path: root/external/glim/gstring.hpp
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diff --git a/external/glim/gstring.hpp b/external/glim/gstring.hpp
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+++ b/external/glim/gstring.hpp
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+ * A C++ char string.\n
+ * Can reuse (stack-allocated) buffers.\n
+ * Can create zero-copy views.
+ * @code
+Copyright 2012 Kozarezov Artem Aleksandrovich
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+ * @endcode
+ * @file
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h> // malloc, realloc, free
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <string.h> // memcpy, memmem
+#include <stdio.h> // snprintf
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iterator>
+#include "exception.hpp"
+/// Make a read-only gstring from a C string: `const gstring foo = C2GSTRING("foo")`.
+#define C2GSTRING(CSTR) ::glim::gstring (::glim::gstring::ReferenceConstructor(), CSTR, sizeof (CSTR) - 1, true)
+/// Usage: GSTRING_ON_STACK (buf, 64) << "foo" << "bar";
+#define GSTRING_ON_STACK(NAME, SIZE) char NAME##Buf[SIZE]; ::glim::gstring NAME (SIZE, NAME##Buf, false, 0); NAME.self()
+namespace glim {
+ * Based on: C++ version 0.4 char* style "itoa": Written by Lukás Chmela, http://www.strudel.org.uk/itoa/ (GPLv3).
+ * Returns a pointer to the end of the string.
+ * NB about `inline`: http://stackoverflow.com/a/1759575/257568
+ * @param base Maximum is 36 (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_36).
+ */
+inline char* itoa (char* ptr, int64_t value, const int base = 10) {
+ // check that the base is valid
+ if (base < 2 || base > 36) {*ptr = '\0'; return ptr;}
+ char *ptr1 = ptr;
+ int64_t tmp_value;
+ do {
+ tmp_value = value;
+ value /= base;
+ *ptr++ = "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba9876543210123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" [35 + (tmp_value - value * base)];
+ } while (value);
+ // Apply negative sign
+ if (tmp_value < 0) *ptr++ = '-';
+ char* end = ptr;
+ *ptr-- = '\0';
+ char tmp_char;
+ while (ptr1 < ptr) {
+ tmp_char = *ptr;
+ *ptr--= *ptr1;
+ *ptr1++ = tmp_char;
+ }
+ return end;
+class gstring_stream;
+class gstring {
+ enum Flags {
+ FREE_FLAG = 0x80000000, // 1st bit; `_buf` needs `free`ing
+ REF_FLAG = 0x40000000, // 2nd bit; `_buf` has an extended life-time (such as C string literals) and can be shared (passed by reference)
+ REF_OFFSET = 30,
+ CAPACITY_MASK = 0x3F000000, // 3..8 bits; `_buf` size is 2^this
+ LENGTH_MASK = 0x00FFFFFF, // 9th bit; allocated capacity
+ };
+ uint32_t _meta;
+ void* _buf;
+ constexpr gstring() noexcept: _meta (0), _buf (nullptr) {}
+ /**
+ * Reuse `buf` of size `bufSize`.
+ * To fully use `buf` the `bufSize` should be the power of two.
+ * @param bufSize The size of the memory allocated to `buf`.
+ * @param buf The memory region to be reused.
+ * @param free Whether the `buf` should be `free`d on resize or gstring destruction.
+ * @param length String length inside the `buf`.
+ * @param ref If true then the `buf` isn't copied by gstring's copy constructors.
+ * This is useful for wrapping C string literals.
+ */
+ explicit gstring (uint32_t bufSize, void* buf, bool free, uint32_t length, bool ref = false) noexcept {
+ uint32_t power = 0; while (((uint32_t) 1 << (power + 1)) <= bufSize) ++power;
+ _meta = ((uint32_t) free << FREE_OFFSET) |
+ ((uint32_t) ref << REF_OFFSET) |
+ (power << CAPACITY_OFFSET) |
+ (length & LENGTH_MASK);
+ _buf = buf;
+ }
+ struct ReferenceConstructor {};
+ /// Make a view to the given cstring.
