path: root/external/unbound/testcode/testbed.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/external/unbound/testcode/testbed.sh b/external/unbound/testcode/testbed.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 62ce2059b..000000000
--- a/external/unbound/testcode/testbed.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Testbed for NSD.
-# By Wouter Wijngaards, NLnet Labs, 2006.
-# BSD License.
-# this version prefers gmake if available.
-# adds variable LDNS for the LDNS path to use.
-# global settings
-if test ! -f $HOST_FILE; then
- echo "No such file: $HOST_FILE"
- exit 1
-function echossh() # like ssh but echos.
- echo "> ssh $*"
- ssh $*
-# Compile and run NSD on platforms
-function dotest()
-# parameters: <host> <dir>
-# host is name of ssh host
-# dir is directory of nsd trunk on host
- echo "$1 begin on "`date` | tee -a $REPORT_FILE
- if test $IP6 = no; then
- DISABLE="--disable-ipv6"
- fi
- if test x$LDNS != x; then
- DISABLE="--with-ldns=$LDNS $DISABLE"
- fi
- if test x$LIBEVENT != x; then
- DISABLE="--with-libevent=$LIBEVENT $DISABLE"
- fi
- cat >makeconf.mak.$$ << EOF
-#configure: configure.ac
-# $AC_CMD
-# touch configure
-Makefile: Makefile.in #configure
- touch Makefile
- scp makeconf.mak.$$ $1:$2
- # determine make to use
- tempx=`ssh $1 "cd $2; which gmake"`
- MAKE_CMD=`ssh $1 "cd $2; if test -f '$tempx'; then echo $tempx; else echo $MAKE_CMD; fi"`
- if test $SVN = yes; then
- echossh $1 "cd $2; svn up"
- echossh $1 "cd $2; $MAKE_CMD -f makeconf.mak.$$ configure"
- else
- # svn and autoconf locally
- echo "fake svn via svnexport, tar, autoconf, bison, flex."
- svn export svn+ssh://open.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/nsd/trunk unbound_ttt
- (cd unbound_ttt; $AC_CMD; rm -r autom4te* .c-mode-rc.el .cvsignore)
- if test $FIXCONFIGURE = yes; then
- echo fixing up configure length test.
- (cd unbound_ttt; mv configure oldconf; sed -e 's?while (test "X"?lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=65500; echo skip || while (test "X"?' <oldconf >configure; chmod +x ./configure)
- fi
- du unbound_ttt
- rsync -vrcpz --rsync-path=/home/wouter/bin/rsync unbound_ttt $1:unbound_ttt
- # tar czf unbound_ttt.tgz unbound_ttt
- rm -rf unbound_ttt
- # ls -al unbound_ttt.tgz
- # scp unbound_ttt.tgz $1:unbound_ttt.tar.gz
- # rm unbound_ttt.tgz
- # echossh $1 "gtar xzf unbound_ttt.tar.gz && rm unbound_ttt.tar.gz"
- fi
- echossh $1 "cd $2; $MAKE_CMD -f makeconf.mak.$$ Makefile"
- echossh $1 "cd $2; $MAKE_CMD all tests"
- echossh $1 "cd $2; $MAKE_CMD doc"
- if test $RUN_TEST = yes; then
- echossh $1 "cd $2; bash testcode/do-tests.sh"
- echossh $1 "cd $2/testdata; sh ../testcode/mini_tpkg.sh -q report" | tee -a $REPORT_FILE
- fi
- echossh $1 "cd $2; rm -f makeconf.mak.$$"
- rm -f makeconf.mak.$$
- echo "$1 end on "`date` | tee -a $REPORT_FILE
-echo "on "`date`" by $USER." > $REPORT_FILE
-echo "on "`date`" by $USER." > $LOG_FILE
-# read host names
-declare -a hostname desc dir vars
-IFS=' '
-while read a b c d; do
- if echo $a | grep "^#" >/dev/null; then
- continue # skip it
- fi
- # append after arrays
- hostname[$i]=$a
- desc[$i]=$b
- dir[$i]=$c
- vars[$i]=$d
- i=$(($i+1))
-done <$HOST_FILE
-echo "testing on $i hosts"
-# do the test
-for((i=0; i<${#hostname[*]}; i=$i+1)); do
- if echo ${hostname[$i]} | grep "^#" >/dev/null; then
- continue # skip it
- fi
- # echo "hostname=[${hostname[$i]}]"
- # echo "desc=[${desc[$i]}]"
- # echo "dir=[${dir[$i]}]"
- # echo "vars=[${vars[$i]}]"
- AC_CMD="libtoolize -c --force; autoconf && autoheader"
- MAKE_CMD="make"
- SVN=yes
- IP6=yes
- RUN_TEST=yes
- eval ${vars[$i]}
- echo "*** ${hostname[$i]} ${desc[$i]} ***" | tee -a $LOG_FILE | tee -a $REPORT_FILE
- dotest ${hostname[$i]} ${dir[$i]} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG_FILE
-echo "done"