path: root/external/glim/mdb.hpp
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+++ b/external/glim/mdb.hpp
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+ * A C++ wrapper around MDB (http://www.symas.com/mdb/).
+ * @code
+Copyright 2012 Kozarezov Artem Aleksandrovich
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+ * @endcode
+ * @file
+ */
+#include <mdb.h>
+#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
+#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp>
+#include <arpa/inet.h> // htonl, ntohl
+#include "gstring.hpp"
+namespace glim {
+struct MdbEx: public std::runtime_error {MdbEx (std::string message): std::runtime_error (message) {}};
+template <typename T> inline void mdbSerialize (gstring& bytes, const T& data) {
+ gstring_stream stream (bytes);
+ boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa (stream, boost::archive::no_header);
+ oa << data;
+template <typename V> inline void mdbDeserialize (const gstring& bytes, V& data) {
+ gstring_stream stream (const_cast<gstring&> (bytes));
+ boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia (stream, boost::archive::no_header);
+ ia >> data;
+/** uint32_t keys are stored big-endian (network byte order) in order to be compatible with lexicographic ordering. */
+template <> inline void mdbSerialize<uint32_t> (gstring& bytes, const uint32_t& ui) {
+ uint32_t nui = htonl (ui); bytes.append ((const char*) &nui, sizeof (uint32_t));}
+/** Deserialize uint32_t from big-endian (network byte order). */
+template <> inline void mdbDeserialize<uint32_t> (const gstring& bytes, uint32_t& ui) {
+ if (bytes.size() != sizeof (uint32_t)) throw MdbEx ("Not uint32_t, wrong number of bytes");
+ uint32_t nui = * (uint32_t*) bytes.data(); ui = ntohl (nui);}
+/** If the data is `gstring` then use the data's buffer directly, no copy. */
+template <> inline void mdbSerialize<gstring> (gstring& bytes, const gstring& data) {
+ bytes = gstring (0, (void*) data.data(), false, data.length());}
+/** Deserializing into `gstring` copies the bytes into it, reusing its buffer. */
+template <> inline void mdbDeserialize<gstring> (const gstring& bytes, gstring& data) {
+ data.clear() << bytes;}
+ * Header-only C++ wrapper around OpenLDAP-MDB.\n
+ * Uses Boost Serialization to pack keys and values (glim::gstring can be used for raw bytes).\n
+ * Allows semi-automatic indexing with triggers.\n
+ * Known issues: http://www.openldap.org/its/index.cgi?findid=7448
+ */
+struct Mdb {
+ std::shared_ptr<MDB_env> _env;
+ MDB_dbi _dbi = 0;
+ typedef std::unique_ptr<MDB_txn, void(*)(MDB_txn*)> Transaction;
+ /** Holds the current key and value of the Iterator. */
+ struct IteratorEntry {
+ MDB_val _key = {0, 0}, _val = {0, 0};
+ /** Zero-copy view of the current key bytes. Should *not* be used after the Iterator is changed or destroyed. */
+ const gstring keyView() const {return gstring (0, _key.mv_data, false, _key.mv_size, true);} // Zero copy.
+ /** Zero-copy view of the current value bytes. Should *not* be used after the Iterator is changed or destroyed. */
+ const gstring valueView() const {return gstring (0, _val.mv_data, false, _val.mv_size, true);} // Zero copy.
+ /** Deserialize into `key`. */
+ template <typename T> void getKey (T& key) const {mdbDeserialize (keyView(), key);}
+ /** Deserialize the key into a temporary and return it. */
+ template <typename T> T getKey() const {T key; getKey (key); return key;}
+ /** Deserialize into `value`. */
+ template <typename T> void getValue (T& value) const {mdbDeserialize (valueView(), value);}
+ /** Deserialize the value into a temporary and return it. */
+ template <typename T> T getValue() const {T value; getValue (value); return value;}
+ };
+ /** Holds the Iterator's unique transaction and cursor, allowing the Iterator to be copied. */
+ struct IteratorImpl: boost::noncopyable {
+ Mdb* _mdb;
+ Transaction _txn;
+ MDB_cursor* _cur;
+ IteratorImpl (Mdb* mdb, Transaction&& txn, MDB_cursor* cur): _mdb (mdb), _txn (std::move (txn)), _cur (cur) {}
+ ~IteratorImpl() {
+ if (_cur) {::mdb_cursor_close (_cur); _cur = nullptr;}
+ if (_mdb && _txn) {_mdb->commitTransaction (_txn); _mdb = nullptr;}
+ }
+ };
+ /** Wraps MDB cursor and cursor's transaction. */
+ struct Iterator: public boost::iterator_facade<Iterator, IteratorEntry, boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag> {
+ std::shared_ptr<IteratorImpl> _impl; // Iterator might be copied around, thus we keep the unique things in IteratorImpl.
