path: root/src/daemon/rpc_command_executor.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/daemon/rpc_command_executor.cpp')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/daemon/rpc_command_executor.cpp b/src/daemon/rpc_command_executor.cpp
index 995fee484..cda6f3f95 100644
--- a/src/daemon/rpc_command_executor.cpp
+++ b/src/daemon/rpc_command_executor.cpp
@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ namespace {
std::string port_str;
std::string elapsed = epee::misc_utils::get_time_interval_string(now - last_seen);
std::string ip_str = epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(peer.ip);
- epee::string_tools::xtype_to_string(peer.id, id_str);
+ std::stringstream peer_id_str;
+ peer_id_str << std::hex << std::setw(16) << peer.id;
+ peer_id_str >> id_str;
epee::string_tools::xtype_to_string(peer.port, port_str);
std::string addr_str = ip_str + ":" + port_str;
tools::msg_writer() << boost::format("%-10s %-25s %-25s %s") % prefix % id_str % addr_str % elapsed;
@@ -111,13 +113,6 @@ namespace {
return base;
return base + " -- " + status;
- std::string pad(std::string s, size_t n)
- {
- if (s.size() < n)
- s.append(n - s.size(), ' ');
- return s;
- }
@@ -425,16 +420,17 @@ bool t_rpc_command_executor::show_status() {
std::time_t uptime = std::time(nullptr) - ires.start_time;
+ uint64_t net_height = ires.target_height > ires.height ? ires.target_height : ires.height;
tools::success_msg_writer() << boost::format("Height: %llu/%llu (%.1f%%) on %s, %s, net hash %s, v%u%s, %s, %u(out)+%u(in) connections, uptime %ud %uh %um %us")
% (unsigned long long)ires.height
- % (unsigned long long)(ires.target_height >= ires.height ? ires.target_height : ires.height)
+ % (unsigned long long)net_height
% get_sync_percentage(ires)
% (ires.testnet ? "testnet" : "mainnet")
% (!has_mining_info ? "mining info unavailable" : mining_busy ? "syncing" : mres.active ? ( ( mres.is_background_mining_enabled ? "smart " : "" ) + std::string("mining at ") + get_mining_speed(mres.speed) ) : "not mining")
% get_mining_speed(ires.difficulty / ires.target)
% (unsigned)hfres.version
- % get_fork_extra_info(hfres.earliest_height, ires.height, ires.target)
+ % get_fork_extra_info(hfres.earliest_height, net_height, ires.target)
% (hfres.state == cryptonote::HardFork::Ready ? "up to date" : hfres.state == cryptonote::HardFork::UpdateNeeded ? "update needed" : "out of date, likely forked")
% (unsigned)ires.outgoing_connections_count
% (unsigned)ires.incoming_connections_count
@@ -490,7 +486,7 @@ bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_connections() {
//<< std::setw(30) << std::left << in_out
<< std::setw(30) << std::left << address
- << std::setw(20) << info.peer_id
+ << std::setw(20) << epee::string_tools::pad_string(info.peer_id, 16, '0', true)
<< std::setw(20) << info.support_flags
<< std::setw(30) << std::to_string(info.recv_count) + "(" + std::to_string(info.recv_idle_time) + ")/" + std::to_string(info.send_count) + "(" + std::to_string(info.send_idle_time) + ")"
<< std::setw(25) << info.state
@@ -932,6 +928,8 @@ bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction_pool_short() {
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction_pool_stats() {
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::request ireq;
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::response ires;
std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching transaction pool stats";
@@ -941,6 +939,10 @@ bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction_pool_stats() {
return true;
+ if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(ireq, ires, "/getinfo", fail_message.c_str()))
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
@@ -950,15 +952,32 @@ bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction_pool_stats() {
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
+ if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_info(ireq, ires) || ires.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
