path: root/src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp
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diff --git a/src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp b/src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp
index 88c631f80..117c81878 100644
--- a/src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp
+++ b/src/cryptonote_basic/miner.cpp
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ namespace cryptonote
const command_line::arg_descriptor<std::string> arg_extra_messages = {"extra-messages-file", "Specify file for extra messages to include into coinbase transactions", "", true};
const command_line::arg_descriptor<std::string> arg_start_mining = {"start-mining", "Specify wallet address to mining for", "", true};
const command_line::arg_descriptor<uint32_t> arg_mining_threads = {"mining-threads", "Specify mining threads count", 0, true};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<bool> arg_bg_mining_enable = {"bg-mining-enable", "enable/disable background mining", true, true};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<uint64_t> arg_bg_mining_min_idle_interval_seconds = {"bg-mining-min-idle-interval", "Specify min lookback interval in seconds for determining idle state", miner::BACKGROUND_MINING_DEFAULT_MIN_IDLE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS, true};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<uint8_t> arg_bg_mining_idle_threshold_percentage = {"bg-mining-idle-threshold", "Specify minimum avg idle percentage over lookback interval", miner::BACKGROUND_MINING_DEFAULT_IDLE_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE, true};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<uint8_t> arg_bg_mining_miner_target_percentage = {"bg-mining-miner-target", "Specificy maximum percentage cpu use by miner(s)", miner::BACKGROUND_MINING_DEFAULT_MINING_TARGET_PERCENTAGE, true};
@@ -77,7 +81,12 @@ namespace cryptonote
- m_current_hash_rate(0)
+ m_current_hash_rate(0),
+ m_is_background_mining_enabled(false),
@@ -137,7 +146,7 @@ namespace cryptonote
return true;
return true;
@@ -171,6 +180,10 @@ namespace cryptonote
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_extra_messages);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_start_mining);
command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_mining_threads);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_bg_mining_enable);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_bg_mining_min_idle_interval_seconds);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_bg_mining_idle_threshold_percentage);
+ command_line::add_arg(desc, arg_bg_mining_miner_target_percentage);
bool miner::init(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, bool testnet)
@@ -213,6 +226,17 @@ namespace cryptonote
+ // Background mining parameters
+ // Let init set all parameters even if background mining is not enabled, they can start later with params set
+ if(command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_bg_mining_enable))
+ set_is_background_mining_enabled( command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_bg_mining_enable) );
+ if(command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_bg_mining_min_idle_interval_seconds))
+ set_min_idle_seconds( command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_bg_mining_min_idle_interval_seconds) );
+ if(command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_bg_mining_idle_threshold_percentage))
+ set_idle_threshold( command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_bg_mining_idle_threshold_percentage) );
+ if(command_line::has_arg(vm, arg_bg_mining_miner_target_percentage))
+ set_mining_target( command_line::get_arg(vm, arg_bg_mining_miner_target_percentage) );
return true;
@@ -230,7 +254,7 @@ namespace cryptonote
return m_threads_total;
- bool miner::start(const account_public_address& adr, size_t threads_count, const boost::thread::attributes& attrs)
+ bool miner::start(const account_public_address& adr, size_t threads_count, const boost::thread::attributes& attrs, bool do_background)
m_mine_address = adr;
m_threads_total = static_cast<uint32_t>(threads_count);
@@ -253,13 +277,21 @@ namespace cryptonote
boost::interprocess::ipcdetail::atomic_write32(&m_stop, 0);
boost::interprocess::ipcdetail::atomic_write32(&m_thread_index, 0);
+ set_is_background_mining_enabled(do_background);
for(size_t i = 0; i != threads_count; i++)
m_threads.push_back(boost::thread(attrs, boost::bind(&miner::worker_thread, this)));
LOG_PRINT_L0("Mining has started with " << threads_count << " threads, good luck!" );
+ if( get_is_background_mining_enabled() )
+ {
+ m_background_mining_thread = boost::thread(attrs, boost::bind(&miner::background_worker_thread, this));
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Background mining controller thread started" );
+ }
return true;
@@ -291,9 +323,18 @@ namespace cryptonote
+ // In case background mining was active and the miner threads are waiting
+ // on the background miner to signal start.
