diff options
12 files changed, 631 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
index 2cde753bc..7337c41e9 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/build.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ jobs:
- name: install monero dependencies
run: ${{env.APT_INSTALL_LINUX}}
- name: install Python dependencies
- run: pip install requests psutil monotonic zmq
+ run: pip install requests psutil monotonic zmq deepdiff
- name: tests
diff --git a/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp b/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp
index f59af575e..c5bed37df 100644
--- a/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp
+++ b/src/simplewallet/simplewallet.cpp
@@ -3215,7 +3215,6 @@ bool simple_wallet::scan_tx(const std::vector<std::string> &args)
- std::vector<crypto::hash> txids_v(txids.begin(), txids.end());
if (!m_wallet->is_trusted_daemon()) {
message_writer(console_color_red, true) << tr("WARNING: this operation may reveal the txids to the remote node and affect your privacy");
@@ -3228,7 +3227,9 @@ bool simple_wallet::scan_tx(const std::vector<std::string> &args)
try {
- m_wallet->scan_tx(txids_v);
+ m_wallet->scan_tx(txids);
+ } catch (const tools::error::wont_reprocess_recent_txs_via_untrusted_daemon &e) {
+ fail_msg_writer() << e.what() << ". Either connect to a trusted daemon by passing --trusted-daemon when starting the wallet, or use rescan_bc to rescan the chain.";
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
fail_msg_writer() << e.what();
diff --git a/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp b/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp
index 085f4f9df..8d7364cba 100644
--- a/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/api/wallet.cpp
@@ -1302,11 +1302,15 @@ bool WalletImpl::scanTransactions(const std::vector<std::string> &txids)
- std::vector<crypto::hash> txids_v(txids_u.begin(), txids_u.end());
- m_wallet->scan_tx(txids_v);
+ m_wallet->scan_tx(txids_u);
+ }
+ catch (const tools::error::wont_reprocess_recent_txs_via_untrusted_daemon &e)
+ {
+ setStatusError(e.what());
+ return false;
catch (const std::exception &e)
diff --git a/src/wallet/node_rpc_proxy.cpp b/src/wallet/node_rpc_proxy.cpp
index 0a9ea8f7b..44c52df62 100644
--- a/src/wallet/node_rpc_proxy.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/node_rpc_proxy.cpp
@@ -392,4 +392,26 @@ boost::optional<std::string> NodeRPCProxy::get_rpc_payment_info(bool mining, boo
return boost::none;
+boost::optional<std::string> NodeRPCProxy::get_block_header_by_height(uint64_t height, cryptonote::block_header_response &block_header)
+ if (m_offline)
+ return boost::optional<std::string>("offline");
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADER_BY_HEIGHT::request req_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req_t);
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADER_BY_HEIGHT::response resp_t = AUTO_VAL_INIT(resp_t);
+ req_t.height = height;
+ {
+ const boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex};
+ uint64_t pre_call_credits = m_rpc_payment_state.credits;
+ req_t.client = cryptonote::make_rpc_payment_signature(m_client_id_secret_key);
+ bool r = net_utils::invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "getblockheaderbyheight", req_t, resp_t, m_http_client, rpc_timeout);
+ RETURN_ON_RPC_RESPONSE_ERROR(r, epee::json_rpc::error{}, resp_t, "getblockheaderbyheight");
+ check_rpc_cost(m_rpc_payment_state, "getblockheaderbyheight", resp_t.credits, pre_call_credits, COST_PER_BLOCK_HEADER);
+ }
+ block_header = std::move(resp_t.block_header);
+ return boost::optional<std::string>();
diff --git a/src/wallet/node_rpc_proxy.h b/src/wallet/node_rpc_proxy.h
index e320565ac..f78cd6427 100644
--- a/src/wallet/node_rpc_proxy.h
+++ b/src/wallet/node_rpc_proxy.h
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ public:
boost::optional<std::string> get_dynamic_base_fee_estimate_2021_scaling(uint64_t grace_blocks, std::vector<uint64_t> &fees);
boost::optional<std::string> get_fee_quantization_mask(uint64_t &fee_quantization_mask);
boost::optional<std::string> get_rpc_payment_info(bool mining, bool &payment_required, uint64_t &credits, uint64_t &diff, uint64_t &credits_per_hash_found, cryptonote::blobdata &blob, uint64_t &height, uint64_t &seed_height, crypto::hash &seed_hash, crypto::hash &next_seed_hash, uint32_t &cookie);
+ boost::optional<std::string> get_block_header_by_height(uint64_t height, cryptonote::block_header_response &block_header);
template<typename T> void handle_payment_changes(const T &res, std::true_type) {
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
index 91de4fe09..958402283 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp
@@ -1170,6 +1170,7 @@ wallet2::wallet2(network_type nettype, uint64_t kdf_rounds, bool unattended, std
+ m_skip_to_height(0),
@@ -1624,14 +1625,13 @@ std::string wallet2::get_subaddress_label(const cryptonote::subaddress_index& in
return m_subaddress_labels[index.major][index.minor];
-void wallet2::scan_tx(const std::vector<crypto::hash> &txids)
+wallet2::tx_entry_data wallet2::get_tx_entries(const std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> &txids)
- // Get the transactions from daemon in batches and add them to a priority queue ordered in chronological order
- auto cmp_tx_entry = [](const cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::entry& l, const cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::entry& r)
- { return l.block_height > r.block_height; };
+ tx_entry_data tx_entries;
+ tx_entries.tx_entries.reserve(txids.size());
- std::priority_queue<cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::entry, std::vector<COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::entry>, decltype(cmp_tx_entry)> txq(cmp_tx_entry);
const size_t SLICE_SIZE = 100; // RESTRICTED_TRANSACTIONS_COUNT as defined in rpc/core_rpc_server.cpp, hardcoded in daemon code
+ std::unordered_set<crypto::hash>::const_iterator it = txids.begin();
for(size_t slice = 0; slice < txids.size(); slice += SLICE_SIZE) {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req);
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res);
@@ -1640,7 +1640,10 @@ void wallet2::scan_tx(const std::vector<crypto::hash> &txids)
size_t ntxes = slice + SLICE_SIZE > txids.size() ? txids.size() - slice : SLICE_SIZE;
for (size_t i = slice; i < slice + ntxes; ++i)
- req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(txids[i]));
+ {
+ req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(*it));
+ ++it;
+ }
const boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex};
@@ -1651,17 +1654,255 @@ void wallet2::scan_tx(const std::vector<crypto::hash> &txids)
for (auto& tx_info : res.txs)
- txq.push(tx_info);
+ {
+ if (!tx_info.in_pool)
+ {
+ tx_entries.lowest_height = std::min(tx_info.block_height, tx_entries.lowest_height);
+ tx_entries.highest_height = std::max(tx_info.block_height, tx_entries.highest_height);
+ }
+ cryptonote::transaction tx;
+ crypto::hash tx_hash;
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!get_pruned_tx(tx_info, tx, tx_hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon");
+ tx_entries.tx_entries.emplace_back(process_tx_entry_t{ std::move(tx_info), std::move(tx), std::move(tx_hash) });
+ }
- // Process the transactions in chronologically ascending order
- while(!txq.empty()) {
- auto& tx_info = txq.top();
- cryptonote::transaction tx;
- crypto::hash tx_hash;
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!get_pruned_tx(tx_info, tx, tx_hash), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get transaction from daemon (2)");
- process_new_transaction(tx_hash, tx, tx_info.output_indices, tx_info.block_height, 0, tx_info.block_timestamp, false, tx_info.in_pool, tx_info.double_spend_seen, {}, {});
- txq.pop();
+ return tx_entries;
+void wallet2::sort_scan_tx_entries(std::vector<process_tx_entry_t> &unsorted_tx_entries)
+ // If any txs we're scanning have the same height, then we need to request the
+ // blocks those txs are in to see what order they appear in the chain. We
+ // need to scan txs in the same order they appear in the chain so that the
+ // `m_transfers` container holds entries in a consistently sorted order.
+ // This ensures that hot wallets <> cold wallets both maintain the same order
+ // of m_transfers, which they rely on when importing/exporting. Same goes
+ // for multisig wallets when they synchronize.
+ std::set<uint64_t> entry_heights;
+ std::set<uint64_t> entry_heights_requested;
+ for (const auto & tx_info : unsorted_tx_entries)
+ {
+ if (!tx_info.tx_entry.in_pool && !cryptonote::is_coinbase(tx_info.tx))
+ {
+ const uint64_t height = tx_info.tx_entry.block_height;
+ if (entry_heights.find(height) == entry_heights.end())
+ {
+ entry_heights.insert(height);
+ }
+ else if (entry_heights_requested.find(height) == entry_heights_requested.end())
+ {
+ req.heights.push_back(height);
+ entry_heights_requested.insert(height);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ const boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex};
+ req.client = get_client_signature();
+ bool r = net_utils::invoke_http_bin("/getblocks_by_height.bin", req, res, *m_http_client, rpc_timeout);
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!r, error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get blocks by height from daemon");
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(res.blocks.size() != req.heights.size(), error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to get blocks by height from daemon");
+ }
+ std::unordered_map<uint64_t, cryptonote::block> parsed_blocks;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < res.blocks.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ const auto &blk = res.blocks[i];
+ cryptonote::block parsed_block;
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!cryptonote::parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(blk.block, parsed_block),
+ error::wallet_internal_error, "Failed to parse block");
+ parsed_blocks[req.heights[i]] = std::move(parsed_block);
+ }
+ // sort tx_entries in chronologically ascending order; pool txs to the back
+ auto cmp_tx_entry = [&](const process_tx_entry_t& l, const process_tx_entry_t& r)
+ {
+ if (l.tx_entry.in_pool)
+ return false;
+ else if (r.tx_entry.in_pool)
+ return true;
+ else if (l.tx_entry.block_height > r.tx_entry.block_height)
+ return false;
+ else if (l.tx_entry.block_height < r.tx_entry.block_height)
+ return true;
+ else // l.tx_entry.block_height == r.tx_entry.block_height
+ {
+ // coinbase tx is the first tx in a block
+ if (cryptonote::is_coinbase(l.tx))
+ return true;
+ if (cryptonote::is_coinbase(r.tx))
+ return false;
+ // see which tx hash comes first in the block
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(parsed_blocks.find(l.tx_entry.block_height) == parsed_blocks.end(),
+ error::wallet_internal_error, "Expected block not returned by daemon");
+ const auto &blk = parsed_blocks[l.tx_entry.block_height];
+ for (const auto &tx_hash : blk.tx_hashes)
+ {
+ if (tx_hash == l.tx_hash)
+ return true;
+ if (tx_hash == r.tx_hash)
+ return false;
+ }
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION(error::wallet_internal_error, "Tx hashes not found in block");
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ std::sort(unsorted_tx_entries.begin(), unsorted_tx_entries.end(), cmp_tx_entry);
+void wallet2::process_scan_txs(const tx_entry_data &txs_to_scan, const tx_entry_data &txs_to_reprocess, const std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> &tx_hashes_to_reprocess, detached_blockchain_data &dbd)
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Processing " << txs_to_scan.tx_entries.size() << " txs, re-processing "
+ << txs_to_reprocess.tx_entries.size() << " txs");
+ // Sort the txs in chronologically ascending order they appear in the chain
+ std::vector<process_tx_entry_t> process_txs;
+ process_txs.reserve(txs_to_scan.tx_entries.size() + txs_to_reprocess.tx_entries.size());
+ process_txs.insert(process_txs.end(), txs_to_scan.tx_entries.begin(), txs_to_scan.tx_entries.end());
+ process_txs.insert(process_txs.end(), txs_to_reprocess.tx_entries.begin(), txs_to_reprocess.tx_entries.end());
+ sort_scan_tx_entries(process_txs);
+ for (const auto &tx_info : process_txs)
+ {
+ const auto &tx_entry = tx_info.tx_entry;
+ // Ignore callbacks when re-processing a tx to avoid confusing feedback to user
+ bool ignore_callbacks = tx_hashes_to_reprocess.find(tx_info.tx_hash) != tx_hashes_to_reprocess.end();
+ process_new_transaction(
+ tx_info.tx_hash,
+ tx_info.tx,
+ tx_entry.output_indices,
+ tx_entry.block_height,
+ 0,
+ tx_entry.block_timestamp,
+ cryptonote::is_coinbase(tx_info.tx),
+ tx_entry.in_pool,
+ tx_entry.double_spend_seen,
+ {}, {}, // unused caches
+ ignore_callbacks);
+ // Re-set destination addresses if they were previously set
+ if (m_confirmed_txs.find(tx_info.tx_hash) != m_confirmed_txs.end() &&
+ dbd.detached_confirmed_txs_dests.find(tx_info.tx_hash) != dbd.detached_confirmed_txs_dests.end())
+ {
+ m_confirmed_txs[tx_info.tx_hash].m_dests = std::move(dbd.detached_confirmed_txs_dests[tx_info.tx_hash]);
+ }
+ }
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Done processing " << txs_to_scan.tx_entries.size() << " txs and re-processing "
+ << txs_to_reprocess.tx_entries.size() << " txs");
+void reattach_blockchain(hashchain &blockchain, wallet2::detached_blockchain_data &dbd)
+ if (!dbd.detached_blockchain.empty())
+ {
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Re-attaching " << dbd.detached_blockchain.size() << " blocks");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dbd.detached_blockchain.size(); ++i)
+ blockchain.push_back(dbd.detached_blockchain[i]);
+ }
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(blockchain.size() != dbd.original_chain_size,
+ error::wallet_internal_error, "Unexpected blockchain size after re-attaching");
+bool has_nonrequested_tx_at_height_or_above_requested(uint64_t height, const std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> &requested_txids, const wallet2::transfer_container &transfers,
+ const wallet2::payment_container &payments, const serializable_unordered_map<crypto::hash, wallet2::confirmed_transfer_details> &confirmed_txs)
+ for (const auto &td : transfers)
+ if (td.m_block_height >= height && requested_txids.find(td.m_txid) == requested_txids.end())
+ return true;
+ for (const auto &pmt : payments)
+ if (pmt.second.m_block_height >= height && requested_txids.find(pmt.second.m_tx_hash) == requested_txids.end())
+ return true;
+ for (const auto &ct : confirmed_txs)
+ if (ct.second.m_block_height >= height && requested_txids.find(ct.first) == requested_txids.end())
+ return true;
+ return false;
+void wallet2::scan_tx(const std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> &txids)
+ // Get the transactions from daemon in batches sorted lowest height to highest
+ tx_entry_data txs_to_scan = get_tx_entries(txids);
+ if (txs_to_scan.tx_entries.empty())
+ return;
+ // Re-process wallet's txs >= lowest scan_tx height. Re-processing ensures
+ // process_new_transaction is called with txs in chronological order. Say that
+ // tx2 spends an output from tx1, and the user calls scan_tx(tx1) *after* tx2
+ // has already been scanned. In this case, we will "re-process" tx2 *after*
+ // processing tx1 to ensure the wallet picks up that tx2 spends the output
+ // from tx1, and to ensure transfers are placed in the sorted transfers
+ // container in chronological order. Note: in the above example, if tx2 is
+ // a sweep to a different wallet's address, the wallet will not be able to
+ // detect tx2. The wallet would need to scan tx1 first in that case.
+ // TODO: handle this sweep case
+ detached_blockchain_data dbd;
+ dbd.original_chain_size = m_blockchain.size();
+ if (m_blockchain.size() > txs_to_scan.lowest_height)
+ {
+ // When connected to an untrusted daemon, if we will need to re-process 1+
+ // tx that the user did not request to scan, then we fail out because
+ // re-requesting those unexpected txs from the daemon poses a more severe
+ // and unintuitive privacy risk to the user
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(!is_trusted_daemon() &&
+ has_nonrequested_tx_at_height_or_above_requested(txs_to_scan.lowest_height, txids, m_transfers, m_payments, m_confirmed_txs),
+ error::wont_reprocess_recent_txs_via_untrusted_daemon
+ );
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Re-processing wallet's existing txs (if any) starting from height " << txs_to_scan.lowest_height);
+ dbd = detach_blockchain(txs_to_scan.lowest_height);
+ }
+ std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> tx_hashes_to_reprocess;
+ tx_hashes_to_reprocess.reserve(dbd.detached_tx_hashes.size());
+ for (const auto &tx_hash : dbd.detached_tx_hashes)
+ {
+ if (txids.find(tx_hash) == txids.end())
+ tx_hashes_to_reprocess.insert(tx_hash);
+ }
+ // re-request txs from daemon to re-process with all tx data needed
+ tx_entry_data txs_to_reprocess = get_tx_entries(tx_hashes_to_reprocess);
+ process_scan_txs(txs_to_scan, txs_to_reprocess, tx_hashes_to_reprocess, dbd);
+ reattach_blockchain(m_blockchain, dbd);
+ // If the highest scan_tx height exceeds the wallet's known scan height, then
+ // the wallet should skip ahead to the scan_tx's height in order to service
+ // the request in a timely manner. Skipping unrequested transactions avoids
+ // generating sequences of calls to process_new_transaction which process
+ // transactions out-of-order, relative to their order in the blockchain, as
+ // the process_new_transaction implementation requires transactions to be
+ // processed in blockchain order. If a user misses a tx, they should either
+ // use rescan_bc, or manually scan missed txs with scan_tx.
+ uint64_t skip_to_height = txs_to_scan.highest_height + 1;
+ if (skip_to_height > m_blockchain.size())
+ {
+ m_skip_to_height = skip_to_height;
+ LOG_PRINT_L0("Skipping refresh to height " << skip_to_height);
+ // update last block reward here because the refresh loop won't necessarily set it
+ try
+ {
+ cryptonote::block_header_response block_header;
+ if (m_node_rpc_proxy.get_block_header_by_height(txs_to_scan.highest_height, block_header))
+ throw std::runtime_error("Failed to request block header by height");
+ m_last_block_reward = block_header.reward;
+ }
+ catch (...) { MERROR("Failed getting block header at height " << txs_to_scan.highest_height); }
+ // TODO: use fast_refresh instead of refresh to update m_blockchain. It needs refactoring to work correctly here.
+ // Or don't refresh at all, and let it update on the next refresh loop.
+ refresh(is_trusted_daemon());
@@ -1962,7 +2203,7 @@ bool wallet2::spends_one_of_ours(const cryptonote::transaction &tx) const
return false;
-void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint8_t block_version, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool, bool double_spend_seen, const tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache)
+void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint8_t block_version, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool, bool double_spend_seen, const tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache, bool ignore_callbacks)
// In this function, tx (probably) only contains the base information
@@ -2004,7 +2245,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote
if (pk_index > 1)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Public key wasn't found in the transaction extra. Skipping transaction " << txid);
- if(0 != m_callback)
+ if(!ignore_callbacks && 0 != m_callback)
m_callback->on_skip_transaction(height, txid, tx);
@@ -2217,7 +2458,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote
update_multisig_rescan_info(*m_multisig_rescan_k, *m_multisig_rescan_info, m_transfers.size() - 1);
LOG_PRINT_L0("Received money: " << print_money(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid);
- if (0 != m_callback)
+ if (!ignore_callbacks && 0 != m_callback)
m_callback->on_money_received(height, txid, tx, td.m_amount, 0, td.m_subaddr_index, spends_one_of_ours(tx), td.m_tx.unlock_time);
total_received_1 += amount;
@@ -2295,7 +2536,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(td.m_spent, error::wallet_internal_error, "Inconsistent spent status");
LOG_PRINT_L0("Received money: " << print_money(td.amount()) << ", with tx: " << txid);
- if (0 != m_callback)
+ if (!ignore_callbacks && 0 != m_callback)
m_callback->on_money_received(height, txid, tx, td.m_amount, burnt, td.m_subaddr_index, spends_one_of_ours(tx), td.m_tx.unlock_time);
total_received_1 += extra_amount;
@@ -2349,7 +2590,7 @@ void wallet2::process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote
LOG_PRINT_L0("Spent money: " << print_money(amount) << ", with tx: " << txid);
set_spent(it->second, height);
- if (0 != m_callback)
+ if (!ignore_callbacks && 0 != m_callback)
m_callback->on_money_spent(height, txid, tx, amount, tx, td.m_subaddr_index);
@@ -2584,7 +2825,7 @@ void wallet2::process_outgoing(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::trans
bool wallet2::should_skip_block(const cryptonote::block &b, uint64_t height) const
// seeking only for blocks that are not older then the wallet creation time plus 1 day. 1 day is for possible user incorrect time setup
- return !(b.timestamp + 60*60*24 > m_account.get_createtime() && height >= m_refresh_from_block_height);
+ return !(b.timestamp + 60*60*24 > m_account.get_createtime() && height >= m_refresh_from_block_height && height >= m_skip_to_height);
void wallet2::process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cryptonote::block_complete_entry& bche, const parsed_block &parsed_block, const crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t height, const std::vector<tx_cache_data> &tx_cache_data, size_t tx_cache_data_offset, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache)
@@ -2899,7 +3140,7 @@ void wallet2::process_parsed_blocks(uint64_t start_height, const std::vector<cry
tr("reorg exceeds maximum allowed depth, use 'set max-reorg-depth N' to allow it, reorg depth: ") +
- detach_blockchain(current_index, output_tracker_cache);
+ handle_reorg(current_index, output_tracker_cache);
process_new_blockchain_entry(bl, blocks[i], parsed_blocks[i], bl_id, current_index, tx_cache_data, tx_cache_data_offset, output_tracker_cache);
@@ -3477,9 +3718,9 @@ void wallet2::refresh(bool trusted_daemon, uint64_t start_height, uint64_t & blo
// pull the first set of blocks
get_short_chain_history(short_chain_history, (m_first_refresh_done || trusted_daemon) ? 1 : FIRST_REFRESH_GRANULARITY);
m_run.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
- if (start_height > m_blockchain.size() || m_refresh_from_block_height > m_blockchain.size()) {
+ if (start_height > m_blockchain.size() || m_refresh_from_block_height > m_blockchain.size() || m_skip_to_height > m_blockchain.size()) {
if (!start_height)
- start_height = m_refresh_from_block_height;
+ start_height = std::max(m_refresh_from_block_height, m_skip_to_height);;
// we can shortcut by only pulling hashes up to the start_height
fast_refresh(start_height, blocks_start_height, short_chain_history);
// regenerate the history now that we've got a full set of hashes
@@ -3722,15 +3963,10 @@ bool wallet2::get_rct_distribution(uint64_t &start_height, std::vector<uint64_t>
return true;
-void wallet2::detach_blockchain(uint64_t height, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache)
+wallet2::detached_blockchain_data wallet2::detach_blockchain(uint64_t height, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache)
LOG_PRINT_L0("Detaching blockchain on height " << height);
- // size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- // block 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- // C
- THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(height < m_blockchain.offset() && m_blockchain.size() > m_blockchain.offset(),
- error::wallet_internal_error, "Daemon claims reorg below last checkpoint");
+ detached_blockchain_data dbd;
size_t transfers_detached = 0;
@@ -3772,16 +4008,32 @@ void wallet2::detach_blockchain(uint64_t height, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, ui
THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(it_pk == m_pub_keys.end(), error::wallet_internal_error, "public key not found");
transfers_detached = std::distance(it, m_transfers.end());
+ dbd.detached_tx_hashes.reserve(transfers_detached);
+ for (size_t i = i_start; i!=m_transfers.size();i++)
+ dbd.detached_tx_hashes.insert(std::move(m_transfers[i].m_txid));
+ MDEBUG(transfers_detached << " transfers detached / expected " << dbd.detached_tx_hashes.size());
m_transfers.erase(it, m_transfers.end());
- size_t blocks_detached = m_blockchain.size() - height;
- m_blockchain.crop(height);
+ size_t blocks_detached = 0;
+ dbd.original_chain_size = m_blockchain.size();
+ if (height >= m_blockchain.offset())
+ {
+ for (size_t i = height; i < m_blockchain.size(); ++i)
+ dbd.detached_blockchain.push_back(m_blockchain[i]);
+ blocks_detached = m_blockchain.size() - height;
+ m_blockchain.crop(height);
+ MDEBUG(blocks_detached << " blocks detached / expected " << dbd.detached_blockchain.size());
+ }
for (auto it = m_payments.begin(); it != m_payments.end(); )
if(height <= it->second.m_block_height)
+ {
+ dbd.detached_tx_hashes.insert(it->second.m_tx_hash);
it = m_payments.erase(it);
+ }
@@ -3789,12 +4041,27 @@ void wallet2::detach_blockchain(uint64_t height, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, ui
for (auto it = m_confirmed_txs.begin(); it != m_confirmed_txs.end(); )
if(height <= it->second.m_block_height)
+ {
+ dbd.detached_tx_hashes.insert(it->first);
+ dbd.detached_confirmed_txs_dests[it->first] = std::move(it->second.m_dests);
it = m_confirmed_txs.erase(it);
+ }
LOG_PRINT_L0("Detached blockchain on height " << height << ", transfers detached " << transfers_detached << ", blocks detached " << blocks_detached);
+ return dbd;
+void wallet2::handle_reorg(uint64_t height, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache)
+ // size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+ // block 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ // C
+ THROW_WALLET_EXCEPTION_IF(height < m_blockchain.offset() && m_blockchain.size() > m_blockchain.offset(),
+ error::wallet_internal_error, "Daemon claims reorg below last checkpoint");
+ detach_blockchain(height, output_tracker_cache);
bool wallet2::deinit()
@@ -3826,6 +4093,7 @@ bool wallet2::clear()
m_multisig_rounds_passed = 0;
m_device_last_key_image_sync = 0;
+ m_skip_to_height = 0;
return true;
@@ -3842,6 +4110,7 @@ void wallet2::clear_soft(bool keep_key_images)
+ m_skip_to_height = 0;
cryptonote::block b;
@@ -3971,6 +4240,9 @@ boost::optional<wallet2::keys_file_data> wallet2::get_keys_file_data(const epee:
json.AddMember("refresh_height", value2, json.GetAllocator());
+ value2.SetUint64(m_skip_to_height);
+ json.AddMember("skip_to_height", value2, json.GetAllocator());
value2.SetInt(m_confirm_non_default_ring_size ? 1 :0);
json.AddMember("confirm_non_default_ring_size", value2, json.GetAllocator());
@@ -4200,6 +4472,7 @@ bool wallet2::load_keys_buf(const std::string& keys_buf, const epee::wipeable_st
m_auto_refresh = true;
m_refresh_type = RefreshType::RefreshDefault;
m_refresh_from_block_height = 0;
+ m_skip_to_height = 0;
m_confirm_non_default_ring_size = true;
m_ask_password = AskPasswordToDecrypt;
@@ -4353,6 +4626,8 @@ bool wallet2::load_keys_buf(const std::string& keys_buf, const epee::wipeable_st
GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, refresh_height, uint64_t, Uint64, false, 0);
m_refresh_from_block_height = field_refresh_height;
+ GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, skip_to_height, uint64_t, Uint64, false, 0);
+ m_skip_to_height = field_skip_to_height;
GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, confirm_non_default_ring_size, int, Int, false, true);
m_confirm_non_default_ring_size = field_confirm_non_default_ring_size;
GET_FIELD_FROM_JSON_RETURN_ON_ERROR(json, ask_password, AskPasswordType, Int, false, AskPasswordToDecrypt);
@@ -5748,27 +6023,16 @@ void wallet2::trim_hashchain()
if (!m_blockchain.empty() && m_blockchain.size() == m_blockchain.offset())
MINFO("Fixing empty hashchain");
- cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADER_BY_HEIGHT::request req = AUTO_VAL_INIT(req);
- cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADER_BY_HEIGHT::response res = AUTO_VAL_INIT(res);
- bool r;
- {
- const boost::lock_guard<boost::recursive_mutex> lock{m_daemon_rpc_mutex};
- req.height = m_blockchain.size() - 1;
- uint64_t pre_call_credits = m_rpc_payment_state.credits;
- req.client = get_client_signature();
- r = net_utils::invoke_http_json_rpc("/json_rpc", "getblockheaderbyheight", req, res, *m_http_client, rpc_timeout);
- if (r && res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
- check_rpc_cost("getblockheaderbyheight", res.credits, pre_call_credits, COST_PER_BLOCK_HEADER);
- }
- if (r && res.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
+ try
+ cryptonote::block_header_response block_header;
+ if (m_node_rpc_proxy.get_block_header_by_height(m_blockchain.size() - 1, block_header))
+ throw std::runtime_error("Failed to request block header by height");
crypto::hash hash;
- epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(res.block_header.hash, hash);
+ epee::string_tools::hex_to_pod(block_header.hash, hash);
- else
+ catch(...)
MERROR("Failed to request block header from daemon, hash chain may be unable to sync till the wallet is loaded with a usable daemon");
@@ -13893,7 +14157,7 @@ size_t wallet2::import_multisig(std::vector<cryptonote::blobdata> blobs)
if (!td.m_key_image_partial)
MINFO("Multisig info importing from block height " << td.m_block_height);
- detach_blockchain(td.m_block_height);
+ handle_reorg(td.m_block_height);
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet2.h b/src/wallet/wallet2.h
index 3fcefd16f..cb09bd5da 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet2.h
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet2.h
@@ -816,6 +816,30 @@ private:
bool empty() const { return tx_extra_fields.empty() && primary.empty() && additional.empty(); }
+ struct detached_blockchain_data
+ {
+ hashchain detached_blockchain;
+ size_t original_chain_size;
+ std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> detached_tx_hashes;
+ std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, std::vector<cryptonote::tx_destination_entry>> detached_confirmed_txs_dests;
+ };
+ struct process_tx_entry_t
+ {
+ cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::entry tx_entry;
+ cryptonote::transaction tx;
+ crypto::hash tx_hash;
+ };
+ struct tx_entry_data
+ {
+ std::vector<process_tx_entry_t> tx_entries;
+ uint64_t lowest_height;
+ uint64_t highest_height;
+ tx_entry_data(): lowest_height((uint64_t)-1), highest_height(0) {}
+ };
* \brief Generates a wallet or restores one. Assumes the multisig setup
* has already completed for the provided multisig info.
@@ -1380,7 +1404,7 @@ private:
std::string get_spend_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string &message);
bool check_spend_proof(const crypto::hash &txid, const std::string &message, const std::string &sig_str);
- void scan_tx(const std::vector<crypto::hash> &txids);
+ void scan_tx(const std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> &txids);
* \brief Generates a proof that proves the reserve of unspent funds
@@ -1699,10 +1723,11 @@ private:
bool load_keys_buf(const std::string& keys_buf, const epee::wipeable_string& password);
bool load_keys_buf(const std::string& keys_buf, const epee::wipeable_string& password, boost::optional<crypto::chacha_key>& keys_to_encrypt);
- void process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint8_t block_version, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool, bool double_spend_seen, const tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL);
+ void process_new_transaction(const crypto::hash &txid, const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const std::vector<uint64_t> &o_indices, uint64_t height, uint8_t block_version, uint64_t ts, bool miner_tx, bool pool, bool double_spend_seen, const tx_cache_data &tx_cache_data, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL, bool ignore_callbacks = false);
bool should_skip_block(const cryptonote::block &b, uint64_t height) const;
void process_new_blockchain_entry(const cryptonote::block& b, const cryptonote::block_complete_entry& bche, const parsed_block &parsed_block, const crypto::hash& bl_id, uint64_t height, const std::vector<tx_cache_data> &tx_cache_data, size_t tx_cache_data_offset, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL);
- void detach_blockchain(uint64_t height, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL);
+ detached_blockchain_data detach_blockchain(uint64_t height, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL);
+ void handle_reorg(uint64_t height, std::map<std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, size_t> *output_tracker_cache = NULL);
void get_short_chain_history(std::list<crypto::hash>& ids, uint64_t granularity = 1) const;
bool clear();
void clear_soft(bool keep_key_images=false);
@@ -1753,6 +1778,9 @@ private:
crypto::chacha_key get_ringdb_key();
void setup_keys(const epee::wipeable_string &password);
size_t get_transfer_details(const crypto::key_image &ki) const;
+ tx_entry_data get_tx_entries(const std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> &txids);
+ void sort_scan_tx_entries(std::vector<process_tx_entry_t> &unsorted_tx_entries);
+ void process_scan_txs(const tx_entry_data &txs_to_scan, const tx_entry_data &txs_to_reprocess, const std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> &tx_hashes_to_reprocess, detached_blockchain_data &dbd);
void register_devices();
hw::device& lookup_device(const std::string & device_descriptor);
@@ -1845,6 +1873,9 @@ private:
// If m_refresh_from_block_height is explicitly set to zero we need this to differentiate it from the case that
// m_refresh_from_block_height was defaulted to zero.*/
bool m_explicit_refresh_from_block_height;
+ uint64_t m_skip_to_height;
+ // m_skip_to_height is useful when we don't want to modify the wallet's restore height.
+ // m_refresh_from_block_height is also a wallet's restore height which should remain constant unless explicitly modified by the user.
bool m_confirm_non_default_ring_size;
AskPasswordType m_ask_password;
uint64_t m_max_reorg_depth;
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet_errors.h b/src/wallet/wallet_errors.h
index 0b8512163..fcf2ddd93 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet_errors.h
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet_errors.h
@@ -93,6 +93,8 @@ namespace tools
// get_output_distribution
// payment_required
// wallet_files_doesnt_correspond
+ // scan_tx_error *
+ // wont_reprocess_recent_txs_via_untrusted_daemon
// * - class with protected ctor
@@ -915,6 +917,23 @@ namespace tools
+ struct scan_tx_error : public wallet_logic_error
+ {
+ protected:
+ explicit scan_tx_error(std::string&& loc, const std::string& message)
+ : wallet_logic_error(std::move(loc), message)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ struct wont_reprocess_recent_txs_via_untrusted_daemon : public scan_tx_error
+ {
+ explicit wont_reprocess_recent_txs_via_untrusted_daemon(std::string&& loc)
+ : scan_tx_error(std::move(loc), "The wallet has already seen 1 or more recent transactions than the scanned tx")
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet_rpc_server.cpp b/src/wallet/wallet_rpc_server.cpp
index 964945175..32628d65b 100644
--- a/src/wallet/wallet_rpc_server.cpp
+++ b/src/wallet/wallet_rpc_server.cpp
@@ -3167,7 +3167,7 @@ namespace tools
return false;
- std::vector<crypto::hash> txids;
+ std::unordered_set<crypto::hash> txids;
std::list<std::string>::const_iterator i = req.txids.begin();
while (i != req.txids.end())
@@ -3180,11 +3180,15 @@ namespace tools
crypto::hash txid = *reinterpret_cast<const crypto::hash*>(txid_blob.data());
- txids.push_back(txid);
+ txids.insert(txid);
try {
+ } catch (const tools::error::wont_reprocess_recent_txs_via_untrusted_daemon &e) {
+ er.message = e.what() + std::string(". Either connect to a trusted daemon or rescan the chain.");
+ return false;
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
handle_rpc_exception(std::current_exception(), er, WALLET_RPC_ERROR_CODE_UNKNOWN_ERROR);
return false;
diff --git a/tests/README.md b/tests/README.md
index c63294e9b..ea57b258f 100644
--- a/tests/README.md
+++ b/tests/README.md
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Functional tests are located under the `tests/functional_tests` directory.
Building all the tests requires installing the following dependencies:
-pip install requests psutil monotonic zmq
+pip install requests psutil monotonic zmq deepdiff
First, run a regtest daemon in the offline mode and with a fixed difficulty:
diff --git a/tests/functional_tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/functional_tests/CMakeLists.txt
index f7747b515..e91ce3d08 100644
--- a/tests/functional_tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/functional_tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ target_link_libraries(make_test_signature
monero_add_minimal_executable(cpu_power_test cpu_power_test.cpp)
find_program(PYTHON3_FOUND python3 REQUIRED)
-execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON3_FOUND} "-c" "import requests; import psutil; import monotonic; import zmq; print('OK')" OUTPUT_VARIABLE REQUESTS_OUTPUT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE)
+execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON3_FOUND} "-c" "import requests; import psutil; import monotonic; import zmq; import deepdiff; print('OK')" OUTPUT_VARIABLE REQUESTS_OUTPUT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE)
NAME functional_tests_rpc
@@ -76,6 +76,6 @@ if (REQUESTS_OUTPUT STREQUAL "OK")
NAME check_missing_rpc_methods
COMMAND ${PYTHON3_FOUND} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/check_missing_rpc_methods.py" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}")
- message(WARNING "functional_tests_rpc and check_missing_rpc_methods skipped, needs the 'requests', 'psutil', 'monotonic', and 'zmq' python modules")
+ message(WARNING "functional_tests_rpc and check_missing_rpc_methods skipped, needs the 'requests', 'psutil', 'monotonic', 'zmq', and 'deepdiff' python modules")
set(CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE ${CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE} functional_tests_rpc check_missing_rpc_methods)
diff --git a/tests/functional_tests/transfer.py b/tests/functional_tests/transfer.py
index dd15369d3..931deddfb 100755
--- a/tests/functional_tests/transfer.py
+++ b/tests/functional_tests/transfer.py
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import json
+import pprint
+from deepdiff import DeepDiff
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
"""Test simple transfers
@@ -37,6 +40,12 @@ import json
from framework.daemon import Daemon
from framework.wallet import Wallet
+seeds = [
+ 'velvet lymph giddy number token physics poetry unquoted nibs useful sabotage limits benches lifestyle eden nitrogen anvil fewest avoid batch vials washing fences goat unquoted',
+ 'peeled mixture ionic radar utopia puddle buying illness nuns gadget river spout cavernous bounced paradise drunk looking cottage jump tequila melting went winter adjust spout',
+ 'dilute gutter certain antics pamphlet macro enjoy left slid guarded bogeys upload nineteen bomb jubilee enhanced irritate turnip eggs swung jukebox loudly reduce sedan slid',
class TransferTest():
def run_test(self):
@@ -52,6 +61,7 @@ class TransferTest():
+ self.check_scan_tx()
def reset(self):
print('Resetting blockchain')
@@ -62,11 +72,6 @@ class TransferTest():
def create(self):
print('Creating wallets')
- seeds = [
- 'velvet lymph giddy number token physics poetry unquoted nibs useful sabotage limits benches lifestyle eden nitrogen anvil fewest avoid batch vials washing fences goat unquoted',
- 'peeled mixture ionic radar utopia puddle buying illness nuns gadget river spout cavernous bounced paradise drunk looking cottage jump tequila melting went winter adjust spout',
- 'dilute gutter certain antics pamphlet macro enjoy left slid guarded bogeys upload nineteen bomb jubilee enhanced irritate turnip eggs swung jukebox loudly reduce sedan slid',
- ]
self.wallet = [None] * len(seeds)
for i in range(len(seeds)):
self.wallet[i] = Wallet(idx = i)
@@ -829,6 +834,217 @@ class TransferTest():
res = daemon.is_key_image_spent(ki)
assert res.spent_status == expected
+ def check_scan_tx(self):
+ daemon = Daemon()
+ print('Testing scan_tx')
+ def diff_transfers(actual_transfers, expected_transfers):
+ diff = DeepDiff(actual_transfers, expected_transfers)
+ if diff != {}:
+ pp.pprint(diff)
+ assert diff == {}
+ # set up sender_wallet
+ sender_wallet = self.wallet[0]
+ try: sender_wallet.close_wallet()
+ except: pass
+ sender_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[0])
+ sender_wallet.auto_refresh(enable = False)
+ sender_wallet.refresh()
+ res = sender_wallet.get_transfers()
+ out_len = 0 if 'out' not in res else len(res.out)
+ sender_starting_balance = sender_wallet.get_balance().balance
+ amount = 1000000000000
+ assert sender_starting_balance > amount
+ # set up receiver_wallet
+ receiver_wallet = self.wallet[1]
+ try: receiver_wallet.close_wallet()
+ except: pass
+ receiver_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[1])
+ receiver_wallet.auto_refresh(enable = False)
+ receiver_wallet.refresh()
+ res = receiver_wallet.get_transfers()
+ in_len = 0 if 'in' not in res else len(res['in'])
+ receiver_starting_balance = receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance
+ # transfer from sender_wallet to receiver_wallet
+ dst = {'address': '44Kbx4sJ7JDRDV5aAhLJzQCjDz2ViLRduE3ijDZu3osWKBjMGkV1XPk4pfDUMqt1Aiezvephdqm6YD19GKFD9ZcXVUTp6BW', 'amount': amount}
+ res = sender_wallet.transfer([dst])
+ assert len(res.tx_hash) == 32*2
+ txid = res.tx_hash
+ assert res.amount == amount
+ assert res.fee > 0
+ fee = res.fee
+ expected_sender_balance = sender_starting_balance - (amount + fee)
+ expected_receiver_balance = receiver_starting_balance + amount
+ test = 'Checking scan_tx on outgoing pool tx'
+ for attempt in range(2): # test re-scanning
+ print(test + ' (' + ('first attempt' if attempt == 0 else 're-scanning tx') + ')')
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx([txid])
+ res = sender_wallet.get_transfers()
+ assert 'pool' not in res or len(res.pool) == 0
+ if out_len == 0:
+ assert 'out' not in res
+ else:
+ assert len(res.out) == out_len
+ assert len(res.pending) == 1
+ tx = [x for x in res.pending if x.txid == txid]
+ assert len(tx) == 1
+ tx = tx[0]
+ assert tx.amount == amount
+ assert tx.fee == fee
+ assert len(tx.destinations) == 1
+ assert tx.destinations[0].amount == amount
+ assert tx.destinations[0].address == dst['address']
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ test = 'Checking scan_tx on incoming pool tx'
+ for attempt in range(2): # test re-scanning
+ print(test + ' (' + ('first attempt' if attempt == 0 else 're-scanning tx') + ')')
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx([txid])
+ res = receiver_wallet.get_transfers()
+ assert 'pending' not in res or len(res.pending) == 0
+ if in_len == 0:
+ assert 'in' not in res
+ else:
+ assert len(res['in']) == in_len
+ assert 'pool' in res and len(res.pool) == 1
+ tx = [x for x in res.pool if x.txid == txid]
+ assert len(tx) == 1
+ tx = tx[0]
+ assert tx.amount == amount
+ assert tx.fee == fee
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ # mine the tx
+ height = daemon.generateblocks(dst['address'], 1).height
+ block_header = daemon.getblockheaderbyheight(height = height).block_header
+ miner_txid = block_header.miner_tx_hash
+ expected_receiver_balance += block_header.reward
+ print('Checking scan_tx on outgoing tx before refresh')
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx([txid])
+ res = sender_wallet.get_transfers()
+ assert 'pending' not in res or len(res.pending) == 0
+ assert 'pool' not in res or len (res.pool) == 0
+ assert len(res.out) == out_len + 1
+ tx = [x for x in res.out if x.txid == txid]
+ assert len(tx) == 1
+ tx = tx[0]
+ assert tx.amount == amount
+ assert tx.fee == fee
+ assert len(tx.destinations) == 1
+ assert tx.destinations[0].amount == amount
+ assert tx.destinations[0].address == dst['address']
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ print('Checking scan_tx on outgoing tx after refresh')
+ sender_wallet.refresh()
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx([txid])
+ diff_transfers(sender_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ print("Checking scan_tx on outgoing wallet's earliest tx")
+ earliest_height = height
+ earliest_txid = txid
+ for x in res['in']:
+ if x.height < earliest_height:
+ earliest_height = x.height
+ earliest_txid = x.txid
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx([earliest_txid])
+ diff_transfers(sender_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ test = 'Checking scan_tx on outgoing wallet restored at current height'
+ for i, out_tx in enumerate(res.out):
+ if 'destinations' in out_tx:
+ del res.out[i]['destinations'] # destinations are not expected after wallet restore
+ out_txids = [x.txid for x in res.out]
+ in_txids = [x.txid for x in res['in']]
+ all_txs = out_txids + in_txids
+ for test_type in ["all txs", "incoming first", "duplicates within", "duplicates across"]:
+ print(test + ' (' + test_type + ')')
+ sender_wallet.close_wallet()
+ sender_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[0], restore_height = height)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_transfers() == {}
+ if test_type == "all txs":
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(all_txs)
+ elif test_type == "incoming first":
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(in_txids)
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(out_txids)
+ # TODO: test_type == "outgoing first"
+ elif test_type == "duplicates within":
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(all_txs + all_txs)
+ elif test_type == "duplicates across":
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(all_txs)
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(all_txs)
+ else:
+ assert True == False
+ diff_transfers(sender_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ print('Sanity check against outgoing wallet restored at height 0')
+ sender_wallet.close_wallet()
+ sender_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[0], restore_height = 0)
+ sender_wallet.refresh()
+ diff_transfers(sender_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ print('Checking scan_tx on incoming txs before refresh')
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx([txid, miner_txid])
+ res = receiver_wallet.get_transfers()
+ assert 'pending' not in res or len(res.pending) == 0
+ assert 'pool' not in res or len (res.pool) == 0
+ assert len(res['in']) == in_len + 2
+ tx = [x for x in res['in'] if x.txid == txid]
+ assert len(tx) == 1
+ tx = tx[0]
+ assert tx.amount == amount
+ assert tx.fee == fee
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ print('Checking scan_tx on incoming txs after refresh')
+ receiver_wallet.refresh()
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx([txid, miner_txid])
+ diff_transfers(receiver_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ print("Checking scan_tx on incoming wallet's earliest tx")
+ earliest_height = height
+ earliest_txid = txid
+ for x in res['in']:
+ if x.height < earliest_height:
+ earliest_height = x.height
+ earliest_txid = x.txid
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx([earliest_txid])
+ diff_transfers(receiver_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ print('Checking scan_tx on incoming wallet restored at current height')
+ txids = [x.txid for x in res['in']]
+ if 'out' in res:
+ txids = txids + [x.txid for x in res.out]
+ receiver_wallet.close_wallet()
+ receiver_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[1], restore_height = height)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_transfers() == {}
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx(txids)
+ if 'out' in res:
+ for i, out_tx in enumerate(res.out):
+ if 'destinations' in out_tx:
+ del res.out[i]['destinations'] # destinations are not expected after wallet restore
+ diff_transfers(receiver_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ print('Sanity check against incoming wallet restored at height 0')
+ receiver_wallet.close_wallet()
+ receiver_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[1], restore_height = 0)
+ receiver_wallet.refresh()
+ diff_transfers(receiver_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
if __name__ == '__main__':