path: root/src/p2p/net_node.inl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/p2p/net_node.inl')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/src/p2p/net_node.inl b/src/p2p/net_node.inl
index 6ed861e10..ef158d9a1 100644
--- a/src/p2p/net_node.inl
+++ b/src/p2p/net_node.inl
@@ -85,6 +85,14 @@ namespace nodetool
" If this option is given the options add-priority-node and seed-node are ignored"};
const command_line::arg_descriptor<std::vector<std::string> > arg_p2p_seed_node = {"seed-node", "Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect"};
const command_line::arg_descriptor<bool> arg_p2p_hide_my_port = {"hide-my-port", "Do not announce yourself as peerlist candidate", false, true};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<bool> arg_no_igd = {"no-igd", "Disable UPnP port mapping"};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<int64_t> arg_out_peers = {"out-peers", "set max limit of out peers", -1};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<int> arg_tos_flag = {"tos-flag", "set TOS flag", -1};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<int64_t> arg_limit_rate_up = {"limit-rate-up", "set limit-rate-up [kB/s]", -1};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<int64_t> arg_limit_rate_down = {"limit-rate-down", "set limit-rate-down [kB/s]", -1};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<uint64_t> arg_limit_rate = {"limit-rate", "set limit-rate [kB/s]", 128};
@@ -100,7 +108,13 @@ namespace nodetool
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_add_priority_node);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_add_exclusive_node);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_seed_node);
- command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_hide_my_port); }
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_hide_my_port);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_no_igd);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_out_peers);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_tos_flag);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_limit_rate_up);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_limit_rate_down);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_limit_rate); }
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::init_config()
@@ -121,7 +135,6 @@ namespace nodetool
//at this moment we have hardcoded config
m_config.m_net_config.handshake_interval = P2P_DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_INTERVAL;
- m_config.m_net_config.connections_count = P2P_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS_COUNT;
m_config.m_net_config.packet_max_size = P2P_DEFAULT_PACKET_MAX_SIZE; //20 MB limit
m_config.m_net_config.config_id = 0; // initial config
m_config.m_net_config.connection_timeout = P2P_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT;
@@ -166,6 +179,7 @@ namespace nodetool
m_port = command_line::get_arg(vm, p2p_bind_arg);
m_external_port = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_external_port);
m_allow_local_ip = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_allow_local_ip);
+ m_no_igd = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_no_igd);
if (command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_p2p_add_peer))
@@ -185,11 +199,13 @@ namespace nodetool
if (!parse_peers_and_add_to_container(vm, arg_p2p_add_exclusive_node, m_exclusive_peers))
return false;
if (command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_p2p_add_priority_node))
if (!parse_peers_and_add_to_container(vm, arg_p2p_add_priority_node, m_priority_peers))
return false;
if (command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_p2p_seed_node))
if (!parse_peers_and_add_to_container(vm, arg_p2p_seed_node, m_seed_nodes))
@@ -198,6 +214,21 @@ namespace nodetool
if(command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_p2p_hide_my_port))
m_hide_my_port = true;
+ if ( !set_max_out_peers(vm, command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_out_peers) ) )
+ return false;
+ if ( !set_tos_flag(vm, command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_tos_flag) ) )
+ return false;
+ if ( !set_rate_up_limit(vm, command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_limit_rate_up) ) )
+ return false;
+ if ( !set_rate_down_limit(vm, command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_limit_rate_down) ) )
+ return false;
+ if ( !set_rate_limit(vm, command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_limit_rate) ) )
