path: root/src/cryptonote_core/tx_pool.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cryptonote_core/tx_pool.cpp')
1 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cryptonote_core/tx_pool.cpp b/src/cryptonote_core/tx_pool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a1799675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cryptonote_core/tx_pool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers
+// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
+// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "tx_pool.h"
+#include "cryptonote_format_utils.h"
+#include "cryptonote_boost_serialization.h"
+#include "cryptonote_config.h"
+#include "blockchain_storage.h"
+#include "common/boost_serialization_helper.h"
+#include "misc_language.h"
+#include "warnings.h"
+#include "crypto/hash.h"
+DISABLE_VS_WARNINGS(4244 4345 4503) //'boost::foreach_detail_::or_' : decorated name length exceeded, name was truncated
+namespace cryptonote
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ tx_memory_pool::tx_memory_pool(blockchain_storage& bchs): m_blockchain(bchs)
+ {
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::add_tx(const transaction &tx, /*const crypto::hash& tx_prefix_hash,*/ const crypto::hash &id, size_t blob_size, tx_verification_context& tvc, bool kept_by_block)
+ {
+ if(!check_inputs_types_supported(tx))
+ {
+ tvc.m_verifivation_failed = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint64_t inputs_amount = 0;
+ if(!get_inputs_money_amount(tx, inputs_amount))
+ {
+ tvc.m_verifivation_failed = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint64_t outputs_amount = get_outs_money_amount(tx);
+ if(outputs_amount >= inputs_amount)
+ {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("transaction use more money then it has: use " << outputs_amount << ", have " << inputs_amount);
+ tvc.m_verifivation_failed = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //check key images for transaction if it is not kept by block
+ if(!kept_by_block)
+ {
+ if(have_tx_keyimges_as_spent(tx))
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("Transaction with id= "<< id << " used already spent key images");
+ tvc.m_verifivation_failed = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ crypto::hash max_used_block_id = null_hash;
+ uint64_t max_used_block_height = 0;
+ bool ch_inp_res = m_blockchain.check_tx_inputs(tx, max_used_block_height, max_used_block_id);
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ if(!ch_inp_res)
+ {
+ if(kept_by_block)
+ {
+ //anyway add this transaction to pool, because it related to block
+ auto txd_p = m_transactions.insert(transactions_container::value_type(id, tx_details()));
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(txd_p.second, false, "transaction already exists at inserting in memory pool");
+ txd_p.first->second.blob_size = blob_size;
+ txd_p.first->second.tx = tx;
+ txd_p.first->second.fee = inputs_amount - outputs_amount;
+ txd_p.first->second.max_used_block_id = null_hash;
+ txd_p.first->second.max_used_block_height = 0;
+ txd_p.first->second.kept_by_block = kept_by_block;
+ tvc.m_verifivation_impossible = true;
+ tvc.m_added_to_pool = true;
+ }else
+ {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("tx used wrong inputs, rejected");
+ tvc.m_verifivation_failed = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }else
+ {
+ //update transactions container
+ auto txd_p = m_transactions.insert(transactions_container::value_type(id, tx_details()));
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(txd_p.second, false, "intrnal error: transaction already exists at inserting in memorypool");
+ txd_p.first->second.blob_size = blob_size;
+ txd_p.first->second.tx = tx;
+ txd_p.first->second.kept_by_block = kept_by_block;
+ txd_p.first->second.fee = inputs_amount - outputs_amount;
+ txd_p.first->second.max_used_block_id = max_used_block_id;
+ txd_p.first->second.max_used_block_height = max_used_block_height;
+ txd_p.first->second.last_failed_height = 0;
+ txd_p.first->second.last_failed_id = null_hash;
+ tvc.m_added_to_pool = true;
+ if(txd_p.first->second.fee > 0)
+ tvc.m_should_be_relayed = true;
+ }
+ tvc.m_verifivation_failed = true;
+ //update image_keys container, here should everything goes ok.