+ /// @param buf The memory region to be reused.
+ /// @param length String length inside the `buf`.
+ /// @param ref If true then the `buf` isn't copied by gstring's copy constructors.
+ /// This is useful for wrapping C string literals.
+ explicit constexpr gstring (ReferenceConstructor, const char* buf, uint32_t length, bool ref = false) noexcept:
+ _meta (((uint32_t) ref << REF_OFFSET) | (length & LENGTH_MASK)), _buf ((void*) buf) {}
+ /// Copy the characters into `gstring`.
+ gstring (const char* chars): _meta (0), _buf (nullptr) {
+ if (chars && *chars) {
+ size_t length = ::strlen (chars);
+ _buf = ::malloc (length);
+ ::memcpy (_buf, chars, length);
+ _meta = (uint32_t) FREE_FLAG |
+ (length & LENGTH_MASK);
+ }
+ }
+ /// Copy the characters into `gstring`.
+ gstring (const char* chars, size_t length) {
+ if (length != 0) {
+ _buf = ::malloc (length);
+ ::memcpy (_buf, chars, length);
+ } else _buf = nullptr;
+ _meta = (uint32_t) FREE_FLAG |
+ (length & LENGTH_MASK);
+ }
+ /// Copy into `gstring`.
+ gstring (const std::string& str): _meta (0), _buf (nullptr) {
+ if (!str.empty()) {
+ _buf = ::malloc (str.length());
+ ::memcpy (_buf, str.data(), str.length());
+ _meta = (uint32_t) FREE_FLAG |
+ (str.length() & LENGTH_MASK);
+ }
+ }
+ /// If `gstr` is `copiedByReference` then make a shallow copy of it,
+ /// otherwise copy `gstr` contents into a `malloc`ed buffer.
+ gstring (const gstring& gstr) {
+ uint32_t glen = gstr.length();
+ if (glen != 0) {
+ if (gstr.copiedByReference()) {
+ _meta = gstr._meta; _buf = gstr._buf;
+ } else {
+ _buf = ::malloc (glen);
+ if (!_buf) GTHROW ("!malloc");
+ ::memcpy (_buf, gstr._buf, glen);
+ _meta = (uint32_t) FREE_FLAG |
+ (glen & LENGTH_MASK);
+ }
+ } else {
+ _meta = 0; _buf = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ gstring (gstring&& gstr) noexcept: _meta (gstr._meta), _buf (gstr._buf) {
+ gstr._meta = 0; gstr._buf = nullptr;
+ }
+ gstring& operator = (const gstring& gstr) {
+ // cf. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9322174/move-assignment-operator-and-if-this-rhs
+ if (this != &gstr) {
+ uint32_t glen = gstr.length();
+ uint32_t power = 0;
+ uint32_t capacity = this->capacity();
+ if (glen <= capacity && capacity > 1) { // `capacity <= 1` means there is no _buf.
+ // We reuse existing buffer. Keep capacity info.
+ power = (_meta & CAPACITY_MASK) >> CAPACITY_OFFSET;
+ } else {
+ if (_buf != nullptr && needsFreeing()) ::free (_buf);
+ if (gstr.copiedByReference()) {
+ _meta = gstr._meta; _buf = gstr._buf;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ _buf = ::malloc (glen);
+ if (_buf == nullptr) GTHROW ("malloc failed");
+ }
+ ::memcpy (_buf, gstr._buf, glen);
+ _meta = (uint32_t) FREE_FLAG |
+ (power << CAPACITY_OFFSET) |
+ (glen & LENGTH_MASK);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ gstring& operator = (gstring&& gstr) noexcept {
+ assert (this != &gstr);
+ if (_buf != nullptr && needsFreeing()) free (_buf);
+ _meta = gstr._meta; _buf = gstr._buf;
+ gstr._meta = 0; gstr._buf = nullptr;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Return a copy of the string.