+ IteratorEntry _entry;
+ bool _stayInKey = false;
+ Iterator (const Iterator&) = default;
+ Iterator (Iterator&&) = default;
+ /** Iterate from the beginning or the end of the database.
+ * @param position can be MDB_FIRST or MDB_LAST */
+ Iterator (Mdb* mdb, int position = 0): _stayInKey (false) {
+ Transaction txn (mdb->beginTransaction());
+ MDB_cursor* cur = nullptr; int rc = ::mdb_cursor_open (txn.get(), mdb->_dbi, &cur);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx ("mdb_cursor_open");
+ _impl = std::make_shared<IteratorImpl> (mdb, std::move (txn), cur);
+ if (position == ::MDB_FIRST || position == ::MDB_LAST) {
+ rc = ::mdb_cursor_get (cur, &_entry._key, &_entry._val, (MDB_cursor_op) position);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx ("mdb_cursor_get");
+ }
+ }
+ /** Iterate over `key` values.
+ * @param stayInKey if `false` then iterator can go farther than the `key`. */
+ Iterator (Mdb* mdb, const gstring& key, bool stayInKey = true): _stayInKey (stayInKey) {
+ Transaction txn (mdb->beginTransaction());
+ MDB_cursor* cur = nullptr; int rc = ::mdb_cursor_open (txn.get(), mdb->_dbi, &cur);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx ("mdb_cursor_open");
+ _impl = std::make_shared<IteratorImpl> (mdb, std::move (txn), cur);
+ _entry._key = {key.size(), (void*) key.data()};
+ rc = ::mdb_cursor_get (cur, &_entry._key, &_entry._val, ::MDB_SET_KEY);
+ if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) {_entry._key = {0, 0}; _entry._val = {0, 0};}
+ else if (rc) throw MdbEx ("mdb_cursor_get");
+ }
+ struct EndIteratorFlag {};
+ /** The "end" iterator does not open an MDB transaction (this is essential for having a pair of iterators without a deadlock). */
+ Iterator (EndIteratorFlag): _stayInKey (false) {}
+ /** True if the iterator isn't pointing anywhere. */
+ bool end() const {return _entry._key.mv_size == 0;}
+ bool equal (const Iterator& other) const {
+ IteratorImpl* impl = _impl.get();
+ if (mdb_cmp (impl->_txn.get(), impl->_mdb->_dbi, &_entry._key, &other._entry._key)) return false;
+ if (mdb_dcmp (impl->_txn.get(), impl->_mdb->_dbi, &_entry._val, &other._entry._val)) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ IteratorEntry& dereference() const {
+ // NB: Boost iterator_facade expects the `dereference` to be a `const` method.
+ // I guess Iterator is not modified, so the `dereference` is `const`, even though the Entry can be modified.