+ return false;
return true;
@@ -263,6 +294,29 @@ namespace nodetool
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> dns_results;
+ // creating thread to log number of connections
+ mPeersLoggerThread.reset(new std::thread([&]()
+ {
+ _note("Thread monitor number of peers - start");
+ while (!is_closing)
+ { // main loop of thread
+ //number_of_peers = m_net_server.get_config_object().get_connections_count();
+ unsigned int number_of_peers = 0;
+ m_net_server.get_config_object().foreach_connection([&](const p2p_connection_context& cntxt)
+ {
+ if (!cntxt.m_is_income) ++number_of_peers;
+ return true;
+ }); // lambda
+ m_current_number_of_out_peers = number_of_peers;
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("peers", number_of_peers);
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
+ } // main loop of thread
+ _note("Thread monitor number of peers - done");
+ })); // lambda
std::list<boost::thread*> dns_threads;
uint64_t result_index = 0;
@@ -380,42 +434,43 @@ namespace nodetool
LOG_PRINT_L0("External port defined as " << m_external_port);
// Add UPnP port mapping
- LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempting to add IGD port mapping.");
- int result;
- UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &result);
- UPNPUrls urls;
- IGDdatas igdData;
- char lanAddress[64];
- result = UPNP_GetValidIGD(deviceList, &urls, &igdData, lanAddress, sizeof lanAddress);
- freeUPNPDevlist(deviceList);
- if (result != 0) {
- if (result == 1) {
- std::ostringstream portString;
- portString << m_listenning_port;
- // Delete the port mapping before we create it, just in case we have dangling port mapping from the daemon not being shut down correctly
- UPNP_DeletePortMapping(urls.controlURL, igdData.first.servicetype, portString.str().c_str(), "TCP", 0);
- int portMappingResult;
- portMappingResult = UPNP_AddPortMapping(urls.controlURL, igdData.first.servicetype, portString.str().c_str(), portString.str().c_str(), lanAddress, CRYPTONOTE_NAME, "TCP", 0, "0");
- if (portMappingResult != 0) {
- LOG_ERROR("UPNP_AddPortMapping failed, error: " << strupnperror(portMappingResult));
- } else {
- LOG_PRINT_GREEN("Added IGD port mapping.", LOG_LEVEL_0);
- }
- } else if (result == 2) {
- LOG_PRINT_L0("IGD was found but reported as not connected.");
- } else if (result == 3) {
- LOG_PRINT_L0("UPnP device was found but not recoginzed as IGD.");
- } else {
- LOG_ERROR("UPNP_GetValidIGD returned an unknown result code.");
- }
- FreeUPNPUrls(&urls);
- } else {
- LOG_PRINT_L0("No IGD was found.");
- }
+ if(m_no_igd == false) {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Attempting to add IGD port mapping.");
+ int result;
+ UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &result);
+ UPNPUrls urls;
+ IGDdatas igdData;
+ char lanAddress[64];
+ result = UPNP_GetValidIGD(deviceList, &urls, &igdData, lanAddress, sizeof lanAddress);
+ freeUPNPDevlist(deviceList);
+ if (result != 0) {
+ if (result == 1) {
+ std::ostringstream portString;
+ portString << m_listenning_port;
+ // Delete the port mapping before we create it, just in case we have dangling port mapping from the daemon not being shut down correctly
+ UPNP_DeletePortMapping(urls.controlURL, igdData.first.servicetype, portString.str().c_str(), "TCP", 0);
+ int portMappingResult;
+ portMappingResult = UPNP_AddPortMapping(urls.controlURL, igdData.first.servicetype, portString.str().c_str(), portString.str().c_str(), lanAddress, CRYPTONOTE_NAME, "TCP", 0, "0");
+ if (portMappingResult != 0) {
+ LOG_ERROR("UPNP_AddPortMapping failed, error: " << strupnperror(portMappingResult));
+ } else {
+ LOG_PRINT_GREEN("Added IGD port mapping.", LOG_LEVEL_0);
+ }
+ } else if (result == 2) {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("IGD was found but reported as not connected.");
+ } else if (result == 3) {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("UPnP device was found but not recoginzed as IGD.");
+ } else {
+ LOG_ERROR("UPNP_GetValidIGD returned an unknown result code.");
+ }
+ FreeUPNPUrls(&urls);
+ } else {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("No IGD was found.");
+ }
+ }
return res;
@@ -458,8 +513,10 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::deinit()
+ kill();
return store_config();
@@ -670,6 +727,16 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::try_to_connect_and_handshake_with_new_peer(const net_address& na, bool just_take_peerlist, uint64_t last_seen_stamp, bool white)
