path: root/src/p2p/connection_basic.cpp
diff options
authorrfree2monero <rfreemonero@op.pl>2015-02-12 20:59:39 +0100
committerrfree2monero <rfreemonero@op.pl>2015-02-20 22:13:00 +0100
commit5ce4256e3d6ff2e1595750e3875865089e20a03b (patch)
tree6e26a3ac3285cb3c86c24caa7fa51033d2794085 /src/p2p/connection_basic.cpp
parent2014 network limit 1.0a +utils +toc -doc -drmonero (diff)
2014 network limit 1.1 +utils +toc -doc -drmonero
Update of the PR with network limits works very well for all speeds (but remember that low download speed can stop upload because we then slow down downloading of blockchain requests too) more debug options fixed pedantic warnings in our code should work again on Mac OS X and FreeBSD fixed warning about size_t tested on Debian, Ubuntu, Windows(testing now) TCP options and ToS (QoS) flag FIXED peer number limit FIXED some spikes in ingress/download FIXED problems when other up and down limit
Diffstat (limited to 'src/p2p/connection_basic.cpp')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/src/p2p/connection_basic.cpp b/src/p2p/connection_basic.cpp
index 35b0d4c8e..0e2fd5942 100644
--- a/src/p2p/connection_basic.cpp
+++ b/src/p2p/connection_basic.cpp
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@
#include "../../contrib/epee/include/net/abstract_tcp_server2.h"
#include "../../contrib/otshell_utils/utils.hpp"
+#include "data_logger.hpp"
using namespace nOT::nUtils;
// TODO:
@@ -146,31 +147,31 @@ connection_basic::connection_basic(boost::asio::io_service& io_service, std::ato
++ref_sock_count; // increase the global counter
mI->m_peer_number = sock_number.fetch_add(1); // use, and increase the generated number
- _note("Spawned connection p2p#"<<mI->m_peer_number<<" currently we have sockets count:" << m_ref_sock_count);
+ string remote_addr_str = "?";
+ try { remote_addr_str = socket_.remote_endpoint().address().to_string(); } catch(...){} ;
+ _note("Spawned connection p2p#"<<mI->m_peer_number<<" to " << remote_addr_str << " currently we have sockets count:" << m_ref_sock_count);
- /*boost::asio::SettableSocketOption option;// = new boost::asio::SettableSocketOption();
- option.level(IPPROTO_IP);
- option.name(IP_TOS);
- option.value(&tos);
- option.size = sizeof(tos);
- socket_.set_option(option);*/
- // TODO socket options
connection_basic::~connection_basic() {
- _note("Destructing connection p2p#"<<mI->m_peer_number);
+ string remote_addr_str = "?";
+ try { remote_addr_str = socket_.remote_endpoint().address().to_string(); } catch(...){} ;
+ _note("Destructing connection p2p#"<<mI->m_peer_number << " to " << remote_addr_str);
void connection_basic::set_rate_up_limit(uint64_t limit) {
- save_limit_to_file(limit);
+ // TODO remove __SCALING_FACTOR...
+ const double SCALING_FACTOR = 2.1; // to acheve the best performance
+ limit *= SCALING_FACTOR;
- // TODO remove __SCALING_FACTOR...
- const double SCALING_FACTOR = 2.25; // to acheve the best performance
- limit *= SCALING_FACTOR;
CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_out );
+ network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().set_real_target_speed(limit / SCALING_FACTOR);
- // connection_basic_pimpl::m_throttle_global.m_out.set_target_speed(limit);
+ save_limit_to_file(limit);
void connection_basic::set_rate_down_limit(uint64_t limit) {
@@ -186,36 +187,30 @@ void connection_basic::set_rate_down_limit(uint64_t limit) {
-void connection_basic::set_rate_limit(uint64_t limit) {
- // TODO
-void connection_basic::set_kill_limit (uint64_t limit) {
- {
- CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_in );
- network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_in().set_target_kill(limit);
- }
- {
- CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_out );
- network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().set_target_kill(limit);
- }
- {
- CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_inreq );
- network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_inreq().set_target_kill(limit);
- }
void connection_basic::save_limit_to_file(int limit) {
// saving limit to file
- std::ofstream file;
- file.open("log/dr-monero/limit.info");
- file << limit;
-void connection_basic::set_rate_autodetect(uint64_t limit) {
- // TODO
- LOG_PRINT_L0("inside connection_basic we set autodetect (this is additional notification)..");
+ if (!epee::net_utils::data_logger::m_save_graph)
+ return;
+ std::ofstream file_up, file_down;
+ file_up.open("log/dr-monero/limit_up.info", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
+ file_up.precision(8);
+ file_down.open("log/dr-monero/limit_down.info", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
+ file_down.precision(8);
+ using namespace boost::chrono;
+ auto point = steady_clock::now();
+ auto time_from_epoh = point.time_since_epoch();
+ auto s = duration_cast< seconds >( time_from_epoh ).count();
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_out );
+ file_up << s << " " << network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().get_terget_speed() / 1024 << "\n";
+ }
+ {
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_in );
+ file_down << s << " " << network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_in().get_terget_speed() / 1024 << "\n";
+ }
void connection_basic::set_tos_flag(int tos) {
@@ -230,39 +225,30 @@ void connection_basic::sleep_before_packet(size_t packet_size, int phase, int q
double delay=0; // will be calculated
{ // rate limiting
- //XXX
- /*if (::cryptonote::core::get_is_stopping()) {
- _dbg1("We are stopping - so abort sleep");
- return;
- }*/
if (m_was_shutdown) {
_dbg2("m_was_shutdown - so abort sleep");
- CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_out );
+ CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_out );
delay = network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().get_sleep_time_after_tick( packet_size ); // decission from global