+ return const_cast<IteratorEntry&> (_entry);}
+ void increment() {
+ int rc = ::mdb_cursor_get (_impl->_cur, &_entry._key, &_entry._val, _stayInKey ? ::MDB_NEXT_DUP : ::MDB_NEXT);
+ if (rc) {_entry._key = {0,0}; _entry._val = {0,0};}
+ }
+ void decrement() {
+ int rc = ::mdb_cursor_get (_impl->_cur, &_entry._key, &_entry._val, _stayInKey ? ::MDB_PREV_DUP : ::MDB_PREV);
+ if (rc) {_entry._key = {0,0}; _entry._val = {0,0};}
+ }
+ };
+ Iterator begin() {return Iterator (this, ::MDB_FIRST);}
+ const Iterator end() {return Iterator (Iterator::EndIteratorFlag());}
+ /** Position the cursor at the first `key` record.\n
+ * The iterator increment will use `MDB_NEXT_DUP`, staying withing the `key`.\n
+ * See also the `all` method. */
+ template <typename K> Iterator values (const K& key) {
+ char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
+ gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
+ mdbSerialize (kbytes, key);
+ return Iterator (this, kbytes);
+ }
+ /** Range over the `key` values.\n
+ * See also the `all` method. */
+ template <typename K> boost::iterator_range<Iterator> valuesRange (const K& key) {return boost::iterator_range<Iterator> (values (key), end());}
+ struct Trigger {
+ virtual gstring getTriggerName() const {return C2GSTRING ("defaultTriggerName");};
+ virtual void add (Mdb& mdb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, void* value, gstring& vbytes, Transaction& txn) = 0;
+ virtual void erase (Mdb& mdb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, Transaction& txn) = 0;
+ virtual void eraseKV (Mdb& mdb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, void* value, gstring& vbytes, Transaction& txn) = 0;
+ };
+ std::map<gstring, std::shared_ptr<Trigger>> _triggers;
+ void setTrigger (std::shared_ptr<Trigger> trigger) {
+ _triggers[trigger->getTriggerName()] = trigger;
+ }
+ /** `flags` can be `MDB_RDONLY` */
+ Transaction beginTransaction (unsigned flags = 0) {
+ MDB_txn* txn = 0; int rc = ::mdb_txn_begin (_env.get(), nullptr, flags, &txn);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_txn_begin: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ return Transaction (txn, ::mdb_txn_abort);
+ }
+ void commitTransaction (Transaction& txn) {
+ int rc = ::mdb_txn_commit (txn.get());
+ txn.release(); // Must prevent `mdb_txn_abort` from happening (even if rc != 0).
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_txn_commit: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ }
+ virtual unsigned envFlags (uint8_t sync) {
+ unsigned flags = MDB_NOSUBDIR;
+ if (sync < 1) flags |= MDB_NOSYNC; else if (sync < 2) flags |= MDB_NOMETASYNC;
+ return flags;
+ }
+ /** Used before `mdb_env_open`. By default sets the number of database to 32. */
+ virtual void envConf (MDB_env* env) {
+ int rc = ::mdb_env_set_maxdbs (env, 32);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("envConf: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ }
+ virtual void dbFlags (unsigned& flags) {}
+ protected:
+ void open (const char* dbName, bool dup) {
+ auto txn = beginTransaction();
+ unsigned flags = MDB_CREATE;
+ if (dup) flags |= MDB_DUPSORT;
+ dbFlags (flags);
+ int rc = ::mdb_open (txn.get(), dbName, flags, &_dbi);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_open (") + dbName + "): " + ::strerror (rc));
+ commitTransaction (txn);
+ }
+ public:
+ /** Opens MDB environment and MDB database. */
+ Mdb (const char* path, size_t maxSizeMb = 1024, const char* dbName = "main", uint8_t sync = 0, bool dup = true, mode_t mode = 0660) {
+ MDB_env* env = 0; int rc = ::mdb_env_create (&env);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_env_create: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ _env.reset (env, ::mdb_env_close);
+ rc = ::mdb_env_set_mapsize (env, maxSizeMb * 1024 * 1024);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_env_set_mapsize: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ envConf (env);
+ rc = ::mdb_env_open (env, path, envFlags (sync), mode);
+ _dbi = 0; open (dbName, dup);
+ }
+ /** Opens MDB database in the provided environment. */