+ m_is_background_mining_started_cond.notify_all();
for(boost::thread& th: m_threads)
+ // The background mining thread could be sleeping for a long time, so we
+ // interrupt it just in case
+ m_background_mining_thread.interrupt();
+ m_background_mining_thread.join();
MINFO("Mining has been stopped, " << m_threads.size() << " finished" );
return true;
@@ -321,7 +362,7 @@ namespace cryptonote
boost::thread::attributes attrs;
- start(m_mine_address, m_threads_total, attrs);
+ start(m_mine_address, m_threads_total, attrs, get_is_background_mining_enabled());
@@ -364,6 +405,19 @@ namespace cryptonote
+ else if( m_is_background_mining_enabled )
+ {
+ misc_utils::sleep_no_w(m_miner_extra_sleep);
+ while( !m_is_background_mining_started )
+ {
+ MGINFO("background mining is enabled, but not started, waiting until start triggers");
+ boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> started_lock( m_is_background_mining_started_mutex );
+ m_is_background_mining_started_cond.wait( started_lock );
+ if( m_stop ) break;
+ }
+ if( m_stop ) continue;
+ }
if(local_template_ver != m_template_no)
@@ -410,5 +464,344 @@ namespace cryptonote
return true;
+ bool miner::get_is_background_mining_enabled() const
+ {
+ return m_is_background_mining_enabled;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /**
+ * This has differing behaviour depending on if mining has been started/etc.
+ * Note: add documentation
+ */
+ bool miner::set_is_background_mining_enabled(bool is_background_mining_enabled)
+ {
+ m_is_background_mining_enabled = is_background_mining_enabled;
+ // Extra logic will be required if we make this function public in the future
+ // and allow toggling smart mining without start/stop
+ //m_is_background_mining_enabled_cond.notify_one();
+ return true;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint64_t miner::get_min_idle_seconds() const
+ {
+ return m_min_idle_seconds;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool miner::set_min_idle_seconds(uint64_t min_idle_seconds)
+ {
+ if(min_idle_seconds > BACKGROUND_MINING_MAX_MIN_IDLE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS) return false;
+ if(min_idle_seconds < BACKGROUND_MINING_MIN_MIN_IDLE_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS) return false;
+ m_min_idle_seconds = min_idle_seconds;
+ return true;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint8_t miner::get_idle_threshold() const
+ {
+ return m_idle_threshold;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool miner::set_idle_threshold(uint8_t idle_threshold)
+ {
+ if(idle_threshold > BACKGROUND_MINING_MAX_IDLE_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE) return false;
+ if(idle_threshold < BACKGROUND_MINING_MIN_IDLE_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE) return false;
+ m_idle_threshold = idle_threshold;
+ return true;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint8_t miner::get_mining_target() const
+ {
+ return m_mining_target;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool miner::set_mining_target(uint8_t mining_target)
+ {
+ if(mining_target > BACKGROUND_MINING_MAX_MINING_TARGET_PERCENTAGE) return false;
+ if(mining_target < BACKGROUND_MINING_MIN_MINING_TARGET_PERCENTAGE) return false;
+ m_mining_target = mining_target;
+ return true;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool miner::background_worker_thread()
+ {
+ uint64_t prev_total_time, current_total_time;
+ uint64_t prev_idle_time, current_idle_time;
+ uint64_t previous_process_time = 0, current_process_time = 0;
+ m_is_background_mining_started = false;
+ if(!get_system_times(prev_total_time, prev_idle_time))
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("get_system_times call failed, background mining will NOT work!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ while(!m_stop)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ // Commenting out the below since we're going with privatizing the bg mining enabled
+ // function, but I'll leave the code/comments here for anyone that wants to modify the
+ // patch in the future
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // All of this might be overkill if we just enforced some simple requirements
+ // about changing this variable before/after the miner starts, but I envision
+ // in the future a checkbox that you can tick on/off for background mining after
+ // you've clicked "start mining". There's still an issue here where if background
+ // mining is disabled when start is called, this thread is never created, and so
+ // enabling after does nothing, something I have to fix in the future. However,
+ // this should take care of the case where mining is started with bg-enabled,
+ // and then the user decides to un-check background mining, and just do
+ // regular full-speed mining. I might just be over-doing it and thinking up
+ // non-existant use-cases, so if the concensus is to simplify, we can remove all this fluff.
