path: root/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp
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1 files changed, 206 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp b/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp
index f05eb0f30..78db37b5a 100644
--- a/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp
+++ b/src/blockchain_db/lmdb/db_lmdb.cpp
@@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ namespace
* txpool_meta txn hash txn metadata
* txpool_blob txn hash txn blob
+ * alt_blocks block hash {block data, block blob}
+ *
* Note: where the data items are of uniform size, DUPFIXED tables have
* been used to save space. In most of these cases, a dummy "zerokval"
* key is used when accessing the table; the Key listed above will be
@@ -221,6 +223,8 @@ const char* const LMDB_SPENT_KEYS = "spent_keys";
const char* const LMDB_TXPOOL_META = "txpool_meta";
const char* const LMDB_TXPOOL_BLOB = "txpool_blob";
+const char* const LMDB_ALT_BLOCKS = "alt_blocks";
const char* const LMDB_HF_STARTING_HEIGHTS = "hf_starting_heights";
const char* const LMDB_HF_VERSIONS = "hf_versions";
@@ -707,7 +711,7 @@ uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_estimated_batch_size(uint64_t batch_num_blocks, uin
if (my_rtxn) block_rtxn_stop();
- avg_block_size = total_block_size / num_blocks_used;
+ avg_block_size = total_block_size / (num_blocks_used ? num_blocks_used : 1);
MDEBUG("average block size across recent " << num_blocks_used << " blocks: " << avg_block_size);
@@ -1400,6 +1404,8 @@ void BlockchainLMDB::open(const std::string& filename, const int db_flags)
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_TXPOOL_META, MDB_CREATE, m_txpool_meta, "Failed to open db handle for m_txpool_meta");
lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_TXPOOL_BLOB, MDB_CREATE, m_txpool_blob, "Failed to open db handle for m_txpool_blob");
+ lmdb_db_open(txn, LMDB_ALT_BLOCKS, MDB_CREATE, m_alt_blocks, "Failed to open db handle for m_alt_blocks");
// this subdb is dropped on sight, so it may not be present when we open the DB.
// Since we use MDB_CREATE, we'll get an exception if we open read-only and it does not exist.
// So we don't open for read-only, and also not drop below. It is not used elsewhere.
@@ -1423,6 +1429,7 @@ void BlockchainLMDB::open(const std::string& filename, const int db_flags)
mdb_set_compare(txn, m_txpool_meta, compare_hash32);
mdb_set_compare(txn, m_txpool_blob, compare_hash32);
+ mdb_set_compare(txn, m_alt_blocks, compare_hash32);
mdb_set_compare(txn, m_properties, compare_string);
if (!(mdb_flags & MDB_RDONLY))
@@ -1953,7 +1960,7 @@ bool BlockchainLMDB::prune_worker(int mode, uint32_t pruning_seed)
- size_t n_total_records = 0, n_prunable_records = 0, n_pruned_records = 0;
+ size_t n_total_records = 0, n_prunable_records = 0, n_pruned_records = 0, commit_counter = 0;
uint64_t n_bytes = 0;
mdb_txn_safe txn;
@@ -2056,6 +2063,7 @@ bool BlockchainLMDB::prune_worker(int mode, uint32_t pruning_seed)
MDEBUG("Pruning at height " << block_height << "/" << blockchain_height);
+ ++commit_counter;
n_bytes += k.mv_size + v.mv_size;
result = mdb_cursor_del(c_txs_prunable, 0);
if (result)
@@ -2065,6 +2073,25 @@ bool BlockchainLMDB::prune_worker(int mode, uint32_t pruning_seed)
result = mdb_cursor_del(c_txs_prunable_tip, 0);
if (result)
throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to delete transaction tip data: ", result).c_str()));
+ if (mode != prune_mode_check && commit_counter >= 4096)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Committing txn at checkpoint...");
+ txn.commit();
+ result = mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, 0, txn);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to create a transaction for the db: ", result).c_str()));
+ result = mdb_cursor_open(txn, m_txs_pruned, &c_txs_pruned);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to open a cursor for txs_pruned: ", result).c_str()));
+ result = mdb_cursor_open(txn, m_txs_prunable, &c_txs_prunable);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to open a cursor for txs_prunable: ", result).c_str()));
+ result = mdb_cursor_open(txn, m_txs_prunable_tip, &c_txs_prunable_tip);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to open a cursor for txs_prunable_tip: ", result).c_str()));
+ commit_counter = 0;
+ }
@@ -2134,6 +2161,7 @@ bool BlockchainLMDB::prune_worker(int mode, uint32_t pruning_seed)
result = mdb_cursor_del(c_txs_prunable, 0);
if (result)
throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to delete transaction prunable data: ", result).c_str()));
+ ++commit_counter;
@@ -2150,6 +2178,34 @@ bool BlockchainLMDB::prune_worker(int mode, uint32_t pruning_seed)
", seed " << epee::string_tools::to_string_hex(pruning_seed));
+ if (mode != prune_mode_check && commit_counter >= 4096)
+ {
+ MDEBUG("Committing txn at checkpoint...");
+ txn.commit();
+ result = mdb_txn_begin(m_env, NULL, 0, txn);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to create a transaction for the db: ", result).c_str()));
+ result = mdb_cursor_open(txn, m_txs_pruned, &c_txs_pruned);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to open a cursor for txs_pruned: ", result).c_str()));
+ result = mdb_cursor_open(txn, m_txs_prunable, &c_txs_prunable);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to open a cursor for txs_prunable: ", result).c_str()));
+ result = mdb_cursor_open(txn, m_txs_prunable_tip, &c_txs_prunable_tip);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to open a cursor for txs_prunable_tip: ", result).c_str()));
+ result = mdb_cursor_open(txn, m_tx_indices, &c_tx_indices);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to open a cursor for tx_indices: ", result).c_str()));
+ MDB_val val;
+ val.mv_size = sizeof(ti);
+ val.mv_data = (void *)&ti;
+ result = mdb_cursor_get(c_tx_indices, (MDB_val*)&zerokval, &val, MDB_GET_BOTH);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to restore cursor for tx_indices: ", result).c_str()));
+ commit_counter = 0;
+ }
@@ -2241,6 +2297,50 @@ bool BlockchainLMDB::for_all_txpool_txes(std::function<bool(const crypto::hash&,
return ret;
+bool BlockchainLMDB::for_all_alt_blocks(std::function<bool(const crypto::hash&, const alt_block_data_t&, const cryptonote::blobdata*)> f, bool include_blob) const
+ LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
+ check_open();
+ RCURSOR(alt_blocks);
+ MDB_val k;
+ MDB_val v;
+ bool ret = true;
+ MDB_cursor_op op = MDB_FIRST;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ int result = mdb_cursor_get(m_cur_alt_blocks, &k, &v, op);
+ op = MDB_NEXT;
+ if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
+ break;
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to enumerate alt blocks: ", result).c_str()));
+ const crypto::hash &blkid = *(const crypto::hash*)k.mv_data;
+ if (v.mv_size < sizeof(alt_block_data_t))
+ throw0(DB_ERROR("alt_blocks record is too small"));
+ const alt_block_data_t *data = (const alt_block_data_t*)v.mv_data;
+ const cryptonote::blobdata *passed_bd = NULL;
+ cryptonote::blobdata bd;
+ if (include_blob)
+ {
+ bd.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(v.mv_data) + sizeof(alt_block_data_t), v.mv_size - sizeof(alt_block_data_t));
+ passed_bd = &bd;
+ }
+ if (!f(blkid, *data, passed_bd)) {