+ gstring clone() const {return gstring (data(), length());}
+ /// If the gstring's buffer is not owned then copy the bytes into the owned one.
+ /// Useful for turning a stack-allocated gstring into a heap-allocated gstring.
+ gstring& owned() {if (!needsFreeing()) *this = gstring (data(), length()); return *this;}
+ /** Returns a reference to the gstring: when the reference is copied the internal buffer is not copied but referenced (shallow copy).\n
+ * This method should only be used if it is know that the life-time of the reference and its copies is less than the life-time of the buffer. */
+ gstring ref() const noexcept {return gstring (0, _buf, false, length(), true);}
+ bool needsFreeing() const noexcept {return _meta & FREE_FLAG;}
+ bool copiedByReference() const noexcept {return _meta & REF_FLAG;}
+ /// Current buffer capacity (memory allocated to the string). Returns 1 if no memory allocated.
+ uint32_t capacity() const noexcept {return 1 << ((_meta & CAPACITY_MASK) >> CAPACITY_OFFSET);}
+ uint32_t length() const noexcept {return _meta & LENGTH_MASK;}
+ size_t size() const noexcept {return _meta & LENGTH_MASK;}
+ bool empty() const noexcept {return (_meta & LENGTH_MASK) == 0;}
+ std::string str() const {size_t len = size(); return len ? std::string ((const char*) _buf, len) : std::string();}
+ /// NB: might move the string to a new buffer.
+ const char* c_str() const {
+ uint32_t len = length(); if (len == 0) return "";
+ uint32_t cap = capacity();
+ // c_str should work even for const gstring's, otherwise it's too much of a pain.
+ if (cap < len + 1) const_cast<gstring*> (this) ->reserve (len + 1);
+ char* buf = (char*) _buf; buf[len] = 0; return buf;
+ }
+ bool equals (const char* cstr) const noexcept {
+ const char* cstr_; uint32_t clen_;
+ if (cstr != nullptr) {cstr_ = cstr; clen_ = strlen (cstr);} else {cstr_ = ""; clen_ = 0;}
+ const uint32_t len = length();
+ if (len != clen_) return false;
+ const char* gstr_ = _buf != nullptr ? (const char*) _buf : "";
+ return memcmp (gstr_, cstr_, len) == 0;
+ }
+ bool equals (const gstring& gs) const noexcept {
+ uint32_t llen = length(), olen = gs.length();
+ if (llen != olen) return false;
+ return memcmp ((const char*) _buf, (const char*) gs._buf, llen) == 0;
+ }
+ char& operator[] (unsigned index) noexcept {return ((char*)_buf)[index];}
+ const char& operator[] (unsigned index) const noexcept {return ((const char*)_buf)[index];}
+ /// Access `_buf` as `char*`. `_buf` might be nullptr.
+ char* data() noexcept {return (char*)_buf;}
+ const char* data() const noexcept {return (const char*)_buf;}
+ char* endp() noexcept {return (char*)_buf + length();}
+ const char* endp() const noexcept {return (const char*)_buf + length();}
+ gstring view (uint32_t pos, int32_t count = -1) noexcept {
+ return gstring (0, data() + pos, false, count >= 0 ? count : length() - pos, copiedByReference());}
+ const gstring view (uint32_t pos, int32_t count = -1) const noexcept {
+ return gstring (0, (void*)(data() + pos), false, count >= 0 ? count : length() - pos, copiedByReference());}
+ // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concept/Iterator
+ template<typename CT> struct iterator_t: public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, CT, int32_t> {
+ CT* _ptr;
+ iterator_t () noexcept: _ptr (nullptr) {}
+ iterator_t (CT* ptr) noexcept: _ptr (ptr) {}
