path: root/src/p2p/net_node.inl
diff options
authorrfree2monero <rfreemonero@op.pl>2015-02-12 20:59:39 +0100
committerrfree2monero <rfreemonero@op.pl>2015-02-20 22:13:00 +0100
commit5ce4256e3d6ff2e1595750e3875865089e20a03b (patch)
tree6e26a3ac3285cb3c86c24caa7fa51033d2794085 /src/p2p/net_node.inl
parent2014 network limit 1.0a +utils +toc -doc -drmonero (diff)
2014 network limit 1.1 +utils +toc -doc -drmonero
Update of the PR with network limits works very well for all speeds (but remember that low download speed can stop upload because we then slow down downloading of blockchain requests too) more debug options fixed pedantic warnings in our code should work again on Mac OS X and FreeBSD fixed warning about size_t tested on Debian, Ubuntu, Windows(testing now) TCP options and ToS (QoS) flag FIXED peer number limit FIXED some spikes in ingress/download FIXED problems when other up and down limit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/p2p/net_node.inl')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/p2p/net_node.inl b/src/p2p/net_node.inl
index ce70e241a..60eed1f36 100644
--- a/src/p2p/net_node.inl
+++ b/src/p2p/net_node.inl
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "net/local_ip.h"
#include "crypto/crypto.h"
#include "storages/levin_abstract_invoke2.h"
+#include "data_logger.hpp"
// We have to look for miniupnpc headers in different places, dependent on if its compiled or external
@@ -85,8 +86,8 @@ namespace nodetool
const command_line::arg_descriptor<std::vector<std::string> > arg_p2p_seed_node = {"seed-node", "Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect"};
const command_line::arg_descriptor<bool> arg_p2p_hide_my_port = {"hide-my-port", "Do not announce yourself as peerlist candidate", false, true};
- const command_line::arg_descriptor<bool> arg_no_igd = {"no-igd", "Disable UPnP port mapping"};
- const command_line::arg_descriptor<int64_t> arg_out_peers = {"out-peers", "set max limit of out peers", -1};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<bool> arg_no_igd = {"no-igd", "Disable UPnP port mapping"};
+ const command_line::arg_descriptor<int64_t> arg_out_peers = {"out-peers", "set max limit of out peers", -1};
const command_line::arg_descriptor<int> arg_tos_flag = {"tos-flag", "set TOS flag", -1};
const command_line::arg_descriptor<int64_t> arg_limit_rate_up = {"limit-rate-up", "set limit-rate-up [kB/s]", -1};
@@ -289,6 +290,31 @@ namespace nodetool
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> dns_results;
+ std::shared_ptr<std::thread> peersLoggerThread (new std::thread([&]()
+ {
+ unsigned int number_of_peers;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (m_save_graph)
+ {
+ //number_of_peers = m_net_server.get_config_object().get_connections_count();
+ number_of_peers = 0;
+ m_net_server.get_config_object().foreach_connection([&](const p2p_connection_context& cntxt)
+ {
+ if(!cntxt.m_is_income)
+ ++number_of_peers;
+ return true;
+ }); // lambda
+ m_number_of_out_peers = number_of_peers;
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("peers", number_of_peers);
+ }
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1));
+ }
+ })); // lambda
+ peersLoggerThread->detach();
std::list<boost::thread*> dns_threads;
uint64_t result_index = 0;
@@ -487,6 +513,7 @@ namespace nodetool
return store_config();
@@ -697,6 +724,16 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::try_to_connect_and_handshake_with_new_peer(const net_address& na, bool just_take_peerlist, uint64_t last_seen_stamp, bool white)
+ if (m_number_of_out_peers == m_config.m_net_config.connections_count) // out peers limit
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (m_number_of_out_peers > m_config.m_net_config.connections_count)
+ {
+ m_net_server.get_config_object().del_out_connections(1);
+ m_number_of_out_peers --; // atomic variable, update time = 1s
+ return false;
+ }
LOG_PRINT_L1("Connecting to " << epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(na.ip) << ":"
<< epee::string_tools::num_to_string_fast(na.port) << "(white=" << white << ", last_seen: "
<< (last_seen_stamp ? epee::misc_utils::get_time_interval_string(time(NULL) - last_seen_stamp):"never")
@@ -784,16 +821,22 @@ namespace nodetool
- if(is_peer_used(pe))
+ _note("Considering connecting (out) to peer: " << pe.id << " " << epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(pe.adr.ip) << ":" << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pe.adr.port));
+ if(is_peer_used(pe)) {
+ _note("Peer is used");
+ }
LOG_PRINT_L1("Selected peer: " << pe.id << " " << epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(pe.adr.ip)
<< ":" << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(pe.adr.port)
<< "[white=" << use_white_list
<< "] last_seen: " << (pe.last_seen ? epee::misc_utils::get_time_interval_string(time(NULL) - pe.last_seen) : "never"));
- if(!try_to_connect_and_handshake_with_new_peer(pe.adr, false, pe.last_seen, use_white_list))
+ if(!try_to_connect_and_handshake_with_new_peer(pe.adr, false, pe.last_seen, use_white_list)) {
+ _note("Handshake failed");
+ }
return true;
@@ -1336,20 +1379,31 @@ namespace nodetool
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
bool node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::set_max_out_peers(const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, int64_t max)
+ using namespace std::chrono;
+ auto point = steady_clock::now();
+ auto time_from_epoh = point.time_since_epoch();
+ auto ms = duration_cast< milliseconds >( time_from_epoh ).count();
+ double ms_f = ms;
+ ms_f /= 1000.;
+ std::ofstream limitFile("log/dr-monero/peers_limit.info", std::ios::app);
+ limitFile.precision(7);
if(max == -1) {
m_config.m_net_config.connections_count = P2P_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS_COUNT;
+ if (m_save_graph)
+ limitFile << static_cast<int>(ms_f) << " " << P2P_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS_COUNT << std::endl;
return true;
m_config.m_net_config.connections_count = max;
- LOG_PRINT_RED_L0("connections_count: " << m_config.m_net_config.connections_count);
+ limitFile << static_cast<int>(ms_f) << " " << max << std::endl;
return true;
template<class t_payload_net_handler>
void node_server<t_payload_net_handler>::delete_connections(size_t count)
- m_net_server.get_config_object().del_connections(count);
+ m_net_server.get_config_object().del_out_connections(count);
template<class t_payload_net_handler>