path: root/external/glim/cbcoro.hpp
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diff --git a/external/glim/cbcoro.hpp b/external/glim/cbcoro.hpp
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index 000000000..f788a5bf0
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+++ b/external/glim/cbcoro.hpp
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+/** \file
+ * ucontext-based coroutine library designed to emulate a normal control flow around callbacks. */
+// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setcontext; man 3 makecontext; man 2 getcontext
+// http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/context/doc/html/index.html
+// g++ -std=c++11 -O1 -Wall -g test_cbcoro.cc -pthread && ./a.out
+// NB: There is now a coroutine support in Boost ASIO which can be used to make asynchronous APIs look synchronous in a similar way:
+// https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/84311
+#include <ucontext.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h> // mmap
+#include <string.h> // strerror
+#include <mutex>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <valgrind/valgrind.h>
+#include <glim/exception.hpp>
+#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
+#include <boost/container/slist.hpp>
+namespace glim {
+/// Simplifies turning callback control flows into normal imperative control flows.
+class CBCoro {
+ public:
+ /// "Holds" the CBCoro and will delete it when it is no longer used.
+ struct CBCoroPtr {
+ CBCoro* _coro;
+ CBCoroPtr (CBCoro* coro): _coro (coro) {
+ _coro->_users++;
+ }
+ ~CBCoroPtr() {
+ if (--_coro->_users <= 0 && _coro->_delete) delete _coro;
+ }
+ CBCoro* operator ->() const {return _coro;}
+ };
+ static constexpr size_t defaultStackSize() {return 512 * 1024;}
+ static constexpr uint8_t defaultCacheSize() {return 2;}
+ protected:
+ typedef boost::container::flat_map<size_t, boost::container::slist<void*> > cache_t;
+ /// The cached stacks; stackSize -> free list.
+ static cache_t& cache() {static cache_t CACHE; return CACHE;}
+ static std::mutex& cacheMutex() {static std::mutex CACHE_MUTEX; return CACHE_MUTEX;}
+ ucontext_t _context;
+ ucontext_t* _returnTo;
+ std::recursive_mutex _mutex; ///< This one is locked most of the time.
+ std::atomic_int_fast32_t _users; ///< Counter used by `CBCoroPtr`.
+ bool _delete; ///< Whether the `CBCoroPtr` should `delete` this instance when it is no longer used (default is `true`).
+ bool _invokeFromYield; ///< True if `invokeFromCallback()` was called directly from `yieldForCallback()`.
+ bool _yieldFromInvoke; ///< True if `yieldForCallback()` now runs from `invokeFromCallback()`.
+ uint8_t const _cacheStack; ///< Tells `freeStack()` to cache the stack if the number of cached `#_stackSize` stacks is less than it.
+ void* _stack;
+ size_t const _stackSize; ///< Keeps the size of the stack.
+ /// Peek a stack from the cache or allocate one with `mmap` (and register with Valgrind).
+ virtual void allocateStack() {
+ if (_cacheStack) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (cacheMutex());
+ auto& freeList = cache()[_stackSize];
+ if (!freeList.empty()) {_stack = freeList.front(); freeList.pop_front(); return;}
+ }
+ _stack = mmap (nullptr, _stackSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_STACK | MAP_NORESERVE, -1, 0);
+ if (_stack == MAP_FAILED) GTHROW (std::string ("mmap allocation failed: ") + ::strerror (errno));
+ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-value"
+ VALGRIND_STACK_REGISTER (_stack, (char*) _stack + _stackSize);
+ }
+ /// Release a stack into the cache or free it with `munmap` (and deregister with Valgrind).
+ virtual void freeStack() {
+ if (_cacheStack) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (cacheMutex());
+ auto& freeList = cache()[_stackSize];
+ if (freeList.size() < _cacheStack) {freeList.push_front (_stack); _stack = nullptr; return;}
+ }
+ if (munmap (_stack, _stackSize)) GTHROW (std::string ("!munmap: ") + ::strerror (errno));;
+ _stack = nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Prepare the coroutine (initialize context, allocate stack and register it with Valgrind).
+ CBCoro (uint8_t cacheStack = defaultCacheSize(), size_t stackSize = defaultStackSize()):
+ _returnTo (nullptr), _users (0), _delete (true), _invokeFromYield (false), _yieldFromInvoke (false),
+ _cacheStack (cacheStack), _stack (nullptr), _stackSize (stackSize) {
+ if (getcontext (&_context)) GTHROW ("!getcontext");
+ allocateStack();
+ _context.uc_stack.ss_sp = _stack;
+ _context.uc_stack.ss_size = stackSize;
+ }
+ virtual ~CBCoro() {
+ freeStack();
+ }
+ public:
+ /// Starts the coroutine on the `_stack` (makecontext, swapcontext), calling the `CBCoro::run`.
+ CBCoroPtr start() {
+ CBCoroPtr ptr (this);
+ ucontext_t back; _context.uc_link = &back;
+ makecontext (&_context, (void(*)()) cbcRun, 1, (intptr_t) this);
+ // Since we have to "return" from inside the `yieldForCallback`,
+ // we're not actually using the `_context.uc_link` and `return`, we use `setcontext (_returnTo)` instead.