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const auto& in, tx.vin)
+ {
+ CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(in, const txin_to_key, txin, false);
+ std::unordered_set<crypto::hash>& kei_image_set = m_spent_key_images[txin.k_image];
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(kept_by_block || kei_image_set.size() == 0, false, "internal error: keeped_by_block=" << kept_by_block
+ << ", kei_image_set.size()=" << kei_image_set.size() << ENDL << "txin.k_image=" << txin.k_image << ENDL
+ << "tx_id=" << id );
+ auto ins_res = kei_image_set.insert(id);
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(ins_res.second, false, "internal error: try to insert duplicate iterator in key_image set");
+ }
+ tvc.m_verifivation_failed = false;
+ //succeed
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::add_tx(const transaction &tx, tx_verification_context& tvc, bool keeped_by_block)
+ {
+ crypto::hash h = null_hash;
+ size_t blob_size = 0;
+ get_transaction_hash(tx, h, blob_size);
+ return add_tx(tx, h, blob_size, tvc, keeped_by_block);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::remove_transaction_keyimages(const transaction& tx)
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const txin_v& vi, tx.vin)
+ {
+ CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(vi, const txin_to_key, txin, false);
+ auto it = m_spent_key_images.find(txin.k_image);
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(it != m_spent_key_images.end(), false, "failed to find transaction input in key images. img=" << txin.k_image << ENDL
+ << "transaction id = " << get_transaction_hash(tx));
+ std::unordered_set<crypto::hash>& key_image_set = it->second;
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(key_image_set.size(), false, "empty key_image set, img=" << txin.k_image << ENDL
+ << "transaction id = " << get_transaction_hash(tx));
+ auto it_in_set = key_image_set.find(get_transaction_hash(tx));
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(key_image_set.size(), false, "transaction id not found in key_image set, img=" << txin.k_image << ENDL
+ << "transaction id = " << get_transaction_hash(tx));
+ key_image_set.erase(it_in_set);
+ if(!key_image_set.size())
+ {
+ //it is now empty hash container for this key_image
+ m_spent_key_images.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::take_tx(const crypto::hash &id, transaction &tx, size_t& blob_size, uint64_t& fee)
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ auto it = m_transactions.find(id);
+ if(it == m_transactions.end())
+ return false;
+ tx = it->second.tx;
+ blob_size = it->second.blob_size;
+ fee = it->second.fee;
+ remove_transaction_keyimages(it->second.tx);
+ m_transactions.erase(it);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ size_t tx_memory_pool::get_transactions_count()
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ return m_transactions.size();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::get_transactions(std::list<transaction>& txs)
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const auto& tx_vt, m_transactions)
+ txs.push_back(tx_vt.second.tx);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::get_transaction(const crypto::hash& id, transaction& tx)
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ auto it = m_transactions.find(id);
+ if(it == m_transactions.end())
+ return false;
+ tx = it->second.tx;
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::on_blockchain_inc(uint64_t new_block_height, const crypto::hash& top_block_id)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::on_blockchain_dec(uint64_t new_block_height, const crypto::hash& top_block_id)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::have_tx(const crypto::hash &id)
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ if(m_transactions.count(id))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::have_tx_keyimges_as_spent(const transaction& tx)
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const auto& in, tx.vin)
+ {
+ CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(in, const txin_to_key, tokey_in, true);//should never fail
+ if(have_tx_keyimg_as_spent(tokey_in.k_image))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::have_tx_keyimg_as_spent(const crypto::key_image& key_im)
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ return m_spent_key_images.end() != m_spent_key_images.find(key_im);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void tx_memory_pool::lock()
+ {
+ m_transactions_lock.lock();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void tx_memory_pool::unlock()
+ {
+ m_transactions_lock.unlock();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::is_transaction_ready_to_go(tx_details& txd)
+ {
+ //not the best implementation at this time, sorry :(
+ //check is ring_signature already checked ?
+ if(txd.max_used_block_id == null_hash)
+ {//not checked, lets try to check
+ if(txd.last_failed_id != null_hash && m_blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height() > txd.last_failed_height && txd.last_failed_id == m_blockchain.get_block_id_by_height(txd.last_failed_height))
+ return false;//we already sure that this tx is broken for this height
+ if(!m_blockchain.check_tx_inputs(txd.tx, txd.max_used_block_height, txd.max_used_block_id))
+ {
+ txd.last_failed_height = m_blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height()-1;
+ txd.last_failed_id = m_blockchain.get_block_id_by_height(txd.last_failed_height);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }else
+ {
+ if(txd.max_used_block_height >= m_blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height())
+ return false;
+ if(m_blockchain.get_block_id_by_height(txd.max_used_block_height) != txd.max_used_block_id)
+ {
+ //if we already failed on this height and id, skip actual ring signature check
+ if(txd.last_failed_id == m_blockchain.get_block_id_by_height(txd.last_failed_height))
+ return false;
+ //check ring signature again, it is possible (with very small chance) that this transaction become again valid
+ if(!m_blockchain.check_tx_inputs(txd.tx, txd.max_used_block_height, txd.max_used_block_id))
+ {
+ txd.last_failed_height = m_blockchain.get_current_blockchain_height()-1;
+ txd.last_failed_id = m_blockchain.get_block_id_by_height(txd.last_failed_height);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //if we here, transaction seems valid, but, anyway, check for key_images collisions with blockchain, just to be sure
+ if(m_blockchain.have_tx_keyimges_as_spent(txd.tx))
+ return false;
+ //transaction is ok.