+ if (m_current_number_of_out_peers == m_config.m_net_config.connections_count) // out peers limit
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (m_current_number_of_out_peers > m_config.m_net_config.connections_count)
+ {
+ m_net_server.get_config_object().del_out_connections(1);
+ m_current_number_of_out_peers --; // atomic variable, update time = 1s
+ return false;
+ }
LOG_PRINT_L1("Connecting to " << epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(na.ip) << ":"
<< epee::string_tools::num_to_string_fast(na.port) << "(white=" << white << ", last_seen: "
<< (last_seen_stamp ? epee::misc_utils::get_time_interval_string(time(NULL) - last_seen_stamp):"never")
@@ -757,16 +824,22 @@ namespace nodetool
- if(is_peer_used(pe))
+ _note("Considering connecting (out) to peer: " << pe.id << " " << epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(pe.adr.ip) << ":" << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pe.adr.port));
+ if(is_peer_used(pe)) {
+ _note("Peer is used");
+ }
LOG_PRINT_L1("Selected peer: " << pe.id << " " << epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(pe.adr.ip)
<< ":" << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pe.adr.port)
<< "[white=" << use_white_list
<< "] last_seen: " << (pe.last_seen ? epee::misc_utils::get_time_interval_string(time(NULL) - pe.last_seen) : "never"));
- if(!try_to_connect_and_handshake_with_new_peer(pe.adr, false, pe.last_seen, use_white_list))
+ if(!try_to_connect_and_handshake_with_new_peer(pe.adr, false, pe.last_seen, use_white_list)) {
+ _note("Handshake failed");
+ }
return true;
@@ -1305,4 +1378,83 @@ namespace nodetool
return true;
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::set_max_out_peers(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, int64_t max)
+ {
+ if(max == -1) {
+ m_config.m_net_config.connections_count = P2P_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS_COUNT;
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("peers_limit", m_config.m_net_config.connections_count);
+ return true;
+ }
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("peers_limit", max);
+ m_config.m_net_config.connections_count = max;
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::delete_connections(size_t count)
+ {
+ m_net_server.get_config_object().del_out_connections(count);
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::set_tos_flag(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, int flag)
+ {
+ if(flag==-1){
+ return true;
+ }
+ epee::net_utils::connection<epee::levin::async_protocol_handler<p2p_connection_context> >::set_tos_flag(flag);
+ _dbg1("Set ToS flag " << flag);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::set_rate_up_limit(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, int64_t limit)
+ {
+ this->islimitup=true;
+ if (limit==-1) {
+ limit=128;
+ this->islimitup=false;
+ }
+ limit *= 1024;
+ epee::net_utils::connection<epee::levin::async_protocol_handler<p2p_connection_context> >::set_rate_up_limit( limit );
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Set limit-up to " << limit/1024 << " kB/s");
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::set_rate_down_limit(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, int64_t limit)
+ {
+ this->islimitdown=true;
+ if(limit==-1) {
+ limit=128;
+ this->islimitdown=false;
+ }
+ limit *= 1024;
+ epee::net_utils::connection<epee::levin::async_protocol_handler<p2p_connection_context> >::set_rate_down_limit( limit );
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Set limit-down to " << limit/1024 << " kB/s");
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::set_rate_limit(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, uint64_t limit)
+ {
+ limit *= 1024;
+ if(this->islimitdown==false && this->islimitup==false) {
+ epee::net_utils::connection<epee::levin::async_protocol_handler<p2p_connection_context> >::set_rate_up_limit( limit );
+ epee::net_utils::connection<epee::levin::async_protocol_handler<p2p_connection_context> >::set_rate_down_limit( limit );
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Set limit to " << limit/1024 << " kB/s");
+ }
+ else if(this->islimitdown==false && this->islimitup==true ) {
+ epee::net_utils::connection<epee::levin::async_protocol_handler<p2p_connection_context> >::set_rate_down_limit( limit );
+ }
+ else if(this->islimitdown==true && this->islimitup==false ) {
+ epee::net_utils::connection<epee::levin::async_protocol_handler<p2p_connection_context> >::set_rate_up_limit( limit );
+ }
+ return true;
+ }