path: root/src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl b/src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl
index 3aacce421..f8e032fde 100644
--- a/src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl
+++ b/src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#include "profile_tools.h"
#include "net/network_throttle-detail.hpp"
#include "common/pruning.h"
+#include "common/util.h"
@@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ namespace cryptonote
uint64_t last_block_v1 = m_core.get_nettype() == TESTNET ? 624633 : m_core.get_nettype() == MAINNET ? 1009826 : (uint64_t)-1;
uint64_t diff_v2 = max_block_height > last_block_v1 ? std::min(abs_diff, max_block_height - last_block_v1) : 0;
MCLOG(is_inital ? el::Level::Info : el::Level::Debug, "global", el::Color::Yellow, context << "Sync data returned a new top block candidate: " << m_core.get_current_blockchain_height() << " -> " << hshd.current_height
- << " [Your node is " << abs_diff << " blocks (" << ((abs_diff - diff_v2) / (24 * 60 * 60 / DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V1)) + (diff_v2 / (24 * 60 * 60 / DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V2)) << " days) "
+ << " [Your node is " << abs_diff << " blocks (" << tools::get_human_readable_timespan((abs_diff - diff_v2) * DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V1 + diff_v2 * DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V2) << ") "
<< (0 <= diff ? std::string("behind") : std::string("ahead"))
<< "] " << ENDL << "SYNCHRONIZATION started");
if (hshd.current_height >= m_core.get_current_blockchain_height() + 5) // don't switch to unsafe mode just for a few blocks
@@ -926,29 +927,60 @@ namespace cryptonote
return 1;
- std::vector<cryptonote::blobdata> newtxs;
- newtxs.reserve(arg.txs.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < arg.txs.size(); ++i)
+ relay_method tx_relay;
+ std::vector<blobdata> stem_txs{};
+ std::vector<blobdata> fluff_txs{};
+ if (arg.dandelionpp_fluff)
- cryptonote::tx_verification_context tvc{};
- m_core.handle_incoming_tx({arg.txs[i], crypto::null_hash}, tvc, relay_method::fluff, true);
- if(tvc.m_verifivation_failed)
+ tx_relay = relay_method::fluff;
+ fluff_txs.reserve(arg.txs.size());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tx_relay = relay_method::stem;
+ stem_txs.reserve(arg.txs.size());
+ }
+ for (auto& tx : arg.txs)
+ {
+ tx_verification_context tvc{};
+ if (!m_core.handle_incoming_tx({tx, crypto::null_hash}, tvc, tx_relay, true))
LOG_PRINT_CCONTEXT_L1("Tx verification failed, dropping connection");
drop_connection(context, false, false);
return 1;
- if(tvc.m_should_be_relayed)
- newtxs.push_back(std::move(arg.txs[i]));
+ switch (tvc.m_relay)
+ {
+ case relay_method::local:
+ case relay_method::stem:
+ stem_txs.push_back(std::move(tx));
+ break;
+ case relay_method::block:
+ case relay_method::fluff:
+ fluff_txs.push_back(std::move(tx));
+ break;
+ default:
+ case relay_method::none:
+ break;
+ }
- arg.txs = std::move(newtxs);
- if(arg.txs.size())
+ if (!stem_txs.empty())
//TODO: add announce usage here
- relay_transactions(arg, context.m_connection_id, context.m_remote_address.get_zone());
+ arg.dandelionpp_fluff = false;
+ arg.txs = std::move(stem_txs);
+ relay_transactions(arg, context.m_connection_id, context.m_remote_address.get_zone(), relay_method::stem);
+ }
+ if (!fluff_txs.empty())
+ {
+ //TODO: add announce usage here
+ arg.dandelionpp_fluff = true;
+ arg.txs = std::move(fluff_txs);
+ relay_transactions(arg, context.m_connection_id, context.m_remote_address.get_zone(), relay_method::fluff);
return 1;
@@ -1181,6 +1213,55 @@ namespace cryptonote
return 1;
+ // Get an estimate for the remaining sync time from given current to target blockchain height, in seconds
+ template<class t_core>
+ uint64_t t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_estimated_remaining_sync_seconds(uint64_t current_blockchain_height, uint64_t target_blockchain_height)
+ {
+ // The average sync speed varies so much, even averaged over quite long time periods like 10 minutes,
+ // that using some sliding window would be difficult to implement without often leading to bad estimates.
+ // The simplest strategy - always average sync speed over the maximum available interval i.e. since sync
+ // started at all (from "m_sync_start_time" and "m_sync_start_height") - gives already useful results
+ // and seems to be quite robust. Some quite special cases like "Internet connection suddenly becoming
+ // much faster after syncing already a long time, and staying fast" are not well supported however.
