path: root/tests
diff options
authorj-berman <justinberman@protonmail.com>2022-09-09 20:34:18 -0600
committerj-berman <justinberman@protonmail.com>2023-06-15 02:21:29 -0700
commite6b86af931f16291ef0b7083d55816b38be1d3b6 (patch)
treec98bfdbcbadab6d83401e8f2b12d423028f4abb2 /tests
parentMerge pull request #8842 (diff)
wallet2: fix rescanning tx via scan_tx
- Detach & re-process txs >= lowest scan height - ensures that if a user calls scan_tx(tx1) after scanning tx2, the wallet correctly processes tx1 and tx2 - if a user provides a tx with a height higher than the wallet's last scanned height, the wallet will scan starting from that tx's height - scan_tx requires trusted daemon iff need to re-process existing txs: in addition to querying a daemon for txids, if a user provides a txid of a tx with height *lower* than any *already* scanned txs in the wallet, then the wallet will also query the daemon for all the *higher* txs as well. This is likely unexpected behavior to a caller, and so to protect a caller from revealing txid's to an untrusted daemon in an unexpected way, require the daemon be trusted.
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 225 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/tests/README.md b/tests/README.md
index c63294e9b..ea57b258f 100644
--- a/tests/README.md
+++ b/tests/README.md
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Functional tests are located under the `tests/functional_tests` directory.
Building all the tests requires installing the following dependencies:
-pip install requests psutil monotonic zmq
+pip install requests psutil monotonic zmq deepdiff
First, run a regtest daemon in the offline mode and with a fixed difficulty:
diff --git a/tests/functional_tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/functional_tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 0daf71b59..306eba073 100644
--- a/tests/functional_tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/functional_tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ target_link_libraries(make_test_signature
monero_add_minimal_executable(cpu_power_test cpu_power_test.cpp)
find_program(PYTHON3_FOUND python3 REQUIRED)
-execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON3_FOUND} "-c" "import requests; import psutil; import monotonic; import zmq; print('OK')" OUTPUT_VARIABLE REQUESTS_OUTPUT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE)
+execute_process(COMMAND ${PYTHON3_FOUND} "-c" "import requests; import psutil; import monotonic; import zmq; import deepdiff; print('OK')" OUTPUT_VARIABLE REQUESTS_OUTPUT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE)
NAME functional_tests_rpc
@@ -76,6 +76,6 @@ if (REQUESTS_OUTPUT STREQUAL "OK")
NAME check_missing_rpc_methods
COMMAND ${PYTHON3_FOUND} "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/check_missing_rpc_methods.py" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}")
- message(WARNING "functional_tests_rpc and check_missing_rpc_methods skipped, needs the 'requests', 'psutil', 'monotonic', and 'zmq' python modules")
+ message(WARNING "functional_tests_rpc and check_missing_rpc_methods skipped, needs the 'requests', 'psutil', 'monotonic', 'zmq', and 'deepdiff' python modules")
set(CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE ${CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE} functional_tests_rpc check_missing_rpc_methods)
diff --git a/tests/functional_tests/transfer.py b/tests/functional_tests/transfer.py
index bd80f8f3c..ddc930eb0 100755
--- a/tests/functional_tests/transfer.py
+++ b/tests/functional_tests/transfer.py
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
from __future__ import print_function
import json
+import pprint
+from deepdiff import DeepDiff
+pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
"""Test simple transfers
@@ -37,6 +40,12 @@ import json
from framework.daemon import Daemon
from framework.wallet import Wallet
+seeds = [
+ 'velvet lymph giddy number token physics poetry unquoted nibs useful sabotage limits benches lifestyle eden nitrogen anvil fewest avoid batch vials washing fences goat unquoted',
+ 'peeled mixture ionic radar utopia puddle buying illness nuns gadget river spout cavernous bounced paradise drunk looking cottage jump tequila melting went winter adjust spout',
+ 'dilute gutter certain antics pamphlet macro enjoy left slid guarded bogeys upload nineteen bomb jubilee enhanced irritate turnip eggs swung jukebox loudly reduce sedan slid',
class TransferTest():
def run_test(self):
@@ -53,6 +62,7 @@ class TransferTest():
+ self.check_scan_tx()
def reset(self):
print('Resetting blockchain')
@@ -63,11 +73,6 @@ class TransferTest():
def create(self):
print('Creating wallets')
- seeds = [
- 'velvet lymph giddy number token physics poetry unquoted nibs useful sabotage limits benches lifestyle eden nitrogen anvil fewest avoid batch vials washing fences goat unquoted',
- 'peeled mixture ionic radar utopia puddle buying illness nuns gadget river spout cavernous bounced paradise drunk looking cottage jump tequila melting went winter adjust spout',
- 'dilute gutter certain antics pamphlet macro enjoy left slid guarded bogeys upload nineteen bomb jubilee enhanced irritate turnip eggs swung jukebox loudly reduce sedan slid',
- ]
self.wallet = [None] * len(seeds)
for i in range(len(seeds)):
self.wallet[i] = Wallet(idx = i)
@@ -864,5 +869,217 @@ class TransferTest():
res = self.wallet[0].get_balance()
assert res.balance == balance
+ def check_scan_tx(self):
+ daemon = Daemon()
+ print('Testing scan_tx')
+ def diff_transfers(actual_transfers, expected_transfers):
+ diff = DeepDiff(actual_transfers, expected_transfers)
+ if diff != {}:
+ pp.pprint(diff)
+ assert diff == {}
+ # set up sender_wallet
+ sender_wallet = self.wallet[0]
+ try: sender_wallet.close_wallet()
+ except: pass
+ sender_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[0])
+ sender_wallet.auto_refresh(enable = False)
+ sender_wallet.refresh()
+ res = sender_wallet.get_transfers()
+ out_len = 0 if 'out' not in res else len(res.out)
+ sender_starting_balance = sender_wallet.get_balance().balance
+ amount = 1000000000000
+ assert sender_starting_balance > amount
+ # set up receiver_wallet
+ receiver_wallet = self.wallet[1]
+ try: receiver_wallet.close_wallet()
+ except: pass
+ receiver_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[1])
+ receiver_wallet.auto_refresh(enable = False)
+ receiver_wallet.refresh()
+ res = receiver_wallet.get_transfers()
+ in_len = 0 if 'in' not in res else len(res['in'])
+ receiver_starting_balance = receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance
+ # transfer from sender_wallet to receiver_wallet
+ dst = {'address': '44Kbx4sJ7JDRDV5aAhLJzQCjDz2ViLRduE3ijDZu3osWKBjMGkV1XPk4pfDUMqt1Aiezvephdqm6YD19GKFD9ZcXVUTp6BW', 'amount': amount}
+ res = sender_wallet.transfer([dst])
+ assert len(res.tx_hash) == 32*2
+ txid = res.tx_hash
+ assert res.amount == amount
+ assert res.fee > 0
+ fee = res.fee
+ expected_sender_balance = sender_starting_balance - (amount + fee)
+ expected_receiver_balance = receiver_starting_balance + amount
+ test = 'Checking scan_tx on outgoing pool tx'
+ for attempt in range(2): # test re-scanning
+ print(test + ' (' + ('first attempt' if attempt == 0 else 're-scanning tx') + ')')
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx([txid])
+ res = sender_wallet.get_transfers()
+ assert 'pool' not in res or len(res.pool) == 0
+ if out_len == 0:
+ assert 'out' not in res
+ else:
+ assert len(res.out) == out_len
+ assert len(res.pending) == 1
+ tx = [x for x in res.pending if x.txid == txid]
+ assert len(tx) == 1
+ tx = tx[0]
+ assert tx.amount == amount
+ assert tx.fee == fee
+ assert len(tx.destinations) == 1
+ assert tx.destinations[0].amount == amount
+ assert tx.destinations[0].address == dst['address']
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ test = 'Checking scan_tx on incoming pool tx'
+ for attempt in range(2): # test re-scanning
+ print(test + ' (' + ('first attempt' if attempt == 0 else 're-scanning tx') + ')')
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx([txid])
+ res = receiver_wallet.get_transfers()
+ assert 'pending' not in res or len(res.pending) == 0
+ if in_len == 0:
+ assert 'in' not in res
+ else:
+ assert len(res['in']) == in_len
+ assert 'pool' in res and len(res.pool) == 1
+ tx = [x for x in res.pool if x.txid == txid]
+ assert len(tx) == 1
+ tx = tx[0]
+ assert tx.amount == amount
+ assert tx.fee == fee
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ # mine the tx
+ height = daemon.generateblocks(dst['address'], 1).height
+ block_header = daemon.getblockheaderbyheight(height = height).block_header
+ miner_txid = block_header.miner_tx_hash
+ expected_receiver_balance += block_header.reward
+ print('Checking scan_tx on outgoing tx before refresh')
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx([txid])
+ res = sender_wallet.get_transfers()
+ assert 'pending' not in res or len(res.pending) == 0
+ assert 'pool' not in res or len (res.pool) == 0
+ assert len(res.out) == out_len + 1
+ tx = [x for x in res.out if x.txid == txid]
+ assert len(tx) == 1
+ tx = tx[0]
+ assert tx.amount == amount
+ assert tx.fee == fee
