path: root/external/glim/ldb.hpp
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- * Leveldb (http://code.google.com/p/leveldb/) wrapper.
- * @code
-Copyright 2012 Kozarezov Artem Aleksandrovich
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
- * @endcode
- * @file
- */
-#include <string>
-//#include <unordered_map> // having SIGFPE as in http://stackoverflow.com/q/13580823/257568
-#include <map>
-#include <climits> // CHAR_MAX
-#include <leveldb/db.h>
-#include <leveldb/write_batch.h>
-#include <leveldb/filter_policy.h>
-#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
-#include <boost/archive/binary_iarchive.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>
-#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
-#include <boost/range/iterator_range.hpp> // http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/range/doc/html/range/reference/utilities/iterator_range.html
-#include <arpa/inet.h> // htonl, ntohl
-#include <sys/stat.h> // mkdir
-#include <sys/types.h> // mkdir
-#include <string.h> // strerror
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "gstring.hpp"
-#include "exception.hpp"
-namespace glim {
-template <typename T> inline void ldbSerialize (gstring& bytes, const T& data) {
- gstring_stream stream (bytes);
- boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa (stream, boost::archive::no_header);
- oa << data;
-template <typename V> inline void ldbDeserialize (const gstring& bytes, V& data) {
- gstring_stream stream (const_cast<gstring&> (bytes));
- boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia (stream, boost::archive::no_header);
- ia >> data;
-/** uint32_t keys are stored big-endian (network byte order) in order to be compatible with lexicographic ordering. */
-template <> inline void ldbSerialize<uint32_t> (gstring& bytes, const uint32_t& ui) {
- uint32_t nui = htonl (ui); bytes.append ((const char*) &nui, sizeof (uint32_t));}
-/** Deserialize uint32_t from big-endian (network byte order). */
-template <> inline void ldbDeserialize<uint32_t> (const gstring& bytes, uint32_t& ui) {
- if (bytes.size() != sizeof (uint32_t)) GNTHROW (LdbEx, "Not uint32_t, wrong number of bytes");
- uint32_t nui = * (uint32_t*) bytes.data(); ui = ntohl (nui);}
-/** If the data is `gstring` then use the data's buffer directly, no copy. */
-template <> inline void ldbSerialize<gstring> (gstring& bytes, const gstring& data) {
- bytes = gstring (0, (void*) data.data(), false, data.length());}
-/** Deserializing into `gstring` copies the bytes into it, reusing its buffer. */
-template <> inline void ldbDeserialize<gstring> (const gstring& bytes, gstring& data) {
- data.clear() << bytes;}
-/** If the data is `std::string` then use the data's buffer directly, no copy. */
-template <> inline void ldbSerialize<std::string> (gstring& bytes, const std::string& data) {
- bytes = gstring (0, (void*) data.data(), false, data.length());}
-/** Deserializing into `std::string` copies the bytes into it, reusing its buffer. */
-template <> inline void ldbDeserialize<std::string> (const gstring& bytes, std::string& data) {
- data.clear(); data.append (bytes.data(), bytes.size());}
- * Header-only Leveldb wrapper.\n
- * Uses Boost Serialization to pack keys and values (glim::gstring can be used for raw bytes).\n
- * Allows semi-automatic indexing with triggers.
- */
-struct Ldb {
- std::shared_ptr<leveldb::DB> _db;
- std::shared_ptr<const leveldb::FilterPolicy> _filter;
- struct IteratorEntry { ///< Something to be `dereference`d from the Iterator. Also a pImpl allowing to keep the `_valid` and the `_lit` in sync.
- leveldb::Iterator* _lit;
- bool _valid:1;
- IteratorEntry (const IteratorEntry&) = delete; // Owns `leveldb::Iterator`, should not be copied.
- IteratorEntry (IteratorEntry&&) = default;
- IteratorEntry (leveldb::Iterator* lit, bool valid = false): _lit (lit), _valid (valid) {}
- ~IteratorEntry() {delete _lit;}
- /** Zero-copy view of the current key bytes. Should *not* be used after the Iterator is changed or destroyed.
- * @param ref If true then the *copies* of the returned gstring will keep pointing to LevelDB memory which is valid only until the iterator changes. */
- const gstring keyView (bool ref = false) const {
- if (!_valid) return gstring();
- const leveldb::Slice& key = _lit->key();
- return gstring (0, (void*) key.data(), false, key.size(), ref);} // Zero copy.
- /** Zero-copy view of the current value bytes. Should *not* be used after the Iterator is changed or destroyed.