+ _returnTo = &back;
+ _mutex.lock();
+ swapcontext (&back, &_context); // Now our stack lives and the caller stack is no longer in control.
+ _mutex.unlock();
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ protected:
+ /// Logs exception thrown from `CBCoro::run`.
+ virtual void log (const std::exception& ex) {
+ std::cerr << "glim::CBCoro, exception: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
+ }
+ static void cbcRun (CBCoro* cbCoro) {
+ try {
+ cbCoro->run();
+ } catch (const std::exception& ex) {
+ cbCoro->log (ex);
+ }
+ cbCoro->cbcReturn(); // Return the control to the rightful owner, e.g. to a last callback who ran `invokeFromCallback`, or otherwise to `cbcStart`.
+ }
+ /// Relinquish the control to the original owner of the thread, restoring its stack.
+ void cbcReturn() {
+ ucontext_t* returnTo = _returnTo;
+ if (returnTo != nullptr) {_returnTo = nullptr; setcontext (returnTo);}
+ }
+ /// This method is performed on the CBCoro stack, allowing it to be suspended and then reanimated from callbacks.
+ virtual void run() = 0;
+ public:
+ /** Use this method to wrap a return-via-callback code.
+ * For example, the callback code \code
+ * startSomeWork ([=]() {
+ * continueWhenWorkIsFinished();
+ * });
+ * \endcode should be turned into \code
+ * yieldForCallback ([&]() {
+ * startSomeWork ([&]() {
+ * invokeFromCallback();
+ * });
+ * });
+ * continueWhenWorkIsFinished();
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * Captures the stack, runs the `fun` and relinquish the control to `_returnTo`.\n
+ * This method will never "return" by itself, in order for it to "return" the
+ * `fun` MUST call `invokeFromCallback`, maybe later and from a different stack. */
+ template <typename F> CBCoroPtr yieldForCallback (F fun) {
+ CBCoroPtr ptr (this);
+ _yieldFromInvoke = false;
+ if (getcontext (&_context)) GTHROW ("!getcontext"); // Capture.
+ if (_yieldFromInvoke) {
+ // We're now in the future, revived by the `invokeFromCallback`.
+ // All we do now is "return" to the caller whose stack we captured earlier.
+ } else {
+ // We're still in the present, still have some work to do.
+ fun(); // The `fun` is supposed to do something resulting in the `invokeFromCallback` being called later.
+ if (_invokeFromYield) {
+ // The `fun` used the `invokeFromCallback` directly, not resorting to callbacks, meaning we don't have to do our magick.
+ _invokeFromYield = false;
+ } else {
+ // So, the `fun` took measures to revive us later, it's time for us to go into torpor and return the control to whoever we've borrowed it from.
+ cbcReturn();
+ }
+ }
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ /// To be called from a callback in order to lend the control to CBCoro, continuing it from where it called `yieldForCallback`.
+ CBCoroPtr invokeFromCallback() {
+ CBCoroPtr ptr (this);
+ _mutex.lock(); // Wait for an other-thready `yieldForCallback` to finish.
+ if (_returnTo != nullptr) {
+ // We have not yet "returned" from the `yieldForCallback`,
+ // meaning that the `invokeFromCallback` was executed immediately from inside the `yieldForCallback`.
+ // In that case we must DO NOTHING, we must simply continue running on the current stack.
+ _invokeFromYield = true; // Tells `yieldForCallback` to do nothing.
+ } else {
+ // Revive the CBCoro, letting it continue from where it was suspended in `yieldForCallback`.
+ ucontext_t cbContext; _returnTo = &cbContext; _yieldFromInvoke = true;
+ if (swapcontext (&cbContext, &_context)) GTHROW ("!swapcontext");
+ // NB: When the CBCoro is suspended or exits, the control returns back there and then back to the callback from which we borrowed it.
+ if (_returnTo == &cbContext) _returnTo = nullptr;
+ }
+ _mutex.unlock(); // Other-thready `yieldForCallback` has finished and `cbcReturn`ed here.
+ return ptr;
+ }
+/** CBCoro running a given functor.
+ * The functor's first argument must be a CBCoro pointer, like this: \code (new CBCoroForFunctor ([](CBCoro* cbcoro) {}))->start(); \endcode */
+template <typename FUN> struct CBCoroForFunctor: public CBCoro {
+ FUN _fun;
+ template <typename CFUN> CBCoroForFunctor (CFUN&& fun, uint8_t cacheStack, size_t stackSize): CBCoro (cacheStack, stackSize), _fun (std::forward<CFUN> (fun)) {}
+ virtual void run() {_fun (this);}
+ virtual ~CBCoroForFunctor() {}
+/** Syntactic sugar: Runs a given functor in a CBCoro instance.
+ * Example: \code glim::cbCoro ([](glim::CBCoro* cbcoro) {}); \endcode
+ * Returns a `CBCoroPtr` to the CBCoro instance holding the `fun` which might be held somewhere in order to delay the deletion of `fun`. */
+template <typename FUN> inline CBCoro::CBCoroPtr cbCoro (FUN&& fun, uint8_t cacheStack = CBCoro::defaultCacheSize(), size_t stackSize = CBCoro::defaultStackSize()) {
+ return (new CBCoroForFunctor<FUN> (std::forward<FUN> (fun), cacheStack, stackSize))->start();