+ iterator_t (const iterator_t<CT>& it) noexcept: _ptr (it._ptr) {}
+ CT& operator*() const noexcept {return *_ptr;}
+ CT* operator->() const noexcept {return _ptr;}
+ CT& operator[](int32_t ofs) const noexcept {return _ptr[ofs];}
+ iterator_t<CT>& operator++() noexcept {++_ptr; return *this;}
+ iterator_t<CT> operator++(int) noexcept {return iterator_t<CT> (_ptr++);};
+ iterator_t<CT>& operator--() noexcept {--_ptr; return *this;}
+ iterator_t<CT> operator--(int) noexcept {return iterator_t<CT> (_ptr--);};
+ bool operator == (const iterator_t<CT>& i2) const noexcept {return _ptr == i2._ptr;}
+ bool operator != (const iterator_t<CT>& i2) const noexcept {return _ptr != i2._ptr;}
+ bool operator < (const iterator_t<CT>& i2) const noexcept {return _ptr < i2._ptr;}
+ bool operator > (const iterator_t<CT>& i2) const noexcept {return _ptr > i2._ptr;}
+ bool operator <= (const iterator_t<CT>& i2) const noexcept {return _ptr <= i2._ptr;}
+ bool operator >= (const iterator_t<CT>& i2) const noexcept {return _ptr >= i2._ptr;}
+ iterator_t<CT> operator + (int32_t ofs) const noexcept {return iterator (_ptr + ofs);}
+ iterator_t<CT>& operator += (int32_t ofs) noexcept {_ptr += ofs; return *this;}
+ iterator_t<CT> operator - (int32_t ofs) const noexcept {return iterator (_ptr - ofs);}
+ iterator_t<CT>& operator -= (int32_t ofs) noexcept {_ptr -= ofs; return *this;}
+ };
+ // http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concept/Container
+ typedef char value_type;
+ typedef char& reference;
+ typedef const char& const_reference;
+ typedef uint32_t size_type;
+ typedef int32_t difference_type;
+ typedef iterator_t<char> iterator;
+ typedef iterator_t<const char> const_iterator;
+ iterator begin() noexcept {return iterator ((char*) _buf);}
+ const_iterator begin() const noexcept {return const_iterator ((char*) _buf);}
+ iterator end() noexcept {return iterator ((char*) _buf + size());}
+ const_iterator end() const noexcept {return const_iterator ((char*) _buf + size());}
+ const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept {return const_iterator ((char*) _buf);}
+ const_iterator cend() const noexcept {return const_iterator ((char*) _buf + size());}
+ /** Returns -1 if not found. */
+ int32_t find (const char* str, int32_t pos, int32_t count) const noexcept {
+ const int32_t hlen = (int32_t) length() - pos;
+ if (hlen <= 0) return -1;
+ char* haystack = (char*) _buf + pos;
+ void* mret = memmem (haystack, hlen, str, count);
+ if (mret == 0) return -1;
+ return (char*) mret - (char*) _buf;
+ }
+ int32_t find (const char* str, int32_t pos = 0) const noexcept {return find (str, pos, strlen (str));}
+ /** Index of `ch` inside the string or -1 if not found. */
+ int32_t indexOf (char ch) const noexcept {
+ void* ret = memchr (_buf, ch, size());
+ return ret == nullptr ? -1 : (char*) ret - (char*) _buf;
+ }
+ // Helps to workaround the "statement has no effect" warning in `GSTRING_ON_STACK`.
+ gstring& self() noexcept {return *this;}
+ /** Grow buffer to be at least `to` characters long. */
+ void reserve (uint32_t to) {
+ uint32_t power = (_meta & CAPACITY_MASK) >> CAPACITY_OFFSET;
+ if (((uint32_t) 1 << power) < to) {
+ ++power;
+ while (((uint32_t) 1 << power) < to) ++power;
+ if (power > 24) {GSTRING_ON_STACK (error, 64) << "gstring too large: " << (int) to; GTHROW (error.str());}
+ } else if (power) {
+ // No need to grow.