- * @param ref If true then the *copies* of the returned gstring will keep pointing to LevelDB memory which is valid only until the iterator changes. */
- const gstring valueView (bool ref = false) const {
- if (!_valid) return gstring();
- const leveldb::Slice& val = _lit->value();
- return gstring (0, (void*) val.data(), false, val.size(), ref);} // Zero copy.
- /** Deserialize into `key`. */
- template <typename T> void getKey (T& key) const {ldbDeserialize (keyView (true), key);}
- /** Deserialize the key into a temporary and return it. */
- template <typename T> T getKey() const {T key; getKey (key); return key;}
- /** Deserialize into `value`. */
- template <typename T> void getValue (T& value) const {ldbDeserialize (valueView (true), value);}
- /** Deserialize the value into a temporary and return it. */
- template <typename T> T getValue() const {T value; getValue (value); return value;}
- };
- struct NoSeekFlag {}; ///< Tells the `Iterator` constructor not to seek to the beginning of the database.
- /** Wraps Leveldb iterator.
- * Note: "In fact the iterator is a light-weight snapshot. It will see exactly the version of the DB that existed when the iterator was created
- * (i.e., any insert/delete done after the iterator is created, regardless of which thread does them) will be invisible to the iterator"
- * (https://groups.google.com/d/msg/leveldb/nX8S5KKiSn4/PI92Yf1Hf6UJ). */
- struct Iterator: public boost::iterator_facade<Iterator, IteratorEntry, boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag> {
- std::shared_ptr<IteratorEntry> _entry; ///< The Iterator might be copied around, therefore we keep the real iterator and the state in the shared_ptr.
- Iterator (const Iterator&) = default;
- Iterator (Iterator&&) = default;
- Iterator& operator= (const Iterator&) = default;
- Iterator& operator= (Iterator&&) = default;
- /** Iterate from the beginning or the end of the database.
- * @param position can be MDB_FIRST or MDB_LAST */
- Iterator (Ldb* ldb, leveldb::ReadOptions options = leveldb::ReadOptions()):
- _entry (std::make_shared<IteratorEntry> (ldb->_db->NewIterator (options))) {
- IteratorEntry* entry = _entry.get();
- entry->_lit->SeekToFirst();
- entry->_valid = entry->_lit->Valid();
- }
- Iterator (Ldb* ldb, NoSeekFlag, leveldb::ReadOptions options = leveldb::ReadOptions()):
- _entry (std::make_shared<IteratorEntry> (ldb->_db->NewIterator (options))) {}
- /** True if the iterator isn't pointing anywhere. */
- bool end() const {return !_entry->_valid;}
- bool equal (const Iterator& other) const {
- bool weAreValid = _entry->_valid, theyAreValid = other._entry->_valid;
- if (!weAreValid) return !theyAreValid;
- if (!theyAreValid) return false;
- auto&& ourKey = _entry->_lit->key(), theirKey = other._entry->_lit->key();
- if (ourKey.size() != theirKey.size()) return false;
- return memcmp (ourKey.data(), theirKey.data(), ourKey.size()) == 0;
- }
- IteratorEntry& dereference() const {
- // NB: Boost iterator_facade expects the `dereference` to be a `const` method.
- // I guess Iterator is not modified, so the `dereference` is `const`, even though the Entry can be modified.