+ /*
+ while( !m_is_background_mining_enabled )
+ {
+ MGINFO("background mining is disabled, waiting until enabled!");
+ boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> enabled_lock( m_is_background_mining_enabled_mutex );
+ m_is_background_mining_enabled_cond.wait( enabled_lock );
+ }
+ */
+ // If we're already mining, then sleep for the miner monitor interval.
+ // If we're NOT mining, then sleep for the idle monitor interval
+ boost::this_thread::sleep_for(
+ m_is_background_mining_started ?
+ boost::chrono::seconds( get_min_idle_seconds() ) );
+ }
+ catch(const boost::thread_interrupted&)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("background miner thread interrupted ");
+ continue; // if interrupted because stop called, loop should end ..
+ }
+ bool on_ac_power = !on_battery_power();
+ if( m_is_background_mining_started )
+ {
+ // figure out if we need to stop, and monitor mining usage
+ // If we get here, then previous values are initialized.
+ // Let's get some current data for comparison.
+ if(!get_system_times(current_total_time, current_idle_time))
+ {
+ MERROR("get_system_times call failed");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!get_process_time(current_process_time))
+ {
+ MERROR("get_process_time call failed!");
+ continue;
+ }
+ uint64_t total_diff = (current_total_time - prev_total_time);
+ uint64_t idle_diff = (current_idle_time - prev_idle_time);
+ uint64_t process_diff = (current_process_time - previous_process_time);
+ uint8_t idle_percentage = get_percent_of_total(idle_diff, total_diff);
+ uint8_t process_percentage = get_percent_of_total(process_diff, total_diff);
+ MGINFO("idle percentage is " << unsigned(idle_percentage) << "\%, miner percentage is " << unsigned(process_percentage) << "\%, ac power : " << on_ac_power);
+ if( idle_percentage + process_percentage < get_idle_threshold() || !on_ac_power )
+ {
+ MGINFO("cpu is " << unsigned(idle_percentage) << "% idle, idle threshold is " << unsigned(get_idle_threshold()) << "\%, ac power : " << on_ac_power << ", background mining stopping, thanks for your contribution!");
+ m_is_background_mining_started = false;
+ // reset process times
+ previous_process_time = 0;
+ current_process_time = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ previous_process_time = current_process_time;
+ // adjust the miner extra sleep variable
+ int64_t miner_extra_sleep_change = (-1 * (get_mining_target() - process_percentage) );
+ int64_t new_miner_extra_sleep = m_miner_extra_sleep + miner_extra_sleep_change;
+ // if you start the miner with few threads on a multicore system, this could
+ // fall below zero because all the time functions aggregate across all processors.
+ // I'm just hard limiting to 5 millis min sleep here, other options?
+ m_miner_extra_sleep = std::max( new_miner_extra_sleep , (int64_t)5 );
+ MDEBUG("m_miner_extra_sleep " << m_miner_extra_sleep);
+ }
+ prev_total_time = current_total_time;
+ prev_idle_time = current_idle_time;
+ }
+ else if( on_ac_power )
+ {
+ // figure out if we need to start
+ if(!get_system_times(current_total_time, current_idle_time))
+ {
+ MERROR("get_system_times call failed");
+ continue;
+ }
+ uint64_t total_diff = (current_total_time - prev_total_time);
+ uint64_t idle_diff = (current_idle_time - prev_idle_time);
+ uint8_t idle_percentage = get_percent_of_total(idle_diff, total_diff);
+ MGINFO("idle percentage is " << unsigned(idle_percentage));
+ if( idle_percentage >= get_idle_threshold() && on_ac_power )
+ {
+ MGINFO("cpu is " << unsigned(idle_percentage) << "% idle, idle threshold is " << unsigned(get_idle_threshold()) << "\%, ac power : " << on_ac_power << ", background mining started, good luck!");
+ m_is_background_mining_started = true;
+ m_is_background_mining_started_cond.notify_all();
+ // Wait for a little mining to happen ..
+ boost::this_thread::sleep_for(boost::chrono::seconds( 1 ));
+ // Starting data ...