+ return;
+ }
+ _meta = (_meta & ~CAPACITY_MASK) | (power << CAPACITY_OFFSET);
+ if (needsFreeing() && _buf != nullptr) {
+ _buf = ::realloc (_buf, capacity());
+ if (_buf == nullptr) GTHROW ("realloc failed");
+ } else {
+ const char* oldBuf = (const char*) _buf;
+ _buf = ::malloc (capacity());
+ if (_buf == nullptr) GTHROW ("malloc failed");
+ if (oldBuf != nullptr) ::memcpy (_buf, oldBuf, length());
+ _meta |= FREE_FLAG;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Length setter. Useful when you manually write into the buffer or to cut the string. */
+ void length (uint32_t len) noexcept {
+ _meta = (_meta & ~LENGTH_MASK) | (len & LENGTH_MASK);
+ }
+ friend class gstring_stream;
+ /** Appends an integer to the string.
+ * @param base Radix, from 1 to 36 (default 10).
+ * @param bytes How many bytes to reserve (24 by default). */
+ void append64 (int64_t iv, int base = 10, uint_fast8_t bytes = 24) {
+ uint32_t pos = length();
+ if (capacity() < pos + bytes) reserve (pos + bytes);
+ length (itoa ((char*) _buf + pos, iv, base) - (char*) _buf);
+ }
+ void append (char ch) {
+ uint32_t pos = length();
+ const uint32_t cap = capacity();
+ if (pos >= cap || cap <= 1) reserve (pos + 1);
+ ((char*)_buf)[pos] = ch;
+ length (++pos);
+ }
+ void append (const char* cstr, uint32_t clen) {
+ uint32_t len = length();
+ uint32_t need = len + clen;
+ const uint32_t cap = capacity();
+ if (need > cap || cap <= 1) reserve (need);
+ ::memcpy ((char*) _buf + len, cstr, clen);
+ length (need);
+ }
+ /** This one is for http://code.google.com/p/re2/; `clear` then `append`. */
+ bool ParseFrom (const char* cstr, int clen) {
+ if (clen < 0 || clen > (int) LENGTH_MASK) return false;
+ length (0); append (cstr, (uint32_t) clen); return true;}
+ gstring& operator << (const gstring& gs) {append (gs.data(), gs.length()); return *this;}
+ gstring& operator << (const std::string& str) {append (str.data(), str.length()); return *this;}
+ gstring& operator << (const char* cstr) {if (cstr) append (cstr, ::strlen (cstr)); return *this;}
+ gstring& operator << (char ch) {append (ch); return *this;}
+ gstring& operator << (int iv) {append64 (iv, 10, sizeof (int) * 3); return *this;}
+ gstring& operator << (long iv) {append64 (iv, 10, sizeof (long) * 3); return *this;}
+ gstring& operator << (long long iv) {append64 (iv, 10, sizeof (long long) * 3); return *this;}
+ gstring& operator << (double dv) {
+ uint32_t len = length();
+ reserve (len + 32);
+ int rc = snprintf (endp(), 31, "%f", dv);
+ if (rc > 0) {length (len + std::min (rc, 31));}
+ return *this;
+ }
+ bool operator < (const gstring &gs) const noexcept {
+ uint32_t len1 = length(); uint32_t len2 = gs.length();
+ if (len1 == len2) return ::strncmp (data(), gs.data(), len1) < 0;
+ int cmp = ::strncmp (data(), gs.data(), std::min (len1, len2));
+ if (cmp) return cmp < 0;
+ return len1 < len2;
+ }
+ /// Asks `strftime` to generate a time string. Capacity is increased if necessary (up to a limit of +1024 bytes).
+ gstring& appendTime (const char* format, struct tm* tmv) {
+ int32_t pos = length(), cap = capacity(), left = cap - pos;
+ if (left < 8) {reserve (pos + 8); return appendTime (format, tmv);}
+ size_t got = strftime ((char*) _buf + pos, left, format, tmv);
+ if (got == 0) {
+ if (left > 1024) return *this; // Guard against perpetual growth.
+ reserve (pos + left * 2); return appendTime (format, tmv);
+ }
+ length (pos + got);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Append the characters to this `gstring` wrapping them in the netstring format.
