path: root/src/device/device_default.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/device/device_default.cpp')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/device/device_default.cpp b/src/device/device_default.cpp
index 0234d7b38..c6cd7c06b 100644
--- a/src/device/device_default.cpp
+++ b/src/device/device_default.cpp
@@ -34,8 +34,10 @@
#include "common/int-util.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/account.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/subaddress_index.h"
+#include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_tx_utils.h"
#include "ringct/rctOps.h"
+#include "log.hpp"
#define CHACHA8_KEY_TAIL 0x8c
@@ -278,10 +280,55 @@ namespace hw {
return true;
+ bool device_default::generate_output_ephemeral_keys(const size_t tx_version,
+ const cryptonote::account_keys &sender_account_keys, const crypto::public_key &txkey_pub, const crypto::secret_key &tx_key,
+ const cryptonote::tx_destination_entry &dst_entr, const boost::optional<cryptonote::account_public_address> &change_addr, const size_t output_index,
+ const bool &need_additional_txkeys, const std::vector<crypto::secret_key> &additional_tx_keys,
+ std::vector<crypto::public_key> &additional_tx_public_keys,
+ std::vector<rct::key> &amount_keys, crypto::public_key &out_eph_public_key) {
- bool device_default::add_output_key_mapping(const crypto::public_key &Aout, const crypto::public_key &Bout, const bool is_subaddress, const size_t real_output_index,
- const rct::key &amount_key, const crypto::public_key &out_eph_public_key) {
- return true;
+ crypto::key_derivation derivation;
+ // make additional tx pubkey if necessary
+ cryptonote::keypair additional_txkey;
+ if (need_additional_txkeys)
+ {
+ additional_txkey.sec = additional_tx_keys[output_index];
+ if (dst_entr.is_subaddress)
+ additional_txkey.pub = rct::rct2pk(rct::scalarmultKey(rct::pk2rct(dst_entr.addr.m_spend_public_key), rct::sk2rct(additional_txkey.sec)));
+ else
+ additional_txkey.pub = rct::rct2pk(rct::scalarmultBase(rct::sk2rct(additional_txkey.sec)));
+ }
+ bool r;
+ if (change_addr && dst_entr.addr == *change_addr)
+ {
+ // sending change to yourself; derivation = a*R
+ r = generate_key_derivation(txkey_pub, sender_account_keys.m_view_secret_key, derivation);
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "at creation outs: failed to generate_key_derivation(" << txkey_pub << ", " << sender_account_keys.m_view_secret_key << ")");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // sending to the recipient; derivation = r*A (or s*C in the subaddress scheme)
+ r = generate_key_derivation(dst_entr.addr.m_view_public_key, dst_entr.is_subaddress && need_additional_txkeys ? additional_txkey.sec : tx_key, derivation);
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "at creation outs: failed to generate_key_derivation(" << dst_entr.addr.m_view_public_key << ", " << (dst_entr.is_subaddress && need_additional_txkeys ? additional_txkey.sec : tx_key) << ")");
+ }
+ if (need_additional_txkeys)
+ {
+ additional_tx_public_keys.push_back(additional_txkey.pub);
+ }
+ if (tx_version > 1)
+ {
+ crypto::secret_key scalar1;
+ derivation_to_scalar(derivation, output_index, scalar1);
+ amount_keys.push_back(rct::sk2rct(scalar1));
+ }
+ r = derive_public_key(derivation, output_index, dst_entr.addr.m_spend_public_key, out_eph_public_key);
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(r, false, "at creation outs: failed to derive_public_key(" << derivation << ", " << output_index << ", "<< dst_entr.addr.m_spend_public_key << ")");
+ return r;
bool device_default::encrypt_payment_id(crypto::hash8 &payment_id, const crypto::public_key &public_key, const crypto::secret_key &secret_key) {