path: root/src/p2p/net_node.inl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/p2p/net_node.inl')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/p2p/net_node.inl b/src/p2p/net_node.inl
index 60eed1f36..a015763bf 100644
--- a/src/p2p/net_node.inl
+++ b/src/p2p/net_node.inl
@@ -296,20 +296,18 @@ namespace nodetool
unsigned int number_of_peers;
while (1)
- if (m_save_graph)
+ //number_of_peers = m_net_server.get_config_object().get_connections_count();
+ number_of_peers = 0;
+ m_net_server.get_config_object().foreach_connection([&](const p2p_connection_context& cntxt)
- //number_of_peers = m_net_server.get_config_object().get_connections_count();
- number_of_peers = 0;
- m_net_server.get_config_object().foreach_connection([&](const p2p_connection_context& cntxt)
- {
- if(!cntxt.m_is_income)
- ++number_of_peers;
- return true;
- }); // lambda
+ if(!cntxt.m_is_income)
+ ++number_of_peers;
+ return true;
+ }); // lambda
+ m_current_number_of_out_peers = number_of_peers;
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("peers", number_of_peers);
- m_number_of_out_peers = number_of_peers;
- epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("peers", number_of_peers);
- }
})); // lambda
@@ -724,14 +722,14 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::try_to_connect_and_handshake_with_new_peer(const net_address& na, bool just_take_peerlist, uint64_t last_seen_stamp, bool white)
- if (m_number_of_out_peers == m_config.m_net_config.connections_count) // out peers limit
+ if (m_current_number_of_out_peers == m_config.m_net_config.connections_count) // out peers limit
return false;
- else if (m_number_of_out_peers > m_config.m_net_config.connections_count)
+ else if (m_current_number_of_out_peers > m_config.m_net_config.connections_count)
- m_number_of_out_peers --; // atomic variable, update time = 1s
+ m_current_number_of_out_peers --; // atomic variable, update time = 1s
return false;
LOG_PRINT_L1("Connecting to " << epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(na.ip) << ":"
@@ -1378,25 +1376,14 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::set_max_out_peers(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, int64_t max)
- {
- using namespace std::chrono;
- auto point = steady_clock::now();
- auto time_from_epoh = point.time_since_epoch();
- auto ms = duration_cast< milliseconds >( time_from_epoh ).count();
- double ms_f = ms;
- ms_f /= 1000.;
- std::ofstream limitFile("log/dr-monero/peers_limit.info", std::ios::app);
- limitFile.precision(7);
+ {
if(max == -1) {
m_config.m_net_config.connections_count = P2P_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS_COUNT;
- if (m_save_graph)
- limitFile << static_cast<int>(ms_f) << " " << P2P_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS_COUNT << std::endl;
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("peers_limit", m_config.m_net_config.connections_count);
return true;
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("peers_limit", max);
m_config.m_net_config.connections_count = max;
- limitFile << static_cast<int>(ms_f) << " " << max << std::endl;
return true;