+ gstring& appendNetstring (const char* cstr, uint32_t clen) {
+ *this << (int) clen; append (':'); append (cstr, clen); append (','); return *this;}
+ /// Append the `gstr` wrapping it in the netstring format.
+ gstring& appendNetstring (const gstring& gstr) {return appendNetstring (gstr.data(), gstr.length());}
+ std::ostream& writeAsNetstring (std::ostream& stream) const;
+ /// Parse netstring at `pos` and return a `gstring` *pointing* at the parsed netstring.\n
+ /// No heap space allocated.\n
+ /// Throws std::runtime_error if netstring parsing fails.\n
+ /// If parsing was successfull, then `after` is set to point after the parsed netstring.
+ gstring netstringAt (uint32_t pos, uint32_t* after = nullptr) const {
+ const uint32_t len = length(); char* buf = (char*) _buf;
+ if (buf == nullptr) GTHROW ("gstring: netstringAt: nullptr");
+ uint32_t next = pos;
+ while (next < len && buf[next] >= '0' && buf[next] <= '9') ++next;
+ if (next >= len || buf[next] != ':' || next - pos > 10) GTHROW ("gstring: netstringAt: no header");
+ char* endptr = 0;
+ long nlen = ::strtol (buf + pos, &endptr, 10);
+ if (endptr != buf + next) GTHROW ("gstring: netstringAt: unexpected header end");
+ pos = next + 1; next = pos + nlen;
+ if (next >= len || buf[next] != ',') GTHROW ("gstring: netstringAt: no body");
+ if (after) *after = next + 1;
+ return gstring (0, buf + pos, false, next - pos);
+ }
+ /// Wrapper around strtol, not entirely safe (make sure the string is terminated with a non-digit, by calling c_str, for example).
+ long intAt (uint32_t pos, uint32_t* after = nullptr, int base = 10) const {
+ // BTW: http://www.kumobius.com/2013/08/c-string-to-int/
+ const uint32_t len = length(); char* buf = (char*) _buf;
+ if (pos >= len || buf == nullptr) GTHROW ("gstring: intAt: pos >= len");
+ char* endptr = 0;
+ long lv = ::strtol (buf + pos, &endptr, base);
+ uint32_t next = endptr - buf;
+ if (next > len) GTHROW ("gstring: intAt: endptr > len");
+ if (after) *after = next;
+ return lv;
+ }
+ /// Wrapper around strtol. Copies the string into a temporary buffer in order to pass it to strtol. Empty string returns 0.
+ long toInt (int base = 10) const noexcept {
+ const uint32_t len = length(); if (len == 0) return 0;
+ char buf[len + 1]; memcpy (buf, _buf, len); buf[len] = 0;
+ return ::strtol (buf, nullptr, base);
+ }
+ /// Get a single netstring from the `stream` and append it to the end of `gstring`.
+ /// Throws an exception if the input is not a well-formed netstring.
+ gstring& readNetstring (std::istream& stream) {
+ int32_t nlen; stream >> nlen;
+ if (!stream.good() || nlen < 0) GTHROW ("!netstring");
+ int ch = stream.get();
+ if (!stream.good() || ch != ':') GTHROW ("!netstring");
+ uint32_t glen = length();
+ const uint32_t cap = capacity();
+ if (cap < glen + nlen || cap <= 1) reserve (glen + nlen);
+ stream.read ((char*) _buf + glen, nlen);
+ if (!stream.good()) GTHROW ("!netstring");
+ ch = stream.get();
+ if (ch != ',') GTHROW ("!netstring");
+ length (glen + nlen);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Set length to 0. `_buf` not changed.
+ gstring& clear() noexcept {length (0); return *this;}
+ /// Removes `count` characters starting at `pos`.
