path: root/src/p2p/net_node.inl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 375 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/src/p2p/net_node.inl b/src/p2p/net_node.inl
index ba29d92c9..00467132a 100644
--- a/src/p2p/net_node.inl
+++ b/src/p2p/net_node.inl
@@ -93,7 +93,11 @@ namespace nodetool
void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::init_options(boost::program_options::options_description& desc)
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_bind_ip);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_bind_ipv6_address);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_bind_port, false);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_bind_port_ipv6, false);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_use_ipv6);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_require_ipv4);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_external_port);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_allow_local_ip);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_add_peer);
@@ -105,13 +109,13 @@ namespace nodetool
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_p2p_hide_my_port);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_no_sync);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_no_igd);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_igd);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_out_peers);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_in_peers);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_tos_flag);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_limit_rate_up);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_limit_rate_down);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_limit_rate);
- command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_save_graph);
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
@@ -155,19 +159,55 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
- bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::is_remote_host_allowed(const epee::net_utils::network_address &address)
+ bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::is_remote_host_allowed(const epee::net_utils::network_address &address, time_t *t)
- auto it = m_blocked_hosts.find(address.host_str());
- if(it == m_blocked_hosts.end())
- return true;
- if(time(nullptr) >= it->second)
+ const time_t now = time(nullptr);
+ // look in the hosts list
+ auto it = m_blocked_hosts.find(address);
+ if (it != m_blocked_hosts.end())
- m_blocked_hosts.erase(it);
- MCLOG_CYAN(el::Level::Info, "global", "Host " << address.host_str() << " unblocked.");
- return true;
+ if (now >= it->second)
+ {
+ m_blocked_hosts.erase(it);
+ MCLOG_CYAN(el::Level::Info, "global", "Host " << address.host_str() << " unblocked.");
+ it = m_blocked_hosts.end();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (t)
+ *t = it->second - now;
+ return false;
+ }
- return false;
+ // manually loop in subnets
+ if (address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::address_type::ipv4)
+ {
+ auto ipv4_address = address.template as<epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>();
+ std::map<epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_subnet, time_t>::iterator it;
+ for (it = m_blocked_subnets.begin(); it != m_blocked_subnets.end(); )
+ {
+ if (now >= it->second)
+ {
+ it = m_blocked_subnets.erase(it);
+ MCLOG_CYAN(el::Level::Info, "global", "Subnet " << it->first.host_str() << " unblocked.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (it->first.matches(ipv4_address))
+ {
+ if (t)
+ *t = it->second - now;
+ return false;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ // not found in hosts or subnets, allowed
+ return true;
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
@@ -184,7 +224,7 @@ namespace nodetool
limit = std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max();
limit = now + seconds;
- m_blocked_hosts[addr.host_str()] = limit;
+ m_blocked_hosts[addr] = limit;
// drop any connection to that address. This should only have to look into
// the zone related to the connection, but really make sure everything is
@@ -214,7 +254,7 @@ namespace nodetool
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::unblock_host(const epee::net_utils::network_address &address)
- auto i = m_blocked_hosts.find(address.host_str());
+ auto i = m_blocked_hosts.find(address);
if (i == m_blocked_hosts.end())
return false;
@@ -223,6 +263,58 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::block_subnet(const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_subnet &subnet, time_t seconds)
+ {
+ const time_t now = time(nullptr);
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_blocked_hosts_lock);
+ time_t limit;
+ if (now > std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max() - seconds)
+ limit = std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max();
+ else
+ limit = now + seconds;
+ m_blocked_subnets[subnet] = limit;
+ // drop any connection to that subnet. This should only have to look into
+ // the zone related to the connection, but really make sure everything is
+ // swept ...
