimple(const key &, const ctkeyV &, const ctkey &, const key &, const key &, const multisig_kLRki *, key *, key *, unsigned int, hw::device &);
+ bool verRctCLSAGSimple(const key &, const clsag &, const ctkeyV &, const key &);
//proveRange and verRange
//proveRange gives C, and mask such that \sumCi = C