- return *_entry;
- }
- virtual void increment() {
- IteratorEntry* entry = _entry.get();
- if (entry->_valid) entry->_lit->Next();
- else entry->_lit->SeekToFirst();
- entry->_valid = entry->_lit->Valid();
- }
- virtual void decrement() {
- IteratorEntry* entry = _entry.get();
- if (entry->_valid) entry->_lit->Prev();
- else entry->_lit->SeekToLast();
- entry->_valid = entry->_lit->Valid();
- }
- Iterator& seek (const gstring& key) {
- IteratorEntry* entry = _entry.get();
- entry->_lit->Seek (leveldb::Slice (key.data(), key.size()));
- entry->_valid = entry->_lit->Valid();
- return *this;
- }
- };
- Iterator begin() {return Iterator (this);}
- Iterator end() {return Iterator (this, NoSeekFlag());}
- /** Range from `from` (inclusive) to `till` (exclusive). */
- template <typename K>
- boost::iterator_range<Iterator> range (const K& from, const K& till, leveldb::ReadOptions options = leveldb::ReadOptions()) {
- char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
- gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
- ldbSerialize (kbytes, from);
- Iterator fit (this, NoSeekFlag(), options); fit.seek (kbytes);
- ldbSerialize (kbytes.clear(), till);
- Iterator tit (this, NoSeekFlag(), options); tit.seek (kbytes);
- return boost::iterator_range<Iterator> (fit, tit);
- }
- struct StartsWithIterator: public Iterator {
- gstring _starts;
- StartsWithIterator (const StartsWithIterator&) = default;
- StartsWithIterator (StartsWithIterator&&) = default;
- StartsWithIterator& operator= (const StartsWithIterator&) = default;
- StartsWithIterator& operator= (StartsWithIterator&&) = default;
- StartsWithIterator (Ldb* ldb, const char* data, uint32_t length, leveldb::ReadOptions options = leveldb::ReadOptions()):
- Iterator (ldb, NoSeekFlag(), options), _starts (data, length) {
- IteratorEntry* entry = _entry.get();
- entry->_lit->Seek (leveldb::Slice (data, length));
- entry->_valid = checkValidity();
- }
- /** End iterator, pointing nowhere. */
- StartsWithIterator (Ldb* ldb, const char* data, uint32_t length, NoSeekFlag, leveldb::ReadOptions options = leveldb::ReadOptions()):
- Iterator (ldb, NoSeekFlag(), options), _starts (data, length) {}
- bool checkValidity() const {
- IteratorEntry* entry = _entry.get();
- return entry->_lit->Valid() && entry->_lit->key().starts_with (leveldb::Slice (_starts.data(), _starts.length()));
- }
- virtual void increment() override {
- IteratorEntry* entry = _entry.get();
- if (entry->_valid) entry->_lit->Next();
- else entry->_lit->Seek (leveldb::Slice (_starts.data(), _starts.length()));
- entry->_valid = checkValidity();
- }
- virtual void decrement() override {
- IteratorEntry* entry = _entry.get();
- if (entry->_valid) entry->_lit->Prev(); else seekLast();
- entry->_valid = checkValidity();
- }
- void seekLast() {
- leveldb::Iterator* lit = _entry->_lit;
- // Go somewhere *below* the `_starts` prefix.
- char after[_starts.length()]; if (sizeof (after)) {
- memcpy (after, _starts.data(), sizeof (after));
- uint32_t pos = sizeof (after); while (--pos >= 0) if (after[pos] < CHAR_MAX) {++after[pos]; break;}
- if (pos >= 0) {lit->Seek (leveldb::Slice (after, sizeof (after))); if (!lit->Valid()) lit->SeekToLast();} else lit->SeekToLast();
- } else lit->SeekToLast();
- // Seek back until we are in the `_starts` prefix.
- for (leveldb::Slice prefix (_starts.data(), _starts.length()); lit->Valid(); lit->Prev()) {
- leveldb::Slice key (lit->key());
- if (key.starts_with (prefix)) break; // We're "back" in the `_starts` prefix.
- if (key.compare (prefix) < 0) break; // Gone too far (no prefix entries in the db).
- }
- }
- };
- /** Range over entries starting with `key`. */
- template <typename K>
- boost::iterator_range<StartsWithIterator> startsWith (const K& key) {
- char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
- gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
- ldbSerialize (kbytes, key);
- return boost::iterator_range<StartsWithIterator> (
- StartsWithIterator (this, kbytes.data(), kbytes.length()),
- StartsWithIterator (this, kbytes.data(), kbytes.length(), NoSeekFlag()));
- }
- struct Trigger {
- virtual gstring triggerName() const {return C2GSTRING ("defaultTriggerName");};
- virtual void put (Ldb& ldb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, void* value, gstring& vbytes, leveldb::WriteBatch& batch) = 0;
- virtual void del (Ldb& ldb, void* key, gstring& kbytes, leveldb::WriteBatch& batch) = 0;
- };
- std::map<gstring, std::shared_ptr<Trigger>> _triggers;
- /** Register the trigger (by its `triggerName`). */
- void putTrigger (std::shared_ptr<Trigger> trigger) {
- _triggers[trigger->triggerName()] = trigger;