+ std::vector<boost::uuids::uuid> conns;
+ for(auto& zone : m_network_zones)
+ {
+ zone.second.m_net_server.get_config_object().foreach_connection([&](const p2p_connection_context& cntxt)
+ {
+ if (cntxt.m_remote_address.get_type_id() != epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id())
+ return true;
+ auto ipv4_address = cntxt.m_remote_address.template as<epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>();
+ if (subnet.matches(ipv4_address))
+ {
+ conns.push_back(cntxt.m_connection_id);
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ for (const auto &c: conns)
+ zone.second.m_net_server.get_config_object().close(c);
+ conns.clear();
+ }
+ MCLOG_CYAN(el::Level::Info, "global", "Subnet " << subnet.host_str() << " blocked.");
+ return true;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::unblock_subnet(const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_subnet &subnet)
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_blocked_hosts_lock);
+ auto i = m_blocked_subnets.find(subnet);
+ if (i == m_blocked_subnets.end())
+ return false;
+ m_blocked_subnets.erase(i);
+ MCLOG_CYAN(el::Level::Info, "global", "Subnet " << subnet.host_str() << " unblocked.");
+ return true;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::add_host_fail(const epee::net_utils::network_address &address)
@@ -253,12 +345,44 @@ namespace nodetool
network_zone& public_zone = m_network_zones[epee::net_utils::zone::public_];
public_zone.m_connect = &public_connect;
public_zone.m_bind_ip = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_bind_ip);
+ public_zone.m_bind_ipv6_address = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_bind_ipv6_address);
public_zone.m_port = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_bind_port);
+ public_zone.m_port_ipv6 = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_bind_port_ipv6);
public_zone.m_can_pingback = true;
m_external_port = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_external_port);
m_allow_local_ip = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_allow_local_ip);
- m_no_igd = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_no_igd);
+ const bool has_no_igd = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_no_igd);
+ const std::string sigd = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_igd);
+ if (sigd == "enabled")
+ {
+ if (has_no_igd)
+ {
+ MFATAL("Cannot have both --" << arg_no_igd.name << " and --" << arg_igd.name << " enabled");
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_igd = igd;
+ }
+ else if (sigd == "disabled")
+ {
+ m_igd = no_igd;
+ }
+ else if (sigd == "delayed")
+ {
+ if (has_no_igd && !command_line::is_arg_defaulted(vm, arg_igd))
+ {
+ MFATAL("Cannot have both --" << arg_no_igd.name << " and --" << arg_igd.name << " delayed");
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_igd = has_no_igd ? no_igd : delayed_igd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ MFATAL("Invalid value for --" << arg_igd.name << ", expected enabled, disabled or delayed");
+ return false;
+ }
m_offline = command_line::get_arg(vm, cryptonote::arg_offline);
+ m_use_ipv6 = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_use_ipv6);
+ m_require_ipv4 = command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_p2p_require_ipv4);
if (command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_p2p_add_peer))
@@ -292,11 +416,6 @@ namespace nodetool
- if(command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_save_graph))
- {
- set_save_graph(true);
- }
if (command_line::has_arg(vm,arg_p2p_add_exclusive_node))
if (!parse_peers_and_add_to_container(vm, arg_p2p_add_exclusive_node, m_exclusive_peers))
@@ -407,12 +526,17 @@ namespace nodetool
std::string host = addr;
std::string port = std::to_string(default_port);
- size_t pos = addr.find_last_of(':');
- if (std::string::npos != pos)
+ size_t colon_pos = addr.find_last_of(':');
+ size_t dot_pos = addr.find_last_of('.');
+ size_t square_brace_pos = addr.find('[');
+ // IPv6 will have colons regardless. IPv6 and IPv4 address:port will have a colon but also either a . or a [
+ // as IPv6 addresses specified as address:port are to be specified as "[addr:addr:...:addr]:port"
+ // One may also specify an IPv6 address as simply "[addr:addr:...:addr]" without the port; in that case
+ // the square braces will be stripped here.
+ if ((std::string::npos != colon_pos && std::string::npos != dot_pos) || std::string::npos != square_brace_pos)
- CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(addr.length() - 1 != pos && 0 != pos, false, "Failed to parse seed address from string: '" << addr << '\'');
- host = addr.substr(0, pos);
- port = addr.substr(pos + 1);
+ net::get_network_address_host_and_port(addr, host, port);
MINFO("Resolving node address: host=" << host << ", port=" << port);
@@ -435,7 +559,9 @@ namespace nodetool
- MWARNING("IPv6 unsupported, skip '" << host << "' -> " << endpoint.address().to_v6().to_string(ec));
+ epee::net_utils::network_address na{epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address{endpoint.address().to_v6(), endpoint.port()}};
+ seed_nodes.push_back(na);
+ MINFO("Added node: " << na.str());
return true;
@@ -669,21 +795,40 @@ namespace nodetool
if (!zone.second.m_bind_ip.empty())
+ std::string ipv6_addr = "";
+ std::string ipv6_port = "";
- MINFO("Binding on " << zone.second.m_bind_ip << ":" << zone.second.m_port);
- res = zone.second.m_net_server.init_server(zone.second.m_port, zone.second.m_bind_ip, epee::net_utils::ssl_support_t::e_ssl_support_disabled);
+ MINFO("Binding (IPv4) on " << zone.second.m_bind_ip << ":" << zone.second.m_port);
+ if (!zone.second.m_bind_ipv6_address.empty() && m_use_ipv6)
+ {
+ ipv6_addr = zone.second.m_bind_ipv6_address;
+ ipv6_port = zone.second.m_port_ipv6;
+ MINFO("Binding (IPv6) on " << zone.second.m_bind_ipv6_address << ":" << zone.second.m_port_ipv6);
+ }
+ res = zone.second.m_net_server.init_server(zone.second.m_port, zone.second.m_bind_ip, ipv6_port, ipv6_addr, m_use_ipv6, m_require_ipv4, epee::net_utils::ssl_support_t::e_ssl_support_disabled);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, false, "Failed to bind server");
m_listening_port = public_zone.m_net_server.get_binded_port();
- MLOG_GREEN(el::Level::Info, "Net service bound to " << public_zone.m_bind_ip << ":" << m_listening_port);
+ MLOG_GREEN(el::Level::Info, "Net service bound (IPv4) to " << public_zone.m_bind_ip << ":" << m_listening_port);
+ if (m_use_ipv6)
+ {
+ m_listening_port_ipv6 = public_zone.m_net_server.get_binded_port_ipv6();
+ MLOG_GREEN(el::Level::Info, "Net service bound (IPv6) to " << public_zone.m_bind_ipv6_address << ":" << m_listening_port_ipv6);
+ }
MDEBUG("External port defined as " << m_external_port);
// add UPnP port mapping
- if(!m_no_igd)
- add_upnp_port_mapping(m_listening_port);
+ if(m_igd == igd)
+ {
+ add_upnp_port_mapping_v4(m_listening_port);
+ if (m_use_ipv6)
+ {
+ add_upnp_port_mapping_v6(m_listening_port_ipv6);
+ }
+ }
return res;
@@ -776,7 +921,7 @@ namespace nodetool
for(auto& zone : m_network_zones)
// remove UPnP port mapping
- if(!m_no_igd)
+ if(m_igd == igd)
return store_config();
@@ -944,7 +1089,10 @@ namespace nodetool
m_network_zones.at(context.m_remote_address.get_zone()).m_peerlist.set_peer_just_seen(context.peer_id, context.m_remote_address, context.m_pruning_seed, context.m_rpc_port);
- m_payload_handler.process_payload_sync_data(rsp.payload_data, context, false);
+ if (!m_payload_handler.process_payload_sync_data(rsp.payload_data, context, false))
+ {
+ m_network_zones.at(context.m_remote_address.get_zone()).m_net_server.get_config_object().close(context.m_connection_id );
+ }
@@ -1090,6 +1238,7 @@ namespace nodetool
LOG_PRINT_CC_PRIORITY_NODE(is_priority, *con, "Failed to HANDSHAKE with peer "
<< na.str()
/*<< ", try " << try_count*/);
+ zone.m_net_server.get_config_object().close(con->m_connection_id);
return false;
@@ -1149,7 +1298,7 @@ namespace nodetool
bool is_priority = is_priority_node(na);
LOG_PRINT_CC_PRIORITY_NODE(is_priority, *con, "Failed to HANDSHAKE with peer " << na.str());
+ zone.m_net_server.get_config_object().close(con->m_connection_id);
return false;
@@ -1226,19 +1375,53 @@ namespace nodetool
size_t random_index;
const uint32_t next_needed_pruning_stripe = m_payload_handler.get_next_needed_pruning_stripe().second;
+ // build a set of all the /16 we're connected to, and prefer a peer that's not in that set
+ std::set<uint32_t> classB;
+ if (&zone == &m_network_zones.at(epee::net_utils::zone::public_)) // at returns reference, not copy
+ {
+ zone.m_net_server.get_config_object().foreach_connection([&](const p2p_connection_context& cntxt)
+ {
+ if (cntxt.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id())
+ {
+ const epee::net_utils::network_address na = cntxt.m_remote_address;
+ const uint32_t actual_ip = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip();
+ classB.insert(actual_ip & 0x0000ffff);
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ }
std::deque<size_t> filtered;
const size_t limit = use_white_list ? 20 : std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
- size_t idx = 0;
- zone.m_peerlist.foreach (use_white_list, [&filtered, &idx, limit, next_needed_pruning_stripe](const peerlist_entry &pe){
- if (filtered.size() >= limit)
- return false;
- if (next_needed_pruning_stripe == 0 || pe.pruning_seed == 0)
- filtered.push_back(idx);
- else if (next_needed_pruning_stripe == tools::get_pruning_stripe(pe.pruning_seed))
- filtered.push_front(idx);
- ++idx;
- return true;
- });
+ size_t idx = 0, skipped = 0;
+ for (int step = 0; step < 2; ++step)
+ {
+ bool skip_duplicate_class_B = step == 0;
+ zone.m_peerlist.foreach (use_white_list, [&classB, &filtered, &idx, &skipped, skip_duplicate_class_B, limit, next_needed_pruning_stripe](const peerlist_entry &pe){
+ if (filtered.size() >= limit)
+ return false;
+ bool skip = false;
+ if (skip_duplicate_class_B && pe.adr.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id())
+ {
+ const epee::net_utils::network_address na = pe.adr;
+ uint32_t actual_ip = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip();
+ skip = classB.find(actual_ip & 0x0000ffff) != classB.end();
+ }
+ if (skip)
+ ++skipped;
+ else if (next_needed_pruning_stripe == 0 || pe.pruning_seed == 0)
+ filtered.push_back(idx);
+ else if (next_needed_pruning_stripe == tools::get_pruning_stripe(pe.pruning_seed))
+ filtered.push_front(idx);
+ ++idx;
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (skipped == 0 || !filtered.empty())
+ break;
+ if (skipped)
+ MGINFO("Skipping " << skipped << " possible peers as they share a class B with existing peers");
+ }
if (filtered.empty())
MDEBUG("No available peer in " << (use_white_list ? "white" : "gray") << " list filtered by " << next_needed_pruning_stripe);
@@ -1581,8 +1764,17 @@ namespace nodetool
- const el::Level level = el::Level::Warning;
- MCLOG_RED(level, "global", "No incoming connections - check firewalls/routers allow port " << get_this_peer_port());
+ if (m_igd == delayed_igd)
+ {
+ MWARNING("No incoming connections, trying to setup IGD");
+ add_upnp_port_mapping(m_listening_port);
+ m_igd = igd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const el::Level level = el::Level::Warning;
+ MCLOG_RED(level, "global", "No incoming connections - check firewalls/routers allow port " << get_this_peer_port());
+ }
return true;
@@ -1839,19 +2031,43 @@ namespace nodetool
return false;
- CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(context.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id(), false,
- "Only IPv4 addresses are supported here");
+ bool address_ok = (context.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id() || context.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address::get_type_id());
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(address_ok, false,
+ "Only IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are supported here");
const epee::net_utils::network_address na = context.m_remote_address;
- uint32_t actual_ip = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip();
+ std::string ip;
+ uint32_t ipv4_addr;
+ boost::asio::ip::address_v6 ipv6_addr;
+ bool is_ipv4;
+ if (na.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id())
+ {
+ ipv4_addr = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip();
+ ip = epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(ipv4_addr);
+ is_ipv4 = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ipv6_addr = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address>().ip();
+ ip = ipv6_addr.to_string();
+ is_ipv4 = false;
+ }
network_zone& zone = m_network_zones.at(na.get_zone());
return false;
- std::string ip = epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(actual_ip);
std::string port = epee::string_tools::num_to_string_fast(node_data.my_port);
- epee::net_utils::network_address address{epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address(actual_ip, node_data.my_port)};
+ epee::net_utils::network_address address;
+ if (is_ipv4)
+ {
+ address = epee::net_utils::network_address{epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address(ipv4_addr, node_data.my_port)};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ address = epee::net_utils::network_address{epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address(ipv6_addr, node_data.my_port)};
+ }