+ gstring& erase (uint32_t pos, uint32_t count = 1) noexcept {
+ const char* buf = (const char*) _buf;
+ const char* pt1 = buf + pos;
+ const char* pt2 = pt1 + count;
+ uint32_t len = length();
+ const char* end = buf + len;
+ if (pt2 <= end) {
+ length (len - count);
+ ::memmove ((void*) pt1, (void*) pt2, end - pt2);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Remove characters [from,till) and return `from`.\n
+ /// Compatible with "boost/algorithm/string/trim.hpp".
+ iterator_t<char> erase (iterator_t<char> from, iterator_t<char> till) noexcept {
+ intptr_t ipos = from._ptr - (char*) _buf;
+ intptr_t count = till._ptr - from._ptr;
+ if (ipos >= 0 && count > 0) erase (ipos, count);
+ return from;
+ }
+ ~gstring() noexcept {
+ if (_buf != nullptr && needsFreeing()) {::free (_buf); _buf = nullptr;}
+ }
+inline bool operator == (const gstring& gs1, const gstring& gs2) noexcept {return gs1.equals (gs2);}
+inline bool operator == (const char* cstr, const gstring& gstr) noexcept {return gstr.equals (cstr);}
+inline bool operator == (const gstring& gstr, const char* cstr) noexcept {return gstr.equals (cstr);}
+inline bool operator != (const gstring& gs1, const gstring& gs2) noexcept {return !gs1.equals (gs2);}
+inline bool operator != (const char* cstr, const gstring& gstr) noexcept {return !gstr.equals (cstr);}
+inline bool operator != (const gstring& gstr, const char* cstr) noexcept {return !gstr.equals (cstr);}
+inline bool operator == (const gstring& gstr, const std::string& str) noexcept {
+ return gstr.equals (gstring (gstring::ReferenceConstructor(), str.data(), str.size()));}
+inline bool operator != (const gstring& gstr, const std::string& str) noexcept {return !(gstr == str);}
+inline bool operator == (const std::string& str, const gstring& gstr) noexcept {return gstr == str;}
+inline bool operator != (const std::string& str, const gstring& gstr) noexcept {return !(gstr == str);}
+inline std::string operator += (std::string& str, const gstring& gstr) {return str.append (gstr.data(), gstr.size());}
+inline std::string operator + (const std::string& str, const gstring& gstr) {return std::string (str) .append (gstr.data(), gstr.size());}
+inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, const gstring& gstr) {
+ if (gstr._buf != nullptr) os.write ((const char*) gstr._buf, gstr.length());
+ return os;
+/// Encode this `gstring` into `stream` as a netstring.
+inline std::ostream& gstring::writeAsNetstring (std::ostream& stream) const {
+ stream << length() << ':' << *this << ',';
+ return stream;
+// http://www.mr-edd.co.uk/blog/beginners_guide_streambuf
+// http://www.dreamincode.net/code/snippet2499.htm
+// http://spec.winprog.org/streams/
+class gstring_stream: public std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > {
+ gstring& _gstr;
+ gstring_stream (gstring& gstr) noexcept: _gstr (gstr) {
+ char* buf = (char*) gstr._buf;
+ if (buf != nullptr) setg (buf, buf, buf + gstr.length());
+ }
+ virtual int_type overflow (int_type ch) {
+ if (__builtin_expect (ch != traits_type::eof(), 1)) _gstr.append ((char) ch);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // no copying
+ gstring_stream (const gstring_stream &);
+ gstring_stream& operator = (const gstring_stream &);
+} // namespace glim
+// hash specialization
+// cf. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8157937/how-to-specialize-stdhashkeyoperator-for-user-defined-type-in-unordered
+namespace std {
+ template <> struct hash<glim::gstring> {
+ size_t operator()(const glim::gstring& gs) const noexcept {
+ // cf. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7666509/hash-function-for-string
+ // Would be nice to use https://131002.net/siphash/ here.
+ uint32_t hash = 5381;
+ uint32_t len = gs.length();
+ if (len) {
+ const char* str = (const char*) gs._buf;
+ const char* end = str + len;
+ while (str < end) hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *str++; /* hash * 33 + c */
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }
+ };