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::have_key_images(const std::unordered_set<crypto::key_image>& k_images, const transaction& tx)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i!= tx.vin.size(); i++)
+ {
+ CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(tx.vin[i], const txin_to_key, itk, false);
+ if(k_images.count(itk.k_image))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::append_key_images(std::unordered_set<crypto::key_image>& k_images, const transaction& tx)
+ {
+ for(size_t i = 0; i!= tx.vin.size(); i++)
+ {
+ CHECKED_GET_SPECIFIC_VARIANT(tx.vin[i], const txin_to_key, itk, false);
+ auto i_res = k_images.insert(itk.k_image);
+ CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(i_res.second, false, "internal error: key images pool cache - inserted duplicate image in set: " << itk.k_image);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ std::string tx_memory_pool::print_pool(bool short_format)
+ {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(transactions_container::value_type& txe, m_transactions)
+ {
+ if(short_format)
+ {
+ tx_details& txd = txe.second;
+ ss << "id: " << txe.first << ENDL
+ << "blob_size: " << txd.blob_size << ENDL
+ << "fee: " << txd.fee << ENDL
+ << "kept_by_block: " << txd.kept_by_block << ENDL
+ << "max_used_block_height: " << txd.max_used_block_height << ENDL
+ << "max_used_block_id: " << txd.max_used_block_id << ENDL
+ << "last_failed_height: " << txd.last_failed_height << ENDL
+ << "last_failed_id: " << txd.last_failed_id << ENDL;
+ }else
+ {
+ tx_details& txd = txe.second;
+ ss << "id: " << txe.first << ENDL
+ << obj_to_json_str(txd.tx) << ENDL
+ << "blob_size: " << txd.blob_size << ENDL
+ << "fee: " << txd.fee << ENDL
+ << "kept_by_block: " << txd.kept_by_block << ENDL
+ << "max_used_block_height: " << txd.max_used_block_height << ENDL
+ << "max_used_block_id: " << txd.max_used_block_id << ENDL
+ << "last_failed_height: " << txd.last_failed_height << ENDL
+ << "last_failed_id: " << txd.last_failed_id << ENDL;
+ }
+ }
+ return ss.str();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::fill_block_template(block& bl, size_t& cumulative_sizes, size_t max_comulative_sz, uint64_t& fee)
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(m_transactions_lock);
+ fee = 0;
+ std::unordered_set<crypto::key_image> k_images;
+ BOOST_FOREACH(transactions_container::value_type& tx, m_transactions)
+ {
+ if(cumulative_sizes + tx.second.blob_size > max_comulative_sz)
+ continue;
+ if(!is_transaction_ready_to_go(tx.second))
+ continue;
+ if(have_key_images(k_images, tx.second.tx))
+ continue;
+ bl.tx_hashes.push_back(tx.first);
+ cumulative_sizes += tx.second.blob_size;
+ fee += tx.second.fee;
+ append_key_images(k_images, tx.second.tx);
+ if(cumulative_sizes >= max_comulative_sz)
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::init(const std::string& config_folder)
+ {
+ m_config_folder = config_folder;
+ std::string state_file_path = config_folder + "/" + CRYPTONOTE_POOLDATA_FILENAME;
+ boost::system::error_code ec;
+ if(!boost::filesystem::exists(state_file_path, ec))
+ return true;
+ bool res = tools::unserialize_obj_from_file(*this, state_file_path);
+ if(!res)
+ {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to load memory pool from file " << state_file_path);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool tx_memory_pool::deinit()
+ {
+ if (!tools::create_directories_if_necessary(m_config_folder))
+ {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to create data directory: " << m_config_folder);
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string state_file_path = m_config_folder + "/" + CRYPTONOTE_POOLDATA_FILENAME;
+ bool res = tools::serialize_obj_to_file(*this, state_file_path);
+ if(!res)
+ {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Failed to serialize memory pool to file " << state_file_path);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }