path: root/contrib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
2 files changed, 145 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/gitian/gitian-build.py b/contrib/gitian/gitian-build.py
index f934ffa17..64eb218bb 100755
--- a/contrib/gitian/gitian-build.py
+++ b/contrib/gitian/gitian-build.py
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ import sys
gsigs = 'https://github.com/monero-project/gitian.sigs.git'
gbrepo = 'https://github.com/devrandom/gitian-builder.git'
+platforms = {'l': ['Linux', 'linux', 'tar.bz2'],
+ 'a': ['Android', 'android', 'tar.bz2'],
+ 'f': ['FreeBSD', 'freebsd', 'tar.bz2'],
+ 'w': ['Windows', 'win', 'zip'],
+ 'm': ['MacOS', 'osx', 'tar.bz2'] }
def setup():
global args, workdir
programs = ['apt-cacher-ng', 'ruby', 'git', 'make', 'wget']
@@ -48,10 +54,6 @@ def rebuild():
print('\nBuilding Dependencies\n')
os.makedirs('../out/' + args.version, exist_ok=True)
- platforms = {'l': ['Linux', 'linux', 'tar.bz2'],
- 'a': ['Android', 'android', 'tar.bz2'],
- 'w': ['Windows', 'win', 'zip'],
- 'm': ['MacOS', 'osx', 'tar.bz2'] }
for i in args.os:
if i is 'm' and args.nomac:
@@ -76,10 +78,8 @@ def rebuild():
if args.commit_files:
print('\nCommitting '+args.version+' Unsigned Sigs\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-linux/'+args.signer])
- subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-android/'+args.signer])
- subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-win/'+args.signer])
- subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-osx/'+args.signer])
+ for i, v in platforms:
+ subprocess.check_call(['git', 'add', args.version+'-'+v[1]+'/'+args.signer])
subprocess.check_call(['git', 'commit', '-m', 'Add '+args.version+' unsigned sigs for '+args.signer])
@@ -104,14 +104,9 @@ def verify():
global args, workdir
- print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Linux\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-linux', 'inputs/monero/contrib/gitian/gitian-linux.yml'])
- print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Android\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-android', 'inputs/monero/contrib/gitian/gitian-android.yml'])
- print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' Windows\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-win', 'inputs/monero/contrib/gitian/gitian-win.yml'])
- print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' MacOS\n')
- subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-osx', 'inputs/monero/contrib/gitian/gitian-osx.yml'])
+ for i, v in platforms:
+ print('\nVerifying v'+args.version+' '+v[0]+'\n')
+ subprocess.check_call(['bin/gverify', '-v', '-d', '../sigs/', '-r', args.version+'-'+v[1], 'inputs/monero/contrib/gitian/gitian-'+v[1]+'.yml'])
def main():
@@ -124,7 +119,7 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verify', action='store_true', dest='verify', help='Verify the Gitian build')
parser.add_argument('-b', '--build', action='store_true', dest='build', help='Do a Gitian build')
parser.add_argument('-B', '--buildsign', action='store_true', dest='buildsign', help='Build both signed and unsigned binaries')
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--os', dest='os', default='lawm', help='Specify which Operating Systems the build is for. Default is %(default)s. l for Linux, a for Android, w for Windows, m for MacOS')
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--os', dest='os', default='lafwm', help='Specify which Operating Systems the build is for. Default is %(default)s. l for Linux, a for Android, f for FreeBSD, w for Windows, m for MacOS')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--rebuild', action='store_true', dest='rebuild', help='Redo a Gitian build')
parser.add_argument('-R', '--rebuildsign', action='store_true', dest='rebuildsign', help='Redo and sign a Gitian build')
parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', dest='jobs', default='2', help='Number of processes to use. Default %(default)s')