+ ret = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
bool BlockchainLMDB::block_exists(const crypto::hash& h, uint64_t *height) const
LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
@@ -4062,6 +4162,110 @@ uint8_t BlockchainLMDB::get_hard_fork_version(uint64_t height) const
return ret;
+void BlockchainLMDB::add_alt_block(const crypto::hash &blkid, const cryptonote::alt_block_data_t &data, const cryptonote::blobdata &blob)
+ LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
+ check_open();
+ mdb_txn_cursors *m_cursors = &m_wcursors;
+ CURSOR(alt_blocks)
+ MDB_val k = {sizeof(blkid), (void *)&blkid};
+ const size_t val_size = sizeof(alt_block_data_t) + blob.size();
+ std::unique_ptr<char[]> val(new char[val_size]);
+ memcpy(val.get(), &data, sizeof(alt_block_data_t));
+ memcpy(val.get() + sizeof(alt_block_data_t), blob.data(), blob.size());
+ MDB_val v = {val_size, (void *)val.get()};
+ if (auto result = mdb_cursor_put(m_cur_alt_blocks, &k, &v, MDB_NODUPDATA)) {
+ if (result == MDB_KEYEXIST)
+ throw1(DB_ERROR("Attempting to add alternate block that's already in the db"));
+ else
+ throw1(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Error adding alternate block to db transaction: ", result).c_str()));
+ }
+bool BlockchainLMDB::get_alt_block(const crypto::hash &blkid, alt_block_data_t *data, cryptonote::blobdata *blob)
+ LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB:: " << __func__);
+ check_open();
+ RCURSOR(alt_blocks);
+ MDB_val_set(k, blkid);
+ MDB_val v;
+ int result = mdb_cursor_get(m_cur_alt_blocks, &k, &v, MDB_SET);
+ if (result == MDB_NOTFOUND)
+ return false;
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Error attempting to retrieve alternate block " + epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(blkid) + " from the db: ", result).c_str()));
+ if (v.mv_size < sizeof(alt_block_data_t))
+ throw0(DB_ERROR("Record size is less than expected"));
+ const alt_block_data_t *ptr = (const alt_block_data_t*)v.mv_data;
+ if (data)
+ *data = *ptr;
+ if (blob)
+ blob->assign((const char*)(ptr + 1), v.mv_size - sizeof(alt_block_data_t));
+ return true;
+void BlockchainLMDB::remove_alt_block(const crypto::hash &blkid)
+ LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
+ check_open();
+ mdb_txn_cursors *m_cursors = &m_wcursors;
+ CURSOR(alt_blocks)
+ MDB_val k = {sizeof(blkid), (void *)&blkid};
+ MDB_val v;
+ int result = mdb_cursor_get(m_cur_alt_blocks, &k, &v, MDB_SET);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Error locating alternate block " + epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(blkid) + " in the db: ", result).c_str()));
+ result = mdb_cursor_del(m_cur_alt_blocks, 0);
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Error deleting alternate block " + epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(blkid) + " from the db: ", result).c_str()));
+uint64_t BlockchainLMDB::get_alt_block_count()
+ LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB:: " << __func__);
+ check_open();
+ RCURSOR(alt_blocks);
+ MDB_stat db_stats;
+ int result = mdb_stat(m_txn, m_alt_blocks, &db_stats);
+ uint64_t count = 0;
+ if (result != MDB_NOTFOUND)
+ {
+ if (result)
+ throw0(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Failed to query m_alt_blocks: ", result).c_str()));
+ count = db_stats.ms_entries;
+ }
+ return count;
+void BlockchainLMDB::drop_alt_blocks()
+ LOG_PRINT_L3("BlockchainLMDB::" << __func__);
+ check_open();
+ auto result = mdb_drop(*txn_ptr, m_alt_blocks, 0);
+ if (result)
+ throw1(DB_ERROR(lmdb_error("Error dropping alternative blocks: ", result).c_str()));
bool BlockchainLMDB::is_read_only() const
unsigned int flags;