+ if (target_blockchain_height <= current_blockchain_height)
+ {
+ // Syncing stuck, or other special circumstance: Avoid errors, simply give back 0
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
+ const boost::posix_time::time_duration sync_time = now - m_sync_start_time;
+ cryptonote::network_type nettype = m_core.get_nettype();
+ // Don't simply use remaining number of blocks for the estimate but "sync weight" as provided by
+ // "cumulative_block_sync_weight" which knows about strongly varying Monero mainnet block sizes
+ uint64_t synced_weight = tools::cumulative_block_sync_weight(nettype, m_sync_start_height, current_blockchain_height - m_sync_start_height);
+ float us_per_weight = (float)sync_time.total_microseconds() / (float)synced_weight;
+ uint64_t remaining_weight = tools::cumulative_block_sync_weight(nettype, current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height - current_blockchain_height);
+ float remaining_us = us_per_weight * (float)remaining_weight;
+ return (uint64_t)(remaining_us / 1e6);
+ }
+ // Return a textual remaining sync time estimate, or the empty string if waiting period not yet over
+ template<class t_core>
+ std::string t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::get_periodic_sync_estimate(uint64_t current_blockchain_height, uint64_t target_blockchain_height)
+ {
+ std::string text = "";
+ const boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
+ boost::posix_time::time_duration period_sync_time = now - m_period_start_time;
+ if (period_sync_time > boost::posix_time::minutes(2))
+ {
+ // Period is over, time to report another estimate
+ uint64_t remaining_seconds = get_estimated_remaining_sync_seconds(current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height);
+ text = tools::get_human_readable_timespan(remaining_seconds);
+ // Start the new period
+ m_period_start_time = now;
+ }
+ return text;
+ }
template<class t_core>
int t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::try_add_next_blocks(cryptonote_connection_context& context)
@@ -1209,6 +1290,9 @@ namespace cryptonote
if (!starting)
m_last_add_end_time = tools::get_tick_count();
+ m_sync_start_time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
+ m_sync_start_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
+ m_period_start_time = m_sync_start_time;
while (1)
@@ -1459,7 +1543,16 @@ namespace cryptonote
if (completion_percent == 100) // never show 100% if not actually up to date
completion_percent = 99;
progress_message = " (" + std::to_string(completion_percent) + "%, "
- + std::to_string(target_blockchain_height - current_blockchain_height) + " left)";
+ + std::to_string(target_blockchain_height - current_blockchain_height) + " left";
+ std::string time_message = get_periodic_sync_estimate(current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height);
+ if (!time_message.empty())
+ {
+ uint64_t total_blocks_to_sync = target_blockchain_height - m_sync_start_height;
+ uint64_t total_blocks_synced = current_blockchain_height - m_sync_start_height;
+ progress_message += ", " + std::to_string(total_blocks_synced * 100 / total_blocks_to_sync) + "% of total synced";
+ progress_message += ", estimated " + time_message + " left";
+ }
+ progress_message += ")";
const uint32_t previous_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(previous_height, target_blockchain_height, CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
const uint32_t current_stripe = tools::get_pruning_stripe(current_blockchain_height, target_blockchain_height, CRYPTONOTE_PRUNING_LOG_STRIPES);
@@ -2197,8 +2290,26 @@ skip:
bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::on_connection_synchronized()
bool val_expected = false;
- if(!m_core.is_within_compiled_block_hash_area(m_core.get_current_blockchain_height()) && m_synchronized.compare_exchange_strong(val_expected, true))
+ uint64_t current_blockchain_height = m_core.get_current_blockchain_height();
+ if(!m_core.is_within_compiled_block_hash_area(current_blockchain_height) && m_synchronized.compare_exchange_strong(val_expected, true))
+ if ((current_blockchain_height > m_sync_start_height) && (m_sync_spans_downloaded > 0))
+ {
+ uint64_t synced_blocks = current_blockchain_height - m_sync_start_height;
+ // Report only after syncing an "interesting" number of blocks:
+ if (synced_blocks > 20)
+ {
+ const boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::universal_time();
+ uint64_t synced_seconds = (now - m_sync_start_time).total_seconds();
+ if (synced_seconds == 0)
+ {
+ synced_seconds = 1;
+ }
+ float blocks_per_second = (1000 * synced_blocks / synced_seconds) / 1000.0f;
+ MGINFO_YELLOW("Synced " << synced_blocks << " blocks in "
+ << tools::get_human_readable_timespan(synced_seconds) << " (" << blocks_per_second << " blocks per second)");
+ }
+ }
MGINFO_YELLOW(ENDL << "**********************************************************************" << ENDL
<< "You are now synchronized with the network. You may now start monero-wallet-cli." << ENDL
@@ -2387,14 +2498,14 @@ skip:
template<class t_core>
- bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::relay_transactions(NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::request& arg, const boost::uuids::uuid& source, epee::net_utils::zone zone)
+ bool t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<t_core>::relay_transactions(NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS::request& arg, const boost::uuids::uuid& source, epee::net_utils::zone zone, relay_method tx_relay)
/* Push all outgoing transactions to this function. The behavior needs to
identify how the transaction is going to be relayed, and then update the
local mempool before doing the relay. The code was already updating the
DB twice on received transactions - it is difficult to workaround this
due to the internal design. */
- return m_p2p->send_txs(std::move(arg.txs), zone, source, m_core) != epee::net_utils::zone::invalid;
+ return m_p2p->send_txs(std::move(arg.txs), zone, source, m_core, tx_relay) != epee::net_utils::zone::invalid;
template<class t_core>