+ assert len(tx.destinations) == 1
+ assert tx.destinations[0].amount == amount
+ assert tx.destinations[0].address == dst['address']
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ print('Checking scan_tx on outgoing tx after refresh')
+ sender_wallet.refresh()
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx([txid])
+ diff_transfers(sender_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ print("Checking scan_tx on outgoing wallet's earliest tx")
+ earliest_height = height
+ earliest_txid = txid
+ for x in res['in']:
+ if x.height < earliest_height:
+ earliest_height = x.height
+ earliest_txid = x.txid
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx([earliest_txid])
+ diff_transfers(sender_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ test = 'Checking scan_tx on outgoing wallet restored at current height'
+ for i, out_tx in enumerate(res.out):
+ if 'destinations' in out_tx:
+ del res.out[i]['destinations'] # destinations are not expected after wallet restore
+ out_txids = [x.txid for x in res.out]
+ in_txids = [x.txid for x in res['in']]
+ all_txs = out_txids + in_txids
+ for test_type in ["all txs", "incoming first", "duplicates within", "duplicates across"]:
+ print(test + ' (' + test_type + ')')
+ sender_wallet.close_wallet()
+ sender_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[0], restore_height = height)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_transfers() == {}
+ if test_type == "all txs":
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(all_txs)
+ elif test_type == "incoming first":
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(in_txids)
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(out_txids)
+ # TODO: test_type == "outgoing first"
+ elif test_type == "duplicates within":
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(all_txs + all_txs)
+ elif test_type == "duplicates across":
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(all_txs)
+ sender_wallet.scan_tx(all_txs)
+ else:
+ assert True == False
+ diff_transfers(sender_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ print('Sanity check against outgoing wallet restored at height 0')
+ sender_wallet.close_wallet()
+ sender_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[0], restore_height = 0)
+ sender_wallet.refresh()
+ diff_transfers(sender_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert sender_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_sender_balance
+ print('Checking scan_tx on incoming txs before refresh')
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx([txid, miner_txid])
+ res = receiver_wallet.get_transfers()
+ assert 'pending' not in res or len(res.pending) == 0
+ assert 'pool' not in res or len (res.pool) == 0
+ assert len(res['in']) == in_len + 2
+ tx = [x for x in res['in'] if x.txid == txid]
+ assert len(tx) == 1
+ tx = tx[0]
+ assert tx.amount == amount
+ assert tx.fee == fee
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ print('Checking scan_tx on incoming txs after refresh')
+ receiver_wallet.refresh()
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx([txid, miner_txid])
+ diff_transfers(receiver_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ print("Checking scan_tx on incoming wallet's earliest tx")
+ earliest_height = height
+ earliest_txid = txid
+ for x in res['in']:
+ if x.height < earliest_height:
+ earliest_height = x.height
+ earliest_txid = x.txid
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx([earliest_txid])
+ diff_transfers(receiver_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ print('Checking scan_tx on incoming wallet restored at current height')
+ txids = [x.txid for x in res['in']]
+ if 'out' in res:
+ txids = txids + [x.txid for x in res.out]
+ receiver_wallet.close_wallet()
+ receiver_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[1], restore_height = height)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_transfers() == {}
+ receiver_wallet.scan_tx(txids)
+ if 'out' in res:
+ for i, out_tx in enumerate(res.out):
+ if 'destinations' in out_tx:
+ del res.out[i]['destinations'] # destinations are not expected after wallet restore
+ diff_transfers(receiver_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
+ print('Sanity check against incoming wallet restored at height 0')
+ receiver_wallet.close_wallet()
+ receiver_wallet.restore_deterministic_wallet(seed = seeds[1], restore_height = 0)
+ receiver_wallet.refresh()
+ diff_transfers(receiver_wallet.get_transfers(), res)
+ assert receiver_wallet.get_balance().balance == expected_receiver_balance
if __name__ == '__main__':