+ {
+ tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, ires.status);
+ return true;
+ }
size_t n_transactions = res.pool_stats.txs_total;
const uint64_t now = time(NULL);
size_t avg_bytes = n_transactions ? res.pool_stats.bytes_total / n_transactions : 0;
- tools::msg_writer() << n_transactions << " tx(es), " << res.pool_stats.bytes_total << " bytes total (min " << res.pool_stats.bytes_min << ", max " << res.pool_stats.bytes_max << ", avg " << avg_bytes << ")" << std::endl
- << "fees " << cryptonote::print_money(res.pool_stats.fee_total) << " (avg " << cryptonote::print_money(n_transactions ? res.pool_stats.fee_total / n_transactions : 0) << " per tx" << ", " << cryptonote::print_money(res.pool_stats.bytes_total ? res.pool_stats.fee_total / res.pool_stats.bytes_total : 0) << " per byte )" << std::endl
- << res.pool_stats.num_not_relayed << " not relayed, " << res.pool_stats.num_failing << " failing, " << res.pool_stats.num_10m << " older than 10 minutes (oldest " << (res.pool_stats.oldest == 0 ? "-" : get_human_time_ago(res.pool_stats.oldest, now)) << ")";
+ std::string backlog_message;
+ const uint64_t full_reward_zone = ires.block_size_limit / 2;
+ if (res.pool_stats.bytes_total <= full_reward_zone)
+ {
+ backlog_message = "no backlog";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint64_t backlog = (res.pool_stats.bytes_total + full_reward_zone - 1) / full_reward_zone;
+ backlog_message = (boost::format("estimated %u block (%u minutes) backlog") % backlog % (backlog * DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V2 / 60)).str();
+ }
+ tools::msg_writer() << n_transactions << " tx(es), " << res.pool_stats.bytes_total << " bytes total (min " << res.pool_stats.bytes_min << ", max " << res.pool_stats.bytes_max << ", avg " << avg_bytes << ", median " << res.pool_stats.bytes_med << ")" << std::endl
+ << "fees " << cryptonote::print_money(res.pool_stats.fee_total) << " (avg " << cryptonote::print_money(n_transactions ? res.pool_stats.fee_total / n_transactions : 0) << " per tx" << ", " << cryptonote::print_money(res.pool_stats.bytes_total ? res.pool_stats.fee_total / res.pool_stats.bytes_total : 0) << " per byte)" << std::endl
+ << res.pool_stats.num_not_relayed << " not relayed, " << res.pool_stats.num_failing << " failing, " << res.pool_stats.num_10m << " older than 10 minutes (oldest " << (res.pool_stats.oldest == 0 ? "-" : get_human_time_ago(res.pool_stats.oldest, now)) << "), " << backlog_message;
if (n_transactions > 1 && res.pool_stats.histo.size())
@@ -1737,12 +1756,12 @@ bool t_rpc_command_executor::sync_info()
tools::success_msg_writer() << std::to_string(res.peers.size()) << " peers";
for (const auto &p: res.peers)
- std::string address = pad(p.info.address, 24);
+ std::string address = epee::string_tools::pad_string(p.info.address, 24);
uint64_t nblocks = 0, size = 0;
for (const auto &s: res.spans)
if (s.rate > 0.0f && s.connection_id == p.info.connection_id)
nblocks += s.nblocks, size += s.size;
- tools::success_msg_writer() << address << " " << p.info.peer_id << " " << p.info.height << " " << p.info.current_download << " kB/s, " << nblocks << " blocks / " << size/1e6 << " MB queued";
+ tools::success_msg_writer() << address << " " << epee::string_tools::pad_string(p.info.peer_id, 16, '0', true) << " " << p.info.height << " " << p.info.current_download << " kB/s, " << nblocks << " blocks / " << size/1e6 << " MB queued";
uint64_t total_size = 0;
@@ -1751,7 +1770,7 @@ bool t_rpc_command_executor::sync_info()
tools::success_msg_writer() << std::to_string(res.spans.size()) << " spans, " << total_size/1e6 << " MB";
for (const auto &s: res.spans)
- std::string address = pad(s.remote_address, 24);
+ std::string address = epee::string_tools::pad_string(s.remote_address, 24);
if (s.size == 0)
tools::success_msg_writer() << address << " " << s.nblocks << " (" << s.start_block_height << " - " << (s.start_block_height + s.nblocks - 1) << ") -";