+ if(!get_process_time(previous_process_time))
+ {
+ m_is_background_mining_started = false;
+ MERROR("get_process_time call failed!");
+ }
+ }
+ prev_total_time = current_total_time;
+ prev_idle_time = current_idle_time;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool miner::get_system_times(uint64_t& total_time, uint64_t& idle_time)
+ {
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ FILETIME idleTime;
+ FILETIME kernelTime;
+ FILETIME userTime;
+ if ( GetSystemTimes( &idleTime, &kernelTime, &userTime ) != -1 )
+ {
+ total_time =
+ ( (((uint64_t)(kernelTime.dwHighDateTime)) << 32) | ((uint64_t)kernelTime.dwLowDateTime) )
+ + ( (((uint64_t)(userTime.dwHighDateTime)) << 32) | ((uint64_t)userTime.dwLowDateTime) );
+ idle_time = ( (((uint64_t)(idleTime.dwHighDateTime)) << 32) | ((uint64_t)idleTime.dwLowDateTime) );
+ return true;
+ }
+ #elif defined(__linux__)
+ const std::string STR_CPU("cpu");
+ const std::size_t STR_CPU_LEN = STR_CPU.size();
+ const std::string STAT_FILE_PATH = "/proc/stat";
+ if( !epee::file_io_utils::is_file_exist(STAT_FILE_PATH) )
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("'" << STAT_FILE_PATH << "' file does not exist");
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::ifstream stat_file_stream(STAT_FILE_PATH);
+ if( stat_file_stream.fail() )
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("failed to open '" << STAT_FILE_PATH << "'");
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string line;
+ std::getline(stat_file_stream, line);
+ std::istringstream stat_file_iss(line);
+ stat_file_iss.ignore(65536, ' '); // skip cpu label ...
+ uint64_t utime, ntime, stime, itime;
+ if( !(stat_file_iss >> utime && stat_file_iss >> ntime && stat_file_iss >> stime && stat_file_iss >> itime) )
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("failed to read '" << STAT_FILE_PATH << "'");
+ return false;
+ }
+ idle_time = itime;
+ total_time = utime + ntime + stime + itime;
+ return true;
+ #endif
+ return false; // unsupported systemm..
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool miner::get_process_time(uint64_t& total_time)
+ {
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ FILETIME createTime;
+ FILETIME exitTime;
+ FILETIME kernelTime;
+ FILETIME userTime;
+ if ( GetProcessTimes( GetCurrentProcess(), &createTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime ) != -1 )
+ {
+ total_time =
+ ( (((uint64_t)(kernelTime.dwHighDateTime)) << 32) | ((uint64_t)kernelTime.dwLowDateTime) )
+ + ( (((uint64_t)(userTime.dwHighDateTime)) << 32) | ((uint64_t)userTime.dwLowDateTime) );
+ return true;
+ }
+ #elif defined(__linux__) && defined(_SC_CLK_TCK)
+ struct tms tms;
+ if ( times(&tms) != (clock_t)-1 )
+ {
+ total_time = tms.tms_utime + tms.tms_stime;
+ return true;
+ }
+ #endif
+ return false; // unsupported system..
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint8_t miner::get_percent_of_total(uint64_t other, uint64_t total)
+ {
+ return (uint8_t)( ceil( (other * 1.f / total * 1.f) * 100) );
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool miner::on_battery_power()
+ {
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS power_status;
+ if ( GetSystemPowerStatus( &power_status ) != 0 )
+ {
+ return power_status.ACLineStatus != 1;
+ }
+ #elif defined(__linux__)
+ // i've only tested on UBUNTU, these paths might be different on other systems
+ // need to figure out a way to make this more flexible
+ const std::string POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_PATH = "/sys/class/power_supply/ACAD/online";
+ if( !epee::file_io_utils::is_file_exist(POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_PATH) )
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("'" << POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_PATH << "' file does not exist, can't determine if on AC power");
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::ifstream power_stream(POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_PATH);
+ if( power_stream.fail() )
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR("failed to open '" << POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS_PATH << "'");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return power_stream.get() != '1';
+ #endif
+ LOG_ERROR("couldn't query power status");
+ return false; // shouldn't get here unless no support for querying battery status
+ // TODO: return enum with ability to signify failure in querying for power status
+ // and change bg-mining logic so that it stops. As @vtnerd states, with the current
+ // setup "If someone enabled background mining on a system that fails to grab ac
+ // status, it will just continually check with little hope of ever being resolved
+ // automagically". This is also the case for time/idle stats functions.
+ }