peerid_type pr = node_data.peer_id;
bool r = zone.m_net_server.connect_async(ip, port, zone.m_config.m_net_config.ping_connection_timeout, [cb, /*context,*/ address, pr, this](
const typename net_server::t_connection_context& ping_context,
@@ -2035,12 +2251,19 @@ namespace nodetool
//try ping to be sure that we can add this peer to peer_list
try_ping(arg.node_data, context, [peer_id_l, port_l, context, this]()
- CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(context.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id(), void(),
- "Only IPv4 addresses are supported here");
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES((context.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id() || context.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address::get_type_id()), void(),
+ "Only IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are supported here");
//called only(!) if success pinged, update local peerlist
peerlist_entry pe;
const epee::net_utils::network_address na = context.m_remote_address;
- pe.adr = epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address(na.as<epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip(), port_l);
+ if (context.m_remote_address.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id())
+ {
+ pe.adr = epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address(na.as<epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>().ip(), port_l);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pe.adr = epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address(na.as<epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address>().ip(), port_l);
+ }
time_t last_seen;
pe.last_seen = static_cast<int64_t>(last_seen);
@@ -2209,20 +2432,30 @@ namespace nodetool
auto public_zone = m_network_zones.find(epee::net_utils::zone::public_);
if (public_zone != m_network_zones.end())
- const auto current = public_zone->second.m_config.m_net_config.max_out_connection_count;
+ const auto current = public_zone->second.m_net_server.get_config_object().get_out_connections_count();
public_zone->second.m_config.m_net_config.max_out_connection_count = count;
if(current > count)
public_zone->second.m_net_server.get_config_object().del_out_connections(current - count);
+ m_payload_handler.set_max_out_peers(count);
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ uint32_t node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::get_max_out_public_peers() const
+ {
+ const auto public_zone = m_network_zones.find(epee::net_utils::zone::public_);
+ if (public_zone == m_network_zones.end())
+ return 0;
+ return public_zone->second.m_config.m_net_config.max_out_connection_count;
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::change_max_in_public_peers(size_t count)
auto public_zone = m_network_zones.find(epee::net_utils::zone::public_);
if (public_zone != m_network_zones.end())
- const auto current = public_zone->second.m_config.m_net_config.max_in_connection_count;
+ const auto current = public_zone->second.m_net_server.get_config_object().get_in_connections_count();
public_zone->second.m_config.m_net_config.max_in_connection_count = count;
if(current > count)
public_zone->second.m_net_server.get_config_object().del_in_connections(current - count);
@@ -2230,6 +2463,15 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ uint32_t node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::get_max_in_public_peers() const
+ {
+ const auto public_zone = m_network_zones.find(epee::net_utils::zone::public_);
+ if (public_zone == m_network_zones.end())
+ return 0;
+ return public_zone->second.m_config.m_net_config.max_in_connection_count;
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::set_tos_flag(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, int flag)
@@ -2389,16 +2631,19 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
- void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::add_upnp_port_mapping(uint32_t port)
+ void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::add_upnp_port_mapping_impl(uint32_t port, bool ipv6) // if ipv6 false, do ipv4
- MDEBUG("Attempting to add IGD port mapping.");
+ std::string ipversion = ipv6 ? "(IPv6)" : "(IPv4)";
+ MDEBUG("Attempting to add IGD port mapping " << ipversion << ".");
int result;
+ const int ipv6_arg = ipv6 ? 1 : 0;
// default according to miniupnpc.h
unsigned char ttl = 2;
- UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, ttl, &result);
+ UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, ipv6_arg, ttl, &result);
- UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &result);
+ UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, ipv6_arg, &result);
UPNPUrls urls;
IGDdatas igdData;
@@ -2435,16 +2680,38 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
- void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::delete_upnp_port_mapping(uint32_t port)
+ void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::add_upnp_port_mapping_v4(uint32_t port)
- MDEBUG("Attempting to delete IGD port mapping.");
+ add_upnp_port_mapping_impl(port, false);
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::add_upnp_port_mapping_v6(uint32_t port)
+ {
+ add_upnp_port_mapping_impl(port, true);
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::add_upnp_port_mapping(uint32_t port, bool ipv4, bool ipv6)
+ {
+ if (ipv4) add_upnp_port_mapping_v4(port);
+ if (ipv6) add_upnp_port_mapping_v6(port);
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::delete_upnp_port_mapping_impl(uint32_t port, bool ipv6)
+ {
+ std::string ipversion = ipv6 ? "(IPv6)" : "(IPv4)";
+ MDEBUG("Attempting to delete IGD port mapping " << ipversion << ".");
int result;
+ const int ipv6_arg = ipv6 ? 1 : 0;
// default according to miniupnpc.h
unsigned char ttl = 2;
- UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, ttl, &result);
+ UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, ipv6_arg, ttl, &result);
- UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &result);
+ UPNPDev* deviceList = upnpDiscover(1000, NULL, NULL, 0, ipv6_arg, &result);
UPNPUrls urls;
IGDdatas igdData;
@@ -2477,6 +2744,25 @@ namespace nodetool
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::delete_upnp_port_mapping_v4(uint32_t port)
+ {
+ delete_upnp_port_mapping_impl(port, false);
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::delete_upnp_port_mapping_v6(uint32_t port)
+ {
+ delete_upnp_port_mapping_impl(port, true);
+ }
+ template<class t_payload_net_handler>
+ void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::delete_upnp_port_mapping(uint32_t port)
+ {
+ delete_upnp_port_mapping_v4(port);
+ delete_upnp_port_mapping_v6(port);
+ }
template<typename t_payload_net_handler>
boost::optional<p2p_connection_context_t<typename t_payload_net_handler::connection_context>>
node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::socks_connect(network_zone& zone, const epee::net_utils::network_address& remote, epee::net_utils::ssl_support_t ssl_support)
@@ -2495,13 +2781,34 @@ namespace nodetool
boost::optional<p2p_connection_context_t<typename t_payload_net_handler::connection_context>>
node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::public_connect(network_zone& zone, epee::net_utils::network_address const& na, epee::net_utils::ssl_support_t ssl_support)
- CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(na.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id(), boost::none,
- "Only IPv4 addresses are supported here");
- const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address &ipv4 = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>();
+ bool is_ipv4 = na.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address::get_type_id();
+ bool is_ipv6 = na.get_type_id() == epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address::get_type_id();
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(is_ipv4 || is_ipv6, boost::none,
+ "Only IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are supported here");
+ std::string address;
+ std::string port;
+ if (is_ipv4)
+ {
+ const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address &ipv4 = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv4_network_address>();
+ address = epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(ipv4.ip());
+ port = epee::string_tools::num_to_string_fast(ipv4.port());
+ }
+ else if (is_ipv6)
+ {
+ const epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address &ipv6 = na.as<const epee::net_utils::ipv6_network_address>();
+ address = ipv6.ip().to_string();
+ port = epee::string_tools::num_to_string_fast(ipv6.port());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("Only IPv4 or IPv6 addresses are supported here");
+ return boost::none;
+ }
typename net_server::t_connection_context con{};
- const bool res = zone.m_net_server.connect(epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(ipv4.ip()),
- epee::string_tools::num_to_string_fast(ipv4.port()),
+ const bool res = zone.m_net_server.connect(address, port,
con, "", ssl_support);