+ Mdb (std::shared_ptr<MDB_env> env, const char* dbName, bool dup = true): _env (env), _dbi (0) {
+ open (dbName, dup);
+ }
+ template <typename K, typename V> void add (const K& key, const V& value, Transaction& txn) {
+ char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
+ gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
+ mdbSerialize (kbytes, key);
+ MDB_val mkey = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()};
+ char vbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
+ gstring vbytes (sizeof (vbuf), vbuf, false, 0);
+ mdbSerialize (vbytes, value);
+ MDB_val mvalue = {vbytes.size(), (void*) vbytes.data()};
+ for (auto& trigger: _triggers) trigger.second->add (*this, (void*) &key, kbytes, (void*) &value, vbytes, txn);
+ int rc = ::mdb_put (txn.get(), _dbi, &mkey, &mvalue, 0);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_put: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ }
+ template <typename K, typename V> void add (const K& key, const V& value) {
+ Transaction txn (beginTransaction());
+ add (key, value, txn);
+ commitTransaction (txn);
+ }
+ template <typename K, typename V> bool first (const K& key, V& value, Transaction& txn) {
+ char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
+ gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
+ mdbSerialize (kbytes, key);
+ MDB_val mkey = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()};
+ MDB_val mvalue;
+ int rc = ::mdb_get (txn.get(), _dbi, &mkey, &mvalue);
+ if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return false;
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_get: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ gstring vstr (0, mvalue.mv_data, false, mvalue.mv_size);
+ mdbDeserialize (vstr, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename K, typename V> bool first (const K& key, V& value) {
+ Transaction txn (beginTransaction (MDB_RDONLY));
+ bool rb = first (key, value, txn);
+ commitTransaction (txn);
+ return rb;
+ }
+ /** Iterate over `key` values until `visitor` returns `false`. Return the number of values visited. */
+ template <typename K, typename V> int32_t all (const K& key, std::function<bool(const V&)> visitor, Transaction& txn) {
+ char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
+ gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
+ mdbSerialize (kbytes, key);
+ MDB_val mkey = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()};
+ MDB_cursor* cur = 0; int rc = ::mdb_cursor_open (txn.get(), _dbi, &cur);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_cursor_open: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ std::unique_ptr<MDB_cursor, void(*)(MDB_cursor*)> curHolder (cur, ::mdb_cursor_close);
+ MDB_val mval = {0, 0};
+ rc = ::mdb_cursor_get (cur, &mkey, &mval, ::MDB_SET_KEY); if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return 0;
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_cursor_get: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ V value;
+ gstring vstr (0, mval.mv_data, false, mval.mv_size);
+ mdbDeserialize (vstr, value);
+ bool goOn = visitor (value);
+ int32_t count = 1;
+ while (goOn) {
+ rc = ::mdb_cursor_get (cur, &mkey, &mval, ::MDB_NEXT_DUP); if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return count;
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_cursor_get: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ gstring vstr (0, mval.mv_data, false, mval.mv_size);
+ mdbDeserialize (vstr, value);
+ goOn = visitor (value);
+ ++count;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ /** Iterate over `key` values until `visitor` returns `false`. Return the number of values visited. */
+ template <typename K, typename V> int32_t all (const K& key, std::function<bool(const V&)> visitor) {
+ Transaction txn (beginTransaction (MDB_RDONLY));
+ int32_t count = all (key, visitor, txn);
+ commitTransaction (txn);
+ return count;
+ }
+ template <typename K, typename V> bool eraseKV (const K& key, const V& value, Transaction& txn) {
+ char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
+ gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
+ mdbSerialize (kbytes, key);
+ if (kbytes.empty()) throw MdbEx ("eraseKV: key is empty");
+ MDB_val mkey = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()};
+ char vbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
+ gstring vbytes (sizeof (vbuf), vbuf, false, 0);
+ mdbSerialize (vbytes, value);
+ MDB_val mvalue = {vbytes.size(), (void*) vbytes.data()};
+ for (auto& trigger: _triggers) trigger.second->eraseKV (*this, (void*) &key, kbytes, (void*) &value, vbytes, txn);
+ int rc = ::mdb_del (txn.get(), _dbi, &mkey, &mvalue);
+ if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return false;
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ return true;
+ }
+ template <typename K, typename V> bool eraseKV (const K& key, const V& value) {
+ Transaction txn (beginTransaction());
+ bool rb = eraseKV (key, value, txn);
+ commitTransaction (txn);
+ return rb;
+ }
+ /** Erase all values of the `key`. */
+ template <typename K> bool erase (const K& key, Transaction& txn) {
+ char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
+ gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
+ mdbSerialize (kbytes, key);
+ if (kbytes.empty()) throw MdbEx ("erase: key is empty");
+ MDB_val mkey = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()};
+ for (auto& trigger: _triggers) trigger.second->erase (*this, (void*) &key, kbytes, txn);
+ int rc = ::mdb_del (txn.get(), _dbi, &mkey, nullptr);
+ if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return false;
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("mdb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** Erase all values of the `key`. */
+ template <typename K> bool erase (const K& key) {
+ Transaction txn (beginTransaction());
+ bool rb = erase (key, txn);
+ commitTransaction (txn);
+ return rb;
+ }
+ static void test (Mdb& mdb) {
+ mdb.add (std::string ("foo"), std::string ("bar"));
+ // NB: "MDB_DUPSORT doesn't allow duplicate duplicates" (Howard Chu)
+ mdb.add (std::string ("foo"), std::string ("bar"));
+ mdb.add ((uint32_t) 123, 1);
+ mdb.add ((uint32_t) 123, 2);
+ mdb.add (C2GSTRING ("foo"), 3);
+ mdb.add (C2GSTRING ("foo"), 4);
+ mdb.add (C2GSTRING ("gsk"), C2GSTRING ("gsv"));
+ string ts; int ti; gstring tgs;
+ auto fail = [](string msg) {throw std::runtime_error ("assertion failed: " + msg);};
+ if (!mdb.first (std::string ("foo"), ts) || ts != "bar") fail ("!foo=bar");
+ if (!mdb.first ((uint32_t) 123, ti) || ti < 1 || ti > 2) fail ("!123");
+ if (!mdb.first (C2GSTRING ("foo"), ti) || ti < 3 || ti > 4) fail ("!foo=3,4");
+ if (!mdb.first (C2GSTRING ("gsk"), tgs) || tgs != "gsv") fail ("!gsk=gsv");
+ // Test range-based for.
+ int count = 0; bool haveGskGsv = false;
+ for (auto&& entry: mdb) {
+ if (!entry._key.mv_size || !entry._val.mv_size) fail ("!entry");
+ if (entry.keyView() == "gsk") {
+ if (entry.getKey<gstring>() != "gsk") fail ("getKey(gsk)!=gsk");
+ if (entry.getValue<gstring>() != "gsv") fail ("getValue(gsk)!=gsv");
+ haveGskGsv = true;
+ }
+ ++count;}
+ if (count != 6) fail ("count!=6"); // foo=bar, 123=1, 123=2, foo=3, foo=4, gsk=gsv
+ if (!haveGskGsv) fail ("!haveGskGsv");
+ // Test `values`.
+ count = 0; int sum = 0;
+ for (auto&& entry: mdb.valuesRange ((uint32_t) 123)) {
+ if (entry.getKey<uint32_t>() != (uint32_t) 123) fail("values(123).key!=123");
+ ++count; sum += entry.getValue<int>();
+ }
+ if (count != 2) fail ("count(123)!=2");
+ if (sum != 3) fail ("sum(123)!=3");
+ if (!mdb.eraseKV ((uint32_t) 123, 1)) fail ("!eraseKV(123,1)");
+ if (!mdb.first ((uint32_t) 123, ti) || ti != 2) fail ("!123=2");
+ if (!mdb.eraseKV ((uint32_t) 123, 2)) fail ("!eraseKV(123,2)");
+ if (mdb.first ((uint32_t) 123, ti)) fail ("123");
+ if (!mdb.erase (C2GSTRING ("foo"))) fail ("!erase(g(foo))");
+ if (mdb.first (C2GSTRING ("foo"), ti)) fail ("foo");
+ if (!mdb.erase (std::string ("foo"))) fail ("!erase(str(foo))");
+ { // We've erased "123" and "foo", the only key left is "gsk" (gsk=gsv), let's test the iterator boundaries on this small dataset.