delay *= 0.50;
- delay = 0; // XXX
if (delay > 0) {
- //delay += rand2*0.1;
- long int ms = (long int)(delay * 1000);
- _info_c("net/sleep", "Sleeping in " << __FUNCTION__ << " for " << ms << " ms before packet_size="<<packet_size); // XXX debug sleep
+ long int ms = (long int)(delay * 1000);
+ _info_c("net/sleep", "Sleeping in " << __FUNCTION__ << " for " << ms << " ms before packet_size="<<packet_size); // debug sleep
_dbg1("sleep in sleep_before_packet");
- boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds( ms ) ); // TODO randomize sleeps
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("sleep_up", ms);
+ boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds( ms ) );
} while(delay > 0);
CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_out );
- network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().handle_trafic_tcp( packet_size ); // increase counter - global
- //epee::critical_region_t<decltype(m_throttle_global_lock)> guard(m_throttle_global_lock); // *** critical ***
- //m_throttle_global.m_out.handle_trafic_tcp( packet_size ); // increase counter - global
+ network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().handle_trafic_exact( packet_size * 700); // increase counter - global
@@ -271,34 +257,12 @@ void connection_basic::set_start_time() {
m_start_time = network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().get_time_seconds();
-void connection_basic::do_send_handler_start(const void* ptr , size_t cb ) {
- _fact_c("net/out/size", "*** do_sen() called for packet="<<cb<<" B");
- sleep_before_packet(cb,1,-1);
- // set_start_time();
-void connection_basic::do_send_handler_delayed(const void* ptr , size_t cb ) {
- // CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_out);
- // auto sending_time = network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().get_time_seconds() - m_start_time; // wrong? --r
void connection_basic::do_send_handler_write(const void* ptr , size_t cb ) {
_info_c("net/out/size", "handler_write (direct) - before ASIO write, for packet="<<cb<<" B (after sleep)");
-void connection_basic::do_send_handler_stop(const void* ptr , size_t cb ) {
-void connection_basic::do_send_handler_after_write(const boost::system::error_code& e, size_t cb) {
- // CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL(network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_out);
- // auto sending_time = network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().get_time_seconds() - m_start_time;
- // lag: if current sending time > max sending time
- //if (sending_time > 0.1) network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().set_overheat(sending_time); // TODO
void connection_basic::do_send_handler_write_from_queue( const boost::system::error_code& e, size_t cb, int q_len ) {
_info_c("net/out/size", "handler_write (after write, from queue="<<q_len<<") - before ASIO write, for packet="<<cb<<" B (after sleep)");
@@ -306,49 +270,14 @@ void connection_basic::do_send_handler_write_from_queue( const boost::system::er
-void connection_basic::do_read_handler_start(const boost::system::error_code& e, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { // from read, after read completion
- const size_t packet_size = bytes_transferred;
- {
- CRITICAL_REGION_LOCAL( network_throttle_manager::m_lock_get_global_throttle_in );
- // sleep_before_packet(packet_size * __SCALING_FACTOR, 1, -1); // TODO remove __SCALING_FACTOR
- network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_in().handle_trafic_tcp( packet_size ); // increase counter - global
- // epee::critical_region_t<decltype(mI->m_throttle_global_lock)> guard(mI->m_throttle_global_lock); // *** critical ***
- // mI->m_throttle_global.m_in.handle_trafic_tcp( packet_size ); // increase counter - global
- }
-void connection_basic::logger_handle_net_peer(size_t size, bool io) { // network data written
- // TODO OPTIMIZE! do NOT reopen idiotically :)
- std::ostringstream oss;
- std::string filename;
- if (io) { // write
- double time = network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_in().get_time_seconds() ;
- oss << "log/dr-monero/net/in-peer-" << (mI->m_peer_number) << ".dat" << std::ends;
- filename = oss.str();
- network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().logger_handle_net(filename,time,size);
- }
- else { // read
- double time = network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().get_time_seconds() ;
- oss << "log/dr-monero/net/out-peer-" << (mI->m_peer_number) << ".dat" << std::ends;
- filename = oss.str();
- network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_in().logger_handle_net(filename,time,size);
- }
void connection_basic::logger_handle_net_read(size_t size) { // network data read
- std::string filename = "log/dr-monero/net/in-all.data";
- double time = network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_in().get_time_seconds() ;
- network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_in().logger_handle_net(filename, time, size);
- logger_handle_net_peer(size,0);
+ size /= 1024;
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("download", size);
void connection_basic::logger_handle_net_write(size_t size) {
- std::string filename = "log/dr-monero/net/out-all.data";
- double time = network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().get_time_seconds() ;
- network_throttle_manager::get_global_throttle_out().logger_handle_net(filename, time, size);
- logger_handle_net_peer(size,1);
+ size /= 1024;
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::get_instance().add_data("upload", size);
double connection_basic::get_sleep_time(size_t cb) {
@@ -356,6 +285,10 @@ double connection_basic::get_sleep_time(size_t cb) {
return t;
+void connection_basic::set_save_graph(bool save_graph) {
+ epee::net_utils::data_logger::m_save_graph = save_graph;
} // namespace
} // namespace