diff --git a/contrib/gitian/gitian-freebsd.yml b/contrib/gitian/gitian-freebsd.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3402a2b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/gitian/gitian-freebsd.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+name: "monero-freebsd-0.15"
+enable_cache: true
+- "bionic"
+- "amd64"
+- "curl"
+- "clang-8"
+- "llvm-8"
+- "gperf"
+- "gcc-7"
+- "g++-7"
+- "gcc"
+- "g++"
+- "binutils-gold"
+- "git"
+- "pkg-config"
+- "build-essential"
+- "autoconf"
+- "libtool"
+- "automake"
+- "faketime"
+- "bsdmainutils"
+- "ca-certificates"
+- "python"
+- "cmake"
+- "ccache"
+- "protobuf-compiler"
+- "libdbus-1-dev"
+- "libharfbuzz-dev"
+- "libprotobuf-dev"
+- "python3-zmq"
+- "url": "https://github.com/monero-project/monero.git"
+ "dir": "monero"
+files: []
+script: |
+ WRAP_DIR=$HOME/wrapped
+ HOSTS="x86_64-unknown-freebsd"
+ FAKETIME_PROGS="clang-8 clang++-8 llvm-ar-8 llvm-ranlib-8 date"
+ HOST_CFLAGS="-O2 -g"
+ HOST_LDFLAGS=-static-libstdc++
+ export GZIP="-9n"
+ export TZ="UTC"
+ export BUILD_DIR=`pwd`
+ mkdir -p ${WRAP_DIR}
+ if test -n "$GBUILD_CACHE_ENABLED"; then
+ mkdir -p ${BASE_CACHE} ${SOURCES_PATH}
+ fi
+ export ZERO_AR_DATE=1
+ function create_global_faketime_wrappers {
+ for prog in ${FAKETIME_PROGS}; do
+ echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
+ echo "REAL=\`which -a ${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
+ echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
+ echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
+ echo "\$REAL \$@" >> $WRAP_DIR/${prog}
+ chmod +x ${WRAP_DIR}/${prog}
+ done
+ }
+ function create_per-host_faketime_wrappers {
+ for i in $HOSTS; do
+ for prog in ${FAKETIME_HOST_PROGS}; do
+ WRAPPER=${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog}
+ echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > ${WRAPPER}
+ echo "REAL=\`which -a ${i}-${prog} | grep -v ${WRAP_DIR}/${i}-${prog} | head -1\`" >> ${WRAPPER}
+ echo 'export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1' >> ${WRAPPER}
+ echo "export FAKETIME=\"$1\"" >> ${WRAPPER}
+ echo "$NDKDIR/${ABI}-$prog \$@" >> ${WRAPPER}
+ chmod +x ${WRAPPER}
+ done
+ done
+ }
+ # Faketime for depends so intermediate results are comparable
+ DUMMYTIME="2000-01-01 12:00:00"
+ export PATH_orig=${PATH}
+ create_global_faketime_wrappers "$DUMMYTIME"
+ create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "$DUMMYTIME"
+ export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${PATH}
+ # gcc 7+ honors SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH, no faketime needed
+ export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=`date -d "$DUMMYTIME" +%s`
+ git config --global core.abbrev 9
+ cd monero
+ # Set the version string that gets added to the tar archive name
+ version="`git describe`"
+ if [[ $version == *"-"*"-"* ]]; then
+ version="`git rev-parse --short=9 HEAD`"
+ version="`echo $version | head -c 9`"
+ fi
+ BASEPREFIX=`pwd`/contrib/depends
+ # Build dependencies for each host
+ for i in $HOSTS; do
+ make ${MAKEOPTS} -C ${BASEPREFIX} HOST="${i}"
+ done
+ # Faketime for binaries
+ export PATH=${PATH_orig}
+ create_global_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
+ create_per-host_faketime_wrappers "${REFERENCE_DATETIME}"
+ # Build in a new dir for each host
+ for i in ${HOSTS}; do
+ export PATH=${WRAP_DIR}:${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/native/bin:${ORIGPATH}
+ mkdir build && cd build
+ cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${BASEPREFIX}/${i}/share/toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
+ make ${MAKEOPTS}
+ chmod 755 bin/*
+ cp ../LICENSE bin
+ chmod 644 bin/LICENSE
+ DISTNAME=monero-${i}-${version}
+ mv bin ${DISTNAME}
+ find ${DISTNAME}/ | sort | tar --no-recursion --owner=0 --group=0 -c -T - | bzip2 -9 > ${OUTDIR}/${DISTNAME}.tar.bz2
+ cd ..
+ rm -rf build
+ done