- }
- public:
- Ldb() {}
- /** Opens Leveldb database. */
- Ldb (const char* path, leveldb::Options* options = nullptr, mode_t mode = 0770) {
- int rc = ::mkdir (path, mode);
- if (rc && errno != EEXIST) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("Can't create ") + path + ": " + ::strerror (errno));
- leveldb::DB* db;
- leveldb::Status status;
- if (options) {
- status = leveldb::DB::Open (*options, path, &db);
- } else {
- leveldb::Options localOptions;
- localOptions.create_if_missing = true;
- _filter.reset (leveldb::NewBloomFilterPolicy (8));
- localOptions.filter_policy = _filter.get();
- status = leveldb::DB::Open (localOptions, path, &db);
- }
- if (!status.ok()) GNTHROW (LdbEx, std::string ("Ldb: Can't open ") + path + ": " + status.ToString());
- _db.reset (db);
- }
- /** Wraps an existing Leveldb handler. */
- Ldb (std::shared_ptr<leveldb::DB> db): _db (db) {}
- template <typename K, typename V> void put (const K& key, const V& value, leveldb::WriteBatch& batch) {
- char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
- gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
- ldbSerialize (kbytes, key);
- char vbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
- gstring vbytes (sizeof (vbuf), vbuf, false, 0);
- ldbSerialize (vbytes, value);
- for (auto& trigger: _triggers) trigger.second->put (*this, (void*) &key, kbytes, (void*) &value, vbytes, batch);
- batch.Put (leveldb::Slice (kbytes.data(), kbytes.size()), leveldb::Slice (vbytes.data(), vbytes.size()));
- }
- template <typename K, typename V> void put (const K& key, const V& value) {
- leveldb::WriteBatch batch;
- put (key, value, batch);
- leveldb::Status status (_db->Write (leveldb::WriteOptions(), &batch));
- if (!status.ok()) GNTHROW (LdbEx, "Ldb: add: " + status.ToString());
- }
- /** Returns `true` if the key exists. Throws on error. */
- template <typename K> bool have (const K& key, leveldb::ReadOptions options = leveldb::ReadOptions()) {
- char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
- gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
- ldbSerialize (kbytes, key);
- leveldb::Slice keySlice (kbytes.data(), kbytes.size());
- // NB: "BloomFilter only helps for Get() calls" - https://groups.google.com/d/msg/leveldb/oEiDztqHiHc/LMY3tHxzRGAJ
- // "Apart from the lack of Bloom filter functionality, creating an iterator is really quite slow" - qpu2jSA8mCEJ
- std::string str;
- leveldb::Status status (_db->Get (options, keySlice, &str));
- if (status.ok()) return true;
- else if (status.IsNotFound()) return false;
- else GTHROW ("Ldb.have: " + status.ToString());
- }
- /** Returns `true` and modifies `value` if `key` is found. */
- template <typename K, typename V> bool get (const K& key, V& value, leveldb::ReadOptions options = leveldb::ReadOptions()) {
- char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
- gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
- ldbSerialize (kbytes, key);
- leveldb::Slice keySlice (kbytes.data(), kbytes.size());
- // NB: "BloomFilter only helps for Get() calls" - https://groups.google.com/d/msg/leveldb/oEiDztqHiHc/LMY3tHxzRGAJ
- // "Apart from the lack of Bloom filter functionality, creating an iterator is really quite slow" - qpu2jSA8mCEJ
- std::string str;
- leveldb::Status status (_db->Get (options, keySlice, &str));
- if (status.ok()) {
- ldbDeserialize (gstring (0, (void*) str.data(), false, str.size()), value);
- return true;
- } else if (status.IsNotFound()) return false;
- else GTHROW ("Ldb.get: " + status.ToString());
- }
- template <typename K> void del (const K& key, leveldb::WriteBatch& batch) {
- char kbuf[64]; // Allow up to 64 bytes to be serialized without heap allocations.
- gstring kbytes (sizeof (kbuf), kbuf, false, 0);
- ldbSerialize (kbytes, key);
- if (kbytes.empty()) GNTHROW (LdbEx, "del: key is empty");
- for (auto& trigger: _triggers) trigger.second->del (*this, (void*) &key, kbytes, batch);
- batch.Delete (leveldb::Slice (kbytes.data(), kbytes.size()));
- }
- template <typename K> void del (const K& key) {
- leveldb::WriteBatch batch;
- del (key, batch);
- leveldb::Status status (_db->Write (leveldb::WriteOptions(), &batch));
- if (!status.ok()) GNTHROW (LdbEx, "Ldb: del: " + status.ToString());
- }
- /** Writes the batch. Throws LdbEx if not successfull. */
- void write (leveldb::WriteBatch& batch, leveldb::WriteOptions options = leveldb::WriteOptions()) {
- leveldb::Status status (_db->Write (options, &batch));
- if (!status.ok()) GNTHROW (LdbEx, status.ToString());
- }
- virtual ~Ldb() {
- _triggers.clear(); // Destroy triggers before closing the database.
- }
-} // namespace glim