path: root/external/glim/test_gstring.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'external/glim/test_gstring.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/external/glim/test_gstring.cc b/external/glim/test_gstring.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 974fa2932..000000000
--- a/external/glim/test_gstring.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-#include "gstring.hpp"
-using glim::gstring;
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp>
-#include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp>
-static void testIterators();
-static void testBoost();
-static void testStrftime();
-int main () {
- std::cout << "Testing gstring.hpp ... " << std::flush;
- gstring gs;
- if (gs.needsFreeing()) throw std::runtime_error ("Default gstring needsFreeing");
- if (gs.capacity() != 1) throw std::runtime_error ("Default gstring capacity is not 1");
- char buf16[16];
- gstring gs16 (sizeof (buf16), buf16, false, 0);
- if (gs16.capacity() != 16) throw std::runtime_error ("gs16 capacity != 16");
- if (gs16.size() != 0) throw std::runtime_error ("gs16 size != 0");
- gstring gsFree (17, NULL, true, 0);
- if (!gsFree.needsFreeing()) throw std::runtime_error ("!needsFreeing");
- if (gsFree.capacity() != 16) throw std::runtime_error ("gsFree capacity != 16");
- if (gsFree.size() != 0) throw std::runtime_error ("gsFree size != 0");
- gstring gsRO (0, NULL, false, 0);
- if (gsRO.needsFreeing()) throw std::runtime_error ("needsFreeing");
- if (gsRO.capacity() != 1) throw std::runtime_error ("gsRO capacity != 1");
- if (gsRO.size() != 0) throw std::runtime_error ("gsRO size != 0");
- char buf32[32];
- gstring gs32 (sizeof (buf32), buf32, false, 0);
- if (gs32.capacity() != 32) throw std::runtime_error ("capacity != 32");
- if (gs32.size() != 0) throw std::runtime_error ("gs32 size != 0");
- const gstring foo = C2GSTRING ("foo");
- if (foo.needsFreeing()) throw std::runtime_error ("foo needsFreeing");
- if (foo != "foo") throw std::runtime_error ("foo != foo");
- if (foo.size() != 3) throw std::runtime_error ("foo not 3");
- std::ostringstream oss; oss << gs16 << gsFree << gsRO << gs32 << foo;
- if (oss.str() != "foo") throw std::runtime_error ("oss foo != foo");
- glim::gstring_stream gss (gs16); std::ostream gsos (&gss);
- gsos << "bar" << std::flush;
- if (gs16 != "bar") throw std::runtime_error ("gs16 != bar");
- gsos << "beer" << std::flush;
- if (gs16 != "barbeer") throw std::runtime_error ("gs16 != barbeer");
- gsos << "123456789" << std::flush;
- if (gs16 != "barbeer123456789") throw std::runtime_error ("gs16 != barbeer123456789");
- if (gs16.capacity() != 16) throw std::runtime_error ("gs16 != 16");
- gsos << '0' << std::flush;
- if (gs16 != "barbeer1234567890") throw std::runtime_error ("gs16 != barbeer1234567890");
- if (gs16.capacity() != 32) throw std::runtime_error ("gs16 != 32");
- gstring gsb; std::string str ("abc");
- gsb << 'a' << 1 << 2LL << str;
- std::string ns ("1:3,"); std::istringstream nsi (ns);
- gsb.readNetstring (nsi);
- if (gsb != "a12abc3") throw std::runtime_error ("gsb != a12abc3");
- if (strcmp (gsb.c_str(), "a12abc3") != 0) throw std::runtime_error ("strcmp ! 0");
- gsb.clear().appendNetstring ("foo") .appendNetstring ("bar");
- if (gsb != "3:foo,3:bar,") throw std::runtime_error ("gsb != 3:foo,3:bar,");
- uint32_t pos = 0;
- if (gsb.netstringAt (pos, &pos) != "foo" || gsb.netstringAt (pos, &pos) != "bar" || pos != gsb.length())
- throw std::runtime_error ("gsb !netstringAt");
- gs32.clear() << 12345 << ',';
- if (gs32.intAt (0, &pos) != 12345 || pos != 5) throw std::runtime_error ("gsb !12345");
- if (gs32.intAt (1, &pos) != 2345 || pos != 5) throw std::runtime_error ("gsb !2345");
- if (gs32.intAt (5, &pos) != 0 || pos != 5) throw std::runtime_error ("gsb !0");
- if ((gs32.clear() << 123).erase (0) != "23") throw std::runtime_error ("!23");
- if ((gs32.clear() << 123).erase (1) != "13") throw std::runtime_error ("!13");
- if ((gs32.clear() << 123).erase (2) != "12") throw std::runtime_error ("!12");
- std::unordered_map<glim::gstring, int> map;
- map[glim::gstring ("foo")] = 1;
- glim::gstring bar ("bar");
- map[bar] = 1;
- map[glim::gstring ("sum")] = map[glim::gstring ("foo")] + map[glim::gstring ("bar")];
- if (map[glim::gstring ("sum")] != 2) throw std::runtime_error ("sum != 2");
- map.clear();
- gstring gs1 ("foo"); gstring gs2 ("bar");
- gs1 = gstring (gs2 << "_"); // Copying in order to malloc length() bytes.
- if (gs1 != "bar_") throw std::runtime_error ("!bar_");
- if (gs1.capacity() != 1) throw std::runtime_error ("bar_ != 4");
- testIterators();
- testBoost();
- testStrftime();
- std::cout << "pass." << std::endl;
- return 0;
-static void testIterators() {
- gstring foo (C2GSTRING ("foo"));
- gstring buf; for (auto it = foo.begin(), end = foo.end(); it != end; ++it) buf << *it;
- assert (buf == "foo");
- assert (boost::starts_with (foo, "f") && boost::ends_with (foo, "oo"));
-static void testBoost() {
- gstring str (" foo\t\r\n");
- boost::trim (str);
- assert (str == "foo");
- gstring up ("FOO"); boost::to_lower (up);
- assert (up == "foo");
-static void testStrftime() {
- time_t tim = time(0); struct tm ltime; memset (&ltime, 0, sizeof ltime); if (!localtime_r (&tim, &ltime)) GTHROW ("!localtime_r");
- GSTRING_ON_STACK (t1, 8); assert (t1.capacity() == 8);
- t1.appendTime ("", &ltime); assert (t1 == "");
- t1.appendTime ("foo %a, %d %b %Y %T %z bar", &ltime);
- assert (t1.capacity() > 8); // Capacity increased to account for the large string.
- assert (boost::starts_with (t1, "foo "));
- assert (boost::ends_with (t1, " bar"));
- GSTRING_ON_STACK (t2, 8); assert (t2.capacity() == 8);
- t2.appendTime ("%H", &ltime);
- assert (t2.capacity() == 8); // 8 is big enought, isn't it?
- assert (t2.intAt (0) == ltime.tm_hour); // NB: intAt is safe here because strftime adds an uncounted null-terminator.