+ auto&& it = mdb.begin();
+ if (it->getKey<gstring>() != "gsk") fail ("first key !gsk " + it->keyView().str());
+ if (!(++it).end()) fail ("++it != end");
+ if ((--it)->getKey<gstring>() != "gsk") fail ("can't go back to gsk");
+ if (!(--it).end()) fail ("--it != end");
+ if ((++it)->getKey<gstring>() != "gsk") fail ("can't go forward to gsk");
+ }
+ struct SimpleIndexTrigger: public Trigger {
+ const char* _name; Mdb _indexDb;
+ SimpleIndexTrigger (Mdb& mdb, const char* name = "index"): _name (name), _indexDb (mdb._env, name) {}
+ gstring getTriggerName() {return gstring (0, (void*) _name, false, strlen (_name), true);}
+ void add (Mdb& mdb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, void* value, gstring& vbytes, Transaction& txn) {
+ MDB_val mkey = {vbytes.size(), (void*) vbytes.data()};
+ MDB_val mvalue = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()};
+ int rc = ::mdb_put (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &mkey, &mvalue, 0);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("index, mdb_put: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ }
+ void erase (Mdb& mdb, void* ekey, gstring& kbytes, Transaction& txn) {
+ // Get all the values and remove them from the index.
+ MDB_cursor* cur = 0; int rc = ::mdb_cursor_open (txn.get(), mdb._dbi, &cur);
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("index, erase, mdb_cursor_open: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ std::unique_ptr<MDB_cursor, void(*)(MDB_cursor*)> curHolder (cur, ::mdb_cursor_close);
+ MDB_val mkey = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()}, val = {0, 0};
+ rc = ::mdb_cursor_get (cur, &mkey, &val, ::MDB_SET_KEY); if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return;
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("index, erase, mdb_cursor_get: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ rc = ::mdb_del (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &val, &mkey);
+ if (rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) throw MdbEx (std::string ("index, erase, mdb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ for (;;) {
+ rc = ::mdb_cursor_get (cur, &mkey, &val, ::MDB_NEXT_DUP); if (rc == MDB_NOTFOUND) return;
+ if (rc) throw MdbEx (std::string ("index, erase, mdb_cursor_get: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ rc = ::mdb_del (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &val, &mkey);
+ if (rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) throw MdbEx (std::string ("index, erase, mdb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ }
+ }
+ void eraseKV (Mdb& mdb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, void* value, gstring& vbytes, Transaction& txn) {
+ MDB_val mkey = {vbytes.size(), (void*) vbytes.data()};
+ MDB_val mvalue = {kbytes.size(), (void*) kbytes.data()};
+ int rc = ::mdb_del (txn.get(), _indexDb._dbi, &mkey, &mvalue);
+ if (rc && rc != MDB_NOTFOUND) throw MdbEx (std::string ("index, mdb_del: ") + ::strerror (rc));
+ }
+ };
+ auto indexTrigger = std::make_shared<SimpleIndexTrigger> (mdb); mdb.setTrigger (indexTrigger); auto& indexDb = indexTrigger->_indexDb;
+ mdb.erase (C2GSTRING ("gsk")); // NB: "gsk" wasn't indexed here. `IndexTrigger.erase` should handle this gracefully.
+ // Add indexed.
+ mdb.add (C2GSTRING ("ik"), C2GSTRING ("iv1"));
+ mdb.add (C2GSTRING ("ik"), string ("iv2"));
+ mdb.add (C2GSTRING ("ik"), 3);
+ // Check the index.
+ gstring ik;
+ if (!indexDb.first (C2GSTRING ("iv1"), ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv1=ik");
+ if (!indexDb.first (string ("iv2"), ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv2=ik");
+ if (!indexDb.first (3, ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv3=ik");
+ // Remove indexed.
+ mdb.eraseKV (C2GSTRING ("ik"), string ("iv2"));
+ // Check the index.
+ if (!indexDb.first (C2GSTRING ("iv1"), ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv1=ik");
+ if (indexDb.first (string ("iv2"), ik)) fail ("iv2=ik");
+ if (!indexDb.first (3, ik) || ik != "ik") fail ("!iv3=ik");
+ // Remove indexed.
+ mdb.erase (C2GSTRING ("ik"));
+ // Check the index.
+ if (indexDb.first (C2GSTRING ("iv1"), ik)) fail ("iv1");
+ if (indexDb.first (3, ik)) fail ("iv3");
+ // Check the data.
+ if (mdb.first (C2GSTRING ("ik"), ik)) fail ("ik");
+ }
+ virtual ~Mdb() {
+ _triggers.clear(); // Destroy triggers before closing the database.
+ if (_dbi) {::mdb_close (_env.get(), _dbi); _dbi = 0;}
+ }
+} // namespace glim